Assessment Report




San Jose Regional Data Hub —
Period Covered
Oct 01 2023
Dec 31 2023
  • Flow Monitoring
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Migrants presence

El año 2023 estuvo marcado por la alta movilidad migratoria en el continente americano, caracterizada por una dualidad en la que predominaron los movimientos regulares, con una menor proporción de movimientos irregulares. Esto estuvo acompañado por una creciente necesidad de medidas de protección, integración y regularización.

Las migraciones en las Américas ocurren, tanto dentro de las subregiones (Centroamérica, Caribe y sobre todo América del Sur) como a nivel continental, principalmente desde el sur, el Caribe y Centroamérica hacia México y Estados Unidos, pero con retornos (tanto voluntarios como involuntarios) desde esa frontera hacia los países de origen de migrantes y refugiados centroamericanos y algunos suramericanos

A nivel general en el continente, los principales factores para emigrar figuran los motivos económicos y laborales, pero también aquellos relacionados a la inseguridad (sobre todo en Ecuador y Haití) y a factores políticos. En 2023 en Ecuador, según datos de la Policía Nacional, hubo 7 592 muertes violentas, equivalente a una tasa de homicidio superior a 40 por cada 100 000 habitantes. Este número muestra un incremento del 65 por ciento en comparación con las 4 603 muertes registradas en 2022 (Statista, 2023).

Respecto a la situación económica en América Latina, la recuperación económica post pandemia ha sido desigual entre los países de la región y hacia dentro de los territorios nacionales, generando desigualdades que empujan a las personas a emigrar. La inflación ha tenido una caída en su dinámica, sin embargo, la tasa permanece en niveles superiores a los observados antes de la pandemia (CEPAL, 2023), especialmente en Argentina (INDEC, 2024).

En cuanto al desempeño económico de América Latina y el Caribe, para 2024 se espera que continúe el bajo crecimiento de las economías de la región. Se anticipa una desaceleración en la creación de empleo y un aumento del desempleo. Persisten las importantes brechas de género y los elevados niveles de informalidad laboral (CEPAL, 2023). Dichos factores sumados a la disponibilidad o falta de vías regulares para la migración, han influenciado los perfiles migratorios de muchos países del continente.

A continuación, se señalan datos e información reciente sobre tres aspectos de la movilidad humana en el continente, relacionado a salvar vidas y protección, desplazamiento y vías regulares para la migración. Estos aspectos corresponden a los 3 objetivos del nuevo Plan Estratégico Global de la OIM 2024-2028 y ofrecen la evidencia disponible para informar soluciones, políticas y decisiones.

En 2023, se reportaron 1 148 casos de migrantes fallecidos o desaparecidos en América. Estos trágicos sucesos están vinculados a la ausencia de vías seguras y legales para la migración, lo cual incrementa la probabilidad de que los migrantes elijan rutas irregulares y peligrosas. Las principales causas de los incidentes fueron el ahogamiento, accidentes vinculados al transporte y las condiciones ambientales extremas y el albergue inapropiado. Casi la mitad de las víctimas identificadas fueron hombres adultos, en menor medida las mujeres adultas, siete por ciento eran niños, niñas y adolescentes. Asegurar una migración segura es el objetivo principal en este sentido.



DTM Djibouti,
Period Covered
May 01 2024
May 31 2024
  • Flow Monitoring

In May 2024, 33,685 migratory movements were observed at Djibouti's Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs), including 17,319 inbound individuals from Ethiopia. Inflows from Ethiopia fell by 5 per cent in May compared with April, mainly due to the onset of the strong heat and the Khamsin wind.

A total of 1,240 return migrants from Yemen were recorded in Obock and Tadjourah in May, an increase of 97 per cent from 631 in April to 1,240 in May. This increase is linked to the ongoing military campaign and the considerable challenges faced by migrants in Yemen and the desperate circumstances that have led them to risk dangerous journeys at sea.



DTM Djibouti,
Period Covered
May 01 2024
May 31 2024
  • Flow Monitoring

En mai 2024, 33 685 mouvements migratoires ont été observés aux points de suivi des flux (PSF) à Djibouti dont 17 319 individus entrants en provenance d’Éthiopie. Les individus entrants en provenance d’Éthiopie ont baissé de 5 pour cent en mai par rapport à avril, principalement due au commencement de la forte chaleur qui règne et de l'avènement du vent Khamsin.

Un total de 1 240 migrants de retour du Yémen a été enregistré en mai à Obock et Tadjourah soit une hausse de 97 pour cent passant de 631 en avril à 1 240 en mai. Cette augmentation est liée à la campagne militaire en cours et aux défis considérables auxquels sont confrontés les migrants au Yémen, ainsi qu’aux circonstances désespérées qui les ont amenés à risquer des voyages dangereux en mer.



DTM Iraq,
Period Covered
Sep 01 2022
Dec 31 2023
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Baseline Assessment

Given the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI)’s reliance on rain-fed agriculture,changing rainfall patterns linked to climate change are compromising the ability of farmers, livestock rearers and fishers to sustain their livelihoods. Reduced rainfall may decrease agricultural yields and herds, causing economic losses and forcing some families to abandon these livelihoods altogether. 

The International Organization for Migration’s (IOM) Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) in Iraq developed a rapid, multi-sectoral assessment of challenges related to displacement, environmental hazards, irrigation water supply, livelihoods, coping strategies and tension and conflict over natural resources. Data collection for this assessment took place between September and December 2023 in 804 locations across 3 governorates, 20 districts and 71 subdistricts in KRI.

The impact of climate change is less noticeable and more localized in KRI than in central and southern Iraq. No climate-induced displacement, secondary displacement or failed returns were recorded in KRI this round.

The findings suggest that climactic impacts are more widespread in Erbil than Sulaymaniyah governorates but families in Erbil have been slightly more able to adapt by employing a wider range of coping strategies like diversifying livelihoods and changing agricultural activities. On the other hand, the wider range of water-related issues reported in Sulaymaniyah, such as agricultural intensification and broken or inefficient water infrastructure, offer numerous entry points for programmatic interventions.



Period Covered
Oct 10 2023
Jun 25 2024
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Baseline Assessment

Since October 8 there has been an increase in cross-border incidents between Israel and Lebanon, resulting in the displacement of people both within the South and elsewhere within the country. Since October 10, the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) has been conducting the daily monitoring of population movements. The objective of the exercise is to inform preparedness and response planning.



DTM Mediterranean,
Period Covered
Jan 01 2024
Mar 31 2024
  • Flow Monitoring
  • Flow Monitoring Registry
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Migrants presence

DTM Europe gathers, validates and disseminates information on migrants and refugees travelling through the Mediterranean, Western African Atlantic, and Western Balkan routes to Europe. Key routes include:

  • Eastern Mediterranean route (EMR): Bulgaria, Cyprus and Greece
  • Central Mediterranean route (CMR): Italy and Malta
  • Western Mediterranean route (WMR): Peninsular Coasts of Spain, Balearic Islands, Ceuta and Melilla
  • Western African Atlantic route (WAAR): Canary Islands of Spain

DTM also monitors data on migrants in transit through the Western Balkans (WB) region (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Slovenia, Romania, and Kosovo*). These are considered separately to prevent to the extent possible the double counting of the same persons that cross multiple borders to reach Europe.

This report presents the latest available data and trends, focusing on 2023:

  • Mixed Migration Flows to Europe
  • Migrant Flows Monitoring in the Republic of Türkiye
  • First Arrival countries (Italy, Greece, Spain) and other countries of first arrival (Bulgaria, Cyprus and Malta)
  • Transits through the Western Balkan region
  • Migrants' presence, in Europe and the Republic of Türkiye


DTM Iraq,
Period Covered
Jun 01 2022
Nov 30 2023
  • Mobility Tracking

This study explores the influence of climate change and environmental degradation on international migration patterns from Iraq. In particular, the assessment identifies climate-affected subdistricts of origin for potential emigrants and analyses key migration trends among this group, such as demographic characteristics, reasons for leaving, intended destination and travel arrangements. In doing so, the report highlights priority geographic areas for further assessment and climate-related programming. The potential interaction between climate change and other drivers of migration is also considered. Moreover, the analysis sheds light on the profile and intention of those in movement. Furthermore, mediating factors, such as financial means and social networks, are examined to understand how aspiring migrants are able to undertake these journeys. Lastly, risk factors for exploitation and abuse are highlighted to inform relevant programming such as protection services, awareness raising campaigns and broader policy reform.



Period Covered
Aug 01 2023
Aug 15 2023
  • Other
  • Survey
  • Displacement Solutions

Following the release of the first edition of PROGRESS 2023 report, the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) carried out focus group discussions to understand the nuances of the effects of displacement from the perspectives of individuals who were displaced, had returned or were part of communities which hosted IDPs. The focus group discussions served as a forum to share viewpoints that are not often captured by traditional data collection exercises, including affected communities' perceptions of cultural and gendered effects of displacement in their communities. The discussions were conducted in local languages and translated by IOM DTM staff.

The 2014 - 2017 conflict against the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) displaced nearly 6 million Iraqis, with the Government of Iraq formally announcing the end of the conflict in December 2017. As of April 2024, 4,871,916 individuals returned from displacement to their areas of origin. However, 1,098,913 people still remain internally displaced more than six years after the end of the conflict. This report presents a deeper country-specific dive into the findings of the qualitative analysis of six focus group discussions conducted between 1 and 15 August 2023 in Kirkuk and Hawija districts (Kirkuk Governorate) and Makhmur district (Erbil Governorate) with 43 representatives of IDPs, host community and returnees from displacement linked to the 2014 - 2017 conflict. Just under half (47%) of the respondents were female. Nearly three quarters (72%) of respondents were between the age of 18 and 59, a further quarter (23%) were older than 60 years and 5 per cent were under the age of 17.



Period Covered
Jan 01 2023
Dec 31 2023
  • Survey
  • Displacement Solutions

Following the release of the first edition of PROGRESS 2023 report, the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) has compiled a series of National Displacement Profiles based on end of year 2023 figures. These profiles offer insights into the latest end-of-year 2023 figures, aligning with the objectives outlined by the Data for Solutions to Internal Displacement Taskforce (DSID).

The profile provides a comprehensive overview of the demographic breakdowns and geographical distribution of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Iraq as of the end of 2023. It delves into the primary areas of origin and displacement for IDPs, shedding light on the factors influencing their decision-making processes regarding the selection of solutions locations. Additionally, the report discusses the obstacles encountered by IDPs in their pursuit of durable solutions.

This compilation underscores the critical role of data in addressing internal displacement challenges and highlights the ongoing efforts to leverage data-driven solutions through collaborative initiatives like DSID.



Period Covered
Jun 17 2024
Jun 23 2024
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking

On 22 June 2024,  heavy rainfall caused damages in  Achusa, Logo, Madonna Hospital, Wadata, Wurukun, and Zone 4 communities in Ankpa, Bar, Fildi and Wailomayo wards of  Makurdi LGA in Benue State. There was also a report of communal clashes in the communities of Abbatoir and Angwuan Jukun in North Bank Ward. The reasons for the clash were unknown. Sixty-one fatalities and injuries were reported. The rainfall/attack affected 19,900 individuals in 3,401 households. The affected individuals included 9,091 children, 5,842 women, and 4,967 men.

Of all the needs identified, food and security were the most prevalent. Other needs included shelter and non-food items (NFI).

Following these events, DTM (Displacement Tracking Matrix) field staff conducted rapid assessments to inform the humanitarian community and Government/partners, and to enable a targeted response.