Data and Analysis
Special Focus
Crisis Responses
Heatmap Legend:
Rows represent the country/territory/area that are imposing the restrictions and Columns are the countries/territories/areas to which restrictions are imposed upon (kindly note they are listed according to their ISO3 code).
The color code is as follows:
Red: Total restriction - country/territory/area has imposed a total entry restriction for nationals and/or passengers coming from restricted country/territory/area, irrespective of the period of restriction.
Yellow: Partial restriction - country/territory/area has imposed some restrictions to nationals and/or passenger coming from restricted country/territory/area. Those partial restrictions could be also related to visa changes, medical measures, among others.
Green: No official restrictions reported.
Blue: No restrictions.
Countries/territories/areas to which restrictions are imposed
Countries/territories/areas imposing restrictions
* References to Kosovo shall be understood to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).
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