East, Horn and Southern Africa


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  • Past DTM operation

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Somalia — Border Point Flow Monitoring — (December 2022)

A total of 30,220 movements were observed in December 2022, representing a 27% increase compared to 2021 when 27,779 movements were observed during the same period.

2022 Migration Overview: Horn of Africa and Arabian Peninsula

Migration picked up significantly across the three migratory corridors in the East and Horn of Africa region in 2022, thus marking the end of the impact of COVID-19-related restrictions on mobility flows.

Mozambique — Emergency Tracking Tool Report — 198 (01 - 07 February 2023)

During the reporting period (01 to 07 February 2023), a total of 41 movements were recorded - 11 arrivals (5,071 individuals), 25 departures (757 individuals), and 5 returns (64 individuals).

Mozambique — Emergency Tracking Tool Report — 197 (01-31 January 2023)

During the reporting period (1 to 31 January 2023), a total 39 of movements were recorded - 20 arrivals (171 individuals), 19 departures (164 individuals). The largest arrival movements were recorded in Cidade de Nampula (160 individuals).

Migration Along the Eastern Corridor (December 2022)

The Horn of Africa and Yemen is one of the busiest and riskiest migration corridors in the world travelled by hundreds of thousands of migrants, the majority of whom travel in an irregular manner, often relying on smugglers to facilitate movement along the Eastern Route.

Kenya – Mobility Tracking and Multi-sectoral Location Assessment in Marsabit County Round 1 (21 November – 1 December 2022)

Marsabit County is the second largest county in Kenya covering 70,961.2 square kilometers(km)2, located in the upper Northern region of Kenya. It has an international boundary with Ethiopia to the north,

South Sudan — Disability, Access & Inclusion Survey Aweil South County (July — August 2022)

Aweil South is one of five counties located in Northern Bahr el Ghazal State, in the north-west of South Sudan. Aweil South borders Aweil Centre to the west, Aweil East to the north, Warrap State (Gogrial West County) to the east and Western Bahr el Ghazal (Jur River County) to the south.

South Sudan — Melut IDP Site Population Count (January 2023)

A total of 15,347 individuals (2,600 households) were reported to be residing at the site, at the time the exercise was conducted, of whom 56 per cent were women and girls. Around 38 per cent of households were composed of more than seven individuals. 

Burundi — Suivi des urgences 19 (29 JANVIER - 05 FÉVRIER 2023)

Entre le 29 Janvier 2022 et le 5 Février 2023, la DTM a identifié 28 473 personnes affectées dont 1 029 personnes déplacées. Les types d'urgences reportées comprennent Grêle, Vents violents, Pluies torrentielles et Inondations. 

South Sudan — Disability, Access & Inclusion Survey Tonj South County (September — October 2022)

Tonj South is one of six counties in Warrap State, located in the north of South Sudan. Tonj South borders Tonj North to the north-west, Tonj East to the north-east, Lakes State to the east and south, Western Equatoria to the south-west, and Western Bahr el Ghazal to the west.

RDC — Nord Kivu: Suivi des urgences 109 (25 au 27 janvier 2023)

Entre le 3 et le 17 janvier 2023, une série d'affrontements a été signalée entre les forces armées de la République démocratique du Congo (FARDC) et des combattants présumés du M23 dans les villages de Karenga dans le groupement Kamuronza, chefferie Bahunde dans le territoire de Masisi au Nord Ki

Mozambique — Movement Alert Report — 78 (07 February 2023)

Fear of attacks and confirmed attacks by Non-State Armed Groups in Mueda (Chapa) district from 4 February triggered 1,654 individual displacements within Mueda district.  An estimate of 118 Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) have been identified with vulnerabilities.

RDC — Nord Kivu: Évaluation Rapide de Crise M23 (Février 2023)

Depuis quelques mois, la République Démocratique du Congo, en particulier la province du Nord Kivu, est affectée par des crises sécuritaires et humanitaires liées au conflit armé entre les Forces Armées de la République Démocratique du Congo (FARDC) et le Mouvement du 23 mars (M23), qui a un impa

Southern Africa — Monthly Flow Monitoring Registry Report (December 2022)

IOM works with national and local authorities in order to gain a better understanding of population movements throughout Southern Africa.

Mozambique — Emergency Tracking Tool Report — 196 (25-31 January 2022)

During the reporting period (25 to 31 January 2023), a total of 36 movements were recorded - 17 arrivals (1,763 individuals), 15 departures (941 individuals), and 4 returns (37 individuals).

Mobility Tracking and Multi-sectoral Location Assessment in Isiolo County (December 2022)

To assess the drought-induced mobility and identify the most urgent sectoral needs experienced by drought-affected communities, the IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM)-Mobility Tracking and Multi-sectoral Location Assessment (MSLA) has been rolled out in Isiolo County.

RDC — Nord Kivu: Suivi des urgences 108 (24 - 25 Janvier 2023)

L’évaluation rapide de l’OIM (EmergencyTrackingTool,ETT) est un outil mis en place dans le but de collecter des informations sur les mouvements importants et soudains de populations.

Ethiopia — Flow Monitoring Dashboard 39 (December 2022)

In December 2022, a total of 31,976 movements were observed across five of Ethiopia's flow monitoring points (FMPs). This represents a 6.5% decrease in daily average movements in comparison with November 2022 when an average of 1,103 movements per day were observed.

Burundi — Suivi des urgences - 18 (22 - 28 Janvier 2023)

Entre le 22 au 28 Janvier 2023, la DTM a identifié 1 948 personnes affectées dont 418 personnes déplacées.

Mozambique — Emergency Tracking Tool Report — 195 (18-25 January 2022)

During the reporting period (18 to 24 January 2023), a total of 45 movements were recorded - 14 arrivals (1,475 individuals), 21 departures (587 individuals), 10 returns (189 individuals).

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Burundi - Baseline Assessment - Round 8
Aug 30 2016

A baseline assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on IDP, migrant or returnee population presence in a defined administrative area of the country.

Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment
Burundi - Baseline Assessment - Round 7
Jul 31 2016

A baseline assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on IDP, migrant or returnee population presence in a defined administrative area of the country.

Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment

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