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Migration Flow to Europe

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Ukraine Response

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Ovaj izvještaj daje uvid u profile, iskustva, potrebe i rute koje koriste, kao i namjere migranata koji se kreću kroz Bosnu i Hercegovinu (BiH)1. Podaci su prikupljani od 3. januara do 31. januara 2024. g.

Western Balkans — Migrant Mobility Situation Report (January 2024)

This report provides insights into the profiles, experiences, needs, routes travelled and intentions of migrants transiting through the Western Balkans.


Ovaj izveštaj daje uvid u profil, iskustvo i putovanje migranata koji prolaze kroz Republiku Srbiju. Podaci su prikupljeni u periodu od 1. do 31. januara 2024. g. u saradnji sa Komesarijatom za izbeglice i migracije Republike Srbije (KIRS).

Bosnia & Herzegovina — Migrant Mobility Situation Report​ (January 2024)

This report provides insights into the profiles, experiences, needs, routes travelled and intentions of migrants transiting through Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH).1 Data was collected from 3 January to 31 January 2024.

Ukraine — Returns Report — General Population Survey Round 15 (November – December 2023)

Between 27 November and 27 December 2023, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) conducted Round 15 of the General Population Survey (GPS), a highly representative assessment of internal displacement and returns in Ukraine.

Ukraine — Conditions of Return Assessment Factsheet — Round 6 (November–December 2023)

As of 27 December 2023, IOM estimates that around 3,689,000 people remained internally displaced in Ukraine1 while UNHCR indicates that further 5,974,800 people were displaced abroad. As the war continues, large numbers of displaced have returned home.

Ukraine — Area Baseline Assessment (Raion Level) — Round 32 (January 2024)

The Registered IDP Area Baseline Assessment provides granular data on the number and geographic location of officially registered internally displaced people (IDPs). This report assesses registered IDP presence at the raion level, also mapping the recorded change since the previous round.

Türkiye — Migrant Presence Monitoring — Situation Report (January 2024)

According to the latest available gures from the Turkish Presidency of Migration Management (PMM), there are more than 4.6 million foreign nationals present in Türkiye, 3.4 million of whom are seeking international protection.


Ovaj izveštaj pruža uvid u profile, iskustva i putovanja migranata koji su u tranzitu u Republici Srbiji. Podaci su prikupljeni od 15. do 29. decembra 2023. zajedno sa Komesarijatom za izbeglice i migracije Republike Srbije (KIRS).

Ukraine — Internal Displacement Report — General Population Survey Round 15 (November – December 2023)

Between 27 November and 27 December 2023, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) conducted Round 15 of the General Population Survey (GPS), a highly representative assessment of internal displacement in Ukraine.

Serbia — Migrant Mobility Situation Report​ (December 2023)

This report provides insights into the profiles, experiences and journeys of migrants transiting through the Republic of Serbia. Data was collected from 15 to 29 December 2023 together with the Commissariat for Refugees and Migrants of the Republic of Serbia (SCRM).

Hungary — Crossing Back Surveys with Ukrainian Nationals Annual Report (2023)

The Crossing Back surveys conducted between January-December 2023 focused on individuals crossing back to Ukraine from or through Hungary, either for the short-term or long-term.

Republic of Moldova — The Impact of the War in Ukraine on the Moldovan Returnees from Abroad (Feb-Jun 2023)

The onset of the war in Ukraine has caused substantial displacement of people both within the Republic of Moldova’s borders and throughout the neighbouring region.

Republica Moldova — Impactul Războiului din Ucraina asupra Moldovenilor Reveniți din Străinătate (Feb-Iun 2023)

Războiul din Ucraina a provocat deplasări substanțialede persoane atât în interiorul Republicii Moldova, cât și în întreaga regiune învecinată.

Tajikistan – Tajikistan Return Migrant Worker Survey (Round 2)

The surveys were conducted with return migrant workers using IOM’s Mobility Tracking Matrix (MTM) system in Tajikistan. The survey locations were selected based on the results of IOM’s Baseline Mobility Assessment on returning migrant workers.

Tajikistan – Tajikistan Baseline Mobility Assessment (Round 2)

DTM REMAP implements the Baseline Mobility Assessment (BMA) in Tajikistan to track mobility, provide information on population estimates, geographic distribution of migrant workers and return migrants, reasons for migration and countries of return.

O‘zbekiston — Migratsiya vaziyatiga oid hisobot — (2023-yil aprel - sentabr)

Mazkur hisobot 2023-yilning aprel-sentabr oylari uchun ichki va tashqi ko‘chishlar hamda migrantlar guruhlari bo‘yicha milliy va xalqaro maʼlumotlar to‘plamlaridan olingan ochiq maʼlumotlarga asoslanib, O‘zbekistondagi migratsiyaga oid so‘nggi maʼlumotlar va jarayonlarni qamrab oladi.

Ukraine — Solid Fuel Assessment Report (January 2024)

This report serves to identify the heating systems employed in Ukrainian households, presents the estimated prices of solid fuel items across different oblasts, and examines the methods and frequency of solid fuel collection by the Ukrainian population.


Według stanu na grudzień 2023 r. ponad 6 mln uchodźców z Ukrainy uciekło do innych krajów z powodu wojny, która rozpoczęła się w lutym 2022 r. Ponad 950 000 z tych uchodźców żyje w Polsce.

Ukrainian Refugees and Polish Municipal Police: Exploring Perceptions, Challenges and Avenues for Relationship-Strengthening

As of December 2023, more than 6 million refugees from Ukraine have fled to other countries because of the war which began in February 2022. More than 950,000 of these refugees are living in neighboring Poland.


Базова оцінка кількості зареєстрованих ВПО надає детальні дані про кількість та географічне розташування офіційно зареєстрованих внутрішньо переміщених осіб (ВПО).

Uzbekistan — Migration Situation Report — Quarterly Compilation (Apr-Sep 2023)

This report demonstrates the latest data and trends concerning migration in Uzbekistan,drawing upon data available for April-September 2023 from national and international datasets on internal and external movements and migrant population groups.

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