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Afghanistan - Key Findings: Baseline Mobility and Emergency Community-Based Needs Assessment, Round 15 (March-April 2022)

DTM has been conducting the Baseline Mobility Assessment in Afghanistan since 2016 to track mobility, provide information on population estimates, locations and geographic distribution of displaced and returnee populations, reasons for displacement, places of origin and periods of displacement.

Afghanistan - Kabul Province: Baseline Mobility and Emergency-Community Based Needs Assessment, Round 15 (March-April 2022)

DTM has been conducting the Baseline Mobility Assessment in Afghanistan since 2016 to track mobility, provide information on population estimates, locations and geographic distribution of displaced and returnee populations, reasons for displacement, places of origin and periods of displacement.

Bangladesh — Rohingya Hobor: Bazar Bhanger Ar Dhor Barer (Market Destructions & Growing Insecurities) Edition 3 (November 2021 -February 2022)

During the reporting period, the community discussed the continued deterioration of living conditions in the camps, including increased movement restrictions, the destruction of markets and an increase in fire incidents that has resulted in serious injuries and displacement.

Pakistan — Flow Monitoring of Undocumented Afghan Migrants: Summary Report 2021

This yearly summary report, in addition to bi-weekly and quarterly reports, aims to contribute to a better understanding of return movements of undocumented Afghan returnees by conducting more in-depth analysis on the data that was collected in 2021.

Arrivals in the European Union (2021): Afghan, Bangladeshi, Iranian, Iraqi and Pakistani Nationals

This snapshot summarizes available data on Afghan, Bangladeshi, Iranian, Iraqi and Pakistani nationals’ arrivals in the European Union in 2021.

Afghanistan - Afghan Nationals' Arrivals and Transits in Europe (2017-2021)

This snapshot summarizes available data on Afghan arrivals and transits in Europe between 2017 and 2021. Firstly, the snapshot report visualizes the number of Afghan nationals who arrived in the European Union by land and sea.

Bangladesh — Site Management and Site Development Sector Daily Incidents Yearly Report 2021 (January -December 2021)

Introduction Following the military crackdown in August 2017 in Rakhine State, Myanmar, an estimated 700,000 Rohingya refugees fled to Cox’s Bazar district, Bangladesh.

Pakistan - Pakistani Nationals' Arrivals and Transits in Europe (2017-2021)

This snapshot summarizes available data on Pakistani arrivals and transits in Europe between 2017 and 2021. The first page visualizes the number of Pakistani nationals who arrived in the European Union by land and sea.

Returnee Longitudinal Survey: Summary Findings Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Iraq and Pakistan – Round 1

To better understand the demographic profiles, living conditions and reintegration processes of returnees, IOM, under the EU-funded project “Displacement Tracking Matrix Regional Evidence for Migration Analysis and Policy (DTM REMAP)”, developed the Returnee Longitudinal Survey (RLS).

Afghanistan — RLS Snapshot Report Round 5 (7 – 26 May 2022)

To better understand the demographic profiles, living conditions and reintegration processes of Afghan returnees, IOM, under the EU-funded project “Displacement Tracking Matrix Regional Evidence for Migration Analysis and Policy (DTM REMAP)”, developed the Returnee Longitud

Afghanistan — Baseline Mobility and Emergency Community-Based Needs Assessment Report (Round 15, March—April 2022)

DTM has been conducting the Baseline Mobility Assessment in Afghanistan since 2016 to track mobility, provide information on population estimates, locations and geographic distribution of displaced and returnee populations, reasons for displacement, places of origin and periods of displacement.

Movement in and Out of Afghanistan Snapshot (16- 30 June 2022)

The snapshot captures present mobility and displacement trends between Afghanistan, the Islamic Republic of Iran and Pakistan.

Pakistan — Flow Monitoring of Undocumented Afghan Returnees from Pakistan (04 - 17 June 2022)

IOM Pakistan collects data on the outflows of undocumented Afghan migrants at the Torkham and Chaman border crossing points in an effort to better understand the migration movements of undocumented Afghan migrants returning to Afghanistan from Pakistan.

Pakistan — Flow Monitoring of Undocumented Afghan Returnees from Pakistan (21 May - 03 June 2022)

IOM Pakistan collects data on the outflows of undocumented Afghan migrants at the Torkham and Chaman border crossing points in an effort to better understand the migration movements of undocumented Afghan migrants returning to Afghanistan from Pakistan.

Afghanistan - RLS - Snapshot Report Round 4 (February - March 2022)

This report provides a snapshot of the fourth round of RLS data collection which took place from 23 February to 16 March 2022 among Afghan migrants who had returned from Türkiye or the EU between January 2018 and July 2021.

Movement in and Out of Afghanistan Snapshot (01- 15 June 2022)

The snapshot captures present mobility and displacement trends between Afghanistan, the Islamic Republic of Iran and Pakistan.

Pakistan – COVID-19 Point of Entry (PoE) Analysis (March 2020 – April 2022)

The outbreak of COVID-19 has affected global mobility through various travel disruptions and restrictions.

Pakistan — Flow Monitoring of Undocumented Afghan Returnees from Pakistan (07 - 20 May 2022)

IOM Pakistan collects data on the outflows of undocumented Afghan migrants at the Torkham and Chaman border crossing points in an effort to better understand the migration movements of undocumented Afghan migrants returning to Afghanistan from Pakistan.

Movement in and Out of Afghanistan Snapshot (07 - 13 May 2022)

The snapshot captures present mobility and displacement trends between Afghanistan, the Islamic Republic of Iran and Pakistan.

Movement in and Out of Afghanistan Snapshot (14- 20 May 2022)

The snapshot captures present mobility and displacement trends between Afghanistan, the Islamic Republic of Iran and Pakistan.

Papua New Guinea — Internal Displacement Update (Jan - Apr 2022)

Pari / Andawale community, Tepi LLG: On 11-Apr-2022, a fight broke out displacing an estimated 500 people from three council wards. At least 60 houses were burnt down, and livestock, food gardens, and trees were destroyed.

Islamic Republic of Iran - Iranian Nationals' Arrivals and Transits in Europe (2017-2021)

This snapshot summarizes available data on Iranian arrivals and transits in Europe between 2017 and 2021. The first page visualizes the number of Iranian nationals who arrived in the European Union by land and sea.

Papua New Guinea — Internal Displacement Update (Jan - May 2022)

Pari Andawale community in Tebi LLG: This community was affected by conflict on 11 April 2022. About 70 homes were burnt down and an estimated 1,200 displaced. The IDPs fled to different villages around Hela.

ورود و عبور اتباع ایرانی به اروپا (2017-2021)

هدف این گزارش، گرد آوری چکیده ای در مورد ورود و عبور ایرانیان به اروپا در بین سا لهای 2017 و 2021 است. صفحه اول تعداد اتباع ایرانی را که از مسیرهای

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