East, Horn and Southern Africa


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RDC — Sud Kivu: Suivi des urgences 132 (19-25 Juillet 2024)

L’évaluation rapide de l’OIM (Emergency Event Tracking, EET) est un outil mis en place dans le but de collecter des informations sur les mouvements importants et soudains des populations.

South Sudan — Event Tracking: Report #59 (16-31 July 2024)

In South Sudan, a complex humanitarian crisis is unfolding due to various factors such as communal conflicts, land disputes, insecurity, violence, natural disasters, and displacement across borders.

Ethiopia — Data for Sustainable Support to Persons Displaced by Conflict and Natural Disasters and their Host Communities, Household Level Survey (HLS), Amhara Region (March 2024)

The EU-funded Individual Measure 3 (IM3) project "Sustainable support to persons displaced by conflict and natural disasters and their host communities in Afar, Amhara, Benishangul Gumz and Tigray” aims to sustainably enhance the protection and response to basic needs, for forcibly displ

Burundi - Collective Intelligence Project - Fact sheet

Since June 2022, the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) and the Joint IDP Profiling Service (JIPS) have been planning implementing and monitoring the ECHO-funded project: Environmental degradation and displacement: leveraging citizen-centred data to

South Sudan- Flow Monitoring Registry – Cross Border Movement Report #59 (June 2024)

As of June 2024, a total of 13 Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs) were operational, monitoring both internal movements and cross-border travel with neighboring countries such as Uganda (UGA), the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Sudan (SDN), Ethiopia (ETH), Kenya (KEN), and the Central African Repu

Multi-Sectoral Location Assessment - Mozambique (Northern) - Round 14 - August 2024

The Round 14 MSLA assessed 103 sites across Northern Mozambique, identifying a total of 214,576 internally displaced persons (IDPs). This represents a nine per cent increase from the previous round, with displacement driven primarily by ongoing insecurity in Cabo Delgado.

Kenya – Mobility Tracking Round 2 in Turkana_Infographic (24 May)

Based on findings from Mobility Tracking Round 2 conducted in Turkana, the infographic presents "key findings,"- those most surprising, concerning or informative form the overall assessment findings.

Multi-Sectoral Location Assessment - Mozambique (Central and Southern) - Round 14 - August 2024

The Round 14 MSLA assessed 93 sites across Central and Southern Mozambique, identifying a total of 136,637 IDPs. This represents a 14 per cent increase from the previous round, with displacement driven primarily by climatic shocks.

Kenya – Mobility Tracking and Multi-sectoral Location Assessment in Garissa Round # 2 (01May23)

Mobility Tracking is a DTM methodology which aims to quantify the presence of population categories as well as the populations’ reasons for displacement, length of displacement and needs.

South Sudan — Renk Transit Center - Intentions Survey (July 2024)

On the 7th of July 2024, IOM Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) conducted a rapid intention survey covering Renk TC 1, 2 and TC-Extension.

RDC — Tanganyika: Suivi des mobilités 11 (Juillet 2024)

Ce tableau de bord présente les principaux résultats de suivi des mouvements de populations dans la province du Tanganyika à l’issue du onzième round d’évaluation conduit par l’unité de la Matrice de Suivi des Déplacements (Displacement Tracking Matrix, en anglais (DTM)

RDC — Nord-Kivu: Suivi des mobilités 11 (Juillet 2024)

Ce tableau de bord présente les principaux résultats de suivi des mouvements de populations dans la province du Nord-Kivu à l’issue du onzième round d’évaluation conduit par l’unité de la Matrice de Suivi des Déplacements (Displacement Tracking Matrix, en anglais (DTM))

RDC — Sud Kivu: Suivi des mobilités 12 (Juillet 2024)

Du 10 avril au 8 mai 2024, en collaboration avec l’ONG nationale, Réseau d’Action pour le Développement et le Progrès Intégré (RADPI) et la Division Provinciale des Affaires Humanitaires (DIVAH), la DTM a mené des évaluations des mouvements de population dans 5 318

DRC — North Kivu: M23 Crisis Analysis (31 July 2024)

The east of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), in particular North Kivu province, is in the grip of an increasingly complex and persistent conflict.

Kenya – Mobility Tracking and Multi-sectoral Location Assessment in Turkana Round #2

To assess drought-induced mobility and identify the most urgent sectoral needs experienced by the community, the IOM Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) Mobility Tracking and Multi-Sectoral Location Assessment (MSLA) baseline assessment

RDC — Nord Kivu: Évaluation Rapide de Crise M23 (31 Juillet 2024)

L’Est de la République démocratique du Congo (RDC), en particulier au Nord-Kivu, est en proie à un conflit de plus en plus complexe et persistant.

Somalia — Emergency Trend Tracking Report — Round 17 (July 2024)

This latest round of Emergency Trends Tracking was initiated in April 2024 to monitor displacements movements during the Gu rainy season.

RDC — Ituri: Suivi des urgences 131 (10-15 Juillet 2024)

L’évaluation rapide de l’OIM (Emergency Event Tracking, EET) est un out

Djibouti — Flow Monitoring Dashboard (June 2024)

In June 2024, 39,336 migratory movements were observed at Djibouti's flow monitoring points (FMPs), including 17,938 arrivals from Ethiopia, representing a 17 per cent increase in migratory movements compared with May, mainly due to the conflicts in the Amhara and Tigray regions, which prompted m

RDC — Ituri: Suivi des urgences 130 (8-15 Juillet 2024)

L’évaluation rapide de l’OIM (Emergency Event Tracking, EET) est un out

Djibouti — Tableau de Bord de Suivi des Flux (Juin 2024)

En juin 2024, 39 336 mouvements migratoires ont été observés aux points de suivi des flux (FMP) de Djibouti, dont 17 938 arrivées en provenance d'Éthiopie, soit une augmentation de 17 pour cent des mouvements migratoires par rapport au mois de mai, principalement en raison des conflits dans les r

Ethiopia — National Displacement Report 19 (November 2023 - May 2024)

Between April and May 2024, IOM DTM deployed the SA round 36 and VAS round 19, in 11 regions across Ethiopia.

Somalia — Emergency Trend Tracking Report — Round 16 (July 2024)

This latest round of Emergency Trends Tracking was initiated in April 2024 to monitor displacements movements during the Gu rainy season.

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Ethiopia — Village Assessment Survey 16 - Tigray
Aug 11 2023

In Tigray village assessment survey round 16, 963 villages were covered. 1,256,297 returning IDPs and 296,229 returning IDP households were identified.

Mobility Tracking, Village Assessment
Ethiopia - Site Assessment Round 33 - Tigray
Aug 11 2023

In Tigray site assessment round 33, 643 sites were covered. 1,021,798 IDPs and 250,468 IDP households were identified.

Mobility Tracking, Site Assessment
Ethiopia — Village Assessment Survey 16
Aug 11 2023

In June 2023, IOM DTM deployed the Village Assessment Survey (VAS) Round 16 (figure update) in 64 villages across Afar, Amhara, Oromia, SNNP and South West Ethiopia Peoples' regions of Ethiopia. The VAS Round 15 data (November 2022 - January 2023) was compiled with the figure update VAS Round…

Mobility Tracking, Site Assessment, Village Assessment
Ethiopia - Site Assessment Round 33
Aug 11 2023

In June 2023, IOM DTM deployed Site Assessment (SA) Round 33 (figure update) in 281 sites across Afar, Amhara, Oromia, Sidama, SNNP and Somali regions of Ethiopia. The SA Round 32 data (November 2022 - January 2023) was compiled with the figure update SA Round 33 (June 2023) data to develop a…

Mobility Tracking, Site Assessment
Uganda - Multi-Hazard Response/DRR Platform (July 2023)
Aug 04 2023

In the month of July 2023, floods were reported in Kapelebyong & Gulu, human epidemics outbreaks (Cholera) in Kayunga, Namayingo & Nakaseke (rift valley fever) and road accidents in Kagadi and Kampala. The disasters affected a total of 2,040 individuals, representing 300 households and…

Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment
Burundi - Données de Suivi des Urgences - Janvier 2018 à Mai 2023
Jul 28 2023

Since 2018, natural disasters, in particular torrential rains, floods and strong winds that occurred in Burundi affected 588,053 persons, including 134,351 individuals that have been displaced. During this period, the main affected provinces were Bujumbura Rural (131,943 affected persons), Ngozi (…

Mobility Tracking, Event Tracking
Burundi — Baseline Assessment — Round 72
Jul 26 2023

The baseline assessment aims at providing information on the stock (presence) by colline of IDPs which are categorized into two groups: Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) including IDPs who returned to their colline of origin but not their home and returnees who became IDPs. The baseline…

Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment
Burundi — Baseline Assessment — Round 71
Jun 16 2023

From 1-7 March 2023, the DTM team in Burundi conducted the 71st round of Baseline assessment in 1,353 Collines (Administrative Boundary level 3) and identified 73,586 internally displaced persons (IDPs) in 16,690 households. . Nearly all displacements were due to natural disasters (89%) and 11%…

Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment
Baseline Assessment — Nord Kivu — Round 44 (Cycle 9)
Jun 12 2023

During this ninth evaluation cycle conducted between February and May 2023, the DTM evaluations made it possible to count a total of 2,544,880 internally displaced persons (IDPs) in the province of Nord-Kivu, including: 2,156,803 IDPs in the host community over the last 36 months (compared to the 1…

Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment
Somalia — ETT (Drought) — Bay Region - R33 (13 - 18 May 2023)
Jun 05 2023

ETT is a crisis-based tool that tracks sudden displacement triggered by specific events or emerging crises. The objective of ETT is to help prioritize humanitarian response and to enable partners to deliver rapid assistance. Based on previous drought induced displacement patterns, and the ones…

Mobility Tracking, Event Tracking
Somalia — ETT (Drought) — Bay Region - R20 - R32 (11 Feb - 17 May 2023)
Jun 05 2023

ETT is a crisis-based tool that tracks sudden displacement triggered by specific events or emerging crises. The objective of ETT is to help prioritize humanitarian response and to enable partners to deliver rapid assistance. Based on previous drought induced displacement patterns, and the ones…

Mobility Tracking, Event Tracking
Northern Mozambique Crisis - Mobility Tracking Assessment Dataset Round 17 - Public Dataset
Nov 30 2022

A baseline assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on IDP, migrant or returnee population presence in a defined administrative area of the country.

Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment
Baseline Assessment — Ituri — Round 9
May 23 2023

The Mobility Tracking databases published contain information collected from in-person and generally on-location interviews conducted with key informants (village and community leaders) as a group relating to the situation in their villages (evaluated villages are the units/rows, not localities) in…

Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment
Mozambique — Multi-sectorial Location Assessment Dataset — Round 11 (April 2023)
May 23 2023

A site assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on population presence, living conditions and needs in a particular displacement site or community.

Mobility Tracking, Site Assessment
Northern Mozambique Crisis - Mobility Tracking Assessment Dataset Round 18 - Public Dataset
May 23 2023

<p>This summary presents findings of the 18th round of Mobility Tracking Assessments (previously known as Baseline Assessments) conducted across Northern Mozambique through key-informant assessments and group interviews at district and location-level in March 2023. Mobility Tracking…

Mobility Tracking, Site Assessment
Burundi - Données de Suivi des Urgences - 14 au 20 Mai
May 23 2023

Activated on an ad hoc basis, the DTM Emergency Tracking provides early field reports at the beginning of a complex crisis, allowing IOM to gather, consolidate and disseminate baseline information on displacement and return figures at the onset of a newly emerging crisis. The DTM Emergency Tracking…

Mobility Tracking, Event Tracking
Ethiopia — Village Assessment Survey 15
Jun 07 2023

The purpose of VAS is to assess the capacity of villages to absorb returns through the availability of services with a focus on livelihoods and reintegration. Demographic information was collected through representative sampling at the village level at a 95% confidence interval and a 10% margin of…

Mobility Tracking, Village Assessment
Ethiopia - Site Assessment Round 32
Jun 07 2023

A site assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on population presence, living conditions and needs in a particular displacement site or community. In round 32, 3143255 IDPs and 579672 IDP households were identified.

Mobility Tracking, Site Assessment
Burundi - Données de Suivi des Urgences — 7 au 13 Mai
May 17 2023

Activated on an ad hoc basis, the DTM Emergency Tracking provides early field reports at the beginning of a complex crisis, allowing IOM to gather, consolidate and disseminate baseline information on displacement and return figures at the onset of a newly emerging crisis. The DTM Emergency Tracking…

Mobility Tracking, Event Tracking
Burundi - Données de Suivi des Urgences — 1er au 6 Mai
May 10 2023

Activated on an ad hoc basis, the DTM Emergency Tracking provides early field reports at the beginning of a complex crisis, allowing IOM to gather, consolidate and disseminate baseline information on displacement and return figures at the onset of a newly emerging crisis. The DTM Emergency Tracking…

Mobility Tracking, Event Tracking

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