Internal displacement


Domain host


DTM South Sudan,
South Sudan
Period Covered
Aug 31 2021
Oct 14 2021
  • Survey
  • Return Intention

1.    This report provides field-level data to complement and validate findings from the 2020 Flood Damage and Needs Assessment (FDNA) on the 2020 seasonal floods (June-December) in South Sudan which largely relied on the analysis of remote sensing and geodata. The World Bank tasked IOM to conduct field assessments in three payams (administrative level 3) to collect empirical data from flood-affected areas to verify and substantiate findings from the FDNA.
2.    The FDNA Field Validation combines four sources of primary data: two quantitative tools mapping the flood impact and exploring community responses of which one was conducted at the boma level (administrative level 4) and one at a more granular level (facility, livelihood area and settlement level), as well as two qualitative tools of which one is a set of Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) at the boma level and the other is a series of Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) with participants recruited from key stakeholder groups at the national level. IOM interviewed and consulted more than 1,131 individuals for the exercise across all tools.
3.    This report provides insights on multiple levels of granularity concerning the 2020 floods in terms of the extent and severity of impact on public infrastructure, shelter, displacement, livelihoods, Health, Water, Hygiene and Sanitation (WASH), and education.  

●        In terms of infrastructure, findings confirm and illustrate the floods’ debilitating impact on public buildings, roads and livelihood institutions. Some 21 per cent of 709 accessed facilities were found to be dysfunctional. Half of all remaining functional facilities were affected by the floods in 2020. Diminished road access was observed across sectors as communities were unable to access important locations such as healthcare, markets, and educational facilities. Access constraints not only limited movement out of flooded areas, but also prevented aid from reaching populations in need. Impacts on damaged facilities were not only severe (more than 50% reported medium to severe damage) but also protracted (more than 80% of damage facilities were still affected between one and six months later).
●        For a population largely dependent on the land, the floods made most forms of livelihood activities impossible. Farmers reported being unable to harvest anything in half of the accessed bomas where farming is practiced. Waterlogged fields meant that farming was rendered impossible long after the rains had stopped, and a lack of harvest made planting in the subsequent season impossible. The analysis also indicates that tensions arose between farmers and cattle keepers, and also among various cattle keeping groups, as a result of flooding on usable land. Communities reported losing a large number of cattle which often drowned or succumbed to diseases that spread after the floods subsided. 

●        The 2020 floods caused displacement within 11, from 9 and to 9 out of 16 assessed boma. Movements remained localized in most cases, with exceptions in Bor, where population movement was more common across county and state lines. Communities quickly switched from being hosts communities to being hosted by other communities as IDPs, while many struggled to support arriving IDPs because of the additional stress the floods had put on available resources. IOM found that recurrence of  flooding and longevity of stagnant water has changed the patterns and temporality of displacement, which after the 2020 flood was often long-term with periods of displacement lasting up to the time of assessment (September 2021) in half of the assessed boma.
●        Shelter damage was severe and widespread in all assessed boma. On a settlement level, the FIFIS tool revealed that, with few exceptions, the floods damaged shelters in almost all assessed areas (97% or 63 of 65 flooded settlements). Floods moreover hindered access to common shelter building materials, preventing the rehabilitation of homes. In the majority of settlements, shelters had not been repaired in any way and remained largely inhabitable (56% or 35/63).
●        Respondents reported an increase in disease outbreaks, notably malaria upsurges, and a simultaneous decrease in access to healthcare.

   Access to education was similarly stressed, most commonly due impassible roads but also damaged educational facilities.

4. This report also explores community-based disaster risk management (CBDRM) in South Sudan, with a focus on identifying current capacities at the local level, and gaps that stakeholders can address through strategic support and programming. In line with South Sudan’s nascent National Disaster Risk Management Policy, and the recurrence of devastating floods and the heightened vulnerability of communities to climate-related shocks, , government, humanitarians and development partners are seeking to strengthen disaster preparedness and response across the country, including at the community level. The analysis shows a range of ad hoc CBDRM initiatives, primarily through the form of mobilization to build dykes using local materials, the establishment of disaster risk management committees, and mobilization to safe areas. Additionally, while women and youth often bear tremendous responsibility in flood-affected communities, including caring for vulnerable household members, as well as building and maintaining dykes, they continue to be marginalized in local decision-making. Local and indigenous knowledge is often used as one mechanism for communities to anticipate and prepare for floods, however this knowledge has not been integrated into early warning systems and formal coordination mechanisms developed by partners and government institutions. Key gaps were identified in terms of coordination amongst partners and government stakeholders, as CBDRM mechanisms continue to operate at an ad hoc level. Lastly, compounding factors have made it challenging for stakeholders to support CBDRM initiatives, particularly in relation to inter-communal violence and displacement.

Public Dataset


  • Mobility Tracking
  • Baseline Assessment
Period Covered
Oct 01 2023 -
Dec 31 2023

Libya Migrants baseline assessment

Population Groups

Migrants Present

Survey Methodology

Unit of Analysis Or Observation

Admin Area 3

Admin Area 4

Type of Survey or Assessment

Key Informant


Geographical Scope Full Coverage

Administrative boundaries with available data

The current dataset covers the following administrative boundaries



Period Covered
Feb 19 2024
Feb 20 2024
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking

This information was collected following armed attacks that occurred on 18 February 2024 in the municipalities of Mirebalais and Saut-d’Eau located in the Center district, as well as in the municipality of Thomazeau in the district of West. According to data collected, a total of 1,590 people (365 households) were displaced following these attacks. All of them took refuge with relatives, in host families.



DTM Sudan,
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Baseline Assessment
Period Covered
Apr 15 2021 -
Feb 14 2024
  • DTM Sudan estimates that 6,270,676 Individuals (1,249,695 Households) were recently internally displaced.
  • The IDP caseload was observed in 6,771 locations across all of Sudan’s 18 states. 
  • The highest proportions of IDPs were observed across South Darfur (12%), River Nile (11%), East Darfur (11%), White Nile (8%), North Darfur (7%), Sennar (7%), Central Darfur (7%), Gedaref (6%), Northern (6%), and Aj Jazirah (6%).
  • Field teams reported that the IDPs were originally displaced from twelve states. As reported, 57% per cent of IDPs were displaced from Khartoum state (3,545,909 IDPs), followed by South Darfur (15%), North Darfur (8%), Aj Jazirah (7%), Central Darfur (5%), West Darfur (4%), East Darfur (1%), and South Kordofan (1%). 
  • IOM-DTM also reported that an estimated 1,870,422 mixed cross-border movements were made into neighbouring countries.
  • This product provides brief insights into those displaced in Sudan post-15 April 2023. For more granular information on the IDP caseload and the displacement context, please see IOM-DTM's Monthly Displacement Overview (05).
A more detailed version of this dataset is available, to get access kindly click on the 'Request Access' button
Population Groups


Survey Methodology

Unit of Analysis Or Observation

Site or Location

Type of Survey or Assessment

Key Informant


Geographical Scope Partial Coverage

Administrative boundaries with available data

The current dataset covers the following administrative boundaries



Period Covered
Nov 01 2023
Dec 31 2023
  • Return Intention
  • Mobility Tracking

As of 27 December 2023, IOM estimates that around 3,689,000 people remained internally displaced in Ukraine1 while UNHCR indicates that further 5,974,800 people were displaced abroad. As the war continues, large numbers of displaced have returned home. IOM estimates that, as of 27 December 2023, approximately 4,455,000 people have returned spontaneously to their place of habitual residence in Ukraine following a period of displacement of at least two weeks (internal displacement or cross-border). Of these, 26 per cent have returned from abroad.

To inform targeted interventions aimed at alleviating the vulnerability that stems from poor structural and social conditions in areas of return, the CoRA provides granular data on where returns are occurring, where those who have returned are most vulnerable and why.



Period Covered
Nov 27 2023
Dec 12 2023
  • Survey

Between 27 November and 27 December 2023, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) conducted Round 15 of the General Population Survey (GPS), a highly representative assessment of internal displacement and returns in Ukraine. Fifty data collection experts conducted the assessment screener phone-based interviews with 20,000 randomly selected respondents and follow-up interviews with 1,517 IDPs, 1,541 returnees, and 2,002 residents, using the Computer-Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI) methodology and a Random Digit Dial (RDD) approach. 

This report provides the main findings from Round 15 of the GPS, including detailed insights into population figures, return movements and intentions, demographic profiles, household composition and vulnerabilities, and needs of the returnee population, to facilitate evidence-based decision-making on strategic, technical, and programmatic aspects of the response and recovery efforts in Ukraine. 



Period Covered
Feb 08 2024
Feb 20 2024
  • Mobility Tracking

Between 22 December 2023 to 20 February 2024, a series of sporadic attacks and fear of attacks by Non-state Armed Groups in Macomia, Chiure, Mecufi, Mocimboa da Praia, and Muidumbe triggered the cumulative displacement 26,690 individuals/6,760 families. [For more see Emergency Tracking Online Dashboard]. Although included within this cumulative displacement estimate - the current Movement Alert #99 reports on recent attacks recorded in Macomia, Chiure and Mecufi between 8 to 20 February that displaced 13,088 individuals. Montepuez, Mecufi, Erati and Ibo. Movements in the region continue to be dynamic within districts and between Cabo Delgado and Nampula. Within the last 24 hours a significant influx of arrivals from Chiure to Nampula have received across communities in Namapa Sede. Interviews with families are ongoing across registration points in Namapa. Within this reporting period, arrivals of displaced families have been mapped across villages of Ancuabe, Chiure, Erati, Ibo, Macomia, Mecufi, Metuge, Montepuez, Muidumbe, Pemba and Quissanga.



DTM Burundi,
Period Covered
Jan 28 2024
Feb 03 2024
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking

La DTM a identifié 14,941 personnes affectées, dont 2,387 personnes déplacées par les pluies torrentielles, les vents violents et les glissements de terrain les provinces de Bujumbura Rural, Bujumbura Mairie, Bururi, Makamba, Muramvya, Mwaro, Rumonge, Rutana et Ruyigi



DTM Burundi,
Period Covered
Feb 11 2024
Feb 18 2024
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking

La DTM a identifié 5 214 personnes affectées, dont 1758 déplacées par les pluies torrentielles et les vents violents dans les provinces de Bururi, Makamba, Cibitoke et Muyinga.



RO Dakar,
Period Covered
Jan 01 2023
Dec 31 2023
  • Other
  • Mobility Tracking

Irregular migration is a complex, dynamic and fragmented phenomenon, and remains difficult to fully picture. Strengthening the understanding of migration routes, trends as well as migrant profiles is critical to protect migrants and support evidence-based policies. The International Organization for Migration's Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) and Missing Migrants Project (MMP) collect data on the departures, arrivals, deaths and disappearances of migrants along migratory routes.

This document presents the resumption of migration from the coasts of West Africa to the Canary Islands (Spain). This route, already active in 2006, saw an increasing number of movements in 2023. The risks, deaths and disappearances following shipwrecks are also on the rise along the Atlantic coasts.

Between January and December 2023, 39,910 migrants reached the Canary Islands irregularly after crossing by boat from the coasts of West Africa, an increase of 155 per cent compared to 2022 (15,682 migrants).

Nevertheless, risks and dangers along the West African Atlantic route remain and 47 shipwrecks were recorded along this route in 2023, resulting in the death or disappearance of 958 migrants.

Data on the West Africa Atlantic route remain scarce and incomplete. There is currently no harmonized approach to data collection except on arrival in the Canary Islands. Additional data is collected by IOM on arrivals profiles and intercepted vessels. There is very little data on the actual number of departures and attempts from West African coasts, while shipwrecks are often not reported.