


DTM Yemen,
Period Covered
Jan 01 2023
Jan 31 2023
  • Flow Monitoring

In January 2023, IOM Yemen DTM recorded 10,707 migrants entering Yemen, barely an increase of 1 per cent from December 2022 (10,620). In Lahj (7,904 migrants) DTM has noted a dramatic drop of (-4) per cent in arrivals compared to the last month (8,220 migrants). This stands in contrast to Shabwah (2,803) which registered an increase this month by 17 per cent. In other terms, migration flows shifted from Obock, Djibouti (-4%) towards Bari, Somalia (+17%). The overall increase could be linked to weather conditions, sea tides and decreased coast guard patrolling in Djibouti. While travel had been primarily due to economic reasons in the first half of 2022, DTM has been recording conflict induced movements since August 2022, being the reason for 21 per cent of all incoming movements in January 2023. All conflict motivated travel was recorded in Shabwah coming from Bari, Somalia (32% children, 15% women, and 53% men).

Due to the deteriorating humanitarian crisis in Yemen and the challenges in moving towards KSA, many migrants opted to return to the Horn of Africa. DTM teams in Djibouti recorded that during January 2023, a total of 587 migrants took the risky return by boat from Yemen to travel home. Meanwhile, DTM reported 5,100 Yemeni returns from KSA in January 2023, compared to 5,047 in December 2022.

The migrant caseload was around 97 per cent Ethiopian nationals, and around three per cent Somali nationals. The migrants are predominantly male (77%), with 5 per cent women, (15%) boys and three per cent girls also among the travelers.

Through January’s reporting period, 2,803 migrants arrived from Somalia and were recorded 2,565 at Ber Ali and 235 at Ayn Bamabad flow monitoring points in Shabwah governorate. In Lahj governorate, 7,904 migrants arrived from Djibouti, where 4,149 were recorded at Al Azaf flow monitoring point (FMP), 2,565 at Hasy Eisa, 833 at Al Cawhah FMP, 335 at Al Makhabbah FMP, and 186 at Al Saqya FMP.



DTM Ethiopia,
Period Covered
Dec 01 2022
Dec 31 2022
  • Flow Monitoring

In December 2022, a total of 31,976 movements were observed across five of Ethiopia's flow monitoring points (FMPs). This represents a 6.5% decrease in daily average movements in comparison with November 2022 when an average of 1,103 movements per day were observed.

Outgoing movements during December have continued to be higher (77.4%) than incoming movements (22.6%). A total of 24,748 outgoing movements were observed of which 9,223 (37.3%) were heading towards Saudi Arabia, 3,006 (12.1%) were going to Djibouti, 2,368 (9.6%) were travelling towards Kenya, 2,059 (8.3%) to Sudan, 2,040 (8.2%) intended to reach Somalia, 1,554 (6.3%) headed to Yemen, 1,102 (4.5%) to Qatar and 807 (3.3%) to the United Arab Emirates while remaining movements were travelling to several Middle Eastern, Southern Africa, European and North American countries.

At the same time, 7,228 incoming movements were observed, of which 2,661 (36.8%) had originated from Sudan, while 1,779 (24.6%) came from Djibouti, 1,531 (21.2%) from Somalia, 1,082 (15%) movements from Kenya, 170 (2.4%) from Yemen and the remaining from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Almost all of these were Ethiopian nationals who were likely returning home.



Period Covered
Feb 08 2023
Feb 14 2023
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking

During the reporting period (08 to 14 February 2023), a total of 30 movements were recorded - 8 arrivals (5,549 individuals), 18 departures (658 individuals), and 4 returns (41 individuals). The largest arrival movements were recorded in Montepuez (5,000 individuals), Mueda (225 individuals) and Mocimboa da Praia (184 individuals). The largest departure movements were recorded in Nangade (344 individuals), and Balama (99 individuals). The largest return movement was observed within Quissanga (17 individuals). Of the total population, 85 per cent of mobile groups were displaced for the first time, 8 per cent for a second time and 7 per cent were displaced at least three times.



Period Covered
Oct 27 2022
Dec 11 2022
  • Flow Monitoring

La Organización Internacional para las Migraciones (OIM por sus siglas en inglés) elaboró la Matriz de Seguimiento de los Desplazamientos (DTM por sus siglas en inglés) con enfoque en estudiantes refugiados y migrantes venezolanos y comunidad de acogida matriculados en los grados de tercero, cuarto y quinto de secundaria en instituciones educativas de Lima Norte bajo la gestión administrativa de la Unidad de Gestión Educativa Local número 2. Con fecha de publicación enero del 2023.

Esta DTM está alineada con los resultados obtenidos en el reporte de la DTM Educación de Lima Centro bajo la gestión administrativa de la Unidad de Gestión Educativa Local número 7 (Reporte 2:); cabe señalar que para ambas DTM, tanto en el Reporte 1 como en el Reporte 2, se utilizó el mismo enfoque. El objetivo de esta DTM ha sido identificar, caracterizar y analizar los principales retos del acceso a la educación de los(as) estudiantes peruanos(as) como venezolanos(as). La herramienta utilizada ha sido una encuesta de educación multisectorial con un enfoque en educación básica secundaria de los últimos tres grados académicos (tercero, cuarto y quinto grado) para ambas zonas de intervención entre octubre y diciembre del 2022.

El cuestionario estuvo dirigido a personas cuidadoras de los y las estudiantes de ambas nacionalidades a fin de que brinden información referida a la accesibilidad de la matrícula, acoso escolar, deserción escolar y continuidad de estudios, entre otras variables. La muestra incluye a personas cuidadoras que tienen a su cargo estudiantes matriculados(as) en instituciones educativas (II. EE. en adelante) de Lima Norte (ver distritos en la metodología). La encuesta incluyó, en total, a 998 encuestados(as); para los hogares que contaban con dos o más estudiantes matriculados en la institución educativa se tomó en consideración el estudiante que formó parte de la muestra. Las instituciones educativas muestreadas se seleccionaron en cuatro distritos de Lima Metropolitana, llegando a un total de 28 II.EE. En cada institución educativa se seleccionaron aleatoriamente a las personas cuidadoras de los(as) estudiantes que formaron parte de la muestra.



Period Covered
Oct 27 2022
Dec 11 2022
  • Flow Monitoring

La Organización Internacional para las Migraciones (OIM por sus siglas en inglés) elaboró la Matriz de Seguimiento de los Desplazamientos (DTM por sus siglas en inglés) con enfoque en estudiantes refugiados y migrantes venezolanos y comunidad de acogida matriculados en los grados de tercero, cuarto y quinto de secundaria en instituciones educativas de Lima Centro bajo la gestión administrativa de la Unidad de Gestión Educativa Local número 7 con fecha de publicación enero del 2023.

Esta DTM está alineada con los resultados obtenidos en el reporte de la DTM Educación de Lima Norte bajo la gestión administrativa de la Unidad de Gestión Educativa Local número 2 (Reporte 1:); cabe señalar que para ambas DTM, tanto en el Reporte 1 como en el Reporte 2, se utilizó el mismo enfoque. El objetivo de esta DTM ha sido identificar, caracterizar y analizar los principales retos del acceso a la educación de los(as) estudiantes peruanos(as) como venezolanos(as). Al igual que en el reporte 1, la herramienta utilizada ha sido una encuesta de educación multisectorial con un enfoque en educación básica secundaria de los últimos tres grados académicos (tercero, cuarto y quinto grado) para ambas zonas de intervención entre octubre y diciembre del 2022.

El cuestionario estuvo dirigido a personas cuidadoras de los y las estudiantes de ambas nacionalidades a fin de que brinden información referida a la accesibilidad de la matrícula, acoso escolar, deserción escolar y continuidad de estudios, entre otras variables. La muestra incluye a personas cuidadoras que tienen a su cargo estudiantes matriculados(as) en instituciones educativas (II.EE. en adelante) de Lima Centro (ver distritos en la metodología). La encuesta incluyó, en total, a 1.019 encuestados(as); para los hogares que contaban con dos o más estudiantes matriculados en la institución educativa se tomó en consideración el estudiante que formó parte de la muestra. Las instituciones educativas muestreadas pertenecen a 7 distritos de Lima Metropolitana, llegando a un total de 21 II.EE. En cada institución educativa se seleccionaron aleatoriamente a las personas cuidadoras de los(as) estudiantes que formaron parte de la muestra.



DTM Nigeria,
Period Covered
Feb 06 2023
Feb 12 2023
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking

The DTM Emergency Tracking Tool (ETT) is deployed to track and to collect information on large and sudden population movements, provide frequent updates on the scale of displacement and quantify the affected population when needed. As a sub-component of the Mobility Tracking methodology in Nigeria, ETT utilises direct observations and a broad network of key informants to capture best estimates of the affected population per location, enabling targeted humanitarian response planning.

Between 06 and 12 February 2023, a total of 2,911 new arrivals were recorded in locations in Adamawa and Borno states. The new arrivals were recorded at locations in Askira/Uba, Bama, Dikwa, Damboa, Gwoza, Gubio, Monguno, Ngala and Kala Balge* Local Government Areas (LGAs) of the most conflict-affected state of Borno and in Fufore, Gombi, Hong, Lamurde, Michika, Mubi South, Mubi North, Maiha, Song, Yola South and Yola North LGAs of Adamawa state.



DTM Pakistan,
Period Covered
Jan 29 2023
Feb 11 2023
  • Flow Monitoring

IOM Pakistan collects data on the outflows of undocumented Afghan migrants at the Torkham and Chaman border crossing points in an effort to better understand the migration movements of undocumented Afghan migrants returning to Afghanistan from Pakistan. This exercise is part of the European Union funded project “Displacement Tracking Matrix Regional Evidence for Migration Analysis and Policy (DTM REMAP)”.

Between 29 January and 11 February 2023, 1,977 undocumented Afghan nationals spontaneously returned to Afghanistan, including 870 through the Torkham border point and 1,107 through the Chaman border point. Border authorities facilitated the return of 48 individuals due to the lack of legal documentation to remain in Pakistan. Therefore, information about these individuals are not included in the count. Although IOM identified 4,709 undocumented Afghan returnees at two border crossings, this may not reflect the total number of undocumented Afghan returnees. Moreover, for this study, only the head of household or representative of the family were interviewed. This means that the number of interviews conducted by the enumerators is lower than the number of returnees recorded by IOM. Between 15 January and 28 January 2023, IOM interviewed 89 respondents.



DTM South Sudan,
South Sudan
Period Covered
Jan 01 2023
Jan 31 2023
  • Registration
  • Flow Monitoring
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Site Assessment

As per January 2023 population count findings, the Bentiu IDP camp population stands at 100,356 individuals (16,821 households) in 11,988 inhabited shelters (on average of 8 individuals per shelter). This represents a two per cent decrease compared to October 2022.