


DTM Mozambique,
Period Covered
Nov 03 2021
Nov 25 2021
  • Site Assessment
  • Mobility Tracking

From 3 to 25 November 2021, in close coordination with provincial government and INGD partners, the International Organization for Migration (IOM)’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) teams conducted Multi-Sectoral Location Assessments (MSLA) in 66 sites hosting 194,837 internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Cabo Delgado province, 1 site with 6,567 IDPs in Nampula province, and 2 sites with 285 IDPs in Niassa province, in response to the mass displacements caused by the insecurity situation in the north. In all sites, the majority of IDPs were displaced by the insecurity situation. Of the total 201,689 individuals in the assessed sites, 49,955 (or 25%) are women, 38,546 (19%) are men, and 113,188 (56%) are children.



DTM Mozambique,
Period Covered
Oct 18 2021
Nov 05 2021
  • Mobility Tracking

O aumento dos incidentes de segurança no norte de Moçambique desde 2017 resultou no deslocamento da população, bem como nas subsequentes necessidades humanitárias. Para melhor compreender o alcance das tendências e necessidades das populações deslocadas, a Organização Internacional para as Migrações (OIM) activou a DTM na província de Cabo Delgado em Fevereiro de 2019.

A DTM tem pontos focais e enumeradores em 277 localidades da província de Cabo Delgado e recolhe dados em estreita coordenação com o Governo. Esta 14ª ronda de avaliação abrangeu também as províncias vizinhas de Inhambane (2 localidades, contra 6 reportadas na ronda anterior; a diminuição foi atribuída à realocação) Nampula (53 localidades), Niassa (14 localidades), assim como as províncias da Zambézia (6 localidades), e Sofala (2 localidades).



DTM Mozambique,
Period Covered
Sep 22 2021
Oct 23 2021
  • Mobility Tracking

De 22 de Setembro a 23 de Outubro de 2021, em estreita coordenação com o governo provincial e os parceiros do INGD, as equipas da Matriz de Mointoria de Deslocamentos (DTM) da Organização Internacional para as Migrações (OIM) realizaram Avaliações Multisectoriais de Locais (MSLA) em 59 locais que acolhem 192.721 deslocados internos na província de Cabo Delgado, 1 local com 5.934 deslocados internos na província de Nampula, e 2 locais com 336 deslocados internos na província do Niassa, em resposta aos deslocamentos em massa causados pela situação de insegurança no norte. Em todos os locais, a maioria dos deslocados internos foram deslocados pela situação de insegurança. Do total de 198.991 indivíduos nos locais avaliados, 62.045 (ou 31%) são mulheres, 32.022 (16%) são homens, e 107.948 (53%) são crianças. Os dados demográficos nas Figuras 2 e 3 são uma amostra recolhida através da amostragem aleatória de vinte agregados familiares por local.

Public Dataset


DTM Mozambique,
  • Site Assessment
  • Mobility Tracking
Period Covered
Nov 03 2021 -
Nov 25 2021
A site assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on population presence, living conditions and needs in a particular displacement site or community.
Population Groups

Survey Methodology

Unit of Analysis Or Observation

Type of Survey or Assessment


Geographical Scope

Administrative boundaries with available data

The current dataset covers the following administrative boundaries



Map Type
Atlas Map
Published date
Thu, 01/27/2022 - 10:29

The current outbreak of COVID-19 has affected global mobility in complex and unprecedented ways in the form of various travel restrictions, suspension of air travel, and border closures. To better understand this, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) has developed a global mobility database to map these impacts on human mobility, across global, regional, and country levels. Furthermore, COVID-19 has had a disproportionate impact on vulnerable populations in camps and camp-like settings as well as exacerbated the vulnerabilities of mobile populations who may now be stranded owing to COVID-19 related mobility restrictions. This data is particularly important when addressing specific needs faced by migrants and mobile populations.

IOM has developed a global mobility database mapping the status of different Points of Entry (PoE) and Key Locations of Internal Mobility, globally. These include airports, land border crossing points (could be rail or road), blue border crossing points (sea, river or lake), internal transit points, and areas of interest. For each point of entry, data is collected on the type of restriction, measured applied, and the timeframe, as well as the population category that may be affected by the restrictive measures. This workstream uses direct input from IOM missions and this dashboard displays regularly updated mobility restrictions at the location level.



RO Dakar,
Sierra Leone
Period Covered
Oct 12 2021
Oct 22 2021
  • Other
  • Survey
  • Flow Monitoring

With the emergence of the COVID-19, securitization of national points of entry of all countries became crucial within the mobility discourse, particularly given the plethora of unprecedented COVID-19 recorded cases in neighboring countries caused through traveling. With the huge characteristics of notable points of entry porosity at both land and blue crossing points in Sierra Leone, mapping and identification of official and unofficial points of entry plays an essential role to check the spread of COVID-19 cases in Sierra Leone.

The present study is focused on participatory mapping of points of entry, by IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) within the three districts in Sierra Leone:-Kailahun, Pujehun and Falaba districts, within the project’s broad aim of contributing “strengthening health care system, preparedness and resilience against COVID-19 at points of entry in Sierra Leone”.

The aim of the participatory mapping exercise was to identify major crossing points in Kailahun, Pujehun, and Falaba districts that would assist government with data on points of entry and cross border mobility patterns for the institutionalization of COVID-19 mitigation and prevention measures. In particular, the aims and objectives of the project were to:

  • Identify points of entry with high volumes of cross border travellers;
  • Help provide key information on various cross border mobility patterns and trends within Kailahun, Falaba and Pujehun Districts bordering with Liberia and Guinea useful for disease detection, response and prevention such as COVID-19;
  • Understand cross border activities at and around points of entry separating Sierra Leone from Guinea and Liberia.


RO Dakar,
Snapshot Date
Jan 25 2022
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Baseline Assessment

La crise dans le Bassin du lac Tchad est le résultat d’une combinaison complexe d’une multitude de facteurs, y compris un conflit armé impliquant des groups armés non étatiques, des niveaux extrêmes de pauvreté, un sous-développement persistent, et des bouleversements climatiques, qui ont conduit à des déplacements de populations importants. Au 25 janvier 2022, le Cameroun, le Tchad, le Nigeria et le Niger accueillaient 5 536 188 individus affectés par la crise, dont des Personnes déplacées internes (PDI), des réfugiés et des retournés (anciennes PDI et retournés de l’étranger). 75 pour cent d’entre eux (soit 4 143 802 personnes) se trouvaient au Nigéria, 11 pour cent au Cameroun (645 491 personnes), 9 pour cent au Tchad (513 798 personnes) et 4 pour cent au Niger (233 097 personnes).



Regional Office Dakar,
Snapshot Date
Jan 25 2022
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Baseline Assessment

The crisis currently affecting the Lake Chad Basin states results from a complex combination of factors, including conflict with Non-State Armed Groups, extreme poverty, underdevelopment and a changing climate, which together have triggered significant displacement of populations. As of 25 January 2022, Cameroon, Chad, Niger and Nigeria were hosting an estimated 5,536,188 affected individuals made up of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), Refugees (both in- and out-of-camp), Returnees (Former IDPs and Returnees from abroad) and Third Country Nationals (TCNs). 75 per cent of the affected population (representing 4,143,802 individuals) were located in Nigeria, while 12 per cent resided in Cameroon (645,491 individuals), 9 per cent in Chad (513,798 individuals) and 4 per cent in Niger (233,097 individuals).



RO Dakar,
Snapshot Date
Jan 25 2022
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Baseline Assessment

La région du Sahel central, et plus particulièrement la zone du Liptako Gourma, qui enjambe le Burkina Faso, le Mali et le Niger, est témoin d’une crise complexe qui comprend comme enjeux une compétition grandissante pour le contrôle de ressources; des bouleversements climatiques; une croissance démographique galopante; des niveaux élevés de pauvreté; l’absence d’opportunités économiques et un sentiment de désillusions quant au futur; des tensions communautaires; l’absence de présence étatique et le manque de services sociaux de base; et des violences provoquées par des réseaux de crime organisé et des groups armés non étatiques. La crise a engendré, en 2021, la mort de 5 000 personnes 2020 (au 31 décembre) et conduit à des déplacements de populations significatifs dans les quatre pays touches par la crise. Au 25 janv. 2022, 2 295 207 individus étaient déplacés par la crise, y compris 2 105 336 Personnes déplacées internes (92% de la population affectée) et 189 871 réfugiés (8%). Soixante-dix pour cent de la population déplacée (1 604 536 personnes) se trouvaient au Burkina Faso, 18 pour cent au Mali (416 076), 9 pour cent au Niger (201 779) et 3 pour cent en Mauritanie (72 816).



RO Dakar,
Snapshot Date
Jan 25 2022
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Baseline Assessment

The Central Sahel area, and in particular the Liptako Gourma region, which borders Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger, is affected by a complex crisis involving growing competition over dwindling resources; climatic variability; demographic pressure; high levels of poverty; disaffection and a lack of livelihood opportunities; communal tensions; the absence of state institutions and basic services; and violence related to organized crime and Non-State Armed Groups. The crisis has led to the death of an estimated 5,000 people in 2021 (as of 31 December) and triggered significant displacement of populations in the four affected countries. As of 25 January 2022, 2,295,207 individuals have been displaced, including 2,105,336 Internally Displaced Persons (92% of the displaced population) and 189,871 Refugees (8% of the displaced population). Seventy per cent of the displaced population (1,604,536 individuals) were located in Burkina Faso, while 18 per cent resided in Mali (416,076 individuals), 9 per cent in Niger (201,779 individuals) and 3 per cent in Mauritania (72,816 individuals).