
Apr 19 2023 Print

The tools below help colleagues in the field deciding what data they need and how to safely and effectively collect data to support inclusion of persons with diverse Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression, Sex Characteristics (SOGIESC). You can choose to use the FAQ document, or the Decision Tree or the in-depth IOM Operarional Guide, full of examples and explanations.  

A training module is available on Data for an Inclusive response and how to gather them:  

Remember not ask people about their (and others') Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, Gender Expression or Sex Characteristics: never try to collect the number or percentage of persons with diverse SOGIESC in a community (i.e., prevalence) or the number of persons with diverse SOGIESC accessing our programmes. 

Asking such questions is likely to cause harm to the person interviewed, the interviewer and the organization. In addition, the reported numbers will not be accurate, and are likely to be underestimated. Reporting underestimated numbers may do harm to persons of diverse SOGIESC as it will hinder advocacy of organizations for tailored safe response that is tailored to their additional risks and needs.

DTM colleagues can refer to the "DTM Guidance on Data collection on Sex and Age Disaggregated Data", part of DTM Standards.