


DTM Ethiopia,
Period Covered
Aug 01 2023
Sep 02 2023
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Site Assessment
  • Village Assessment

Between August and September 2023, IOM’s DTM deployed Site Assessment (SA) Round 34 and Village Assessment Survey (VAS) Round 17, carrying out a multisectoral location assessment. It is to be noted that Amhara region was largely uncovered this round due to increased insecurity, and both the IDP and returning IDP caseloads should likely be higher.

According to data collected through the Site Assessment round 34 August and September 2023, an estimated 3,459,881 IDPs (701,449 IDP households) were internally displaced across 2,544 assessed, accessible sites in Ethiopia. Conflict is the primary cause of displacement and displaced 2.2 million IDPs (64.66%), followed by drought which displaced an estimated 612,250 IDPs (17.7%). Somali region hosts the highest number of IDPs primarily displaced by drought nationwide (an estimated 410,749 individuals or 67.1% of the national drought caseload), while Tigray region hosts the highest number of IDPs primarily displaced by conflict nationwide (an estimated 943,285 individuals or 42.2% of the national conflict caseload).

According to the data collected through the Village Assessment Survey round 17 between August and September 2023, there were an estimated 2,530,101 returning IDPs (552,773 returning IDP households) across 2,072 assessed, accessible villages in Ethiopia. The highest returning IDP caseloads nationwide were in the regions of Tigray (1,503,141 returning IDPs, 59.41%), Amhara (an estimated 389,937 returning IDPs, 15.41%) and Afar (an estimated 222,894 returning IDPs, 8.81%).



DTM Chad,
Snapshot Date
Dec 15 2023
  • Survey
  • Flow Monitoring Survey

• Over 550,000 people have crossed into Chad since the onset of the crisis in Sudan. IOM estimates that more than 109,000 among them are Chadian returnees and expects this number to rise to 150,000 by the end of March 2024, due to renewed conflict in Darfur.

• In coordination with CNARR and humanitarian organizations, IOM has counted 86,604 returnees and counted 346 third-country nationals (from South Sudan, Niger, Ethiopia, the Central African Republic, Burkina Faso, Nigeria and Uganda) in 41 localities in three provinces.

• Most of the returnees currently live in spontaneous locations near the border and are in urgent need of food, water, sanitation and hygiene, shelter, household items, health, and protection.

• IOM is relocating returnees from Adre to a site in Tongori in coordination with authorities. In total, 7,567 individuals have so far been relocated. Separate designated ambulatory vehicles were used to transport the most vulnerable, including people with disabilities. Furthermore, IOM has supported the establishment of a site governance structure with representatives elected by the site residents and is supporting the establishment of community groups (women, youth, community watch, etc.).

• IOM is coordinating with local authorities, embassies and diplomatic representations for the safe transfer and voluntary return of third-country nationals (TCNs) from Ethiopia, South Sudan, Sierra Leone, and Cameroon to N’Djamena.

• IOM works with a range of operational partners in the returnee response including the Government of Chad, UNHCR, OCHA, LWF, PUI, UNICEF, MSF, UNFPA, LMI, ICRC, IRC, ACTED, the Chadian Red Cross, HELP-Tchad, ATURAD, Concern Worldwide, COOPI, INTERSOS, and WFP



DTM Somalia,
Period Covered
Nov 26 2023
Dec 09 2023
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking

In response to the Somalia’s severe drought beginning in November 2021, DTM Somalia launched an Emergency Trends Tracking (ETT) tool first in Gedo and Bay regions in 2022, and subsequently in Hiraan, Banadir and Middle Shabelle regions in 2023 to monitor drought related displacement trends and hotspots in support of operational planning. However, during the first half of 2023, conflict and flooding displacements have been significant. Therefore, DTM restructured its ETT tool to capture multi-shock displacements (drought, flood, conflict and other) from October 2023. In December 2023, ETT coverage has been expanded to Afgoyee district in Lower Shabelle region to cover the migration corridor between Afgoyee and Mogadishu towns.

ETT is a crisis-based tool that tracks sudden displacement triggered by specific events or emerging crises. The objective of ETT is to help prioritize humanitarian response and to enable partners to deliver rapid assistance.



Map Type
Location Map
Published date
Wed, 12/20/2023 - 13:35
Mobility Tracking

Between August and September 2023, IOM’s DTM deployed Site Assessment (SA) Round 34 and Village Assessment Survey (VAS) Round 17, carrying out a multisectoral location assessment. It is to be noted that Amhara region was largely uncovered this round due to increased insecurity, and both the IDP and returning IDP caseloads should likely be higher. The National Displacement Map visualizes locations of displacement, density of displacement caseload, primary reasons for displacement, estimated displacement figures, and access constraints.



DTM Haiti,
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Baseline Assessment
Period Covered
Jun 12 2023 -
Nov 10 2023

From June 12th to November 10th 2023, the DTM team identified 197,999 internal displaced persons and 36,785 internal returnees across three departments West (146,584 IDPs and 26,301 returnees), Center (28,975 IDPs and 1,298 returnees from round 1) and Artibonite (22,440 IDPs and 9,186 returnees from round 2) . During this round, 83 sites were assessed and hosting in total 82,649 IDPs.

Due to security issues, the locations/sites in Center and Artibonite departments have not been assessed and respectively the rounds 1 and 2 figures were reported.

A more detailed version of this dataset is available, to get access kindly click on the 'Request Access' button
Population Groups


Returnee (Previously Internally Displaced)

Survey Methodology

Unit of Analysis Or Observation

Admin Area 4

Site or Location

Type of Survey or Assessment

Key Informant


Geographical Scope Partial Coverage

Administrative boundaries with available data

The current dataset covers the following administrative boundaries



DTM Djibouti,
Period Covered
Nov 01 2023
Nov 30 2023
  • Flow Monitoring

En novembre 2023, 22 968 mouvements migratoires ont été observés aux points de suivi des flux (FMP) à Djibouti, avec une moyenne quotidienne de 766 mouvements migratoires. Les flux migratoires observés sur l'ensemble des FMP ont légèrement augmenté de 1 pour cent par rapport à octobre 2023 au cours duquel 22 709 mouvements avaient été enregistrées. Sur ces 22 968 mouvements, 6 400 (28%) ont été observés dans la région d'Obock où les migrants traversent le golfe d'Aden en direction de la péninsule arabique. Les flux migratoires aux FMP d'Obock ont connu une augmentation de 31 pour cent par rapport au mois d’octobre 2023. Cette augmentation pourrait être due à une diminution des contrôles aux frontières avec l'Éthiopie conjuguée aux rumeurs de reprise des départs de bateaux à partir des côtes d’Obock où les migrants ont l’habitude de traverser le golfe d'Aden pour rejoindre la péninsule arabique. Entre janvier et novembre 2023, les arrivées en provenance d’Éthiopie ont atteint 110 338) marquant une augmentation significative de 21 pour cent par rapport à la même période de l'année précédente (91 144). Les mouvements migratoires en novembre se sont dirigés principalement: vers la péninsule arabique (51%), entrants (39%), transitants vers l'Éthiopie (5%), transitants à l'intérieur de Djibouti (4%), et sortants (1%). Les retours spontanés depuis le Yémen ont baissé de 14 pour cent en raison des marées hautes agitant la mer, passant de 588 en octobre à 505 en novembre parmi lesquels figuraient 79 femmes (16%).



DTM Djibouti,
Period Covered
Nov 01 2023
Nov 30 2023
  • Flow Monitoring

In November 2023, 22,968 migratory movements were observed at flow monitoring points (FMPs) in Djibouti, with a daily average of 766 migratory movements. Migration flows observed across all FMPs increased slightly by (1%) compared to October 2023 during which 22,709 movements were recorded. Of these 22,968 movements, 6,400 (28%) were observed in the Obock region where migrants cross the Gulf of Aden towards the Arabian Peninsula. Migration flows at the Obock FMP increased by (31%) compared to October 2023. This increase could be due to a reduction in border controls with Ethiopia combined with rumors of resumption of boat departures from the coasts of Obock where migrants are used to crossing the Gulf of Aden to reach the Arabian Peninsula. Between January and November 2023, arrivals from Ethiopia (110,338) saw a significant increase of 21% compared to the same period of the previous year (91,144). Migration movements in November were mainly: towards the Arabian Peninsula (51%), inbound (39%), transiting towards Ethiopia (5%), transiting within Djibouti (4%), and outgoing (1%). Spontaneous returns from Yemen fell by (14%) due to high tides agitating the sea, going from 588 in October to 505 in November, including 79 women (16%).



Map Type
Location Map
Published date
Wed, 12/20/2023 - 10:31
Mobility Tracking

Between August and September 2023, IOM’s DTM deployed Site Assessment (SA) Round 34 and Village Assessment Survey (VAS) Round 17, carrying out a multisectoral location assessment. It is to be noted that Amhara region was largely uncovered this round due to increased insecurity, and both the IDP and returning IDP caseloads should likely be higher. The National Displacement Map visualizes locations of displacement, density of displacement caseload, primary reasons for displacement, estimated displacement figures, and access constraints.



Period Covered
Dec 18 2023
Dec 19 2023
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking

On December 18th, an armed attack occurred in downtown Ganthier, specifically in the 5th communal section of Pays Pourri, which is situated within the municipality of Ganthier. As a consequence of this incident, approximately 388 households, totaling 1,940 individuals, have been displaced within the same municipality. Currently, these displaced individuals have sought refuge with host families, with the majority finding shelter in the communal section of Fond Parisien.



Period Covered
Dec 18 2023
Dec 19 2023
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking

Le 18 décembre, une attaque armée a eu lieu au centre-ville de Ganthier, dans la 5ème section communale de Pays Pouri, située dans la commune de Ganthier. Ces événements ont entraîné le déplacement d'environ 388 ménages, comprenant 1 940 individus, au sein de la même commune. Toutes ces personnes déplacées ont trouvé refuge auprès de familles d'accueil. La section communale de Fond Parisien accueille plus de la moitié des personnes déplacées.