- MSLA collects information per each location, including access, number of persons, an indication of sex and age disaggregated data, an indication of scale of specific groups, available services, physical obstacles to accessing services and assistance, access to infrastructure, settlement types, and generally issues related to availability of goods and services.
- As for any other data collection, chosen methodology impacts the type of data that DTM MSLA provides to Partners. Note that DTM MSLA:
- It is implemented more than once, at regular intervals & can monitor changes over time
- It collects inter-sectoral data (population, locations…), in addition to some sectors-specific data
- Is carried out at community level (not at facility level)
- Is carried out mostly through Key Informants Interviews and Observation
- Does not interview sectoral specialists
- Enumerators are not sectoral specialists
- Does not interview samples of individual or HH
- Information is triangulated with more key informants per location
- The methodology has an impact on the type of information the MSLA can provide. For example:
- Direct Observation in community (observers are not Sectoral Experts): triangulate data from other methods, discover what is and is not there, spot abnormalities (e.g., many children in the streets during school hours, female latrines not segregated, garbage not removed)
- Key Informants Interviews (enumerators and respondents are not Sectoral Experts): Information about the impact of the crisis on the community & among different population groups, risks, challenges, opportunity and resilience (e.g., infrastructure and available services, main obstacles for children to attend schools, # of latrines in the site, # of people sleeping outdoors…)
- DTM MSLA data contribute to partners’ humanitarian decision making. Partners use DTM MSLA data for numerous outcomes:
- Use DTM estimates of population and groups at location and national level for planning and advocacy.
- Use DTM geographical coordinates of locations hosting IDPs for operational decision-making.
- Use DTM data to monitor change over time by location, region and at national level for planning and operational response.
- Use DTM data to monitor access to services in locations on a periodic basis.
- Use DTM data to monitor risks in locations on an ongoing basis.
- Use DTM data to spot sectoral red flags/alerts, and follow up.
- Use DTM data to prioritize locations for their in-depth assessments.
- A list of detailed uses made by partners in Mapping_MSLA Data commonly used by Partners. It provides common uses of DTM information done in the 120 countries where DTM has been active since 2004. Partners and DTM coordinators in the field can use this list to identify what information is needed in their context.
Available Tools
- Presentations on DTM in English, French and Spanish, in: https://dtm.iom.int/dtm-partners-toolkit/presentations-dtmen-fr-and-sp
- DTM Field Companions include specific information needs that Global experts identified for most sectors: https://dtm.iom.int/dtm-partners-toolkit/field-companion-sectoral-questions-location-assessment. Field companion is available in two formats:
- PDF (one page one question): https://dtm.iom.int/dtm-partners-toolkit/field-companion-pdf,
- EXCEL (one row one question): https://dtm.iom.int/dtm-partners-toolkit/field-companion-excel
- Global Clusters, AoRs and other experts have developed specific guidance for using DTM data for their sector/theme. These are available in: https://dtm.iom.int/dtm-partners-toolkit/dtm-specific-sectors
- For help identifying if DTM MSLA can provide the information you need, see the Decision making tree for Clusters WG and Partners on using DTM, in: https://dtm.iom.int/dtm-partners-toolkit/predictable-approach
- Handout Methods and Information, in: https://dtm.iom.int/dtm-partners-toolkit/other-tools-0
- Mapping_DTM MSLA Data commonly used by Partners, in: https://dtm.iom.int/dtm-partners-toolkit/information-needs-and-data-users
- Examples of information that can be collected by DTM MSLA for Partners to use in their decision-making are listed in Mapping_DTM MSLA Data commonly used by Partners: https://dtm.iom.int/dtm-partners-toolkit/information-needs-and-data-users
- UNICEF clusters (Education, Child Protection and WASH) developed guidance for specific severity and priority analysis that can be done with DTM information. See: UNICEF Guide _Sector severity and priority IDP locations with DTM data, in: https://displacement.iom.int/dtm-partners-toolkit/analysis