DTM for specific sectors and themes​


Feb 02 2023 Print

DTM for Languages

DTM worked with Clear Global/Translators Without Borders (TWB) to identify information needed on languages that DTM can collect through the methodologies that DTM field teams use.  

Information on Languages that all sectors commonly need are included in the DTM Field Companion for Languages, formatted as a Data Analysis Plan: it includes suggested phrasing of questions and options for reply as well as descriptive analysis and possible use of data for each information need.  

DTM Field Companion for Languages is available in EXCELand in PDF. In the pdf version, one information need is detailed in each page, while in the excel version, one information need is detailed in each row. The information is identical on both versions. 

DTM and TWB also jointly recorded a webinar to help DTM and other colleagues in the field 1) identify and collect the information they need to communicate with affected people and 2) design a language-informed data collection: Data for Languages and Languages for Data 

Country-specific information on languages is available on the Clear Global Website, as TWB is supporting organizations to develop language-informed programs and communication strategies through language data research and analysis: https://translatorswithoutborders.org/language-data/ 

 Available Tools: 

Feb 02 2023 Print

DTM for Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse

DTM for Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA)

DTM worked with Global Partners to identify information needed for analysis and response that DTM can collect through the methodologies that DTM field teams use. They also jointly developed short guidance and presentations that can help DTM and Partners in the field better work together to collect and use data for sectoral and inter-sectoral response.

Information commonly needed for PSEA are included in the DTM Field Companion for PSEA, formatted as a Data Analysis Plan: it includes suggested phrasing of questions and options for reply as well as descriptive analysis and possible use of data for each information need.

DTM Field Companion for PSEA is available in EXCEL and in PDF. In the pdf version, one information need is detailed in each page, while in the excel version, one information need is detailed in each row. The information is identical on both versions.

 Available Tools:

Jul 28 2021 Print

DTM for Counter Trafficking in Emergencies

IM for Counter Trafficking in Emergencies

IOM Protection colleagues developed the guide for Information Management for Counter Trafficking in Emergencies. It is available in three languages:  

A training composed of 5 sessions is based on the guide: https://dtm.iom.int/dtm-partners-toolkit/sectoral-sessions-dtm-coordinators

A summary video on IM for CTiE is available in: https://youtu.be/5AWKNbiySVY 

Before including CTiE indicators in DTM, colleagues will read and comply with the Standard Operating Procedures in: "Integrating Protection Indicators in DTM_SOPs" in: https://dtm.iom.int/dtm-partners-toolkit/protection 

Find more tools in: https://dtm.iom.int/dtm-partners-toolkit/counter-trafficking

Jul 28 2021 Print

DTM for Energy

DTM for Energy

IOM Energy Experts consulted with some of the leading Global Cluster teams and Working Groups on the most important energy data needs and gaps in displacement settings. Together with DTM, they identified common Information Needs across the different clusters/sectors and developed suggested questions and answers that are consistent with the DTM MSLA methodology.  Each question is accompanied by all of the fields typically found in a Field Companion, including possible uses of the data, descriptive analysis and sample visualizations.

The full DTM Field Companion for Energy in excel can be found here: https://dtm.iom.int/dtm-partners-toolkit/field-companion-excel

In addition, short guidance on how to use the field companion and a presentation are also available: https://dtm.iom.int/dtm-partners-toolkit/energy 


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Jan 03 2020 Print

How can Partners help DTM use the correct sectoral definitions and obtain reliable data?

Partners can support DTM ensure accuracy and common agreement on sectoral definition used in the exercise and analysis:

  • DTM question text can include the explanation, rather than the specialized definition.
    • This would mean, for example, to change a question from “How many UAC are there” to “Approximately how many children under 18 years in this location are living with no mother, no father or any other adult family members?”.
    • Or phrase a question on child-headed households specifying what they are: “Number of child-headed households (a household with adults who are unable to be the primary caretakers/livelihoods generators for the household, and in which a child under the age of 18 assumes this responsibility)”.
  • Cultural /context experts should be able to verify that the definition is accurate also when the question is translated in the language used for the interviews.
  • Certain partners can provide sectoral trainings to DTM enumerators (e.g., Child Protection, GBV, Protection). Some partners can also support DTM on modalities for interviewing specific groups.

 Available Tools

Jan 03 2020 Print

DTM data for Sectoral Severity and Priority Analysis

Using DTM MSLA data for sectoral Severity and Priority Analysis

DTM data are usually analysed by partners together with data from other sources and complementary datasets. In some cases, however, partners could decide to use DTM data for Severity Analysis. This may be the case in extremely data-poor contexts.

DTM and UNICEF-Led Cluster and Areas of Responsibility cooperated at global level to develop Child Protection, Education and WASH questions that can be effectively used for sectoral severity and priority.

UNICEF led Global Clusters and AoR in 2018 (WASH, Education and Child Protection) identified five clear objectives for the use of DTM data by clusters and AoRs in the field:

  • Establish priorities, i.e. identify IDPs sites or locations with the most unmet sectoral needs;
  • Establish severity or levels of risks, i.e. identify severity of conditions in IDPs sites or locations, within humanitarian sectors;
  • Identify underlying factors, i.e. identify main factors or barriers contributing to humanitarian outcomes, such as access, availability or quality issues;
  • Identify information needs, i.e. identify locations, sectors and affected groups requiring further assessments;
  • Identify gaps, i.e. monitor needs and response gaps over time.

A Step by Step narrative Guidance is available for field colleagues who intend to use DTM data to rank severity and priority in their sector.   In the first part of the Guidance, the process is explained for non-data/IM colleagues, and the second part takes IM/Data colleagues through the necessary step with examples of formulas, datasets, dataset management and dashboards.

The guidance also explains how to modify the DTM Field Companion questions, if information needs are different in the field. In addition, a narrated briefing explains the process.



5 types of questions are used for this analysis:

  1. Screening questions allow to identify the proportion of IDPs in the assessed location who are exposed to a particular problem or alternatively, the degree of unmet needs for a particular topic. Proposed screening questions all have answers coded along a ranking scheme, from 1 (e.g. No problem/nobody exposed to this issue) to 5 (e.g. critical problem/everybody exposed to the issue). Screening questions cover key topics of each Cluster/AoR analysis framework which are measurable using general Key Informants Interviews and/or not requiring specialized enumerators. They are used to calculate a deprivation score. Alternatively, each screening question can receive a weight from “1” (low risk/importance) to “3” (high risk/importance) which is used to calculate a risk score. 
  2. The severity question allows Key Informants to provide with an estimate of the severity of humanitarian conditions for a given sector and location. Statements are organized from low (1) to high (5) humanitarian impact and are based on mixed constructs (shortages, coping capacity, life threatening risks, etc.). The severity questions are related, however fundamentally different from the screening questions. They summarize humanitarian conditions and especially the severity of the humanitarian outcomes, using life-threatening and risk concepts. While screening questions typically measure the number of people exposed to a shortage or a deficiency, severity question are concerned with the consequences of this gap, and especially its impact on physical and mental wellbeing. In situations where large system disruption and shortages exist, this allow to better discriminate and prioritize IDPs locations.
  3. Underlying factors question(s) seek to identify the set of deficiencies or mechanisms which contribute directly or indirectly to humanitarian outcomes. For instance, increased watery diarrhoea (humanitarian outcome) can result from a lack of clean water and/or a lack of hygiene (underlying factor). Identifying underlying factors allows the design of programs that tackle the root causes of the problem and not only their symptoms. Typically, we consider that humanitarian outcomes originate from deficiencies/obstacles/barriers in access, availability, quality, use and awareness of basic goods and services. Since DTM primarily uses Key Informants Interviews, the list of potential underlying factors selected is mostly focus on issues related to accessibility, availability and quality of goods and services.
  4. Priority concerns questions seek to identify the humanitarian issues requiring immediate assistance. Key Informants are requested to identify and prioritize the most important sub-sector issues, using a ranking question. In practice, this allows to prioritize issues listed in the screening questions. This allows to further target better sectoral assessments or interventions. 
  5. Priority population groups questions seek to identify the population groups facing the most unmet needs or the most at risk. Key Informants are requested to identify and prioritize population groups the most in need, using a ranking question. This allows to further target better sectoral assessments or interventions.

Strengths and Limitations

  • The guidance details how to use some of the data produced by DTM MSLA in order to achieve the above-mentioned objectives. To accurately interpret and use the data collected, it is important for end users to understand the methodology and data collection techniques used to collect the information.
  • DTM location assessments are conducted at regular intervals (rounds) and are based on key informant interviews and direct observation. As for all assessment and monitoring tools using these data collection techniques, the accuracy of the data is highly dependent upon the skills of the enumerators, the role of the key informant in the considered location, the sectoral knowledge that they have, their proximity to the affected population and any personal or cultural bias that may affect their answers to sensitive questions.
  • DTM sectoral results are intended to provide an overview of a humanitarian situation at point and over time and are not intended to provide data at the level of detail or precision that can be achieved using specialized household level surveys. For this reason, the sectoral data collected during location assessment exercises is indicative only, should be interpreted carefully by sector experts and systematically triangulated with existing sectoral secondary data.
  • The result will prove very useful to monitor needs on a continuous basis and support high-level analysis and decision-making, i.e. to estimate the severity of conditions, identify priority IDPs locations and trigger more in-depth sectoral assessments if necessary. DTM sectoral results should not be used to inform the design of localized operations without proceeding first to a sectoral assessment using sector specific assessment tools, methodologies and specialists.
  • Any data interpretation process should be based on an in-depth understanding of the methodology and context by which the data was produced, including considerations of key informant’s selection, knowledge base, access limitations, etc. At field level, it is strongly recommended to Clusters and AoRs members to liaise with the DTM teams who will be available to assist and explain in more details the methodology used, its limitations as well as its strengths and how the data can be accurately interpreted. 

 Available Tools

Jan 03 2020 Print



DTM worked with the Global WASH Cluster to identify information needed for analysis and response that DTM can collect through the methodologies that DTM field teams use. They also jointly developed short guidance and presentations that can help DTM and Partners in the field better work together to collect and use data for sectoral and inter-sectoral response.

Information commonly needed for WASH Population are included in the DTM Field Companion for WASH, formatted as a Data Analysis Plan: it includes suggested phrasing of questions and options for reply as well as descriptive analysis and possible use of data for each information need.

DTM Field Companion for WASH is available in EXCEL and in Pdf. In the pdf version, one information need is detailed in each page, while in the excel version, one information need is detailed in each row. The information is identical on both versions.

Available Tools:
Jan 03 2020 Print

DTM for Shelter and NFIs

DTM Field Companion for Shelter and NFIs

Global Shelter & NFIs Cluster and DTM identified common Information needs that the Shelter and NFIs clusters /sectors in countries may have and developed suggested questions and options for reply for each information need, that are appropriate to the DTM MSLA methodology.  These are accompanied by descriptive analysis, and possible use of data and available in the DTM Field Companion for Shelter and NFIs.

Using agreed definition of shelter types for DTM MSLA

In addition to the DTM Field Companion, DTM and Global Shelter and NFIs clusters worked together to suggest solutions to a common challenge:  Using different definitions of shelter typologies has been proven to be source of confusion and inability to use data for sectoral and intersectoral analysis. It is extremely important that used definitions are clearly explained (and documented) and shared between DTM and main actors (e.g., Shelter and NFI cluster/WG, CCCM Cluster /WG, other clusters, OCHA or other coordination actor)

Shelter & NFIs clusters /WGs in country are responsible to provide DTM with the agreed definitions of Shelter typologies that DTM will use in data collection.

  • In the absence of agreed definition, DTM can use the Global Definitions, as provided to DTM by Global Shelter and NFI Clusters
  • In case country-specific definitions are developed and used, it is important to document the correspondence between those and Global definitions, so to avoid inaccurate analysis of data at regional or global level.  Relevant boxes should be filled jointly by Shelter Cluster/ WG and DTM.


Correspondence between DTM Global categories of Shelter Types and Shelter Types used in Country

This table helps Shelter Cluster/WGs and DTM in country identify what specific shelter types are used in country by Cluster / WG, and how they link to Global types, identified for DTM by Shelter Global Cluster.

When designing the country-specific questionnaire, please identify correspondence between country typologies of dwellings/shelters used by Shelter & NFI cluster in Country and the typologies recommended by Global Shelter Cluster and included in DTM Data Dictionary.    Note that more than one country-specific type can correspond to one global type

shelter types









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Jan 03 2020 Print

DTM for Protection

DTM for Protection

Global Protection Cluster (GPC) and DTM worked jointly to identify information needed for analysis and response that DTM can collect through the methodologies that DTM field teams use. They also jointly developed short guidance and presentations that can help DTM and Partners in the field better work together to collect and use data for sectoral and inter-sectoral response.

Information commonly needed for Protection are included in the DTM Field Companion for Protection, formatted as a Data Analysis Plan: it includes suggested phrasing of questions and options for reply as well as descriptive analysis and possible use of data for each information need.

DTM Field Companion for Protection is available in EXCEL and in Pdf. In the pdf version, one information need is detailed in each page, while in the excel version, one information need is detailed in each row. The information is identical on both versions.

Check the recording of the 2023 HNPW session on WALKING BACKWARDS for an evidence-based response: Experiences from the field- featuring Global and National Protection Cluster, GBV, Child Protection and Mine Action Areas of Responsibility: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zss6_xIOGhw 

In addition to the DTM Field Companion, DTM and GPC have been closely collaborating at a global level and developed the "Frequently Asked Questions on DTM for the Global Protection Cluster, including the Child Protection, GBV, Mine Action, HLP AoRs and other members of the cluster".to support field colleagues on:

  • Explaining what DTM MSLA is and can and cannot do to support the work of protection colleagues
  • Identifying how DTM data can contribute to Child Protection programme planning/coordination/response (reflecting PIM -Protection Information Management- categories)
  • How to use DTM data for Protection analysis  


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Jan 03 2020 Print

DTM for Nutrition

DTM for Nutrition

DTM worked with Global Partners to identify information needed for analysis and response that DTM can collect through the methodologies that DTM field teams use. They also jointly developed short guidance and presentations that can help DTM and Partners in the field better work together to collect and use data for sectoral and inter-sectoral response.

Information commonly needed for Nutrition are included in the DTM Field Companion for Nutrition, formatted as a Data Analysis Plan: it includes suggested phrasing of questions and options for reply as well as descriptive analysis and possible use of data for each information need.

DTM Field Companion for Nutrition is available in EXCEL and in Pdf. In the pdf version, one information need is detailed in each page, while in the excel version, one information need is detailed in each row. The information is identical on both versions.


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