Europe and Central Asia


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Migration Flow to Europe

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Ukraine Response

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Western Balkans — Mješoviti Migracijski Tokovi (August 2024)

Monthly overview of: Arrivals in the Western Balkans Top three nationalities at arrivals in the reporting month Migrants presence in reception facilities Assisted Voluntary Returns and reintegration

Ukraine Response — Regional Analysis — Ukrainians Crossing Back to Ukraine (April - June 2024)

This report focuses on individuals residing abroad who are either visiting Ukraine for a short period or have been living abroad and intend to return to Ukraine.

Western Balkans — Flukset e Përziera Migratore (Gusht 2024)

Monthly overview of: Arrivals in the Western Balkans Top three nationalities at arrivals in the reporting month Migrants presence in reception facilities Assisted Voluntary Returns and reintegration

Western Balkans — Mixed Migratory Flows Report (August 2024)

Monthly overview of: Arrivals in the Western Balkans Top three nationalities at arrivals in the reporting month Migrants presence in reception facilities Assisted Voluntary Returns and reintegration

Tajikistan - Migration Situation Report #2 (January - June 2024)

This report aims to provide an overview of the migration patterns and mobility in Tajikistan, drawing upon data from the latest available sources between January to June 2024 from national and international datasets on mi­gratory movements concentrating on the most rece

Kazakhstan Baseline Mobility Assessment (Round 4)

DTM implements the Baseline Mobility Assessment (BMA) in Kazakhstan to track mobility, provide information on population estimates, geographic distribution of migrant workers, return migrants, and emigrants, reasons for migration and countries of origin, return, and des

Serbia — Situacioni Izveštaj o Mobilnosti Migranata (Avgust 2024)

Ovaj izveštaj pruža uvid u profile, iskustva i putovanja migranata koji prolaze kroz Republiku Srbiju. Podaci su prikupljani od 1. do 31. avgusta 2024. godine u saradnji sa Komesarijatom za izbeglice i migracije Republike Srbije (KIRS).

Serbia — Migrant Mobility Situation Report (August 2024)

This report provides insights into the profiles, experiences and journeys of migrants transiting through the Republic of Serbia. Data were collected from 1 to 31 August 2024 together with the Commissariat for Refugees and Migration of the Republic of Serbia (SCRM).

Ukraine — IDP Allowance Update: The Impact of the March 2024 Law Amendment on Ukraine’s Internally Displaced Population — September 2024

Changes to Resolution #332, which came into effect in March 2024, introduced new criteria for eligibility, focusing on factors such as income level, employment status, and specific vulnerabilities, to refine the allocation of the IDP allowance.

Republic of Moldova — Economic Integration of Refugees from Ukraine (April - June 2024)

The IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix collected data through Surveys with Refugees in the Ukraine Response region from April to June 2024. In the Republic of Moldova, a total of 1,892 surveys were collected.

Romania — Access to Services for Refugees from Ukraine (April - June 2024)

IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) collected data on the needs, intentions, and integration challenges of refugees as part of the Surveys with Refugees in the Ukraine Response Region exercise. From April to June 2024 (Q2), DTM interviewed a total of 248 individuals in Romania.

Україна — Оцінка умов для повернення — Інформаційний бюлетень — Раунд 8 (ЛИПЕНЬ 2024)

Повномасштабне вторгнення збройних сил Російської Федерації в Україну спричинило одну з найбільших криз у Європі, пов’язаних із переміщенням населення, з часів Другої світової війни.

Europe — Mixed Migration Flows to Europe, Quarterly Overview (April-June 2024)

DTM Europe gathers, validates and disseminates information on migrants and refugees travelling through the Mediterranean, Western African Atlantic, and Western Balkan routes to Europe.

Türkiye — Migrant Presence Monitoring — Situation Report (August 2024)

According to the latest figures from the Turkish Presidency of Migration Management (PMM), there are more than 4.4 million foreigners in Türkiye, of whom 3.3 million are seeking international protection. Most of them are Syrians (3,096,1571) who have been granted temporary protection status.

Latvia — Surveys with Refugees from Ukraine : Needs, Intentions and Integration (March - May 2024)

From 1 March to 16 May, IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) in Latvia interviewed a total of 111 individuals as part of the Surveys with Refugees in the Ukraine Response Region. The results from these interviews are presented in the following report. KEY FINDINGS

Republica Moldova – Cetățeni Ucraineni care se întorc în Ucraina – Raport Anual 2023

Din 8,421 de respondenți, 92 la sută plănuiau să se întoarcă în aceeași regiune de origine, în timp ce restul de 8 la sută urmăreau să ajungă în alta.

Republica Moldova – Accesul la Serviciile Medicale Pentru Refugiații din Ucraina – Raport Anual 2023

20 la sută dintre respondenți au sau locuiesc cu persoane cu nevoi specifice sau afecțiuni medicale grave Principalele probleme de sănătate pentru femei includ boli cronice sau afecțiuni medicale grave (12%), sarcina sau al

Republic of Moldova — Ukrainian Nationals Crossing Back to Ukraine (April - June 2024)

IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) collects data on Ukrainian nationals and Third-Country Nationals (TCNs) that were crossing back to Ukraine from or through the Republic of Moldova, either for temporary stay or prospective return.

Republica Moldova – Integrarea pe Piața Muncii a Refugiaților din Ucraina – Raport Anual 2023

Dintre respondenți, 41 la sută sunt activi (angajați sau șomeri), iar 53 la sută sunt inactivi (statut de student, concediu pentru creșterea copilului, pensionare, șomaj și nu își caută un loc de muncă). În cadrul populație

Latvia — New Arrivals: Needs and Intentions of Refugees from Ukraine (March - May 2024)

From 12 March to 28 April, IOM's Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) in Latvia interviewed a total of 101 individuals as part of the New Arrivals survey. The results from these interviews are presented in the following pages.

Latvia — Ukrainian Nationals Crossing Back to Ukraine (March - April 2024)

From 11 March to 30 April, IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) in Latvia interviewed 41 individuals as part of the Crossing Back Survey. The results from these interviews are presented in the following pages.

Ukraine — Oblast Profiles — General Population Survey Round 17 (August 2024)

The Oblast Profiles draw from data collected during Round 17 of IOM Ukraine’s General Population Survey (GPS), with an emphasis on demographics & displacement, the adoption of coping strategies to meet needs, employment & income, the IDP living allowance, and housing.

Ukraine — Internal Displacement Report — General Population Survey Round 17 (August 2024)

Between 13 July and 12 August 2024, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) conducted Round 17 of the General Population Survey (GPS), a highly representative assessment of internal displacement in Ukraine.

Poland — Ukrainian Nationals Crossing Back to Ukraine (April - June 2024)

IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) collected data on Ukrainian nationals and Third-Country Nationals (TCNs) who crossed back to Ukraine from Poland, either for a temporary stay or permanent return after a period of displacement abroad.

For more advanced search results, please goto the Advanced dataset search page
Ukraine — Mobility and Needs Assessment — Round 5 (January 2024)
Mar 08 2024

<p>During this round of data collection, IOM Ukraine's Data & Analytics Unit conducted assessments in <strong>253</strong> hromadas across 72 raions and 23 oblasts and Kyiv City.  Assessed hromadas were selected based on their relevance to humanitarian and…

Mobility Tracking
Ukraine — Mobility and Needs Assessment — Round 4 (December 2023)
Feb 07 2024

<p>During this round of data collection, IOM Ukraine's Data & Analytics Unit conducted assessments in <strong>253 hromadas</strong> across 70 raions and 23 oblasts and Kyiv City.  Assessed hromadas were selected based on their relevance to humanitarian and…

Mobility Tracking
Ukraine — Area Baseline Assessment — Round 31
Jan 16 2024

<p>The data collected for the Area Baseline Assessment Round 31 reflects the up-to-date local administrative register of the IDP population as of 31 December 2023, equivalent to a total of <strong>3,522,045 registered IDPs</strong>. Registered IDP figures were collected for <…

Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment
Ukraine — Mobility and Needs Assessment — Round 3 (November 2023)
Dec 24 2023

<p>IOM's Data and Analytics (D&A) Unit developed the Mobility and Needs Assessment (MaNA), a monthly, multi-sectoral assessment designed to systematically monitor the estimated current presence of key population groups, including de facto Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs),…

Mobility Tracking
Ukraine — Conditions of Return Assessment Dataset — Round 5 (Sep-Oct 2023)
Dec 15 2023

<p>The overarching aim of the Conditions of Return Assessment (CoRA) is to facilitate the development, targeting, and monitoring of conditions that underpin humanitarian, recovery and stabilisation needs in areas of return across Ukraine, by providing: 1. a systematic evidence base updated on…

Survey, Return Intention
Ukraine — Area Baseline Assessment — Round 30
Dec 12 2023

<p>The data collected for the Area Baseline Assessment Round 30 reflects the up-to-date local administrative register of the IDP population as of 30 November 2023, equivalent to a total of 3,540,799 registered IDPs. Registered IDP figures were collected for 108 raions. Data disaggregated by…

Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment
Europe — Mixed Migration Flows to Europe, Quarterly Overview Dataset (July - September 2023)
Dec 05 2023

Flow Monitoring is a component of DTM and it is used to track population movements inside a country, within a region or across regions.

Flow Monitoring, Migrants presence
Ukraine — Area Baseline Assessment (Hromada level) — Round 29
Nov 17 2023

The data collected for the Area Baseline Assessment Round 29 reflects the up-to-date local administrative register of the IDP population as of 31 October 2023, equivalent to a total of 3,527,731 registered IDPs recorded. Registered IDP figures were collected for 1,039 hromadas (78% of all hromadas…

Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment
Ukraine — Area Baseline Assessment (Raion level) — Round 29
Nov 17 2023

The data collected for the Area Baseline Assessment Round 29 reflects the up-to-date local administrative register of the IDP population as of 31 October 2023, equivalent to a total of 3,527,731 registered IDPs recorded. Registered IDP figures were collected for 1,039 hromadas (78% of all hromadas…

Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment
Ukraine — Area Baseline Assessment (Hromada level) — Round 28
Oct 24 2023

The data collected for the Area Baseline Assessment Round 28 reflects the up-to-date local administrative register of the IDP population as of 30 September 2023, equivalent to a total of 3,516,338 registered IDPs. Registered IDP figures were collected for 1,039 hromadas (78% of all hromadas covered…

Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment
Ukraine — Area Baseline Assessment (Raion level) — Round 28
Oct 24 2023

The data collected for the Area Baseline Assessment Round 28 reflects the up-to-date local administrative register of the IDP population as of 30 September 2023, equivalent to a total of 3,516,338 registered IDPs. Registered IDP figures were collected for 1,039 hromadas (78% of all hromadas covered…

Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment
Ukraine — Conditions of Return Assessment Dataset — Round 3 (May-Jun 2023)
Oct 20 2023

<p>In round 3, out of the 156 return locations assessed, 25 recorded high severity conditions for one or more driver of severity. This equates to nearly a third of the estimated returnee population in assessed locations residing in high severity conditions (31%, 432,000 people).</p>

Survey, Return Intention
Ukraine — Conditions of Return Assessment Dataset — Round 2 (Mar-Apr 2023)
Oct 20 2023

<p>In round 2, out of the 117 return locations assessed, 23 recorded high severity conditions for one or more driver of severity. This equates to nearly a third of the estimated returnee population in assessed settlements residing in high severity conditions (29%, 499,000 people).</p>

Survey, Return Intention
Ukraine — Conditions of Return Assessment Dataset — Round 4 (Jul-Aug 2023)
Oct 20 2023

<p>In round 4 assessment, nearly a third of the estimated returnee population reside in locations which recorded high severity for one or more drivers of severity. This equates to approximately 680,000 people residing in high severity conditions in 57 locations, amidst 186 return locations…

Survey, Return Intention
Ukraine — Area Baseline Assessment (Raion level) — Round 27
Sep 15 2023

A baseline assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on IDP, migrant or returnee population presence in a defined administrative area of the country.

Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment
Ukraine — Area Baseline Assessment (Hromada level) — Round 27
Sep 15 2023

A baseline assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on IDP, migrant or returnee population presence in a defined administrative area of the country.

Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment
Europe — Mixed Migration Flows to Europe, Quarterly Overview Dataset (April - June 2023)
Sep 05 2023

Flow Monitoring is a component of DTM and it is used to track population movements inside a country, within a region or across regions.

Flow Monitoring
Ukraine — Area Baseline Assessment (Raion level) — Round 26
Aug 15 2023

The data collected for the Area Baseline Assessment Round 26 reflects the up-to-date local administrative register of the IDP population as of 31 July 2023, equivalent to a total of 3,677,601 registered IDPs. Among oblasts, Kharkivska (510,775), Dnipropetrovska (388,845) and Kyivska (334,148) have…

Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment
Kazakhstan - International Migrant Workers Survey - Round 2
Aug 08 2023

The number of international migrant workers arrived in the first quarter of 2023 was 56,112, which totals to 724,534 international migrants being assessed by IOM Kazakhstan in the period of 2020 - 2023. The top five countries of origin of international migrant workers in Kazakhstan were Uzbekistan…

Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment
Ukraine — Area Baseline Assessment (Hromada level) — Round 25
Jul 14 2023

A baseline assessment is a sub-component of mobility tracking. It aims to collect data on IDP, migrant or returnee population presence in a defined administrative area of the country.

Mobility Tracking, Baseline Assessment

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