Assessment Report




DTM Yemen,
Period Covered
May 01 2024
May 31 2024
  • Flow Monitoring

في مايو 2024، أبلغت مصفوفة تتبع النزوح في اليمن التابعة للمنظمة الدولية للهجرة عن دخول 1,685 مهاجرًا إلى اليمن، بزيادة قدرها 14 بالمائة عن الرقم الإجمالي المُبلغ عنه في الشهر السابق (1,479 مهاجرًا). غادر معظم المهاجرين (90%) من منطقة باري في الصومال (1,510)، في حين غادر العشرة في المائة المتبقية من أوبوك، جيبوتي.

ومن بين إجمالي المهاجرين المسجلين، كان 13 في المائة أطفال، و26 في المائة نساء، و62 في المائة رجال). علاوة على ذلك، ذكر 80 في المائة من المهاجرين أن النزاع كان السبب الرئيسي الذي دفعهم إلى مغادرة بلدهم الأصلي.

وعادةً ما تكون لحج بمثابة نقطة دخول للمهاجرين المغادرين عبر جيبوتي، في حين تعد شبوة بمثابة نقطة دخول للمهاجرين المغادرين عبر الصومال. ومع ذلك، فإن جميع المهاجرين الذين غادروا جيبوتي والصومال في الفترة المشمولة بالتقرير وصلوا إلى المنطقة الساحلية بمحافظة شبوة بسبب الحملة العسكرية المشتركة التي استهدفت الخط الساحلي لمحافظة لحج. وتهدف الحملة إلى الحد من وصول المهاجرين وإيقافه من خلال اعتراض القوارب واحتجاز المهربين. منذ أن بدأت في أغسطس 2023، أدت الحملة إلى وصول ما يقرب من الصفر من تدفق المهاجرين عبر هذا الطريق في الأشهر اللاحقة مع استثناء واحد في ديسمبر 2023 عندما نقل القارب 110 مهاجرين إلى الشاطئ.

حدد فريق مصفوفة تتبع النزوح 4,010 عائدًا يمنيًا في مايو 2024، وهو ما يمثل انخفاضًا بنسبة 21 بالمائة مقارنة بعدد العائدين في أبريل (5,046 فردًا). بالإضافة إلى ذلك، سجل الفريق ما مجموعه 221 مهاجرًا تم ترحيلهم من عمان إلى نقطة ديفن في مديرية شحن بمحافظة المهرة باليمن. وكان جميع المهاجرين المرحلين من عمان مواطنين إثيوبيين.

أجبرت الأزمة الإنسانية المتفاقمة في اليمن العديد من المهاجرين على اتخاذ قرار صعب بالعودة إلى بلدانهم الأصلية في القرن الأفريقي، حيث أفادت التقارير أن السلطات قامت بترحيل بعضهم. في مايو 2024، سجلت مصفوفة تتبع النزوح ما مجموعه 750 مهاجرًا غادروا اليمن إما طوعًا أو تم ترحيلهم بالقوارب من اليمن. وتتكون هذه المجموعة من 90% رجال، و9% نساء، و1% أطفال.

علاوة على ذلك، في مايو 2024، أبلغ فريق مصفوفة تتبع النزوح في جيبوتي عن وصول إجمالي 1,240 مهاجرًا (91% رجال، و8% نساء، و1% أطفال) إلى جيبوتي قادمين من اليمن بعد القيام برحلة محفوفة بالمخاطر للعودة إلى وطنهم. وتؤكد هذه الأرقام التحديات الكبيرة التي يواجهها المهاجرون في اليمن والظروف اليائسة التي دفعتهم إلى المخاطرة برحلات بحرية خطيرة.



DTM Yemen,
Period Covered
May 01 2024
May 31 2024
  • Flow Monitoring

OVERVIEW: The Flow Monitoring Registry (FMR) of the IOM Yemen Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) monitors the arrival of migrants along Yemen’s southern coastal border and the repatriation of Yemeni nationals along its northern border with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) to identify various migration patterns and provide quantitative estimates of the irregular migrant population entering the country. It’s crucial to understand that the FMR does not capture all migration flows in Yemen; instead, it provides indicative insights into migration trends based on a known total number of migrants arriving at FMPs during a specific time frame.

SUMMARY OF FINDINGS: In May 2024, the IOM Yemen DTM reported 1,685 migrants entering Yemen, a 14 per cent increase from the total figure reported in the previous month (1,479 migrants). Most migrants (90%) left from Bari Region in Somalia (1,510), while the remaining ten per cent left from Obock, Djibouti.

Among the total migrants recorded, 13 per cent were children, 26 per cent were women, and 62 per cent were men). Furthermore, 80 per cent of migrants stated that conflict was the primary reason encourage them for leaving their country of origin.

Typically, Lahj serves as an entry point for migrants departing through Djibouti whereas Shabwah serves as an entry point for migrants departing through Somalia. However, all migrants departed from Djibouti and Somalia in this reporting period arrived in coastal area of Shabwah Governorate due joint military campaign targeting the coastline of Lahj Governorate. The campaign aiming at reducing and stopping the arrival of migrants by intercepting boats and detaining smugglers. Since it started in August 2023, the campaign resulted a near-zero arrival of migrant flow through this route in the subsequent months with a single exception in December 2023 when boat transported 110 migrants ashore.

The DTM team identified 4,010 Yemeni returnees in May 2024, a 21 per cent decrease compared to the number of returnees in April (5,046 individuals). Additionally, the team recorded a total of 221 migrants that were deported from Oman back to Deifen Point in Shahan district of Al Maharah governorate, Yemen. All deported migrants from Oman were Ethiopian nationals.

The worsening humanitarian crisis in Yemen has compelled many migrants to make difficult decision to return to their home countries in the Horn of Africa, some have reportedly been deported by authorities. In May 2024, the DTM recorded a total of 750 migrants leaving Yemen either voluntarily or were deported by boat from Yemen. This group was composed of 90 per cent men, nine per cent women, and one per cent children.

Furthermore, in May 2024, the Djibouti DTM team reported a total of 1,240 migrants (91% men, 8% women, and 1% children) arrived in Djibouti from Yemen after undertaking a perilous journey back home. These figures underscore the significant challenges migrants in Yemen face and the desperate circumstances that have led them to risk dangerous sea voyages.



DTM Ukraine,
Period Covered
Mar 10 2024
Apr 11 2024
  • Other

The full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation in February 2022 has triggered mass displacement and a humanitarian crisis, heightening the population’s vulnerability to protection risks, including trafficking in persons, particularly among displaced and conflict-affected communities. Despite comprehensive responses aimed at mitigating an expected surge in trafficking, significant risks persist as coping strategies are increasingly strained. Anti-trafficking actors across Ukraine have been vocal about the risks of trafficking, based on pre-existing trafficking trends within the country and region, knowledge of trafficking in emergencies from previous crises, and the specificities of this crisis.

This report examines protection risks related to the war in Ukraine, focusing on labour exploitation, travel-related deception, and the awareness and accessibility of support systems. Utilizing data from the IOM General Population Survey, the report aims to support evidence-based programming, policy-making, advocacy, and further research.



DTM Europe,
North Macedonia
Period Covered
Aug 06 2023
Mar 08 2024
  • Survey
  • Flow Monitoring Survey
  • Flow Monitoring

This report presents the results of the fourth round of the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) Flow Monitoring Surveys (FMS) implemented in North Macedonia. The data was collected from 26 June to 31 August 2023, in three flow monitoring points. IOM interviewed a total of 183 individual respondents.
FMS provide a snapshot of the profiles, experiences and needs of migrants transiting through North Macedonia. The survey asks questions on demographics, education and employment backgrounds, the circumstances of the migration journey and migration factors, as well as future intentions.



Period Covered
Mar 10 2024
Apr 11 2024
  • Survey

Between 10 March and 11 April 2024, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) conducted Round 16 of the General Population Survey (GPS), a highly representative assessment of internal displacement in Ukraine. The data presented in this report was commissioned by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and collected by 59 enumerators employed by Multicultural Insights through screener phone-based interviews with 20,000 randomly selected respondents and follow-up interviews with 1,428 IDPs, 1,639 returnees, and 2,266 residents, using the computer-assisted telephone interview (CATI) method, and a random digit dial (RDD) approach. 

This report provides the main findings from Round 16 of the GPS, including detailed insights into population figures, mobility intentions, demographic profiles, household composition and vulnerabilities, and needs of the returnee population, to facilitate evidence-based decision-making on strategic, technical, and programmatic aspects of the response and recovery efforts in Ukraine. 



DTM Europe,
Period Covered
Jan 01 2024
Mar 31 2024
  • Survey
  • Flow Monitoring

IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) collected data on the needs, intentions, and integration challenges of refugees as part of the Surveys with Refugees in the Ukraine Response Region exercise. From January to March 2024 (Q1), DTM interviewed a total of 437 individuals in Romania, all of whom were Ukrainian except one. This report presents the findings of surveys with 436 adult Ukrainian nationals, including access to services that facilitate integration, and need and assistance.

Key findings:

  • Migration status
    • 93% EU Temporary protection status
    • 7% Other Active population:
  • Household (HH) composition
    • At least 2 adults and 1 child – 38%
    • A single adult and at least 1 child – 21%
    • Alone – 21%
    • At least two adults and no children – 19%
    • Other – 1%
  • Children  
    • 65% - HH with children 
    • 68 % - children aged between 5 and 17 years old 
    • 32% - infants aged between 0 and 4 years old 
  • Needs 
    • Financial support (73%) 
    • Sanitary products (56%) 
    • Food supply (53%) 
    • Health services (53%)  
    • Employment (31%) 
  • Obstacles in accessing healthcare   
    • Language barrier 43% 
    • None 38% 
    • Cost 29% 
    • Long queues 17% 
    • Unavailable Services 8% 
  • Ease of visiting a doctor 
    • Very difficult 8% 
    • Somewhat difficult 31% 
    • Neither easy, nor difficult 30% 
    • Somewhat easy 13% 
    • Very easy 1% 
    • Unknown 17% 


DTM Europe,
Period Covered
Feb 13 2024
Mar 28 2024
  • Survey
  • Flow Monitoring

K 1. dubnu 2024 bylo v Česku podle vnitrostátních orgánů registrováno 338 736 uprchlíků z Ukrajiny, kteří žádali o dočasnou ochranu. Tato zpráva vychází ze smíšeného výzkumu se staršími uprchlíky, skupinou, která byla v předchozích výzkumech, označena za jednu z nejzranitelnějších. Ukazuje, že ekonomická soběstačnost a jazyková adaptace mohou být pro tyto osoby problematické. V důsledku toho jsou často závislí na vnější podpoře, kterou jim ve většině případů poskytují jejich rodinní příslušníci. Mnozí z nich, bez ohledu na svůj věk, chtějí pracovat a nebýt pro svou rodinu nebo společnost přítěží. To však může být náročné a pouze 12 % z nich má práci. Ti, kteří nepracují, často pečují o děti nebo postižené členy rodiny nebo se snaží být užiteční jiným způsobem. Tento způsob přínosu je potřeba uznat.



DTM Europe,
Period Covered
Feb 13 2024
Mar 28 2024
  • Survey
  • Flow Monitoring

This report is based on a mixed method study conducted among older refugees, a group that has been identified by previous research, including that of IOM, as being among the most vulnerable. It shows that economic self-reliance and language adaptation can be problematic for these individuals. Consequently, they often depend on external support, which in most cases, is provided by their family members. Many of them, regardless of their age, want to work, and not to be a burden to their families or society.

Data collection took place between the dates of 13 February and 28 March 2024, resulting in 403 interviews with refugees from Ukraine. In 128 cases, additional information was collected during the qualitative interview phase.

Key Findings

  • 77% of respondents had serious health specific needs
  • 73% were registered with a general health practitioner
  • Only 12% were employed, where 29% were working without a written contract
  • 50% of employed respondents were working 160 hours or more per month
  • One-third of respondents could speak Czech (35% of women, 30% of men)
  • Over half the respondents couldn’t afford 2,500 CZK as an unexpected expense
  • Two-thirds of respondents have a monthly household income of less than 12,500 CZK
  • 82% of respondents reported at least one priority need




DTM Europe,
Period Covered
Jan 01 2023
Dec 31 2023
  • Survey
  • Flow Monitoring

From January to December 2023, IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) collected data on the Needs, Intentions, and Integration Challenges of refugees from Ukraine and Third-Country Nationals (TCNs) in 11 countries in the Ukraine Response: Belarus, Bulgaria, Czechia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Republic of Moldova, Romania, and Slovakia. Over the course of 2023, a sample of a total of 28,712 respondents were surveyed on displacement patterns and experiences, including access and barriers to health care.

Key Findings

  • One-third (34%) of respondents stayed with at least one person (including themselves) with a chronic condition.
  • 16% of respondents had or accompanied someone with at least one disability in 2023.
  • Across all 11 countries, 54% of the people interviewed faced one or more challenges to accessing health care.
  • Top barriers included long waiting times (30%) and the language barrier (23%).
  • Top health needs reported were health-care services (41%), medicines (29%) and psychological counselling (5%).
  • 37% of households needed to pay for both health-care services and medicine.
  • 42% of respondents needed more information on health-care services, 17% on psychological counselling and 12% on medicine.


Period Covered
Oct 10 2023
Jun 11 2024
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Baseline Assessment

Since October 8 there has been an increase in cross-border incidents between Israel and Lebanon, resulting in the displacement of people both within the South and elsewhere within the country. Since October 10, the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) has been conducting the daily monitoring of population movements. The objective of the exercise is to inform preparedness and response planning.