

IDPs tracked

Displacement Movements

IDMC 2023

Data collection round

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IDP Population Trend

  • Administrative division with available number of displaced persons
  • Site assessed by DTM
  • Data not available
About Haiti

On January 12th 2010, an earthquake of 7.0 magnitude hit Haiti, resulting in the destruction of more than 300,000 buildings and the displacement of 1.5 million people. Following this destructive earthquake, and as the lead Camp Coordination/Camp Management agency, IOM took the initiative to develop a unified displacement data management process, called the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM). A comprehensive multi-sectoral tracking system was applied as a monitoring tool to track the IDP population on basic conditions in IDP sites, and camp-like settlements in support of the Emergency Shelter and Camp Coordination and Camp Management (E-Shelter/CCCM) Cluster and other humanitarian and recovery actors in Haiti. IOM implements the DTM in partnership with the Government of Haiti (GoH) through the Directorate of Civil Protection (DPC in French).

DTM has been adapted to the new context in the country to track humane mobility including displacement induced by gangs violence, forced returns of Haitians, migration with country in the region, especially with the Dominican Republic.

Current Donors
  • CERF
  • BHA
  • ECHO
  • Canada
Mobility Impact due to COVID-19 in Haiti

To better understand how COVID-19 affects global mobility, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) has been working to map the impacts on human mobility, at Global, Regional and Country level.

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Haiti — COVID-19 Border Monitoring — Situation Report 2 (25 March 2020)

The COVID-19 outbreak first reported in the People's Republic of China in late 2019 was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organisation (WHO) on 11 March 2020.

Haiti — COVID-19 Border Monitoring — Situation Report 1 (23 March 2020)

The COVID-19 outbreak first reported in the People's Republic of China in late 2019 was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organisation (WHO) on 11 March 2020.

Haiti — COVID-19 Border Monitoring — Weekly Situation Report 1 (17 - 29 March 2020)

The COVID-19 outbreak first reported in the People’s Republic of China in late 2019 was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organisation (WHO) on 11 March 2020.

Haiti — Earthquake Displacement Report 33 (January 2019)

DTM carried out assessments in displacement sites in January 2019. This document contains key information and highlights from displacement sites hosting IDPs displaced by the 2010 earthquake, including information on the number of displaced people in each site.

Haiti — Earthquake Displacement Sites Map (1 May 2018)

DTM carried out assessments in displacement sites between 13 and 16 April 2018. This document contains maps of the displacement sites hosting IDPs displaced by the 2010 earthquake, including information on the number of displaced people in each site.

Haiti — Rapport de déplacement — Séisme 32 (31 Mars 2018)

Un séisme de magnitude 7.0 a frappé Haiti le 12 janvier 2010. Celui-ci a causé la destruction de plus de 300,000 immeubles et le déplacement de 1.5 millions de personnes. Le rapport suivant présente le

Haiti — Border Monitoring Situation Report (28 September 2017)

The Border Monitoring Network focuses on the identification and profiling of persons crossing the Dominican-Haiti border as well as supporting the management and provision of assistance to vulnerable individuals. During the reporting period 2,341 individuals were observed crossing into Haiti.

Haiti — Enquête d'intentions de retour (Septembre 2017)

Ce rapport contient les résultats des enquêtes sur les intentions de retour effectuées dans 26 sites de déplacement dams les communes de Les Cayes, Camp Perrin, Maniche, Port-Salut, St Jean du Sud, Arniquet, St.

Haiti – Inventaire des bâtiments à Chambellan et Moron — Ouragan Matthew (30 Août 2017)

Le 4 octobre 2016, l’ouragan Matthew a touché le sol haïtien, accompagné de forts vents et pluies surtout dans les villes côtières du sud.

Haiti — Enquête d'intentions de retour (Juillet 2017)

Ce rapport contient les résultats des enquêtes sur les intentions de retour effectuées dans 33 sites de déplacement dams les communes de Les Cayes, Camp Perrin, Chantal, Maniche, Port-Salut, St Jean du Sud, Arniquet, St.

Haiti — Border Monitoring Situation Report (29 June 2017)

During this reporting period 1,278 individuals were observed crossing the border into Haitian territory; this is below the average of 1,867 per week. Of these, 1,120 individuals were voluntarily registered. 58 UASC were identified, which is above the average of 32 individuals.

Haiti - Earthquake Displacement Report (June 2017)

The three primary DTM operations track displacement caused by the 2010 Earthquake, Hurricane Matthew and secondary displacements which have been caused by the start of the rainy season, and deportations at the border with the Dominican Republic. There have been limited changes since the last

Haiti — Cumulative Displacement Report (May 2017)

The three primary DTM operations track displacement caused by the 2010 Earthquake, Hurricane Matthew and secondary displacements which have been caused by the start of the rainy season, and deportations at the border with the Dominican Republic. There have been limited changes since th

Haiti — Border Monitoring Situation Report (25 May 2017)

1,906 individuals were observed crossing the border into Haitian territory. Of these 1,638 were voluntarily registered. 29 unaccompanied and separated children were identified, 15 of these were officially deported into Haitian territory.

Haiti – Building Inventory — Chambellan and Moron (24 May 2017)

On October 4th 2016, Hurricane Matthew made landfall in Haiti, with heavy winds and rain barreling to the southern coastal towns.

Haiti — Border Monitoring Situation Report (27 April 2017)

During the reporting period 1,858 individuals were observed crossing the border into Haitian territory. Of these, 1,028 were voluntarily registered. 28 unaccompanied minors were identified. Of these, 12 had officially been deported into Haitian territory.

Haiti — Enquête d'intentions de retour (Avril 2017)

L'enquête d'intentions de retour recueille des informations sur les conditions de vie des PDI dans les sites de déplacement et le retour potentiel dans leur lieu d'origine.

Haiti — Border Monitoring Situation Report (23 March 2017)

1,3645 individuals were observed crossing the border into Haitian territory from 16 to 23 March 2017. 675 individuals declared having returned spontaneously to Haiti and 169 individuals claimed to have been deported into Haitian territory.

Haiti — Border Monitoring Situation Report (9 March 2017)

Cumulatively since the first week of June 2015 to 9 March 2017, 107,914 households representing 177,304 individuals have crossed the border into Haitian territory. 33.7% were female while 66.3% were male. 2,892 presumed unaccompanied minors were identified.

Haiti — Border Monitoring Situation Report (2 March 2017)

8935 individuals were observed crossing the border into Haitian territory this week, of these 33 presumed unaccompanied minors were identified. 250 individuals declared having returned spontaneously to Haiti and 64 individuals claimed to have been deported into Haitian territory.

Haiti — Border Monitoring Situation Report (23 February 2017)

IOM recorded a cumulative total of 174,840 individuals comprising 106,241 households crossing the border into Haitian territory. 33.7% of these were female and 66.3% were male. 2,849 presumed unaccompanied minors were identified.

Haiti — Hurricane Matthew Displacement Report 4 (February 2017)

A total of 711 evacuation shelters were inventoried. Of these, the DTM teams profiled 423 shelters and registered 79 shelters. As of 14 February 2017, 47 evacuation shelters remained open, hosting an estimated 7,015 persons (representing 1,564 households).

Haiti — Border Monitoring Situation Report (17 February 2017)

IOM recorded a cumulative total of 173,208 individuals comprising 105,070 households crossing the border into Haitian territory, 33.8% of these were female and 66.2% were male. 2,824 presumed unaccompanied minors were identified.

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Système d’alerte précoce pour les déplacements dans la zone métropolitaine de Port-au-Prince (2 – 8 juillet 2022)

108 nouveaux déplacements et 213 nouvelles arrivées de personnes déplacées internes ont été rapportés pendant la période d’évaluation dans les 195 quartiers évalués.

Haiti – Système D’alerte Précoce pour les Déplacements (25 juin – 1 juillet 2022)

447 nouveaux déplacements et 284 nouvelles arrivées de personnes déplacées internes ont été rapportés pendant la période d’évaluation dans les 187 quartiers évalués.

Haiti – Système D’alerte Précoce pour les Déplacements (18 – 24 juin 2022)

Presque sept-cents nouveaux déplacements forcés ont été rapportés entre 18 et 24 juin, la majorité desquels ont pris place à Fatima – Lakou Normil à Pernier, Pétion-Ville (359 individus), et à Tapage, Tabarre (259 individus).

Haiti – Système D’alerte Précoce pour les Déplacements (11 – 17 juin 2022)

Dix-sept nouveaux déplacements et 78 nouvelles arrivées de personnes déplacées internes ont été rapportés pendant la période d’évaluation dans les 173 quartiers évalués, les chiffres les plus bas depuis le début des évaluations hebdomadaires en avril.

Haiti – Système D’alerte Précoce pour les Déplacements (4 – 10 juin 2022)

Durant la période d’évaluation, la situation sécuritaire est restée relativement calme dans la plupart de la zone métropolitaine, réduisant le nombre de nouveaux déplacements par rapport aux semaines antérieures.

Haiti – Système D’alerte Précoce pour les Déplacements ( 28 mai – 3 juin 2022)

La situation sécuritaire était relativement calme durant la période d’évaluation, ce qui a permis une diminution du nombre de nouveaux déplacements. Néanmoins, seize quartiers ont été affectés par des violences généralisées et cinq par des violences ciblées.

Haiti – Système D’alerte Précoce pour les Déplacements (21-27 Mai 2022)

La situation sécuritaire dans la zone métropolitaine s'est améliorée pendant la période d'évaluation, avec une légère diminution du nombre de quartiers affectés par les violences, ce qui a permis le retour de plusieurs milliers de personnes.

Haiti – Système D’alerte Précoce pour les Déplacements (14-20 mai 2022)

Une apparente trêve dans les violences dans certaines zones des communes de Croix-des-Bouquets, Tabarre et Cité Soleil a permis des retours de population dans plusieurs quartiers qui avaient été affectés en mai et avril.

Haiti – Système D’alerte Précoce pour les Déplacements (7-13 mai 2022)

Une apparente amélioration de la situation sécuritaire dans plusieurs quartiers qui avaient été sévèrement affectés par les affrontements entre gangs des dernières semaines a permis des timides retours de population et un partiel rétablissement du réseau des transports à Croix des Bouquets, Cité

Haïti – Système d’Alerte Précoce Pour Les Déplacements – Zone Métropolitaine De Port-au-Prince (23 Avril – 06 Mai 2022)

A partir de samedi 23 avril, une situation de violence généralisée causée par des affrontements armés entre gangs rivaux a causé le déplacement d’environ 17 000 personnes dans les communes de Croix-des-Bouquets, Cité Soleil et Tabarre.

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