Chad — Emergency Tracking Tool Report


Title Standard
Chad — Emergency Tracking Tool Report # (DATE)
DTM Chad,


DTM Chad,
Period Covered
Jul 09 2024
Jul 09 2024
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking

Over 780,000 people have crossed into Chad since the onset of the crisis in Sudan. As of end June 2024, IOM estimates that 201,379 among them are Chadian returnees and expects this number to rise to 240,000 through to December 2024. This is due to ongoing conflict and food insecurity in Darfur, owing to the current suspension of the humanitarian corridor between Chad and Darfur.

Returnees are Chadian nationals who were living in Sudan and have been displaced back to their home country where they lack the resources to rebuild their lives. Returnees are living either in displacement sites or within host communities. They are in urgent need of food, water, sanitation and hygiene shelter, household items, health, and protection. IOM is the lead agency for the returnee response, in close coordination with the Government of Chad, local authorities, UN agencies, and local and international NGOs.



DTM Chad,
Period Covered
Jun 18 2024
Jun 18 2024
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking

Over 780,000 people have crossed into Chad since the onset of the crisis in Sudan. IOM estimates that 201,379 among them are Chadian returnees and expects this number to rise to 240,000 through to December 2024. This is due to ongoing conflict and food insecurity in Darfur, owing to the current suspension of the humanitarian corridor between Chad and Darfur.

Returnees are Chadian nationals who were living in Sudan and have been displaced back to their home country where they lack the resources to rebuild their lives. Returnees are living either in displacement sites or within host communities. They are in urgent need of food, water, sanitation and hygiene shelter, household items, health, and protection. IOM is the lead agency for the returnee response, in close coordination with the Government of Chad, local authorities, UN agencies, and local and international NGOs.



DTM Chad,
Snapshot Date
Jun 03 2024
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking

• Nearly 750,000 people have crossed into Chad since the onset of the crisis in Sudan. IOM estimates that more than 173 124 mong them are Chadian returnees and expects this number to rise to240 000 by the end of April 2024, due to ongoing conflict in Darfur and the current suspension of the humanitarian corridor between Adré and Darfur.
• IOM, as the lead agency for the returnee response, collaborates with a range of operational partners including the Government of Chad, UNHCR, OCHA, LWF, PUI, UNICEF, MSF, UNFPA, LMI, ICRC, IRC, ACTED, the Chadian Red Cross, HELP-Tchad, ATURAD, Concern Worldwide, COOPI, INTERSOS, and WFP.
• In coordination with CNARR and humanitarian organizations, IOM has registered 122 191 returnees and identified 365 third-country nationals (from South Sudan, Niger, Ethiopia, the Central African Republic, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, and Uganda) 52 localities in three provinces.
• Most of the returnees currently live in spontaneous locations near the border and are in urgent need of food, water, sanitation and hygiene, shelter, household items, health, and protection.
• IOM is developing the returnee communities of Tongori, Ouaddaï province, and Deguessa, Sila province which, with over 13,000 and 25,000 individuals respectively, are the two largest returnee sites in eastern Chad. IOM and partners offer shelter, NFI, WASH, MPCA, and Protection/MHPSS assistance in those two sites.
• IOM coordinates with local authorities and diplomatic representations for the voluntary return to their home countries of third-country nationals (TCNs) from countries including Ethiopia, South Sudan, Nigeria, Niger, and Cameroon previously living in Sudan and displaced to eastern Chad.
• Moreover, IOM is the lead agency in resiliency programming among returnees and host communities. This implies transitioning from temporary shelters to more durable housing solutions, to support livelihoods opportunities and improve access to basic needs and services. Adjunctly to this, IOM also supports the Humanitarian, Development and Peace Nexus which seeks to strengthen relations between the different communities for longstanding peace.



DTM Chad,
Snapshot Date
May 20 2024
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking

• About 750,000 people have crossed into Chad since the onset of the crisis in Sudan. IOM estimates that more than 173,124 among them are Chadian returnees and expects this number to rise to 240,000 by the end of December 2024, due to ongoing conflict in Darfur and the current suspension of the humanitarian corridor between Adré and Darfur.
• IOM, as the lead agency for the returnee response, collaborates with a range of operational partners including the Government of Chad, UNHCR, OCHA, LWF, PUI, UNICEF, MSF, UNFPA, LMI, ICRC, IRC, ACTED, the Chadian Red Cross, HELP-Tchad, Concern Worldwide, COOPI, INTERSOS, and WFP.
• In coordination with CNARR and humanitarian organizations, IOM has registered 118,157 returnees and identified 365 third-country nationals (from South Sudan, Niger, Ethiopia, the Central African Republic, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, and Uganda) in 43 localities in three provinces.
• Most of the returnees currently live in spontaneous locations near the border and are in urgent need of food, water, sanitation and hygiene, shelter, household items, health, and protection.
• IOM is developing the returnee communities of Tongori, Ouaddaï province, and Deguessa, Sila province which, with over 13,000 and 25,000 individuals respectively, are the two largest returnee sites in eastern Chad. IOM and partners offer shelter, NFI, WASH, MPCA, and Protection/MHPSS assistance in those sites.
• IOM is coordinating with local authorities and diplomatic representations for the voluntary return to their home countries of third-country nationals (TCNs) from countries including Ethiopia, South Sudan, Nigeria, Niger, and Cameroon previously living in Sudan and displaced to eastern Chad.



DTM Chad,
Snapshot Date
May 06 2024
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking

• Nearly 750,000 people have crossed into Chad since the onset of the crisis in Sudan. IOM estimates that more than 165,422 among them are Chadian returnees and expects this number to rise to 183,000 by the end of April 2024, due to ongoing conflict in Darfur and the current suspension of the humanitarian corridor between Adré and Darfur.
• IOM, as the lead agency for the returnee response, collaborates with a range of operational partners including the Government of Chad, UNHCR, OCHA, LWF, PUI, UNICEF, MSF, UNFPA, LMI, ICRC, IRC, ACTED, the Chadian Red Cross, HELP-Tchad, ATURAD, Concern Worldwide, COOPI, INTERSOS, and WFP.
• In coordination with CNARR and humanitarian organizations, IOM has registered 111,132 returnees and identified 365 third-country nationals (from South Sudan, Niger, Ethiopia, the Central African Republic, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, and Uganda) in 43 localities in three provinces.
• Most of the returnees currently live in spontaneous locations near the border and are in urgent need of food, water, sanitation and hygiene, shelter, household items, health, and protection.
• IOM is developing the returnee communities of Tongori, Ouaddaï province, and Deguessa, Sila province which, with over 13,000 and 25,000 individuals respectively, are the two largest returnee sites in eastern Chad. IOM and partners offer shelter, NFI, WASH, MPCA, and Protection/MHPSS assistance in those two sites.
• IOM is coordinating with local authorities and diplomatic representations for the voluntary return to their home countries of third-country nationals (TCNs) from countries including Ethiopia, South Sudan, Nigeria, Niger, and Cameroon previously living in Sudan and displaced to eastern Chad.



DTM Chad,
Period Covered
Feb 24 2024
Mar 10 2024
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking

• Depuis le début des affrontements au Soudan, plus de 700 000 personnes ont traversé la frontière vers le Tchad. L’OIM estime que plus de 164 422 parmi eux sont des retournés tchadiens et s’attend à ce que ce nombre passe à 204 000 d’ici fin aout 2024, en raison de la reprise du conflit au Darfour et à la suspension actuelle du corridor humanitaire entre Adré et le Darfour.

• En tant qu'agence principale pour la réponse aux retournés, l'OIM collabore avec un éventail de partenaires opérationnels, notamment le gouvernement du Tchad, le HCR, OCHA, la FLM, PUI, l'UNICEF, MSF, l'UNFPA, LMI, le CICR, l'IRC, ACTED, la Croix-Rouge tchadienne, HELP-Tchad, ATURAD, Concern Worldwide, COOPI, INTERSOS et PAM.

• En coordination avec la CNARR et les organisations humanitaires, l'OIM a déjà enregistré plus de 101 347 retournes et 365 ressortissants de pays tiers (Soudan du Sud, Niger, Éthiopie, République centrafricaine, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, Nigéria et Ouganda) dans 38 localités de trois provinces.

• La plupart des retournés sont installés spontanément près de la frontière avec le Soudan et ont un besoin urgent de nourriture, d’eau, d’assainissement et d’hygiène, d’abris, d’articles non alimentaires, de soutien sanitaire et de protection.

• L’OIM soutient la relocalisation des retournés d’Adre vers la communauté de retournés nouvellement développée de Tongori, dans la province du Ouaddaï, où elle leur offre des abris, une assistance WASH, NFI et une assistance en matière de protection/MHPSS. Plus de 13 000 personnes ont jusqu’à présent été relocalisées. L'OIM développe également le site de Deguessa, dans la province de Sila, avec une assistance en matière d'abris, de WASH et de protection/MHPSS au profit de plus de 25 000 retournés.

• L'OIM se coordonne avec les autorités locales et les représentations diplomatiques pour le retour volontaire dans leur pays d'origine des ressortissants de pays comme l'Éthiopie, le Soudan du Sud, le Nigéria, le Niger et le Cameroun, vivant auparavant au Soudan et déplacés vers l'est du Tchad.



DTM Chad,
Period Covered
Feb 25 2024
May 13 2024
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking

• Nearly 700,000 people have crossed into Chad since the onset of the crisis in Sudan. IOM estimates that more than 164,422 among them are Chadian returnees and expects this number to rise to 204,000 by the end of August 2024, due to ongoing conflict in Darfur and the current suspension of the humanitarian corridor between Adré and Darfur.

• IOM, as the lead agency for the returnee response, collaborates with a range of operational partners including the Government of Chad, UNHCR, OCHA, LWF, PUI, UNICEF, MSF, UNFPA, LMI, ICRC, IRC, ACTED, the Chadian Red Cross, HELP-Tchad, ATURAD, Concern Worldwide, COOPI, INTERSOS, and WFP.

• In coordination with CNARR and humanitarian organizations, IOM has registered 101,347 returnees and identified 365 third-country nationals (from South Sudan, Niger, Ethiopia, the Central African Republic, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, and Uganda) in 38 localities in three provinces.

• Most of the returnees currently live in spontaneous locations near the border and are in urgent need of food, water, sanitation and hygiene, shelter, household items, health, and protection.

• IOM is relocating returnees from Adre to the newly developed returnee community of Tongori, Ouaddaï province, where it offers them shelters, WASH, NFI, and Protection/MHPSS assistance. Over 13,000 individuals have so far been relocated. IOM is also developing the site of Deguessa, Sila province, with shelter, WASH, and Protection/MHPSS assistance for the benefit of over 25,000 returnees.

• IOM is coordinating with local authorities and diplomatic representations for the voluntary return to their home countries of third-country nationals (TCNs) from countries including Ethiopia, South Sudan, Nigeria, Niger, and Cameroon previously living in Sudan and displaced to eastern Chad.



DTM Chad,
Period Covered
Feb 25 2024
Mar 24 2024
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking

•Nearly 700,000 people have crossed into Chad since the onset of the crisis in Sudan. IOM estimates that more than 164,422 among them are Chadian returnees and expects this number to rise to 204,000 by the end of August 2024, due to ongoing conflict in Darfur and the current suspension of the humanitarian corridor between Adré and Darfur.

• IOM, as the lead agency for the returnee response, collaborates with a range of operational partners including the Government of Chad, UNHCR, OCHA, LWF, PUI, UNICEF, MSF, UNFPA, LMI, ICRC, IRC, ACTED, the Chadian Red Cross, HELP-Tchad, ATURAD, Concern Worldwide, COOPI, INTERSOS, and WFP.

• In coordination with CNARR and humanitarian organizations, IOM has registered 110,958 returnees and identified 365 third-country nationals (from South Sudan, Niger, Ethiopia, the Central African Republic, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, and Uganda) in 38 localities in three provinces.

• Most of the returnees currently live in spontaneous locations near the border and are in urgent need of food, water, sanitation and hygiene, shelter, household items, health, and protection.

• IOM is relocating returnees from Adre to the newly developed returnee community of Tongori, Ouaddaï province, where it offers them shelters, WASH, NFI, and Protection/MHPSS assistance. Over 13,000 individuals have so far been relocated. IOM is also developing the site of Deguessa, Sila province, with shelter, WASH, and Protection/MHPSS assistance for the benefit of over 25,000 returnees.

• IOM is coordinating with local authorities and diplomatic representations for the voluntary return to their home countries of third-country nationals (TCNs) from countries including Ethiopia, South Sudan, Nigeria, Niger, and Cameroon previously living in Sudan and displaced to eastern Chad.



DTM Chad,
Period Covered
Feb 15 2024
Feb 24 2024
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking

• Depuis le début des affrontements au Soudan, presque 700 000 personnes ont traversé la frontière vers le Tchad. L’OIM estime que plus de 144 015 parmi eux sont des retournés tchadiens et s’attend à ce que ce nombre passe à 150 000 d’ici fin mars 2024, en raison de la reprise du conflit au Darfour.

• En tant qu'agence principale pour la réponse aux retournés, l'OIM collabore avec un éventail de partenaires opérationnels, notamment le gouvernement du Tchad, le HCR, OCHA, la FLM, PUI, l'UNICEF, MSF, l'UNFPA, LMI, le CICR, l'IRC, ACTED, la Croix-Rouge tchadienne, HELP-Tchad, ATURAD, Concern Worldwide, COOPI, INTERSOS et PAM.

• En coordination avec la CNARR et les organisations humanitaires, l'OIM a déjà enregistré plus de 101 347 retournes et 356 ressortissants de pays tiers (Soudan du Sud, Niger, Éthiopie, République centrafricaine, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, Nigéria et Ouganda) dans 47 localités de trois provinces.

• La plupart des retournés sont installés spontanément près de la frontière avec le Soudan et ont un besoin urgent de nourriture, d’eau, d’assainissement et d’hygiène, d’abris, d’articles non alimentaires, de soutien sanitaire et de protection.

• L’OIM soutient la relocalisation des retournés d’Adre vers la communauté de retournés nouvellement développée de Tongori, dans la province du Ouaddaï, où elle leur offre des abris, une assistance WASH, NFI et une assistance en matière de protection/MHPSS. Près de 10 000 personnes ont jusqu’à présent été relocalisées. L'OIM développe également le site de Deguessa, dans la province de Sila, avec une assistance en matière d'abris, de WASH et de protection/MHPSS au profit de plus de 25 000 retournés.

• L'OIM se coordonne avec les autorités locales et les représentations diplomatiques pour le retour volontaire dans leur pays d'origine des ressortissants de pays comme l'Éthiopie, le Soudan du Sud, le Nigéria, le Niger et le Cameroun, vivant auparavant au Soudan et déplacés vers l'est du Tchad.



DTM Chad,
Period Covered
Feb 15 2024
Feb 24 2024
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking

• Nearly 700,000 people have crossed into Chad since the onset of the crisis in Sudan. IOM estimates that more than 144,015 among them are Chadian returnees and expects this number to rise to 150,000 by the end of March 2024, due to ongoing conflict in Darfur.

• IOM, as the lead agency for the returnee response, collaborates with a range of operational partners including the Government of Chad, UNHCR, OCHA, LWF, PUI, UNICEF, MSF, UNFPA, LMI, ICRC, IRC, ACTED, the Chadian Red Cross, HELP-Tchad, ATURAD, Concern Worldwide, COOPI, INTERSOS, and WFP.

• In coordination with CNARR and humanitarian organizations, IOM has registered 101,347 returnees and identified 356 third-country nationals (from South Sudan, Niger, Ethiopia, the Central African Republic, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, and Uganda) in 47 localities in three provinces.

• Most of the returnees currently live in spontaneous locations near the border and are in urgent need of food, water, sanitation and hygiene, shelter, household items, health, and protection.

• IOM is relocating returnees from Adre to the newly developed returnee community of Tongori, Ouaddaï province, where it offers them shelters, WASH, NFI, and Protection/MHPSS assistance. Over 11,000 individuals have so far been relocated. IOM is also developing the site of Deguessa, Sila province, with shelter, WASH, and Protection/MHPSS assistance for the benefit of over 25,000 returnees.

• IOM is coordinating with local authorities and diplomatic representations for the voluntary return to their home countries of third-country nationals (TCNs) from countries including Ethiopia, South Sudan, Nigeria, Niger, and Cameroon previously living in Sudan and displaced to eastern Chad.