Chad — Emergency Tracking Tool Report


Title Standard
Chad — Emergency Tracking Tool Report # (DATE)
DTM Chad,


DTM Chad,
Period Covered
Feb 10 2024
Feb 10 2024
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking

• Depuis le début des affrontements au Soudan, presque 700 000 personnes ont traversé la frontière vers le Tchad. L’OIM estime que plus de 144 015 parmi eux sont des retournés tchadiens et s’attend à ce que ce nombre passe à 150 000 d’ici fin mars 2024, en raison de la reprise du conflit au Darfour.

• En tant qu'agence principale pour la réponse aux retournés, l'OIM collabore avec un éventail de partenaires opérationnels, notamment le gouvernement du Tchad, le HCR, OCHA, la FLM, PUI, l'UNICEF, MSF, l'UNFPA, LMI, le CICR, l'IRC, ACTED, la Croix-Rouge tchadienne, HELP-Tchad, ATURAD, Concern Worldwide, COOPI, INTERSOS et PAM.

• En coordination avec la CNARR et les organisations humanitaires, l'OIM a déjà enregistré et plus de 101 347 ressortissants de pays tiers (Soudan du Sud, Niger, Éthiopie, République centrafricaine, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, Nigéria et Ouganda) dans 47 localités de trois provinces.

• La plupart des retournés sont installés spontanément près de la frontière avec le Soudan et ont un besoin urgent de nourriture, d’eau, d’assainissement et d’hygiène, d’abris, d’articles non alimentaires, de soutien sanitaire et de protection.

• L’OIM soutient la relocalisation des retournés d’Adre vers la communauté de retournés nouvellement développée de Tongori, dans la province du Ouaddaï, où elle leur offre des abris, une assistance WASH, NFI et une assistance en matière de protection/MHPSS. Près de 10 000 personnes ont jusqu’à présent été relocalisées. L'OIM développe également le site de Deguessa, dans la province de Sila, avec une assistance en matière d'abris, de WASH et de protection/MHPSS au profit de plus de 25 000 retournés.

• L'OIM se coordonne avec les autorités locales et les représentations diplomatiques pour le retour volontaire dans leur pays d'origine des ressortissants de pays comme l'Éthiopie, le Soudan du



DTM Chad,
Period Covered
Feb 12 2024
Feb 12 2024
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking

• Almost 700,000 people have crossed into Chad since the onset of the crisis in Sudan. IOM estimates that more than 144,015 among them are Chadian returnees and expects this number to rise to 150,000 by the end of March 2024, due to renewed conflict in Darfur.

• IOM, as the lead agency for the returnee response, collaborates with a range of operational partners including the Government of Chad, UNHCR, OCHA, LWF, PUI, UNICEF, MSF, UNFPA, LMI, ICRC, IRC, ACTED, the Chadian Red Cross, HELP-Tchad, ATURAD, Concern Worldwide, COOPI, INTERSOS, and WFP.

• In coordination with CNARR and humanitarian organizations, IOM has counted 101,347 returnees and over 356 third-country nationals (from South Sudan, Niger, Ethiopia, the Central African Republic, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, and Uganda) in 47 localities in three provinces.

• Most of the returnees currently live in spontaneous locations near the border and are in urgent need of food, water, sanitation and hygiene, shelter, household items, health, and protection.

• IOM is relocating returnees from Adre to the newly developed returnee community of Tongori, Ouaddaï province, where it offers them shelters, WASH, NFI, and Protection/MHPSS assistance. Nearly 10,000 individuals have so far been relocated. IOM is also developing the site of Deguessa, Sila province, with shelter, WASH, and Protection/MHPSS assistance for the benefit of over 25,000 returnees.

• IOM is coordinating with local authorities and diplomatic representations for the voluntary return to their home countries of third-country nationals (TCNs) from countries including Ethiopia, South Sudan, Nigeria, Niger, and Cameroon previously living in Sudan and displaced to eastern Chad.



DTM Chad,
Period Covered
Jan 26 2024
Jan 26 2024
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking

Over 610,000 people have crossed into Chad since the onset of the crisis in Sudan. IOM estimates that more than 139,932 among them are Chadian returnees and expects this number to rise to 150,000 by the end of March 2024, due to renewed conflict in Darfur.

• In coordination with CNARR and humanitarian organizations, IOM has counted 96,251 returnees and counted 356 third-country nationals (from South Sudan, Niger, Ethiopia, the Central African Republic, Burkina Faso, Nigeria and Uganda) in 46 localities in three provinces.

• Most of the returnees currently live in spontaneous locations near the border and are in urgent need of food, water, sanitation and hygiene, shelter, household items, health, and protection.

• IOM is relocating returnees from Adre to a site in Tongori in coordination with authorities. In total, 8,299 individuals have so far been relocated. Separate designated ambulatory vehicles were used to transport the most vulnerable, including people with disabilities. Furthermore, IOM has supported the establishment of a site governance structure with representatives elected by the site residents and is supporting the establishment of community groups (women, youth, community watch, etc.).

• IOM is coordinating with local authorities, embassies and diplomatic representations for the safe transfer and voluntary return of third-country nationals (TCNs) from Ethiopia, South Sudan, Sierra Leone, and Cameroon to N’Djamena.
• IOM works with a range of operational partners in the returnee response including the Government of Chad, UNHCR, OCHA, LWF, PUI, UNICEF, MSF, UNFPA, LMI, ICRC, IRC, ACTED, the Chadian Red Cross, HELP-Tchad, ATURAD, Concern Worldwide, COOPI, INTERSOS, and WFP



DTM Chad,
Period Covered
Jan 12 2024
Jan 12 2024
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking

Over 610,000 people have crossed into Chad since the onset of the crisis in Sudan. IOM estimates that more than 136,735 among them are Chadian returnees and expects this number to rise to 150,000 by the end of March 2024, due to ongoing conflict in Darfur.

• In coordination with CNARR and humanitarian organizations, IOM has counted 93,701 returnees and over 350 third-country nationals (from South Sudan, Niger, Ethiopia, the Central African Republic, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, and Uganda) in 36 localities in three provinces.

• Most of the returnees currently live in spontaneous locations near the border and are in urgent need of food, water, sanitation and hygiene, shelter, household items, health, and protection.

• IOM is relocating returnees from Adre to the newly developed returnee community of Tongori, Ouaddaï province. In total, 8,324 individuals have so far been relocated. IOM is also developing the site of Deguessa, Sila province, with shelter, WASH, and Protection/MHPSS assistance for the benefit of 25,000 returnees.

• IOM is coordinating with local authorities, embassies and diplomatic representations for the safe transfer and voluntary return of third-country nationals (TCNs) from Ethiopia, South Sudan, Sierra Leone, and Cameroon to N’Djamena.

• IOM collaborates with a range of operational partners in the returnee response including the Government of Chad, UNHCR, OCHA, LWF, PUI, UNICEF, MSF, UNFPA, LMI, ICRC, IRC, ACTED, the Chadian Red Cross, HELP-Tchad, ATURAD, Concern Worldwide, COOPI, INTERSOS, and WFP.



DTM Chad,
Period Covered
Dec 29 2023
Dec 29 2023
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking

• Over 550,000 people have crossed into Chad since the onset of the crisis in Sudan. IOM estimates that more than 131,425 among them are Chadian returnees and expects this number to rise to 150,000 by the end of March 2024, due to renewed conflict in Darfur.

• In coordination with CNARR and humanitarian organizations, IOM has counted 93,701 returnees and counted 346 third-country nationals (from South Sudan, Niger, Ethiopia, the Central African Republic, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, and Uganda) in 36 localities in three provinces.

• Most of the returnees currently live in spontaneous locations near the border and are in urgent need of food, water, sanitation and hygiene, shelter, household items, health, and protection.

• IOM is relocating returnees from Adre to a site in Tongori in coordination with authorities. In total, 8,226 individuals have so far been relocated. Separate designated ambulatory vehicles were used to transport the most vulnerable, including people with disabilities. Furthermore, IOM has supported the establishment of a site governance structure with representatives elected by the site residents and is supporting the establishment of community groups (women, youth, community watch, etc.).

• IOM is coordinating with local authorities, embassies and diplomatic representations for the safe transfer and voluntary return of third-country nationals (TCNs) from Ethiopia, South Sudan, Sierra Leone, and Cameroon to N’Djamena.

• IOM collaborates with a range of operational partners in the returnee response including the Government of Chad, UNHCR, OCHA, LWF, PUI, UNICEF, MSF, UNFPA, LMI, ICRC, IRC, ACTED, the Chadian Red Cross, HELP-Tchad, ATURAD, Concern Worldwide, COOPI, INTERSOS, and WFP.



DTM Chad,
Period Covered
Dec 07 2023
Dec 07 2023
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking

The objective of the Emergency Tracking Tool is to collect information on large and sudden population movements as well as on security and climate emergencies. Information is collected through key informant interviews or direct observation.

This dashboard presents information on a movement which occurred on 6 December 2023 in the town of Ounianga-Kébir, situated in the province of Ennedi Ouest, near the Libyan border.



DTM Chad,
Period Covered
Oct 01 2023
Oct 31 2023
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking

The purpose of the Emergency Tracking Tool (ETT) is to collect information on large and sudden population movements as well as on security and climate emergencies. Information is collected through key informant interviews or direct observation. This dashboard provides information on movements which occurred from 02 to 23 October 2023, in Lac Province. Since the beginning of 2023, several security incidents have occurred in the Lac province, resulting in population displacements.

In October 2023, 1,589 households (6,788 individuals) were affected by displacements, which represents a decrease of 48 per cent compared to September 2023. All (100%) of the displaced persons in October resided in their habitual place of residence prior to displacement. The main reason for their displacement was armed attacks (71%). In addition, the majority (67%) of displaced populations stayed in the same sub-prefecture (see table on page 2). The three priority needs reported by the displaced populations were food (33%), shelter (23%), non-food items (20%), water (20%) and cash (4%).



DTM Chad,
Period Covered
Nov 08 2023
Nov 16 2023
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking

On November 5th, 2023, 28 Chadian nationals (26 men, 2 women) were collectively expelled from Libya and arrived in the town of Ounianga-Kébiron 7 November 2023. Most of the expelled persons come from Guéra, WadiFira, Ouaddaï and Batha. They reported having spent between one and seven months in Libyan prisons in Benghazi, Djidabya and Kouffra before being expelled.

As such, an assessment was carried out in Ounianga-Kébiron 8 November 2023 by an IOM team in order to register these expelled individuals.

During the same day, they received food, non-food items (mainly blankets and mats), healthcare and transport to their places of origin.



DTM Chad,
Period Covered
Aug 01 2023
Oct 09 2023
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking

The objective of the Emergency Tracking Tool (ETT) is to collect information on large and sudden population movements as well as on security and climate emergencies. Information is collected through key informant interviews or direct observation. This dashboard presents information on Chadian refugee movements from N'guiguimi sous-prefecture (Niger) to Daboua during the period from August to October 2023.

  • Following an increased number of kidnappings in Djaikimé, Malliyari, Koulbou-Koura, Gaouri and Kimena localities (sous-prefecture of N'guiguimi), 497 households of Chadian refugees (2,565 individuals) left these localities and sought refuge in Daboua Ecole, Djilkori, Tchaounarom, Malkaouri and Taloua sites, situated in the sous-préfecture of Daboua.
  • Following /attacks perpetrated by armed groups in October near the village of Kimena, 20 households (50 individuals), preventively left this village (N'guiguimi sous-préfecture) and took refuge on October 9 th , 2023, in Ngarana 3 site (sous-préfecture of Daboua).


DTM Chad,
Period Covered
Sep 01 2023
Sep 30 2023
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking

The purpose of the Emergency Tracking Tool (ETT) is to collect information on large and sudden population movements as well as on security and climate emergencies. Information is collected through key informant interviews or direct observation. This dashboard provides information on movements which occurred during the period from 01 to 30 September 2023, in the Lac Province.

During September 2023, several security incidents occurred in the Lac province and beyond (Niger), resulting in population displacements. A total of 3,546 households (12,627 individuals) were affected by displacement, which represents an increase of 43 per cent compared to August. Among the displaced population, 340 households (1,800 individuals) Chadian refugees who were forced to leave the sous-préfecture of N'guiguimi (Niger) for Daboua sous-préfecture. The vast majority (86%) of affected individuals during September were members of local communities before this displacement. The main reason for displacement was armed attacks (82%). The majority (65%) of displaced persons stayed in the same sous-préfectures (see table on page 2). The three essential needs reported by most displaced persons at their places of displacement were food (29%), non-food items (29%), shelter (23%) and water (19%).