Flow Monitoring


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DTM Sudan; dtmsudan@iom.int
Period Covered
Apr 15 2023
Apr 07 2024
  • Flow Monitoring

This report was produced in partnership with Social Inquiry, a non-profit research organization focused on cross-disciplinary research in conflict-affected settings.

The report provides an overview and contextual analysis of mixed cross-border movements from Sudan to neighbouring countries during one year of the conflict (15 April 2023-07 April 2024).

Key Findings:

• An estimated 2,044,248 individuals displaced across borders from Sudan into neighbouring countries during one year of conflict between SAF and RSF.

• Approximately 63 per cent of arrivals tracked in these countries were Sudanese nationals, while an estimated 37 per cent were third-country nationals or returnees.

• The majority of cross-border movements were reported in Chad (36%), South Sudan (32%), and Egypt (25%).

• Most displacement occurred during the first months of the conflict, between April and June 2023, and surged again between December 2023 and January 2024, reflecting the escalation of conflict in the Kordofan states and the expansion of conflict into Aj Jazirah state.

• An average of approximately 170,000 individuals crossed the borders each month from Sudan into neighbouring states between April 2023 and April 2024.

• Chad received the highest influx of cross-border movements, with an estimated 737,679 individuals arriving in Chad from Sudan between April 2023 and April 2024.

For further information, see One Year of Conflict in Sudan: Visualizing the World’s Largest Displacement Crisis.



Period Covered
Jul 14 2024
Jul 20 2024
  • Survey
  • Flow Monitoring Survey
  • Flow Monitoring

The IOM Afghanistan’s DTM Flow Monitoring activity is designed to provide insights into the mobility patterns at Afghanistan’s border points with the Islamic Republic of Iran and Pakistan. The activity involves two interlinked exercises: the Flow Monitoring Counting (FMC), a headcount of individuals crossing the border, and the Flow Monitoring Surveys (FMS), which collect data on the profiles and intentions of randomly selected Afghan nationals. DTM FM is operational at four main crossing points (connected to Afghanistan’s National Highway) as well as seven other crossing points with Islamic Republic of Iran and Pakistan. This weekly snapshot combines information from the FM activity and various IOM sources related to cross-border movement. For a detailed explanation of the methodology used in gathering this data, the report directs readers to the section titled “IOM INFLOW DATA” on the last page.



DTM Europe, DTMMediterranean@iom.int
Period Covered
Jan 01 2023
Dec 31 2023
  • Survey
  • Flow Monitoring

The Factsheet is an overview of trends in 2023 concerning migrant and refugee children arriving in Europe via mixed migration routes.

The report is produced by UNHCR, UNICEF, and IOM and provides detailed statistics and analysis on accompanied, unaccompanied, and separated children arriving in countries such as Greece, Italy, Bulgaria, Spain, Cyprus, and Malta.

Key highlights:

  • In 2023, 55,700 children arrived in Greece, Italy, Bulgaria, Spain, Cyprus and Malta (23% girls and 77% boys). This is a 58% increase compared to 2022 (35,170)
  • 64% of children arrived (35,500) were unaccompanied or separated (UASC). Main countries of origin include Syrian Arab Republic, Afghanistan, Tunisia, Guinea, Egypt, Côte d’Ivoire.
  • Of all the children who sought international protection in Europe in 2023, some 71% were registered as first- time applicants in just four countries: Germany (39%), France (14%), Spain (11%), and Austria (7%). Among UASC asylum seekers, main nationalities were Syrian Arab Republic (35%), Afghanistan (31%), Somalia (5%) and Türkiye (3%).
  • In 2023, IOM continued its support to relocation under existing schemes and under the Voluntary Solidarity Mechanism from Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta, and Spain. A total of 774 children were assisted with voluntary relocation from Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta, and Spain to 10 European countries. This is a 160% increase compared to the 297 children relocated in 2022.


DTM Regional Office Nairobi, DTMRONairobi@iom.int
Period Covered
Jun 01 2024
Jun 30 2024
  • Flow Monitoring
  • Flow Monitoring Registry
  • Points of Entry (PoE)

Key findings in June 2024

• Around 108,000 exit movements from Ethiopia have been tracked between January and June 2024, an 18% increase when compared with the same period in 2023 (91,321).

• As of June, forced returns from Saudi Arabia to Ethiopia (57,075) surpassed all returns in 2023 (42,948), a 33% increase. Such increase has been particularly pronounced on those returning to Tigray (+69%, 16,600), Amhara (+45%, 20,100) and Oromia (+31%, 17,600).

• Movements tracked in Obock towards the Arabian Peninsula increased by 58% between May and June, surpassing the highest number of movements tracked in December 2023 (7,403). Thus, June 2024 marks the highest figure since the beginning of flow monitoring operations in Obock in 2019. Similarly, these movements increased by 41% from 2023 (22,698) for the period January – June despite operations conducted against irregular migration in the Lahj governorate, the main landing point of migrants crossing the Bab al-Mandab Strait from Djibouti.

• When comparing the period January – June between 2023 (19,476) and 2024, there is a 43% increase in movements tracked in Bossaso heading to Yemen.

• At least 49 migrants died and 140 others went missing after a boat capsized off the coast of Yemen. The vessel carrying 260 migrants (115 Somali nationals and 145 Ethiopians) capsized on 10 June near Alghareef in Shabwah governorate. Among those who lost their lives, there were 31 women and 6 children.

• So far in 2024, 1,095 migrants have been deported from Oman to Yemen, a 40% increase compared to 2023 (781).



DTM Somalia, IOMSomaliaDTM@iom.int
Period Covered
May 01 2024
May 31 2024
  • Flow Monitoring
  • Flow Monitoring Registry

A total of 24,430 movements were observed in May 2024, representing 8% increase compared to April 2024 when 22,611 movements were observed during this period. Comparing May 2024 with April 2024, Doolow (13%), Buuhoodle (11%), Bossaso (6%), Dhobley (6%) and Lowyacado (5%) FMPs recorded an increase in movements while Cabudwaaq (-22%) and Harirad (-5%) FMPs recorded a decrease in movements.

Doolow (57%), Bossaso (28%), and Dhobley (7%) FMPs recorded the highest numbers of incoming movements, while Doolow (40%), Dhobley (25%) and Cabudwaaq (13%) recorded the highest numbers of outgoing movements for May 2024.



DTM Zimbabwe, DTMzimbabwe@iom.int, DTMsupport@iom.int
Period Covered
Jun 01 2024
Jun 30 2024
  • Flow Monitoring

During the reporting period a total of 49,751 movements were recorded and 1,982 migrants were interviewed across 20 Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs) in Zimbabwe. The total movements recorded decreased by 14 per cent compared to the previous month. Sixty-two per cent of movements observed were inflows, whilst 38 per cent were outflows. The top three sending districts were Beitbridge (50%), Harare (12%) and Chiredzi (8%), whilst the top three receiving districts were Harare (27%), Beitbridge (21%) and Bulawayo (11%). Matabeleland South province recorded the highest number of outflows (54%) whilst Harare province recorded the highest number of inflows (28%). Migrants travelling from Matabeleland South highlighted Limpopo (70%) and Gauteng, South Africa (28%) as their intended destination. Of the incoming migrants travelling to Harare, 36 per cent were travelling from Lusaka province in Zambia whilst 34 per cent were travelling from Gauteng (South Africa).

The South Africa-Zimbabwe corridor recorded the highest movement of 44,654 (90%) followed by the Zambia-Zimbabwe corridor which recorded 5,097 (10%) movements. Fifty-four per cent of movements along the South Africa-Zimbabwe corridor were short-term movements, 22 per cent were long-term economic movements whilst 21 per cent were family reunification movements. Of the migrants travelling from South Africa, 26 per cent travelled to Beitbridge, 19 per cent to Harare and 12 per cent were headed to Bulawayo. The Zambia-Zimbabwe corridor consisted of 54 per cent short-term movements, 23 per cent long-term economic movements and 23 per cent family reunification movements. Of the migrants travelling from Zambia, 61 per cent were travelling to Harare, 17 per cent to Hurungwe and nine per cent to Bulawayo.

The Zimbabwe Department of Immigration Control recorded 170,175 entries and 159,635 exits at the Beitbridge border post and 11,241 movements at the Chirundu border post.



Period Covered
Feb 01 2024
Feb 29 2024
  • Survey
  • Return Intention
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Baseline Assessment

В ходе третьего раунда опроса международных трудящихся-мигрантов, проведенного в семи регионах и трех провинциальных городах, были опрошены 1810 международных трудящихся-мигрантов. Используя метод снежного кома для получения информированного согласия, опрос охватывал демографические данные, социально-экономические характеристики, статус занятости, миграционные намерения, причины миграции, проблемы, с которыми сталкиваются на работе, доходы, денежные переводы, жилье, медицинские услуги, финансовое положение, информацию о правах, местная реинтеграция, влияние санкций и уязвимости. Основные результаты показали, что 32 процента респондентов имеют начальное среднее образование, 50 процентов являются основными кормильцами, 57 процентов не имеют пенсионных выплат, 50 процентов не имеют ежегодного отпуска, 41 процент работают без официальных контрактов и 55 процентов плотят аренду за проживание. Кроме того, 39 процентов заняты в строительном секторе, 70 процентов сталкиваются с высокими расходами на аренду, 26 процентов не имеют медицинских услуг, а 48 процентов переводят более половины своего дохода.



Period Covered
Jan 01 2024
Mar 31 2024
  • Survey
  • Return Intention
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Baseline Assessment

Ежеквартальный отчет был составлен путем объединения вторичных данных, полученных из различных источников, включая государственные органы, международные организации, некоммерческие организации и другие типы организаций. В частности, отчет за первый квартал 2024 года был составлен на основе данных МВД, Бюро национальной статистики и Пограничной службы Республики Казахстана. Данные были собраны на основе сочетания опубликованных источников и прямых запросов к партнерам и государственным учреждениям.



Angélica Madrigal amadrigal@iom.int
Costa Rica
Period Covered
Jun 01 2024
Jul 31 2024
  • Survey
  • Registration
  • Flow Monitoring

Cantones: Alajuela, Cartago, Corredores, Desamparados, Escazú, Heredia, Los Chiles, San Carlos, San José, Santa Ana y Tibás.

Costa Rica, al igual que otros países de América Central, se ha distinguido por ser un corredor migratorio del flujo en situación de movilidad por las Américas. Este flujo está compuesto principalmente por personas provenientes de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, Ecuador, Haití, Colombia, así como de otros países de Suramérica, África y Asia. Según estimaciones de la OIM Costa Rica, durante junio de 2024 ingresaron al país aproximadamente 33.022 personas, con un promedio diario de 1.101 personas. Esto representa una disminución del 1% en comparación con mayo de 2024. Además, se identificaron 937 personas varadas en los sitios públicos monitoreados y 981 personas varadas en los albergues monitoreados.



Costa Rica
Period Covered
Jun 01 2024
Jun 30 2024
  • Flow Monitoring
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking

Cantons: Alajuela, Cartago, Corredores, Desamparados, Escazú, Heredia, Los Chiles,San Carlos, San José, Santa Ana and Tibás.

Costa Rica, like other Central American countries, has distinguished itself as a migratory corridor for the flow of people in mobility across the Americas. This flow is mainly composed of people from the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Cuba, Haiti, Ecuador, as well as other countries in South America, Africa, and Asia. According to estimates by IOM Costa Rica, approximately 33,022 people entered the country in June 2024, with a daily average of 1,101 people. This represents a 1% decrease compared to May 2024. Additionally, 937 stranded people were identified in monitored public sites and 981 stranded people in monitored shelters.