Asia and the Pacific


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Thailand — Flow Monitoring of Myanmar nationals to and from Thailand (December 2018)

In December 2018, 163,491 movements (76,743 inflows and  86,748 outflows) of Myanmar nationals between Thailand and Myanmar were tracked by IOM Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs) in the Mae Sot and Phop Phra districts of Tak province, Thailand.

Thailand — Flow Monitoring Surveys: Insights into the Profiles and Vulnerabilities of Myanmar Migrants to Thailand Round 2 (December 2018)

From mid-August until mid-October 2018, IOM Thailand conducted a second round of data collection in the districts of Mae Sot and Phop Phra in Tak Province, Thailand. A total of 3,233 Myanmar nationals were surveyed, of whom 3,013 were identified as migrant workers.

Afghanistan — Baseline Mobility Assessment Summary Results (April—June 2018) [Dari]

In Afghanistan, DTM employs the Baseline Mobility Assessment tool, designed to track mobility, determine the population sizes and locations of forcibly displaced people, reasons for displacement, places of origin, displacement locations and times of displacement, including basic demographic

Pakistan — Flow Monitoring of Undocumented Afghan Returnees from Pakistan (2-8 December 2018)

This weekly situation report covers the reporting period between 2 and 8 December 2018. 270 undocumented Afghan individuals returned to Afghanistan through the Torkham and Chaman / Spin Boldak border.

Thailand — Flow Monitoring of Myanmar nationals to and from Thailand (November 2018)

In November 2018, 152,134 movements (73,482 inflows and  78,652 outflows) were tracked by IOM Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs) of Myanmar nationals between Thailand and Myanmar in the Mae Sot and Phob Phra districts.

Pakistan — Flow Monitoring of Undocumented Afghan Returnees from Pakistan (11-17 November 2018)

This weekly situation report covers the reporting period between 11 and 17 November 2018. 542 undocumented Afghan individuals returned to Afghanistan through the Torkham and Chaman/Spin Boldak border.

Indonesia — Lombok Narrative Report 2 (7 November 2018)

Since the first DTM round, the number of population displaced has decreased from 432,015 to 124,144 people.

Indonesia — Lombok Narrative Report 2 (7 November 2018)

Pendataan pengungsi (DTM) putaran pertama berhasil merekam 432,015 pengungsi (130,492 KK), 54% perempuan dan 46% laki-laki, mendiami 2,700 tempat pengungsian dimana populai terkecil tempat pengungsian adalah 16 jiwa atau 4 KK.

Pakistan — Flow Monitoring of Undocumented Afghan Returnees from Pakistan (21 October - 10 November 2018)

1,481 undocumented Afghan individuals returned to Afghanistan throgh the Torkham and Chaman/Spin Boldak border. 583 individuals used the Torkham border crossing while 898 individuals crossed through Chaman/Spin Boldak border crossing.

Lao PDR — Temporary Shelter Report 1 (31 July 2018)

IOM deployed staff to support the Ministry of Health (MOH) Health and WASH cluster assessments to focus specifically on information regarding the camps / temporary shelters for those displaced by the flooding in Attapeu, Sanamxai District.

Lao PDR — Temporary Shelter Report 2 (14 August 2018)

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) deployed staff to support the Joint Rapid Assessment led by the Ministry of Health, focusing specifically on information regarding the camps / temporary shelters for those displaced by the flooding in Attapeu, Sanamxai District right after the fl

Thailand — Flow Monitoring of Myanmar nationals to and from Thailand (October 2018)

In October 2018, 186,110 movements (88,965 inflows and  97,145 outflows) were tracked by IOM Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs) of Myanmar nationals between Thailand and Myanmar in the Mae Sot and Phob Phra districts.

Afghanistan — Drought Response Situation Report: Herat (9 September - 26 October 2018)

Over the reporting period, IOM maintained three strategically placed flow monitoring points (FMPs), where DTM teams monitor inflows and ouflows of IDPs, identify and register drought-affected IDP families, and provide newly arriving families with IDP Cards to facilitate their registration f

Papua New Guinea — Site Assessment: Southern Highlands Province (October 2018)

Following the earthquake that hit the Highlands region in February 2018, IOM deployed the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) to track human displacements, as well as identify humanitarian needs for those displaced from their community to care centres or displaced within their community. DTM

Pakistan — Flow Monitoring of Undocumented Afghan Returnees from Pakistan (30 September — 6 October 2018)

This weekly situation report covers the reporting period between 30 September and 6 October 2018. 370 undocumented Afghan individuals returned to Afghanistan through the Torkham border crossing whilst 323 individuals used the Chaman/Spin Boldak border crossing, bringing t

Philippines — Typhoon Mangkhut Site Profiles (28 September 2018)

The following document is a compilation of site profiles produced following the assessment of main needs and vulnerabilities after Typhoon Mangkhut (locally know as Typhoon Ompong) hit the Philippines. 

Pakistan — Flow Monitoring of Undocumented Afghan Returnees from Pakistan (23—29 September 2018)

During the reporting period, 287 Undocumented Afghan individuals returned to Afghanistan through the Torkham border crossing while 327 individuals used the Chaman/Spin Boldak border crossing, bringing the total number of returns this week to 614.

Thailand — Flow Monitoring of Myanmar nationals to and from Thailand (September 2018)

In September 2018, 150,492 movements (76,796 inflows and  73,696 outflows) were tracked by IOM Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs) of Myanmar nationals between Thailand and Myanmar in the Mae Sot and Phob Phra districts. 23% of the overall movements, a total of 35,99

Philippines — Typhoon Mangkhut Site Profiles Region III (20 September 2018)

The following document is a compilation of site profiles produced following the assessment of main needs and vulnerabilities in Region III after Typhoon Mangkhut (locally know as Typhoon Ompong) hit the Philippines. 

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