


DTM Nigeria,
Period Covered
Oct 23 2021
Oct 29 2021
  • Flow Monitoring
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Points of Entry (PoE)

During the COVID-19 pandemic, IOM's Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM), in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO), monitors the movements to and from Nigeria's Adamawa and Borno States in North East Nigeria. Assessments are conducted at Points of Entry located along the border with Cameroon.

During the period 23 - 29 October 2021, 163 movements were observed at three Points of Entry in Borno state. Of the total movements recorded, 96 were incoming from the Far North Region in Cameroon. Additionally, 67 outgoing movements were recorded from Borno State to the Far North Region in Cameroon. In addition, a range of data is collected during the assessments to better inform on travellers’ nationalities, sex, reasons for moving, mode of transportation and timeline of movement.



DTM Nigeria,
Period Covered
Oct 16 2021
Oct 22 2021
  • Flow Monitoring
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Points of Entry (PoE)

During the COVID-19 pandemic, IOM's Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM), in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO), monitors the movements to and from Nigeria's Adamawa and Borno States in North East Nigeria. Assessments are conducted at Points of Entry located along the border with Cameroon.

During the period 16 - 22 October 2021, 203 movements  were observed at three Points of Entry in Borno state. Of the total movements recorded, 104 were incoming from the Far North Region in Cameroon. Additionally, 99 outgoing movements were recorded from Borno State to the Far North Region in Cameroon.

In addition, a range of data is collected during the assessments to better inform on travellers’ nationalities, sex, reasons for moving, mode of transportation and timeline of movements.



DTM Nigeria,
Period Covered
Oct 09 2021
Nov 15 2021
  • Flow Monitoring
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Points of Entry (PoE)

During the COVID-19 pandemic, IOM's Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM), in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO), monitors the movements to and from Nigeria's Adamawa and Borno States in North East Nigeria. Assessments are conducted at Points of Entry located along the border with Cameroon.

During the period 09 - 15 October 2021, 280 movements were observed at three Points of Entry in Borno state. Of the total movements recorded, 173 were incoming from the Far North Region in Cameroon and 3 were incoming from Chad Reublic. Additionally, 102 outgoing movements were recorded from Borno State to the Far North Region in Cameroon and 2 outgoing movements to Chad Republic. In addition, a range of data is collected during the assessments to better inform on travellers’ nationalities, sex, reasons for moving, mode of transportation and timeline of movements.



DTM Nigeria,
Period Covered
Jun 21 2021
Jul 27 2021
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Baseline Assessment

This factsheet presents key findings from covers the period from 21 June to 27 July 2021, which presents the results from the Round 38 of Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) assessments carried out by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in North East Zone. The information collected seeks to inform the government of Nigeria — as well as the humanitarian community — with an improved understanding of population movement and displacement. Likewise, it aims to better inform the humanitarian response and relief provision for the affected populations.

During Round 38, DTM identified 2,182,613 IDPs (444,781 households) as well as 1,918,063 Returnees (309,732 households). 



DTM Nigeria,
Period Covered
Nov 01 2021
Nov 07 2021
  • Event Tracking
  • Mobility Tracking

Nigeria's North Central and North West Zones are afflicted with a multidimensional crisis that is rooted in long-standing tensions between ethnic and religious groups and involves attacks by criminal groups and banditry/hirabah (such as kidnapping and grand
larceny along major highways). The crisis has accelerated during the past years because of the intensification of attacks and has resulted in widespread displacement across the region.

Between 01 and 07 November 2021, armed clashes between herdsmen and farmers; and bandits and local communities have led to new waves of population displacement. Following these events, rapid assessments were conducted by DTM (Displacement
Tracking Matrix) field staff with the purpose of informing the humanitarian community and government partners, and enable targeted response. Flash reports utilise direct observation and a broad network of key informants to gather representative data and collect information on the number, profile and immediate needs of affected populations. During the assessment period, the DTM identified an estimated number of 1,804 individuals who were displaced to neigbouring villages in the LGAs Zango Kataf in
Kaduna State and Faskari in Katsina State. A total of 32 casualties were reported, including 20 injuries and 12 fatalities.



DTM Nigeria,
Period Covered
Oct 25 2021
Oct 31 2021
  • Event Tracking
  • Mobility Tracking

Nigeria's North Central and North West Zones are afflicted with a multidimensional crisis that is rooted in long-standing tensions between ethnic and religious groups and involves attacks by criminal groups and banditry/hirabah (such as kidnapping and grand larceny along major highways). The crisis has accelerated during the past years because of the intensification of attacks and has resulted in widespread displacement across the region. Between 25 and 31 October 2021, armed clashes between herdsmen and farmers; and bandits and local communities have led to new waves of population displacement. Following these events, rapid assessments were conducted by DTM (Displacement Tracking Matrix) field staff with the purpose of informing the humanitarian community and government partners, and enable targeted response. Flash reports utilise direct observation and a broad network of key informants to gather representative data and collect information on the number, profile and immediate needs of affected populations. During the assessment period, the DTM identified an estimated number of 531 individuals who were displaced to neigbouring villages in the LGAs Zurmi in Zamfara State and Sabuwa in Katsina. 



DTM Nigeria,
Period Covered
Oct 18 2021
Oct 24 2021
  • Event Tracking
  • Mobility Tracking

Nigeria's North Central and North West Zones are afflicted with a multidimensional crisis that is rooted in long-standing tensions between ethnic and religious groups and involves attacks by criminal groups and banditry/hirabah (such as kidnapping and grand larceny along major highways). The crisis has accelerated during the past years because of the intensification of a?acks and has resulted in widespread displacement across the region. On the evening of 18 October 2021, Goronyo town in Goronyo LGA was attacked by armed bandits. Following this event, a rapid assessment was conducted by DTM (Displacement Tracking Matrix) between 18 and 24 October 2021, identifying n estimated number of 389 individuals who were affected by the attack. 336 persons were displaced from Goronyo LGA towards Sokoto North LGA, both located in the state of Sokoto. Of the 336 individuals who were displaced, 104 persons were injured. An estimated 53 individuals lost their lives in the attack.

Flash reports utilise direct observation and a broad network of key informants to gather representative data and collect information on the number, profile and immediate needs of affected populations.



Map Type
Atlas Map
Published date
Wed, 11/24/2021 - 16:03

The current outbreak of COVID-19 has affected global mobility in complex and unprecedented ways in the form of various travel restrictions, suspension of air travel, and border closures. To better understand this, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) has developed a global mobility database to map these impacts on human mobility, across global, regional, and country levels. Furthermore, COVID-19 has had a disproportionate impact on vulnerable populations in camps and camp-like settings as well as exacerbated the vulnerabilities of mobile populations who may now be stranded owing to COVID-19 related mobility restrictions. This data is particularly important when addressing specific needs faced by migrants and mobile populations.

IOM has developed a global mobility database mapping the status of different Points of Entry (PoE) and Key Locations of Internal Mobility, globally. These include airports, land border crossing points (could be rail or road), blue border crossing points (sea, river or lake), internal transit points, and areas of interest. For each point of entry, data is collected on the type of restriction, measured applied, and the timeframe, as well as the population category that may be affected by the restrictive measures. This workstream uses direct input from IOM missions and this dashboard displays regularly updated mobility restrictions at the location level.



DTM Regional Office Nairobi,
Period Covered
Oct 01 2021
Oct 31 2021
  • Flow Monitoring
  • Points of Entry (PoE)

The COVID-19 outbreak has restricted global mobility, whilst heightening the risk of exploitation of vulnerable populations.
This report provides a snapshot of the COVID-19 epidemiological situation and mobility restrictions, and of the current
migration trends along the Eastern Corridor migration route, in addition to an analysis of the impact that movement
restrictions have had in Djibouti, Ethiopia, Somalia, and Yemen. Moreover, it provides information on the main protection
concerns for migrants and assistance provided, and COVID-19 risk mitigation measures. This report utilizes data collected
through IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs), Migration Response Centres (MRCs),
Assisted Voluntary Return (AVR) data, as well as anecdotal information provided by IOM team members working in the



DTM Mauritania,
Period Covered
Jul 01 2021
Jul 30 2021
  • Event Tracking
  • Survey
  • Flow Monitoring Survey
  • Flow Monitoring

La transhumance est une tradition de longue date en Mauritanie où elle a subi des évolutions majeures au cours des dernières décennies, comme la raréfaction des ressources impliquant la redéfinition des routes empruntées par les troupeaux. Par conséquent, des conflits peuvent survenir lorsque les agriculteurs et les transhumants utilisent les mêmes ressources ou quand les champs agricoles sont endommagés par le passage des troupeaux. Dans le cadre du Suivi des Mouvements de Transhumance, l’OIM met en oeuvre un mécanisme d'alerte précoce. Cette activité a pour but de collecter des informations sur les évènements conflictuels et/ou sur les mouvements massifs ou soudains de bétail qui pourraient provoquer un conflit. Elle permet également d'alerter sur des évènements tels que les feux de brousse. Ces informations sont transmises aux autorités nationales ou locales et aux partenaires dans le but de réduire les tensions et de prévenir les conflits dans les régions d’intervention. Ce tableau de bord présente les informations fournies par le biais de 37 relais communautaires, présents dans sept régions (Trarza, Brakna, Gorgol, Guidimakha, Assaba, Hodh El Chargui et Hodh El Gharbi) pendant le mois de juillet 2021.