North Macedonia


North Macedonia


IDPs tracked

Displacement Movements

IDMC 2023

Data collection round

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IDP Population Trend

  • Administrative division with available number of displaced persons
  • Site assessed by DTM
  • Data not available
About North Macedonia

Located on the Western Balkans region, North Macedonia is a country of origin, transit, and destination of migrants. As a result of the increase of flows towards Europe since 2015, and as part of the monitoring of mixed migration flows by land and by sea to Europe, DTM was activated in North Macedonia and continues to carry out Flow Monitoring (FM) and Flow Monitoring Survey (FMS). FM compiles baseline daily updates  on the number of migrants entering and exiting North Macedonia. FMS are carried out on a regular basis to collect primary data on migrants’ profiles transiting through the country, their intentions and main needs. 

The main partners of IOM in the Republic of North Macedonia are the Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, Ministry of Health, Centre for Crisis Management, Red Cross and others. 

Current Donors
  • European Union Delegation of the European Union to North Macedonia
  • Conflict, Stability and Security Fund - UK
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Italy
  • United States Department of State: Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration
  • Swiss State Secretariat for Migration
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark
Mobility Impact due to COVID-19 in North Macedonia

To better understand how COVID-19 affects global mobility, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) has been working to map the impacts on human mobility, at Global, Regional and Country level.

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North Macedonia — Квартални извештај (Јули-Септември 2024)

Овој извештај, заснован на пристап со повеќе методи и повеќе извори, дава увид во профилите, искуствата, потребите, рутите и намерите на мигрантите кои транзитираат низ Република Северна Македонија.

North Macedonia — Quarterly Report Q3 (July-September 2024)

This report, based on a multi-method and multi-source approach, provides insights into the profiles, experiences, needs, routes and intentions of migrants transiting through North Macedonia.

North Macedonia — Quarterly Report Q2 (April-June 2024)

This report, based on a multi-method and multi-source approach, provides insights into the profiles, experiences, needs, routes travelled and intentions of migrants transiting through North Macedonia. Data was collected from 1 April to 30 June 2024.

North Macedonia — Flow Monitoring Surveys with Migrants Travelling through North Macedonia in 2023 (June-August)

This report presents the results of the fourth round of the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) Flow Monitoring Surveys (FMS) implemented in North Macedonia. The data was collected from 26 June to 31 August 2023, in three flow monitoring points.

North Macedonia — Flow Monitoring Surveys Report, Round 3 (04 July - 11 September 2022)

This report presents the results of the third round of the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) Flow Monitoring Surveys (FMS) implemented in North Macedonia. The data was collected from 4 July to 11 September 2022, in two temporary transit centres (TTCs).

North Macedonia - Refugees from Ukraine Rapid Impact Assessment, Round #01 (Jul-Aug 2022)

From 24 February to 15 August, it is estimated that around 182,000 Ukrainians entered the Western Balkans (WB) following the

Europe — Flow Monitoring Surveys with Migrants Transiting through the Republic of North Macedonia, Round 02 (Apr-May 2022)

This report is based on the Flow Monitoring Surveys carried out by IOM in North Macedonia in April and May 2022. A total of 180 interviews were collected in two locations – Temporary Transit Centre (TTC) Vinojug (in Gevgelija) and TTC Tabanovce (in Kumanovo).

Europe — Flow Monitoring Surveys with Migrants Transiting through the Republic of North Macedonia, Round 01 (Feb-Mar 2022)

This report is based on the Flow Monitoring Survey carried out by IOM field staff in North Macedonia in February and March 2022. A total of 209 interviews were collected in two locations – Temporary Transit Centre (TTC) Vinojug (Gevgelija) and TTC Tabanovce (Kumanovo).

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Flow Monitoring