Data and Analysis
Special Focus
Crisis Responses
East, Horn and Southern Africa
DTM East, Horn and Southern Africa
DTM Operations in the region
- Active DTM operation
- Past DTM operation
Burundi — Tableau de bord du suivi des flux (01 juin - 30 juin 2024)
Ce tableau de bord fournit une analyse des tendances de la mobilité des populations observées au niveau de trois points de suivi des flux (Flow Monitoring Points, FMP), deux établis sur des points d’entrées officiels entre la frontière du Burundi et la République Démocratique du Congo à Gatumba e
Burundi — Suivi des urgences (30 septembre - 06 octobre 2024)
Le rapport DTM indique qu'entre le 30 septembre et le 06 octobre 2024, au Burundi, 9 278 personnes affectées dont 115 personnes déplacées par les vents violents, les pluies torrentielles et la grêle dans la province de Bururi, Kirundo et Makamba.
Burundi — Tableau de bord du suivi des flux (01 juillet - 31 juillet 2024)
Ce tableau de bord fournit une analyse des tendances de la mobilité des populations observées au niveau de trois points de suivi des flux (Flow Monitoring Points, FMP), deux établis sur des points d’entrées officiels entre la frontière du Burundi et la République Démocratique du Congo à Gatumba e
Somalia — Emergency Trend Tracking Report — Round 27 (October 2024)
This latest round of Emergency Trends Tracking was initiated in April 2024 to monitor displacements movements during the Gu rainy season.
DTM Burundi — Tableau de bord du suivi des flux (01 mai - 31 mai 2024)
Ce tableau de bord fournit une analyse des tendances de la mobilité des populations observées au niveau de deux points de suivi des ux (Flow Monitoring Points, FMP), un établi sur des points d’entrées ociels entre la frontière du Burundi et la République Démocratique du Congo à Gatumba; et un p
DTM Burundi — Tableau de bord du suivi des flux (01 avril - 30 avril 2024)
Ce tableau de bord fournit une analyse des tendances de la mobilité des populations observées au niveau de trois points de suivi des ux (Flow Monitoring Points, FMP), deux établis sur des points d’entrées ociels entre la frontière du Burundi et la République Démocratique du Congo à Gatumba et V
Madagascar — Raport de Suivi des Deplacements (Janvier 2023 - Juillet 2024)
La côte Est de Madagascar a été frappée en février 2022 par deux cyclones (Bastirai et Emnati) provoquant le déplacement de milliers de personnes qui ont trouvé refuge dans des sites temporaires et spontanés ou auprès des familles et proches.
L’utilisation des méthodes d’intelligence collective cartographie participative et données générées par les citoyens pour répondre à la dégradation de l’environnement et les déplacements de population : Une étude de cas au Burundi
Depuis juin 2022, la Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) de l'Organisation internationale pour les migrations (OIM) et le Joint IDP Profiling Service (JIPS) collaborent au projet financé par ECHO intitulé « Environmental Degradation and Displacement : Leveraging Citizen-Centered Data to Enhance Hu
Burundi — Suivi des urgences (23 - 29 Septembre 2024)
Le rapport DTM indique qu'entre le 23 et le 29 septembre 2024, au Burundi, 4 253 personnes affectées (901 ménages) dont 1 249 personnes déplacées (243 ménages) par les vents violents et les pluies torrentielles dans les provinces de Bururi, Makamba et Rutana.
Burundi — Suivi des urgences (16 - 22 Septembre 2024)
Le rapport DTM indique qu'entre le 16 et le 22 septembre 2024, au Burundi, 1 894 personnes affectées (370 ménages) dont 341 personnes déplacées (60 ménages) par les vents violents, les pluies torrentielles et la grêle dans la province de Bururi, Cibitoke et Rutana.
Somalia — Border Point Flow Monitoring — (August 2024)
A total of 23,314 movements were observed in August 2024, representing a 6 per cent decrease compared to July 2024, when 24,886 movements were observed during this period.
Somalia — Emergency Trend Tracking Report — Round 26 (September 2024)
This latest round of Emergency Trends Tracking was initiated in April 2024 to monitor displacements movements during the Gu rainy season.
Migration Along the Eastern Corridor (August 2024)
• Movements tracked in Obock towards the Arabian Peninsula decreased by 30% between July (7,392) and August (5,192), mainly due to changes in migratory routes as a result of reinforced authority presence.
As of December 2023, there are 709,529 IDPs across 264 locations in Northern, Central and Southern Mozambique, primarily in Cabo Delgado province (76%). Two thirds of Cabo Delgado’s IDPs were displaced between 2020 and 2021, with 82 per cent experiencing multiple displacements.
FGD Report: Navigating the Effects of Displacement
This report presents a deeper country-specific dive into the findings of the qualitative analysis of seven focus group discussions conducted between 1 and 15 August 2023 in Guara Guara and Macomia with 103 representatives of IDPs, host community, and returnees.
DRC – Internal Displacement Overview 2024
The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has a complex internal displacement situation with a diverse set of drivers and impacts.
Sep 25 2024
DRC – Internal Displacement Overview 2024
RDC - Aperçu du Déplacement Interne 2024
La République démocratique du Congo (RDC) est confrontée à une situation complexe de déplacement interne avec un ensemble varié de facteurs et d’impacts.
Sep 25 2024
RDC - Aperçu du Déplacement Interne 2024
Somalia — Emergency Trend Tracking Report — Round 25 (September 2024)
This latest round of Emergency Trends Tracking was initiated in April 2024 to monitor displacements movements during the Gu rainy season.
Uganda – EET: Multi-Hazard Report (August 2024)
Random rains experienced in the Western Region of Uganda triggered hazardous events in the districts of Kasese, Ntoroko, Bundibugyo and in Kampala Capital City in the Central region.
Sep 23 2024
Uganda – EET: Multi-Hazard Report (August 2024)
Southern Africa Region - Drought Response (September 2024)
In September 2024, the DTM teams in Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia, and Zimbabwe implemented the first phase of a regional assessment as part of Southern Africa regional response to areas affected by the El Niño-induced drought.
Burundi — Cartes des Collines (11 décembre 2023 - 29 avril 2024) — Projet d'intelligence collective (2022-2024)
Ce rapport présente les cartes de niveau colline créées sur la base de l'exercice de cartographie participative des incidents et des solutions liées aux phénomènes climatiques.
Burundi — Résumés des Collines (11 décembre 2023 - 29 avril 2024) — Projet d'intelligence collective (2022-2024)
Entre juin 2022 et juin 2024, la Matrice de Suivi des Déplacements (Displacement Tracking Matrix, DTM en anglais) de l’Organisation internationale pour les migrations (OIM) et le Joint IDP Profiling Service (JIPS) a mis en oeuvre et contrôlent le projet financé par ECHO
Malawi — Flow Monitoring of Migrants in Mangochi - Round 7 (31 July 2024)
This report is an overview of the data collected from 1 to 31 July 2024 at Mangochi FMP in Malawi along the border with Mozambique.
South Sudan — Event Tracking: Report #62 - Flood Displacements (16-31 August 2024)
South Sudan is currently facing a complex humanitarian crisis characterized by extensive internal displacement. This situation is driven by a variety of factors, including communal conflicts, land disputes, insecurity, violence, natural disasters, and cross-border movements.
Burundi - Multi-Sectoral Location Assessment - Round 3
Aug 28 2023
DTM identified 76,987 Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in 17,819 displaced households in the 18 provinces of Burundi during the month of May 2023. Among those identified, 89 per cent were displaced due to environment-related disasters while 11 per cent were a result of other reasons. A little…
Uganda - Multi-Hazard Response/DRR Platform (2022)
Aug 23 2023
This dataset shows the number of individuals and households affected and the impacts of disasters on a monthly basis at a district (Admin 2) level in Uganda. A total of 171,148 individuals were affected in 2022.
Uganda - Multi-Hazard Response/DRR Platform (Jan-July 2023)
Aug 23 2023
From January to July 2023, 90,226 people were affected, and 2,401 people were displaced by multi-hazards in Uganda.
Somalia — ETT (Drought) — Gedo Region - R1 to R64 (Jan 2022 - May 2023)
Aug 18 2023
On the 23rd of November 2021, the Federal Government of Somalia declared a state of emergency due to drought. Early 2023, after five consecutive failed rainy seasons, most of the country is experiencing severe drought conditions. Based on previous and current drought induced displacement patterns,…
Ethiopia — Village Assessment Survey 16 - Tigray
Aug 11 2023
In Tigray village assessment survey round 16, 963 villages were covered. 1,256,297 returning IDPs and 296,229 returning IDP households were identified.
Ethiopia - Site Assessment Round 33 - Tigray
Aug 11 2023
In Tigray site assessment round 33, 643 sites were covered. 1,021,798 IDPs and 250,468 IDP households were identified.
Ethiopia — Village Assessment Survey 16
Aug 11 2023
In June 2023, IOM DTM deployed the Village Assessment Survey (VAS) Round 16 (figure update) in 64 villages across Afar, Amhara, Oromia, SNNP and South West Ethiopia Peoples' regions of Ethiopia. The VAS Round 15 data (November 2022 - January 2023) was compiled with the figure update VAS Round…
Ethiopia - Site Assessment Round 33
Aug 11 2023
In June 2023, IOM DTM deployed Site Assessment (SA) Round 33 (figure update) in 281 sites across Afar, Amhara, Oromia, Sidama, SNNP and Somali regions of Ethiopia. The SA Round 32 data (November 2022 - January 2023) was compiled with the figure update SA Round 33 (June 2023) data to develop a…
Uganda - Multi-Hazard Response/DRR Platform (July 2023)
Aug 04 2023
In the month of July 2023, floods were reported in Kapelebyong & Gulu, human epidemics outbreaks (Cholera) in Kayunga, Namayingo & Nakaseke (rift valley fever) and road accidents in Kagadi and Kampala. The disasters affected a total of 2,040 individuals, representing 300 households and…
Burundi - Données de Suivi des Urgences - Janvier 2018 à Mai 2023
Jul 28 2023
Since 2018, natural disasters, in particular torrential rains, floods and strong winds that occurred in Burundi affected 588,053 persons, including 134,351 individuals that have been displaced. During this period, the main affected provinces were Bujumbura Rural (131,943 affected persons), Ngozi (…
Burundi — Baseline Assessment — Round 72
Jul 26 2023
The baseline assessment aims at providing information on the stock (presence) by colline of IDPs which are categorized into two groups: Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) including IDPs who returned to their colline of origin but not their home and returnees who became IDPs. The baseline…
Burundi — Baseline Assessment — Round 71
Jun 16 2023
From 1-7 March 2023, the DTM team in Burundi conducted the 71st round of Baseline assessment in 1,353 Collines (Administrative Boundary level 3) and identified 73,586 internally displaced persons (IDPs) in 16,690 households. . Nearly all displacements were due to natural disasters (89%) and 11%…
Baseline Assessment — Nord Kivu — Round 44 (Cycle 9)
Jun 12 2023
During this ninth evaluation cycle conducted between February and May 2023, the DTM evaluations made it possible to count a total of 2,544,880 internally displaced persons (IDPs) in the province of Nord-Kivu, including: 2,156,803 IDPs in the host community over the last 36 months (compared to the 1…
Somalia — ETT (Drought) — Bay Region - R33 (13 - 18 May 2023)
Jun 05 2023
ETT is a crisis-based tool that tracks sudden displacement triggered by specific events or emerging crises. The objective of ETT is to help prioritize humanitarian response and to enable partners to deliver rapid assistance. Based on previous drought induced displacement patterns, and the ones…
Somalia — ETT (Drought) — Bay Region - R20 - R32 (11 Feb - 17 May 2023)
Jun 05 2023
ETT is a crisis-based tool that tracks sudden displacement triggered by specific events or emerging crises. The objective of ETT is to help prioritize humanitarian response and to enable partners to deliver rapid assistance. Based on previous drought induced displacement patterns, and the ones…
Northern Mozambique Crisis - Mobility Tracking Assessment Dataset Round 17 - Public Dataset
Nov 30 2022
A baseline assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on IDP, migrant or returnee population presence in a defined administrative area of the country.
Baseline Assessment — Ituri — Round 9
May 23 2023
The Mobility Tracking databases published contain information collected from in-person and generally on-location interviews conducted with key informants (village and community leaders) as a group relating to the situation in their villages (evaluated villages are the units/rows, not localities) in…
Mozambique — Multi-sectorial Location Assessment Dataset — Round 11 (April 2023)
May 23 2023
A site assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on population presence, living conditions and needs in a particular displacement site or community.
Northern Mozambique Crisis - Mobility Tracking Assessment Dataset Round 18 - Public Dataset
May 23 2023
<p>This summary presents findings of the 18th round of Mobility Tracking Assessments (previously known as Baseline Assessments) conducted across Northern Mozambique through key-informant assessments and group interviews at district and location-level in March 2023. Mobility Tracking…
Burundi - Données de Suivi des Urgences - 14 au 20 Mai
May 23 2023
Activated on an ad hoc basis, the DTM Emergency Tracking provides early field reports at the beginning of a complex crisis, allowing IOM to gather, consolidate and disseminate baseline information on displacement and return figures at the onset of a newly emerging crisis. The DTM Emergency Tracking…