DTM for specific sectors and themes​


Jan 03 2020 Print

DTM for Mine Action

DTM for Mine Action

DTM worked with the Global Mine Action Area of Responsibility to identify information needed for analysis and response that DTM can collect through the methodologies that DTM field teams use. They also jointly developed short guidance and presentations that can help DTM and Partners in the field better work together to collect and use data for sectoral and inter-sectoral response.

Information commonly needed for Mine Action are included in the DTM Field Companion for Mine Action, formatted as a Data Analysis Plan: it includes suggested phrasing of questions and options for reply as well as descriptive analysis and possible use of data for each information need.

DTM Field Companion for Mine Action is available in EXCEL and in PDF. In the pdf version, one information need is detailed in each page, while in the excel version, one information need is detailed in each row. The information is identical on both versions.

DTM and Global Mine Action Area of Responsibility colleagues developed joint guidance on how to use DTM data for Mine Action. See the 3-pager Using DTM to collect data for Mine Action and the presentation (that colleagues can use and adjust to their context).

Check the recording of the 2023 HNPW session on WALKING BACKWARDS for an evidence-based response: Experiences from the field- featuring Global and National Protection Cluster, GBV, Child Protection and Mine Action Areas of Responsibility: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zss6_xIOGhw 


Available Tools:
Jan 03 2020 Print

DTM data for Inter-Sectoral analysis

Since 2004, DTM Mobility Tracking has contributes to Inter-Agency analysis in various ways, for example:
  • sharing their datasets on population and Sex and Age Disaggregated Data at location level with OCHA, authorities and Partners (For information on how DTM collects SADD, see DTM Guidance on Data collection on Sex and Age Disaggregated Data
  • providing multi-sectoral information on needs, resources and infrastructure at location level, that can be help partners on severity analysis
  • supplying their network of key informants and enumerators for Inter-Agency Needs Assessments (e.g., OCHA-led MSNA is often implemented by large by DTM enumerators)
  • providing population reference frame for extrapolation by MSNA for HNOs and HRPs (to quantify needs and severity by location)

In fact, DTM often heavily contributes to the Common Operational Datasets (CODs), Humanitarian Profile and Humanitarian Needs Overview and the Needs Comparison Tool.   If DTM is already implemented pre-crisis, it can greatly contribute to the Situation Analysis and an initial Rapid Inter-Sectoral Assessment.

It is important to remember that:

  • DTM can only provide information on monitored populations. These may represent only a part, however large, of the total People in Need.
  • DTM is not the only source of data on displacement.

When data from other sources are available, it is best practice that an inter-agency population-data group:

1) compares data at the lowest admin level available,

2) identifies the most convincing figure for each location, even combining data from various sources.    

Documenting this decision-making process and sharing it with data and metadata for each location is essential (see: Practical approaches to different Population data)


Available Tools


Jan 03 2020 Print

DTM for Health

DTM for Health

DTM worked with Global Health Cluster to identify information needed for analysis and response that DTM can collect through the methodologies that DTM field teams use. They also jointly developed short guidance and presentations that can help DTM and Partners in the field better work together to collect and use data for sectoral and inter-sectoral response.

Information commonly needed for Health are included in the DTM Field Companion for Health, formatted as a Data Analysis Plan: it includes suggested phrasing of questions and options for reply as well as descriptive analysis and possible use of data for each information need.

The focus is on 5 areas, appropriate to the DTM MSLA methodology:

  1. Alerts (e.g. unusual high number of deaths, or of people in distress)
  2. Access to healthcare services, and obstacles to access
  3. Access to medicines and obstacles to access
  4. Sexual and reproductive health (e.g. whether women give birth at home or facility, presence of female healthcare workers)
  5. Health seeking behaviours

Health actors may also be interested in using:

  • Demographics per location (number of people, sex-- and age-disaggregated data, groups with specific needs)
  • Geographical locations (areas, locations, sites, neighbourhood, GPS coordinates), movement routes and access modalities
  • Places of origin (areas, districts...) and time of departure
  • WASH information (water sources used, access to water, hygiene and sanitation, coping mechanism for lack of wash…)
  • Food security and nutrition information (skipped meals, availability of food, children visibly malnourished…)

DTM Field Companion for Health is available in EXCEL and in PDF. In the pdf version, one information need is detailed in each page, while in the excel version, one information need is detailed in each row. The information is identical on both versions.

DTM and Global Health Cluster colleagues developed joint guidance on how to use DTM data for Health. See the 2-pager Using DTM to collect data for Health and the 2-pager on Use and Correspondence of Health Seeking behaviours

 Available Tools:


Jan 03 2020 Print


DTM worked with Global GBV AoR to identify information needed for analysis and response that DTM can collect through the methodologies that DTM field teams use. They also jointly developed short guidance and presentations that can help DTM and Partners in the field better work together to collect and use data for sectoral and inter-sectoral response.

Information commonly needed for GBV are included in the DTM Field Companion for GBV, formatted as a Data Analysis Plan: it includes suggested phrasing of questions and options for reply as well as descriptive analysis and possible use of data for each information need.

In all contexts, colleagues must keep in mind:  Do not include GBV questions that aim at collecting data on incidence, prevalence, or types of GBV occurring. Inclusion of these questions can harm people.

DTM Field Companion for GBV is available in Excel and in PDF. In the pdf version, one information need is detailed in each page, while in the excel version, one information need is detailed in each row. The information is identical on both versions.

DTM and Global GBV AoR colleagues developed joint guidance on how to use DTM data for GBV. See the 4-pager Using DTM  to collect data for GBV response (MSLA-KII) and the detailed guide DTM for GBV AoR .

Check the recording of the 2023 HNPW session on WALKING BACKWARDS for an evidence-based response: Experiences from the field- featuring Global and National Protection Cluster, GBV, Child Protection and Mine Action Areas of Responsibility: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zss6_xIOGhw 

In addition, Video and E-Learning are also available at links below

Available Tools:
Jan 03 2020 Print

DTM for Food Security

DTM for Food Security

DTM worked with Global Partners to identify information needed for analysis and response that DTM can collect through the methodologies that DTM field teams use. They also jointly developed short guidance and presentations that can help DTM and Partners in the field better work together to collect and use data for sectoral and inter-sectoral response.

Information commonly needed for Food Security  are included in the DTM Field Companion, formatted as a Data Analysis Plan: it includes suggested phrasing of questions and options for reply as well as descriptive analysis and possible use of data for each information need.

DTM Field Companion for Food Security  is available in EXCEL and in Pdf. In the pdf version, one information need is detailed in each page, while in the excel version, one information need is detailed in each row. The information is identical on both versions.


 Available Tools

Jan 03 2020 Print

DTM for Education

DTM for Education

DTM can provide information to Education colleagues to complement the cluster’s own assessment (see: Joint Education Needs Assessment Toolkit) and information from other sources.

DTM worked with Global Education Cluster to identify information needed for analysis and response that DTM can collect through the methodologies that DTM field teams use. They also jointly developed short guidance and presentations that can help DTM and Partners in the field better work together to collect and use data for sectoral and inter-sectoral response.

Information commonly needed for Education are included in the DTM Field Companion for Education, formatted as a Data Analysis Plan: it includes suggested phrasing of questions and options for reply as well as descriptive analysis and possible use of data for each information need.

DTM Field Companion for Education is available in EXCEL  and in PDF. In the pdf version, one information need is detailed in each page, while in the excel version, one information need is detailed in each row. The information is identical on both versions.

DTM and Global Education Cluster colleagues developed joint guidance on how to use DTM data for Education and an overview of how DTM can contribute to Education Cluster processes. The guide, the overview and the presentation (that colleagues can use and adjust to their context) are available at DTM&Partners Toolkit.

 Available Tools:


Jan 03 2020 Print

DTM for Disability Inclusion

IM and DTM for Disability Inclusion

DTM worked with Global experts on Disability Inclusion to map the information needs for inclusive response and identify the appropriate methods and sources for each information need. The result is the Inter-Agency Decision-Making Tree on Collection of data on disability inclusion in humanitarian action. An E-Learning module is available to all on IOM E-Campus Platform.

In addition, DTM and global experts from IOM, UNHCR, UNICEF, HI, Oxfam identified information needed for analysis and response that DTM can collect through Key Informants Interviews for their Multi Sectoral Location Assessment (MSLA), specifically on barriers faced by Persons with Disabilities in accessing basic goods and services.

Information commonly needed on barriers faced by Persons with Disabilities in accessing basic goods and services are included in the DTM Field Companion for Disability Inclusion, formatted as a Data Analysis Plan: it includes suggested phrasing of questions and options for reply as well as descriptive analysis and possible use of data for each information need.

DTM Field Companion for Disability Inclusion is available in EXCEL and in PDF . In the pdf version, one information need is detailed in each page, while in the excel version, one information need is detailed in each row. The information is identical on both versions.

DTM and Global experts also jointly developed short guidance and presentations that can help DTM and Partners in the field better work together to collect and use data for sectoral and inter-sectoral response.  

The 3-pager guide is aimed at Sectoral colleagues, including CCCM, Child Protection, Education, GBV, Health, Protection, Shelter and WASH. The Guide Using DTM to collect data for Disability Inclusion and the presentation (that colleagues can use and adjust to their context).

In addition, a video explaining how to collect useful data for Disability Inclusion, a training and an E-Learning module are also available at the links below.

 Available Tools:

Jan 03 2020 Print

DTM for Child Protection

DTM Field Companion for Child Protection (CP)

DTM worked with Global CP Area of Responsibility to identify information needed for analysis and response that DTM can collect through the methodologies that DTM field teams use. They also jointly developed short guidance and presentations that can help DTM and Partners in the field better work together to collect and use data for sectoral and inter-sectoral response.

Information commonly needed for CP are included in the DTM Field Companion for CP, formatted as a Data Analysis Plan: it includes suggested phrasing of questions and options for reply as well as descriptive analysis and possible use of data for each information need.

DTM Field Companion for CP is available in EXCEL  and in PDF. In the pdf version, one information need is detailed in each page, while in the excel version, one information need is detailed in each row. The information is identical on both versions.

DTM and Global CP Area of Responsibility colleagues developed joint guidance on how to use DTM data for CP. The detailed CP AoR guidance on DTM for CP, the PIM matrix for Child Protection overview and the presentation on DTM for Children on the Move.

Check the recording of the 2023 HNPW session on WALKING BACKWARDS for an evidence-based response: Experiences from the field- featuring Global and National Protection Cluster, GBV, Child Protection and Mine Action Areas of Responsibility: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zss6_xIOGhw 

In addition, a video explaining how to collect useful data for Disability Inclusion and an E-Learning module are also available at the links below.

 Available Tools:

CP AoR has also developed the NIAF Handbook (Needs Identification Analysis Framework), detailing the place of DTM MSLA data in the analysis done by the sector.

Jan 03 2020 Print

DTM for CCCM (and Settlement typology)


DTM worked with Global CCCM Cluster to identify information needed for analysis and response that DTM can collect through the methodologies that DTM field teams use. They also jointly developed short guidance and presentations that can help DTM and Partners in the field better work together to collect and use data for sectoral and inter-sectoral response.

Information commonly needed for CCCM are included in the DTM Field Companion for CCCM, formatted as a Data Analysis Plan: it includes suggested phrasing of questions and options for reply as well as descriptive analysis and possible use of data for each information need.

DTM Field Companion for CCCM is available in EXCEL and in Pdf. In the pdf version, one information need is detailed in each page, while in the excel version, one information need is detailed in each row. The information is identical on both versions.


Settlement Types

In addition to the DTM Field Companion, DTM and Global CCCM clusters worked together to suggest solutions to a common challenge: Using different definitions of settlement types has been proven to be source of confusion and inability to use data for sectoral and intersectoral analysis. It is extremely important that used definitions are clearly explained (and documented) and shared between DTM and main actors (e.g., Shelter and NFI cluster/WG, CCCM Cluster /WG, other clusters, OCHA or other coordination actor)

CCCM cluster /WG in country are responsible to provide DTM with the agreed definitions of Settlement typologies that DTM will use in data collection.

In the absence of agreed definition, DTM can use the Global Definitions, as provided to DTM by Global CCCM Cluster:

Description of Global Settelement Type

In case country-specific definitions are developed and used, it is important to document the correspondence between those and Global definitions, so to avoid inaccurate analysis of data at regional or global level.

Available Tools: 

Jan 03 2020 Print

DTM for Cash

DTM for Cash

DTM worked with Global Cash WG to identify information needed for analysis and response that DTM can collect through the methodologies that DTM field teams use. They also jointly developed short guidance and presentations that can help DTM and Partners in the field better work together to collect and use data for sectoral and inter-sectoral response.

Information commonly needed for Cash are included in the DTM Field Companion for Cash, formatted as a Data Analysis Plan: it includes suggested phrasing of questions and options for reply as well as descriptive analysis and possible use of data for each information need.

DTM Field Companion for Cash is available in EXCEL and in PDF. In the pdf version, one information need is detailed in each page, while in the excel version, one information need is detailed in each row. The information is identical on both versions.

DTM and Global Cash WG colleagues developed joint guidance on Using DTM to collect data for Cash


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