
Public Dataset


DTM Burundi,
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking
Period Covered
Dec 04 2022 -
Dec 10 2022
Activated on an ad hoc basis, the DTM Emergency Tracking provides early field reports at the beginning of a complex crisis, allowing IOM to gather, consolidate and disseminate baseline information on displacement and return figures at the onset of a newly emerging crisis. The DTM Emergency Tracking relies heavily on information provided by RARTs or partners within the humanitarian community about an unfolding situation. The Emergency Tracking gathers data through IOM Burundi’s extended network of key informants, who provide basic information on the new displacement, be it of IDPs or returnees, or both, including numbers, location and shelter types. While IOM DTM strives to provide best estimates, the Emergency Tracking aims to be a quick monitoring tool with real-time data turnover ranging from 24 to 72 hours following its activation.
Population Groups

Survey Methodology

Unit of Analysis Or Observation

Type of Survey or Assessment


Geographical Scope

Administrative boundaries with available data

The current dataset covers the following administrative boundaries



DTM Europe,
Period Covered
Oct 07 2022
Nov 09 2022
  • Survey
  • Flow Monitoring

On 24 February 2022, the Russian Federation invaded Ukraine and triggered an unprecedented humanitarian crisis and forcibly displaced people within Ukraine and to neighboring countries. The Republic of Moldova is one of the main refugee-hosting countries and a transit country for those moving onward. Between 24 February 2022 and 10 November 2022, an estimated 806,513 Ukrainian citizens entered the Republic of Moldova (based on General Inspectorate of Border Police data (GIBP)). During this period, while a large number of people were displaced to other European countries, approximately 95,718 Ukrainian citizens sought refuge in the Republic of Moldova (source: GIBP data). In response to the refugee influx in the Republic of Moldova, the Moldovan government, with the support of the United Nations (UN) agencies, international and national non-governmental partners, have been providing support, including but not limited to, access to food and shelter, access to health services, employment opportunities and education for children. To inform an evidence-based response, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) conducted a displacement survey to identify basic needs and intentions of refugees from Ukraine and third-country nationals (TCNs), entering the Republic of Moldova from Ukraine since March 2022. The first round of the Displacement Survey on Intentions was conducted between 9 March to 12 May 2022 (link to report), and the second round began on 6 September 2022 and data collection is ongoing. This is the second report presenting findings from the second round of data collection. It summarizes the key findings of the displacement survey conducted by IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM), between 07 October and 09 November 2022, in four entry and exit Border Crossing Points (BCPs) between the Republic of Moldova and both Ukraine and Romania. The findings presented are based on 1,191 interviews with refugees from Ukraine and TCNs, entering the country, of which 396 were conducted in Otaci BCP (North-East), 394 in Palanca BCP (South-East), 241 in Leuseni BCP (West) and 160 in Giurgiulesti BCP (South).



DTM Burundi,
Period Covered
Dec 11 2022
Dec 17 2022
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking

Entre le 11 au 17 décembre 2022, la DTM a identifié 8 766 personnes affectées dont 531 personnes déplacées par les pluies torrentielles et les vents violents.



Angélica Madrigal
Costa Rica
Period Covered
Oct 01 2022
Oct 31 2022
  • Survey
  • Registration
  • Flow Monitoring

Durante el periodo de tiempo que abarca el presente informe, se logró observar un total de 8.214 personas que cruzaron irregularmente (ingresos y egresos) en los tres puntos de monitoreo de la frontera entre Costa Rica y Nicaragua, y 645 rechazos de Nicaragua a Costa Rica. Además, de un total de 240 personas a las que se les solicitó participar en la encuesta, 200 accedieron, lo que significa que hubo una tasa de respuesta del 83 por ciento. Estas encuestas se aplican a personas migrantes nicaragüenses en centros de agrupación y tránsito cotidiano, como terminales de autobuses o paradas de taxis informales. La recolección de información se ha realizado todos los días de la semana, entre 8:00 a.m. y 3:00 p.m. (desde 01 de octubre al 20 de octubre de 2022).
Estos datos son una medida dinámica para el recuento de personas que cruzan una frontera una o varias veces en un periodo establecido, no representan estimaciones generalizables del flujo migratorio irregular de Costa Rica por la frontera norte, por lo que deben interpretarse como un marco de referencia sobre las características de las personas migrantes irregulares de Costa Rica en un determinado periodo de tiempo y en determinados sitios de monitoreo.
Complementariamente a la elaboración de este informe se realizaron dos grupos focales en el cantón de Upala con la participación de 17 personas migrantes nicaragüenses (16 mujeres y un hombre), en los que se profundizó cualitativamente las categorías de necesidades, integración y vulnerabilidades a partir de la adaptación de las preguntas del cuestionario de DTM hacia el componente cualitativo. Las personas participantes provienen de las comunidades: Canalete, Cartago de Upala, centro de Upala, Fósforo, Moreno Cañas y México de Upala.



Angélica Madrigal
Costa Rica
Period Covered
Sep 01 2022
Sep 30 2022
  • Survey
  • Registration
  • Flow Monitoring

Durante el periodo de tiempo que abarca el presente informe, se logró observar un total de 9 373 personas que cruzaron irregularmente (ingresos y egresos) en los tres puntos de monitoreo de la frontera entre Costa Rica y Nicaragua, y 594 rechazos de Nicaragua a Costa Rica Además, de un total de 409 personas a las que se les solicitó participar en la encuesta, 347 accedieron, lo que significa que hubo una tasa de respuesta del 85 por ciento Estas encuestas se aplican a personas migrantes nicaragüenses en centros de agrupación y tránsito cotidiano, como terminales de autobuses o paradas de taxis informales La recolección de información se ha realizado todos los días de la semana, entre 8 00 a m y 3 00 p m (desde 01 de septiembre al 30 de septiembre de 2022).
Estos datos son una medida dinámica para el recuento de personas que cruzan una frontera una o varias veces en un periodo establecido, no representan estimaciones generalizables del flujo migratorio irregular de Costa Rica por la frontera norte, por lo que deben interpretarse como un marco de referencia sobre las características de las personas migrantes irregulares de Costa Rica en un determinado periodo de tiempo y en determinados sitios de monitoreo.



Period Covered
Nov 25 2022
Dec 05 2022
  • Survey

Starting on 24 February 2022, a large-scale armed conflict in Ukraine triggered an unprecedented humanitarian crisis across the country, characterised, among other elements, by the displacement of a significant proportion of the Ukrainian population.

As early as April 2022, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) began observing significant return movements. Conditions of return vary widely, as returnees arrive back to areas not directly affected by the war, but which have experienced a significant influx of internally displaced persons (IDPs), as well as to conflict-affected and recently de-occupied areas which have sustained severe damage. Due to the volatility of the current situation, it is impossible to determine what proportion of the returns observed at present are permanent or temporary. Existing data shows, however, that the returnee population in Ukraine is characterized by a unique set of needs and vulnerabilities which set it apart from those who had never been displaced and from the population of IDPs.

To support partners in providing targeted, evidence-based assistance to those returning to their areas of habitual residence following a period of forced displacement, IOM presents the Ukraine Returns Report. This publication will strive to analyze IOM’s latest data on the situation and needs of the returnee population and on the conditions of return, collected through the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) assessments conducted in the country.

This December 2022 edition of the Ukraine Returns Report presents a detailed analysis of data collected through the eleventh round of IOM’s General Population Survey (GPS), conducted 25 November and 5 December 2022 among the adult population in Ukraine. The geographical scope of the assessment covers the entire territory of Ukraine, all five macro-regions (West, East, North, Centre, South, and the city of Kyiv), with the exception of the Crimean peninsula and the non-government-controlled-areas of Ukraine (NGCA). The general population survey was conducted using a random‐digit‐dial (RDD) approach, and 2,002 unique and anonymous respondents aged 18 and over were interviewed using the computer-assisted telephone interview (CATI) method.



DTM Nigeria,
Period Covered
Oct 28 2022
Nov 01 2022
  • Other
  • Event Tracking

The rainy season in Nigeria typically occurs annually with the greatest concentration of precipitation between the months of June and September. Many states in Nigeria have been affected by unprecedented heavy rainfalls and floods have devastated various communities. Infrastructure, crops, and shelters have been damaged which led to decimated livelihoods and the displacement of numerous households. Over the past months, climate variability and the release of excess water from the Lagdo dam in northern Cameroon, have worsened the flood situation and has resulted in a renewed situation of widespread displacement across Nigeria.

Between 28 October and 1 November 2022, DTM, in collaboration with the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), the Katsina State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA) and the Nigerian Red Cross Society (NCRS) identified 204 locations in Katsina State that were affected by the floods and/or received IDPs that are currently displaced as a result of the floods. Through a network of 201 key informants and field focal points, and in close coordination with other humanitarian partners and local authorities on the ground, DTM conducted assessments in these locations to inform the humanitarian community of the main needs, vulnerabilities and mobility intentions of the affected population.



DTM Nigeria,
Period Covered
Oct 28 2022
Nov 01 2022
  • Other
  • Event Tracking

The rainy season in Nigeria typically occurs annually with the greatest concentration of precipitation between the months of June and September. Many states in Nigeria have been affected by unprecedented heavy rainfalls and floods have devastated various communities. Infrastructure, crops, and shelters have been damaged which led to decimated livelihoods and the displacement of numerous households. Over the past months, climate variability and the release of excess water from the Lagdo dam in northern Cameroon, have worsened the flood situation and has resulted in a renewed situation of widespread displacement across Nigeria.

Between 28 October and 1 November 2022, DTM, in collaboration with the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), the Bauchi State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA) and the Nigerian Red Cross Society (NCRS) identified 131 locations in Bauchi State that were affected by the floods and/or received IDPs that were displaced as a result of the floods. Through a network of 106 key informants and field focal points, and in close coordination with other humanitarian partners and local authorities on the ground, DTM conducted assessments in these locations to inform the humanitarian community of the main needs, vulnerabilities and mobility intentions of the affected population.



DTM Nigeria,
Period Covered
Oct 28 2022
Nov 01 2022
  • Other
  • Event Tracking

The rainy season in Nigeria typically occurs annually with the greatest concentration of precipitation between the months of June and September. Many states in Nigeria have been affected by unprecedented heavy rainfalls and floods have devastated various communities. Infrastructure, crops, and shelters have been damaged which led to decimated livelihoods and the displacement of numerous households. Over the past months, climate variability and the release of excess water from the Lagdo dam in northern Cameroon, have worsened the flood situation and has resulted in a renewed situation of widespread displacement across Nigeria.
Between 28 October and 1 November 2022, DTM, in collaboration with the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), the Kano State Emergency Management Agency (KNSEMA) and the Nigerian Red Cross Society (NCRS) identified 100 locations in 18 LGAs in Kano State that were affected by the floods and/or received IDPs that are currently displaced as a result of the floods. Through a network of 34 key informants and field focal points, and in close coordination with other humanitarian partners and local authorities on the ground, DTM conducted assessments in these locations to inform the humanitarian community of the main needs, vulnerabilities and mobility intentions of the affected population.



DTM Nigeria,
Period Covered
Oct 28 2022
Nov 01 2022
  • Other
  • Event Tracking

The rainy season in Nigeria typically occurs annually with the greatest concentration of precipitation between the months of June and September. Many states in Nigeria have been affected by unprecedented heavy rainfalls and floods have devastated various communities. Infrastructure, crops, and shelters have been damaged which led to decimated livelihoods and the displacement of numerous households. Over the past months, climate variability and the release of excess water from the overflow of river Kaduna, have worsened the flood situation and has resulted in a renewed situation of widespread displacement across Nigeria.
Between 28 October and 1 November 2022, DTM, in collaboration with the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), the Kaduna State Emergency Management Agency (KNSEMA) and the Nigerian Red Cross Society (NCRS) identified 57 locations in 14 LGAs in Kaduna State that were affected by the floods and/or received IDPs that are currently displaced as a result of the floods. Through a network of 45 key informants and field focal points, and in close coordination with other humanitarian partners and local authorities on the ground, DTM conducted assessments in these locations to inform the humanitarian community of the main needs, vulnerabilities and mobility intentions of the affected population.