West and Central Africa


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  • Past DTM operation

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République centrafricaine — Fiche d'informations sur le profilage des personnes internes (26 — 30 Juin 2024)

Entre le 9 et le 15 avril 2024, des groupes armés affiliés à la CPC (Coalition des Patriotes pour le Changement) ont causé des violences, y compris des tueries, dans la commune de Bakouma, forçant des déplacements massifs de populations vulnérables provenant de Gbolo, Lengo 1 et 2, Deguinlo, et F

Nigeria — Transhumance Tracking Tool Report — Early Warning Dashboard 26 — Adamawa and Taraba states (June 2024)

In June, 259 alerts were recorded. Of these, 198 alerts (76%) were event-related, while 61 alerts (24%) were related to movements. In Adamawa state, all alerts in Demsa, Girei, Lamurde, Numan, and Shelleng LGAs were event-related.

Mali – Rapport sur l'Indice de Solution et de Mobilité (juillet 2024)

La transhumance est une pratique ancestrale et une activité très importante au Mali où elle est confrontée ces dernières années, à des facteurs de vulnérabilité (faible pluviométrie, compétition sur les ressources naturelles) à cause du change

Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre — Groupe régional d'analyse intersectorielle (GRANIT) — Rapport de l'outil de veille dans les pays côtiers d’Afrique de l’Ouest Bénin - Côte d’Ivoire - Ghana - Togo (31 mai 2024)

Le rapport d’outil de veille sur la situation dans les quatre pays côtiers du golfe de Guinée (Ghana, Bénin, Togo et Côte d’Ivoire) en date du 31 mai 2024, élaboré par le Groupe régional d’analyse intersectorielle (GRANIT) sous la direction et l’impulsion d’OCHA, de l

Nigeria — Flood and Heavy Rainfall Flash Report Borno State (24 July 2024)

On 22 July 2024, a flash flood caused by heavy rainfall resulted in significant damage to several camps within the Dikwa and Mafa local government areas (LGAs) of Borno State, including Fulatari, Government Girls Secondary School (GGSS), and Masarmari camps.

Nigeria — Heavy Rainfall Flash Report Borno State (24 July 2024)

On 22 July 2024, a heavy rainfall caused significant damage in several camps within the Dikwa and Mafa local government areas (LGAs) of Borno State, including Fulatari, Government Girls Secondary School (GGSS) and Masarmari camps.

Nigeria — North-central & North-west Flash Report 169 (15 - 21 July 2024)

On 16, 20 and 21 July 2024, armed bandits attacked the communities of Wuaze in Uyam ward, Tinenune and Samco in Borikyo ward and Gbagir in Tsaav ward of Ukum Local Government Area (LGA) in Benue State. There were reports of 38 injuries and 12 fatalities.

Nigeria — Emergency Tracking Tool Report 389 (15 - 21 July 2024)

Between 15 and 21 July 2024, a total of 2,615 new arrivals were recorded at locations in Adamawa and Borno states.

Nigeria — North-central & North-west Flash Report 170 (22 - 28 July 2024)

On 23 and 24 July 2024, armed bandits attacked the community of Tinenune in Borikyo ward and farmer-herders clash occured in the community of Dyom in Mbatian ward of Ukum Local Government Area (LGA) in Benue State. There were reports of two fatalities.

Nigeria — Emergency Tracking Tool Report 388 (08 - 14 July 2024)

Between 08 and 14 July 2024, a total of 1,754 new arrivals were recorded at locations in Adamawa and Borno states.

Nigeria — Emergency Tracking Tool Report 02 Benue State (08 July - 14 July 2024)

Between 08 and 14 July 2024, a total of 99 new arrivals were recorded at locations in Benue state. The new arrivals were recorded at locations in Guma and Gwer-west Local government areas (LGAs) of the conflict-affected Benue State.

Nigeria — North-central & North-west Flash Report 168 (08 July - 14 July 2024)

On 10 July 2024, armed bandits attacked the communities of Ruwan Godiya and Kwakware Na Babba in Ruwan Godiya ward of Faskari Local Governement Area (LGA) in Katsina State. There were reports of eight injuries and one fatality.

Tchad — Cartographie des mobilités sur le territoire tchadien (Juillet 2024)

Ce rapport est composé d’un ensemble de cartes présentant les différents phénomènes et tendances migratoires au Tchad. Il décrit les différents mouvements de populations recensés depuis une période donnée, vers et au sein du territoire tchadien et dresse le profil des populations en mouvement.

Mauritanie — Système d'alertes précoces liées aux catastrophes — Moughataa de Bassikounou et d'Adel Bagrou (Mars - Avril 2024)

La Mauritanie est un pays particulièrement vulnérable aux risques de catastrophes liées au climat telles que les sécheresses et les inondations.

Nigeria - National Displacement Profile 2023

Following the release of the first edition of PROGRESS 2023 report, the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) has compiled a series of National Displacement Profiles based on end of year 2023 figures.

Central African Republic - National Displacement Profile (May 2024)

Following the release of the first edition of PROGRESS 2023 report, the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) compiled a series of National Displacement Profiles based on end of year 2023 figures.

Chad — Situation Update 38 (16 July 2024)

An estimated 823,000 people have crossed into Chad since the onset of the crisis in Sudan, of which 201,379 among them are Chadian returnees. IOM expects this number to rise to 240,000 through to December 2024.

Tchad — Réponse à la crise au Soudan: Bulletin d'informations 38 (16 Juillet 2024)

Environ 823,000 personnes ont traversé la frontière vers le Tchad depuis le début de la crise au Soudan, incluant 201,379 parmi eux sont des retournés tchadiens.

Nigeria — Emergency Tracking Tool Report 387 (01 - 07 July 2024)

Between 01 and 07 July 2024, a total of 1,893 new arrivals were recorded at locations in Adamawa and Borno states.

Nigeria — Emergency Tracking Tool Report 01 Benue State (01 July - 07 July 2024)

Between 01 and 07 July 2024, a total of 2,607 new arrivals were recorded at locations in Benue state. The new arrivals were recorded at locations in Agatu, Guma, Gwer-west, Logo, Nasarawa, and Ukum Local government areas (LGAs) of the conflict-affected Benue State.

Nigeria — Biometric Registration Update Report 4 Benue State (1 July 2024)

Six LGAs have been mapped as locations with IDPs in Benue State based on DTM Round 11 (March 2023).

West and Central Africa — Lake Chad Basin Crisis Monthly Dashboard 65 (June 2024)

The crisis currently affecting the Lake Chad Basin states results from a complex combination of factors, including conflict with non-state armed groups, extreme poverty, underdevelopment and a changing climate, which together have triggered si

West and Central Africa — Central African Republic Situation Monthly Dashboard 21 (June 2024)

The Central African Republic (CAR), which has experienced continuous volatility for the past two decades, has been riddled by a crisis which ignited in 2012 with a violent takeover of power and has developed into a com

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Nigeria — Site Assessment Round 35
Mar 11 2021

A site assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on population presence, living conditions and needs in a particular displacement site or community.

Mobility Tracking, Site Assessment
Nigeria — Location Assessment Round 35
Mar 11 2021

A site assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on population presence, living conditions and needs in a particular displacement site or community.

Mobility Tracking, Site Assessment
Nigeria — Baseline Assessment — Round 35
Mar 11 2021

A baseline assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on IDP, migrant or returnee population presence in a defined administrative area of the country.

Mobility Tracking
Mauritania — Nouadhibou - Migrants Baseline Assessment — Round 3
Mar 10 2021

A baseline assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on IDP, migrant or returnee population presence in a defined administrative area of the country.

Flow Monitoring, Migrants presence
Mauritania — Nouakchott - Migrants Baseline Assessment — Round 1
Mar 10 2021

A baseline assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on IDP, migrant or returnee population presence in a defined administrative area of the country.

Flow Monitoring, Migrants presence
Nigeria — North Central And North West Zones Location Assessment Round 5
Mar 08 2021

A site assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on population presence, living conditions and needs in a particular displacement site or community.

Mobility Tracking, Site Assessment
Nigeria — North Central And North West Zones Site Assessment Round 5
Mar 08 2021

A site assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on population presence, living conditions and needs in a particular displacement site or community.

Mobility Tracking, Site Assessment
Nigeria — North Central And North West Zones Baseline Assessment Round 5
Mar 08 2021

A baseline assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on IDP, migrant or returnee population presence in a defined administrative area of the country.

Mobility Tracking
Cameroun — Données d'évaluation des besoins multisectoriels - Décembre 2020
Mar 02 2021

Ce jeu de données contient les résultats d’une évaluation multisectorielle des besoins des populations vulnérables conduite dans l’Extrême Nord entre le 17 novembre et le 7 décembre 2020. Cette évaluation a été menée dans 888 localités des six départements de l’Extrême Nord, par un total de 102…

Mobility Tracking, Site Assessment
Mali — Baseline Assessment — Round 69
Mar 02 2021

A baseline assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on IDP, migrant or returnee population presence in a defined administrative area of the country.

Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment
Cameroun — Données du comptage des Mouvements de Transhumance dans les régions de l’Est, de l’Adamaoua et du Nord — Octobre - Décembre 2020
Feb 24 2021

L’agropastoralisme transhumant, pratique ancestrale au Cameroun et dans la sous-région, représente une activité capitale pour l’économie et occupe une part importante de la population. Elle est confrontée à un nombre croissant de risques et vulnérabilités qui mettent en péril le mode de vie des…

Mobility Tracking, Event Tracking
Nigeria — Site Assessment Round 34
Jan 28 2021

A site assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on population presence, living conditions and needs in a particular displacement site or community.

Mobility Tracking, Site Assessment
Nigeria — Location Assessment Round 34
Jan 28 2021

A site assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on population presence, living conditions and needs in a particular displacement site or community.

Mobility Tracking, Site Assessment
Nigeria — Baseline Assessment Round 34
Jan 28 2021

A baseline assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on IDP, migrant or returnee population presence in a defined administrative area of the country.

Mobility Tracking
Cameroun — Données des Alertes du Suivi des Mouvements de Transhumance dans les régions de l’Est, de l’Adamaoua et du Nord — Octobre 2020
Jan 19 2021

L’outil de suivi des mouvements de transhumance (Transhumance Tracking Tool) mis en place dans les régions de l’Est, de l’Adamaoua et du Nord, permet de comprendre les dynamiques liées à la transhumance transfrontalière avec le Tchad et la République Centrafricaine. Le système d’alerte a pour…

Mobility Tracking, Event Tracking
Cameroun — Données des Alertes du Suivi des Mouvements de Transhumance dans les régions de l’Est, de l’Adamaoua et du Nord — Septembre 2020
Jan 19 2021

L’outil de suivi des mouvements de transhumance (Transhumance Tracking Tool) mis en place dans les régions de l’Est, de l’Adamaoua et du Nord, permet de comprendre les dynamiques liées à la transhumance transfrontalière avec le Tchad et la République Centrafricaine. Le système d’alerte a pour…

Mobility Tracking, Event Tracking
Cameroun - Données des Alertes du Suivi des Mouvements de Transhumance dans les régions de l’Est, de l’Adamaoua et du Nord - Août 2020
Jan 19 2021

L’outil de suivi des mouvements de transhumance (Transhumance Tracking Tool) mis en place dans les régions de l’Est, de l’Adamaoua et du Nord, permet de comprendre les dynamiques liées à la transhumance transfrontalière avec le Tchad et la République Centrafricaine. Le système d’alerte a pour…

Mobility Tracking, Event Tracking
Chad — Site and Village Assessment - Lac Province - Round 13
Dec 24 2020

A site assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on population presence, living conditions and needs in a particular displacement site or community.

Mobility Tracking, Site Assessment
Mali — Baseline Assessment — Round 68
Dec 16 2020

A baseline assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on IDP, migrant or returnee population presence in a defined administrative area of the country.

Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment
Nigeria — North Central And North West Zones Location Assessment Round 4
Oct 25 2020

A site assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on population presence, living conditions and needs in a particular displacement site or community.

Mobility Tracking, Site Assessment

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