Asia and the Pacific


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Afghanistan — Drought Response Situation Report (29 March 2019)

Inflows of newly-arrived IDPs peaked at over 1,100 families per week in the week of 28 September and 5 October. There was a sharp, 74% decrease from 5 to 19 October.

Afghanistan — Drought Response Situation Report (29th March 2019)

 ۱۱۰۰ ت از  اکتوبر، به بیشـ� ۵ سـپتم�ب الی ۲۸ روند ورودی بیجاشـدگان داخی تازه وارد در هفته  کاهـش را نشـان میدهـد.

Thailand — Flow Monitoring of Myanmar nationals to and from Thailand (March 2019)

In March 2019, 177,684 movements were tracked by IOM Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs) of Myanmar nationals between Thailand and Myanmar in Mae Sot and Phop Phra districts during March 2019. Overall there were 78,688 inflows to Thailand and 98,996 returns to Myanmar. 

Vanuatu - Ambae Evacuee Response, Returns Snapshot (14 — 18 March 2019)

In mid-March 2019 DTM has conducted a rapid Ambae Returnee count. The data was collected from 2019-03-14 to 2019-03-18 by an enumerator team visiting all the communities on Ambae. A total of 80 interviews and site visits were conducted reaching 100% of Returnee communities.

Vanuatu - Ambae Evacuee Response, Returns Map (18 March 2019)

This map, with data as of 18 March 2019, highlights areas with individals in temporary or emergency shelters. It also details areas which lost mobile coverage and road access following the 2018 eruption. It also shows the number and locations of individuals per village. 

(دری) Afghanistan — Drought Response Situation Report (8 March 2019)

برنامه سیستم ردیابی بیجاشدگی سازمان بین المللی مهاجرت (IOM) در تاریخ ۹، ماه سپتمبر سال ۲۰۱۸ فعالیت های نظارت از جریان عبور را در مسیر شاهراه های که به شهر هرات منتهی میشود آغاز نموده و جریان ورودی بیجاشدگان داخلی (IDP)  ناشی از خشکسالی را نظارت میکند.

Afghanistan — Drought Response Situation Report (15 March 2019)

Through Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs) installed on major routes connecting to Herat City, IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) has been monitoring inflows of drought-affected IDPs, since 9 September 2018. This report presents cumulative information as of 15 March 2019.

Afghanistan — Drought Response Situation Report (8 March 2019)

Through Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs) installed on major routes connecting to Herat City, IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) has been monitoring inflows of drought-affected IDPs, since 9 September 2018. This report presents cumulative information as of 8 March 2019.

(دری) Afghanistan — Drought Response Situation Report (15 March 2019)

برنامه سیستم ردیابی بیجاشدگی سازمان بین المللی مهاجرت (IOM) در تاریخ ۹، ماه سپتمبر سال ۲۰۱۸ فعالیت های نظارت از جریان عبور را در مسیر شاهراه های که به شهر هرات منتهی میشود آغاز نموده و جریان ورودی بیجاشدگان داخلی (IDP)  ناشی از خشکسالی را نظارت میکند.

Pakistan — Flow Monitoring of Undocumented Afghan Returnees from Pakistan (17 - 30 March)

This weekly situation report covers the reporting period between 17 and 30 March 2019. 800 individuals returned to Afghanistan, amongst which 532 individuals crossed through Chaman/Spin Boldak and 268 individuals used Torkham border crossing. 

Pakistan — Flow Monitoring of Undocumented Afghan Returnees from Pakistan (3 - 16 March 2019)

This weekly situation report covers the reporting period between 3 and 16 March 2019. 835 individuals (296 families) returned to Afghanistan, amongst which 586 individuals crossed through Chaman/SpinBoldak and 249 individuals used Torkham border crossing. 

Afghanistan — Drought Response Situation Report (22 February 2019)

Through Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs) installed on major routes connecting to Herat City, IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) has been monitoring inflows of drought-affected IDPs, since 9 September 2018.

Afghanistan — Drought Response Situation Report (01 March 2019)

Through Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs) installed on major routes connecting to Herat City, IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) has been monitoring inflows of drought-affected IDPs, since 9 September 2018.

Afghanistan — Baseline Mobility Assessment Summary Results (October—December 2018)

In Afghanistan, DTM employs the Baseline Mobility Assessment tool, designed to track mobility, determine the population sizes and locations of forcibly displaced people, reasons for displacement, places of origin, displacement locations and times of displacement, including basic demographics, as

Thailand — Flow Monitoring of Myanmar nationals to and from Thailand (February 2019)

In February 2019, 154,058 movements (74,058 inflows and  80,000 outflows) of Myanmar nationals between Thailand and Myanmar were tracked by IOM Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs) in the Mae Sot and Phop Phra districts of Tak province, Thailand.

Afghanistan — Drought Response Situation Report (15 February 2019)

Through Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs) installed on major routes connecting to Herat City, IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) has been monitoring inflows of drought-affected IDPs, since 9 September 2018.

Afghanistan — Drought Response Situation Report (8 February 2019)

Through Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs) installed on major routes connecting to Herat City, IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) has been monitoring inflows of drought-affected IDPs, since 9 September 2018.

Afghanistan — Drought Response Situation Report (1 February 2019)

Through Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs) installed on major routes connecting to Herat City, IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) has been monitoring inflows of drought-affected IDPs, since 9 September 2018.

Thailand — Flow Monitoring of Myanmar nationals to and from Thailand (January 2019)

In January 2019, 160,208 movements (80,447 inflows and  79,761 outflows) of Myanmar nationals between Thailand and Myanmar were tracked by IOM Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs) in the Mae Sot and Phop Phra districts of Tak province, Thailand.

Afghanistan — Drought Response Situation Report (25 January 2019)

Inflows of newly-arrived IDPs peaked at over 1,100 families per week in the week of 28 September and 5 October. There was a sharp, 74% decrease from 5 to 19 October. There was a modest

Afghanistan — Drought Response Situation Report: Herat and Badghis (9 September 2018—18 January 2019)

Through Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs) installed on major routes connecting to Herat City, IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) has been monitoring inflows of drought-affected IDPs, since 9 September 2018.

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