West and Central Africa


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Mali — Rapport sur le suivi des flux de populations 70 (Novembre 2021)

Afin de mieux comprendre les mouvements et tendances migratoires, l’OIM, à travers la Matrice de suivi des déplacements (Displacement Tracking Matrix

Nigeria — Emergency Tracking Tool Report 253 (06 - 12 December 2021)

Between 06 and 12 December 2021, a total of 10,978 movements were recorded in the states of Adamawa and Borno. The recorded movements consisted of 10,358 arrivals and 620 departures.

Guinée — Rapport sur le suivi des flux de populations 1 (Novembre 2021)

Le suivi des flux de population (Flow Monitoring, FM) est un exercice qui vise à identifier les zones de forte mobilité interne et transfrontalière à fin de mieux comprendre les caractéristiques des flux migratoires.

Nigeria — COVID-19 Point of Entry Dashboard 82 (04 - 10 December 2021)

During the COVID-19 pandemic, IOM's Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM), in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO), monitors the movements to and from Nigeria's Adamawa and Borno States in North-East Nigeria.

Cameroun — Suivi des urgences 28 (5—11 Décembre 2021)

Ce rapport présente des informations sur le mouvements de populations enregistre entre le 05 et 11 décembre 2021 dans le département du

Nigeria — North Central & North West Flash Report #80 (06 - 12 December 2021)

Nigeria's North Central and North West Zones are afflicted with a multidimensional crisis that is rooted in long-standing tensions between ethnic and religious groups and involves attacks by criminal groups and banditry/hirabah (such as kidnapping and grand larceny along major highways).

Burkina Faso — Rapport sur le suivi des flux de populations 38 (Septembre 2021)

Au Burkina Faso, la DTM recueille des données au niveau de 4 Points de suivi des flux (

Mauritanie — COVID-19: Connaissances parmi les éleveurs (Octobre – Novembre 2021)

La pandémie de COVID-19 a eu un impact faible en Mauritanie. Au 9 décembre 2021, il y seuls 39 669 cas de COVID-19 étaient confirmés, dont 844 décès, tandis que 1 795 467 doses de vaccin avaient été administrées.

Nigeria — Emergency Tracking Tool Report 252 (29 November - 05 December 2021)

Between 29 November and 05 December 2021, a total of 9,263 movements were recorded in the states of Adamawa and Borno. The recorded movements consisted of 8,789 arrivals and 474 departures.

West and Central Africa — Liptako Gourma Crisis Monthly Dashboard 23 (26 November 2021)

The Central Sahel area, and in particular the Liptako Gourma region, which borders Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger, is affected by a complex c

West and Central Africa — Lake Chad Basin Crisis Monthly Dashboard 38 (26 November 2021)

The crisis currently affecting the Lake Chad Basin states results from a complex combination of factors, including conflict with Non-State Armed Groups, extreme poverty, underdevelopment and a changing climate, which together have triggered significant displacement of popu

Nigeria — Nigeria — North Central & North West Flash Report 79 (29 November - 05 December 2021)

Nigeria's North Central and North West Zones are afflicted with a multidimensional crisis that is rooted in long-standing tensions between ethnic and religious groups and involves attacks by criminal groups and banditry/hirabah (such as kidnapping and grand larceny along major highways).

Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre — Tableau de bord mensuel sur la crise du Liptako Gourma 23 (26 Novembre 2021)

La région du Sahel central, et plus particulièrement la zone du Liptako Gourma, qui enjambe le Burkina Faso, le Mali et le Niger, est témoin d’une crise complexe qui comprend comme enjeux une compétition grandissante pour le contrôle de ressou

Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre — Tableau de bord mensuel sur la crise du Bassin du lac Tchad 38 (26 Novembre 2021)

La crise dans le Bassin du lac Tchad est le résultat d’une combinaison complexe d’une multitude de facteurs, y compris un conflit armé impliquant des groups armés non étatiques, des niveaux extrêmes de pauvreté, un sous-développement persistent, et des bouleversements clim

Nigeria — COVID-19 Point of Entry Dashboard 81 (27 November - 03 December 2021)

During the COVID-19 pandemic, IOM's Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM), in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO), monitors the movements to and from Nigeria's Adamawa and Borno States in North East Nigeria.

Nigeria — COVID-19 Point of Entry Monthly Dashboard (November 2021)

During the COVID-19 pandemic, IOM's Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM), in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO), monitors the movements to and from Nigeria's Adamawa and Borno States in the North East Nigeria.

Mali – Enquête sur la présence des Migrants à Kayes, Sikasso et Bamako (Octobre 2021)

L’OIM, en collaboration avec l’Institut National de la Statistique du Mali (INSTAT), a mis en œuvre une enquête dite de Présence des Migrants entre juillet et août 2021.

Nigeria — North East — Maiduguri Metropolitan Council LGA (Borno State) Flash Report (03 December 2021)

As part of the IDP relocation programme issued by the Borno State Government (BSG), the IDPs residing in Bakasi Camp were relocated to their LGAs of origin.

Nigeria — Emergency Tracking Tool Report 251 (22 - 28 November 2021)

Between 22 and 28 November 2021, a total of 5,272 movements were recorded in the states of Adamawa and Borno. The recorded movements consisted of 4,635 arrivals and 637 departures.

Nigeria — COVID-19 Point of Entry Dashboard 80 (20 - 26 November 2021)

During the COVID-19 pandemic, IOM's Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM), in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO), monitors the movements to and from Nigeria's Adamawa and Borno States in North East Nigeria.

Nigeria — North Central & North West Flash Report #78 (22 - 28 November 2021)

Nigeria's North Central and North West Zones are afflicted with a multidimensional crisis that is rooted in long-standing tensions between ethnic and religious groups and involves attacks by criminal groups and banditry/hirabah (such as kidnapping and grand larceny along major highways).

Niger — Flow Monitoring Report 52 (October 2021)

In order to better understand migratory movements and trends in West and Central Africa, IOM, through the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM), implements the activity of monitoring flows of populations (Flow Monitoring, FM).

Niger - Rapport sur le suivi des flux de populations 52 ( Octobre 2021)

Afin de mieux comprendre les mouvements et tendances migratoires en Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre, l’OIM, à travers la Matrice de suivi des déplacements (Displacement Tracking Matrix, DTM), met en œuvre l’activité de Suivi des flux de populations (Flow Monitoring, FM).

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