Europe Arrivals

Total Arrivals

Arrivals by Sea

Arrivals by Land

Dead and missing migrants to Europe

Base map from Google and country shapes from ESRI are for illustration purposes only. Names and boundaries do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by IOM.
Trends over time: arrivals, death and missing migrants to Europe
Year Arrivals Dead and Missing
Monthly arrival by land and sea

For more advanced search results, please goto the Advanced report search page
Western Balkans — Migrant Mobility Situation Report (February 2024)

This report provides insights into the profiles, experiences, needs, routes travelled and intentions of migrants transiting through the Western Balkans.

Kosovo — Flow Monitoring Surveys with Migrants Travelling through Kosovo* (July-August 2023)

This report presents the results of the second round of the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) Flow Monitoring Surveys (FMS) collected in Kosovo* from 3 July to 30 August 2023. IOM interviewed a total of 51 individual respondents. The first round of FMS was carried out in June and July 2022.


This report, based on a multi-method and multi-source approach, provides insights into the profiles, experiences, needs, routes travelled and intentions of migrants transiting through Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Serbia — Migrant Mobility Situation Report (February 2024)

This report, based on a multi-method and multi-source approach, provides insights into the profiles, experiences and journeys of migrants transiting through the Republic of Serbia.

Bosnia & Herzegovina — Migrant Mobility Situation Report​ (February 2024)

This report, based on a multi-method and multi-source approach, provides insights into the profiles, experiences, needs, routes travelled and intentions of migrants transiting through Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Serbia — Situacioni Izveštaj o Mobilnosti Migranata (Februar 2024)

This report, based on a multi-method and multi-source approach, provides insights into the profiles, experiences and journeys of migrants transiting through the Republic of Serbia.

Serbia — Flow Monitoring Surveys with Migrants Travelling through Serbia (June-August 2023)

This report presents the results of the third round of the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) Flow Monitoring Surveys (FMS) implemented in Serbia. FMS provides a snapshot of the profiles, experiences and needs of migrants residing in reception centres in Serbia.

Türkiye — Migrant Presence Monitoring — Situation Report (February 2024)

According to the latest available figures from the Turkish Presidency of Migration Management (PMM), there are more than 4.5 million foreign nationals present in Türkiye, 3.4 million of whom are seeking international protection.

Libya — Profile of Sudanese Migrants in Libya (March 2024)

This profile provides information on the situation and vulnerabilities of Sudanese migrants in Libya, including those having arrived after the onset of conflict in mid-April 2023 and provides an update to a brief published in

Libya — Profile of Sudanese Migrants in Libya (March 2024) [ARABIC]

يقدم هذا الملف معلومات عن وضع المهاجرين السودانيين في ليبيا ونقاط ضعفهم، بما في ذلك أولئك الذين وصلوا بعد بداية النزاع في منتصف أبريل 2023، ويقدم تحديثًا لموجز نُشر في مايو 2023.


Ovaj izveštaj daje uvid u profil, iskustvo i putovanje migranata koji prolaze kroz Republiku Srbiju. Podaci su prikupljeni u periodu od 1. do 31. januara 2024. g. u saradnji sa Komesarijatom za izbeglice i migracije Republike Srbije (KIRS).

Bosnia & Herzegovina — Migrant Mobility Situation Report​ (January 2024)

This report provides insights into the profiles, experiences, needs, routes travelled and intentions of migrants transiting through Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH).1 Data was collected from 3 January to 31 January 2024.

Libya — Migrant Report 50 (October - December 2023)

IOM Libya’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) programme identified a total of 706,509 migrants from 45 nationalities in the 100 Libyan municipalities during round 50 of data collection (October - December 2023). The number of migrants in Libya increased slightly compared to the previous rou

Serbia — Migrant Mobility Situation Report​ (January 2024)

This report provides insights into the profiles, experiences and journeys of migrants transiting through the Republic of Serbia. Data was collected from 1 to 31 January 2024 together with the Commissariat for Refugees and Migrants of the Republic of Serbia (SCRM).


Ovaj izvještaj daje uvid u profile, iskustva, potrebe i rute koje koriste, kao i namjere migranata koji se kreću kroz Bosnu i Hercegovinu (BiH)1. Podaci su prikupljani od 3. januara do 31. januara 2024. g.

Migrant Report Key Findings 50 (October - December 2023)

This infographic presents the key findings of Round 50 of the mobility tracking and flow monitoring components of the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) programme in Libya.

Western Balkans — Migrant Mobility Situation Report (January 2024)

This report provides insights into the profiles, experiences, needs, routes travelled and intentions of migrants transiting through the Western Balkans.

Türkiye — Migrant Presence Monitoring — Situation Report (January 2024)

According to the latest available gures from the Turkish Presidency of Migration Management (PMM), there are more than 4.6 million foreign nationals present in Türkiye, 3.4 million of whom are seeking international protection.


Ovaj izveštaj pruža uvid u profile, iskustva i putovanja migranata koji su u tranzitu u Republici Srbiji. Podaci su prikupljeni od 15. do 29. decembra 2023. zajedno sa Komesarijatom za izbeglice i migracije Republike Srbije (KIRS).

Serbia — Migrant Mobility Situation Report​ (December 2023)

This report provides insights into the profiles, experiences and journeys of migrants transiting through the Republic of Serbia. Data was collected from 15 to 29 December 2023 together with the Commissariat for Refugees and Migrants of the Republic of Serbia (SCRM).

For more advanced search results, please goto the Advanced dataset search page
Europe — Mixed Migration Flows to Europe, Quarterly Overview (January-March 2024)
Jun 27 2024

<p>The file contains the following sheets</p><figure class="table"><table><tbody><tr><td><strong>Sheet</strong></td><td><strong>Content</strong></td><td><strong>Countries and Areas</strong…

Flow Monitoring, Mobility Tracking, Migrants presence
Europe — Mixed Migration Flows to Europe, Yearly Overview (2023)
Mar 19 2024

<p>The file contains the following sheets</p><figure class="table"><table><tbody><tr><td><strong>Sheet</strong></td><td><strong>Content</strong></td><td><strong>Countries and Areas</strong…

Flow Monitoring, Migrants presence
Europe — Mixed Migration Flows to Europe, Quarterly Overview Dataset (July - September 2023)
Dec 05 2023

Flow Monitoring is a component of DTM and it is used to track population movements inside a country, within a region or across regions.

Flow Monitoring, Migrants presence
Europe — Mixed Migration Flows to Europe, Quarterly Overview Dataset (April - June 2023)
Sep 05 2023

Flow Monitoring is a component of DTM and it is used to track population movements inside a country, within a region or across regions.

Flow Monitoring
Europe — Mixed Migration Flows to Europe, Quarterly Overview (Jan - Mar 2023)
May 22 2023

Flow Monitoring is a component of DTM and it is used to track population movements inside a country, within a region or across regions. The dataset includes: - monthly and daily figures on arrivals by sea and by land to Europe (Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta, Spain) - monthly and…

Flow Monitoring
Europe — Mixed Migration Flows to Europe, Quarterly Overview (Oct - Dec 2022)
Feb 28 2023

Flow Monitoring is a component of DTM and it is used to track population movements inside a country, within a region or across regions. The dataset includes: - monthly and daily figures on arrivals by sea and by land to Europe (Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta, Spain) - monthly and daily…

Flow Monitoring, Migrants presence
Europe — Mixed Migration Flows to Europe, Quarterly Overview (July- September 2022)
Dec 01 2022

Flow Monitoring is a component of DTM and it is used to track population movements inside a country, within a region or across regions. The dataset includes: - monthly and daily figures on arrivals by sea and by land to Europe (Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta, Spain) - monthly and…

Flow Monitoring, Migrants presence
Europe — Mixed Migration Flows to Europe, Quarterly Overview (Apr - Jun 2022)
Aug 16 2022

Flow Monitoring is a component of DTM and it is used to track population movements inside a country, within a region or across regions. The dataset includes: - monthly and daily figures on arrivals by sea and by land to Europe (Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta, Spain) - monthly and daily…

Flow Monitoring, Migrants presence
Europe — Mixed Migration Flows to Europe, Quarterly Overview (Jan - Mar 2022)
May 24 2022

Flow Monitoring is a component of DTM and it is used to track population movements inside a country, within a region or across regions. The dataset includes: - monthly and daily figures on arrivals by sea and by land to Europe (Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta, Spain) - monthly and daily…

Flow Monitoring, Migrants presence, Mobility Tracking
Europe — Mixed Migration Flows to Europe, Quarterly Overview (October - December 2021)
Feb 16 2022

Flow Monitoring is a component of DTM and it is used to track population movements inside a country, within a region or across regions. The dataset includes: - monthly and daily figures on arrivals by sea and by land to Europe (Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta, Spain) - monthly and…

Flow Monitoring Survey, Flow Monitoring, Migrants presence, Mobility Tracking
Europe — Mixed Migration Flows to Europe, Quarterly Overview (July - September 2021)
Nov 12 2021

Flow Monitoring is a component of DTM and it is used to track population movements inside a country, within a region or across regions. The dataset includes: - monthly and daily figures on arrivals by sea and by land to Europe (Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta, Spain) - monthly and daily…

Flow Monitoring Survey, Flow Monitoring, Migrants presence, Mobility Tracking
Europe — Mixed Migration Flows to Europe, Quarterly Overview (April - June 2021)
Aug 27 2021

Flow Monitoring is a component of DTM and it is used to track population movements inside a country, within a region or across regions. The dataset includes quarterly data and yearly consolidated series for arrivals, transits, nationalities and migrant presence in reception for the covered…

Flow Monitoring Survey, Flow Monitoring, Migrants presence, Mobility Tracking
Flow Monitoring