Dashboard/Fact Sheet




DTM DRC, iomdrcdtm@iom.int
Period Covered
Dec 05 2023
Jan 26 2024
  • Other
  • Survey

L’Organisation Internationale pour les Migrations (OIM) met en œuvre activement sa Matrice de Suivi des Déplacements (DTM) en République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) depuis 2013. Le programme DTM en RDC englobe un large éventail d’activités, comprenant le suivi des déplacements, l’enregistrement, les enquêtes et le suivi de flux. À travers ses rapports et ses ensembles de données, la DTM sert de source d’information essentielle sur les déplacements pour la communauté humanitaire opérant en RDC en fournissant des données complètes sur les schémas de mobilité à grande échelle aux niveaux régional et national, ainsi que des mises à jour opportunes sur les crises localisées ou à court terme.

Pour améliorer la qualité des produits de DTM en RDC et répondre aux exigences des partenaires, une enquête en ligne a été menée sur une période s’étendant du 5 décembre 2023 au 26 janvier 2024. L’objectif principal de cette enquête était d’évaluer l’expérience des utilisateurs ainsi que de mesurer les performances de la DTM en tant que fournisseur clé de données sur la mobilité humaine en RDC. L’enquête visait à recueillir des informations qui guideraient les initiatives de développement de produits tout en améliorant la pertinence des rapports pour les partenaires.

Alors que les répondants à cette enquête ne représentent pas un échantillon représentatif des utilisateurs de produits DTM en RDC, les informations tirées des résultats fournissent des informations précieuses concernant les besoins en données des partenaires. Ces données joueront un rôle crucial dans la définition du développement futur et de l’amélioration des produits DTM dans le pays.



DTM DRC, iomdrcdtm@iom.int
Period Covered
Dec 05 2023
Jan 26 2024
  • Other
  • Survey

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) has been actively implementing its Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) since 2013. The DTM program in the DRC encompasses a wide range of activities, including displacement monitoring, registration, surveys, and flow monitoring. Through its reports and datasets, DTM serves as a vital source of information on displacement for the humanitarian community operating in the DRC by providing  comprehensive data on large-scale mobility patterns at both regional and national levels, as well as timely updates on localized or short-term crises.

To improve the quality of DTM’s products in the DRC and meet partner requirements, an online survey was conducted over a period spanning from December 5, 2023, to January 26, 2024. The primary objective of this survey was to gauge user experience and specifically focus on evaluating DTM’s performance as a key provider of human mobility data within the DRC. The survey aimed to gather insights that would guide product development initiatives and enhance the relevance of DTM’s offerings for its partners.

While the respondents to this survey do not represent a representative cross-section of DTM DRC product users, the insights gleaned from the results provide valuable information regarding partners’ data requirements. This data will play a crucial role in shaping the future development and enhancement of DTM’s offerings within the country.



DTM Iraq, IraqDTM@iom.int
Period Covered
May 01 2018
Dec 31 2023
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Baseline Assessment

From May 2018 to December 2023, 52,910 Iraqi returnees from abroad were identified in 18 Governorates, 74 Districts and 734 locations. During this reporting period, IOM Iraq achieved full country coverage. Most of the returnees from abroad were recorded in the governorates of Thi-Qar (56%), Ninewa (34%) and Anbar (4%). Of those returnees recorded in Thi-Qar, 89 per cent were recorded in the district of Nassriya, while 7 per cent were recorded in Suq Al-Shoyokh. In Ninewa, 62 per cent were recorded in the district of Telafar, while 21 per cent were recorded in Sinjar. Finally, in Anbar, 42 per cent returned to the district of Ana while 39 per cent were in Al-Ka'im. The majority of returnees (47%) were identified as having come from two countries: Turkey (29%) and the Syrian Arab Republic (18%).



Period Covered
Jan 01 2024
Jan 15 2024
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking

Due to an increasing number of evictions announced for families in informal settlements, the International Organization for Migration’s (IOM) Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) in Iraq launched an emergency tracking tool in September 2023 to understand the number of affected people and their main characteristics.

This report presents the findings of the data collection in January 2024, where DTM recorded 10,228 families whose eviction has been announced by local authorities. During this round of data collection, DTM identified an additional 30 families who had their eviction announced in December and November 2023. Out of these families, 8 per cent are internally displaced persons (IDPs), 18 per cent have returned to the place where they used to reside before the 2014-2017 crisis forced them to flee (returnees) and 74 per cent of people did not flee their homes due to the 2014-2017 crisis (stayees)



Period Covered
Dec 01 2023
Dec 15 2023
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking

The Climate  induced displacement report  measures climate-induced displacement across central and southern Iraq. Families included in these Emergency Tracking reports are those forced to move locations due to drought, water scarcity, environmental degradation and other climatic factors. As of 15 December 2023, 22,583 families (135,498 individuals) remain displaced because of climatic factors across 12 governorates. Of these, just under half of families are displaced within their district of origin (46%). Slightly more than half of families displaced to urban locations. The latest version of the report includes time trend analysis between 2016 and 2023, as well as a spotlight on those residing in critical shelters.



DTM Iraq, IraqDTM@iom.int
Period Covered
May 01 2018
Aug 31 2020
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Baseline Assessment

From May 2018 to August 2020, 23,457 Iraqi returnees from abroad were identified in 16 Governorates, 61 Districts and 538 locations. During this reporting period, IOM Iraq achieved full country coverage. Most of the returnees from abroad were recorded in the governorates of Ninewa (63%), Thi-Qar (19%) and Anbar (7%). Of those returnees recorded in Ninewa, 65 per cent were recorded in the district of Telafar, while 26 per cent were recorded in Sinjar. In Thi-Qar, 80 per cent were recorded in the district of Nassriya, while 12 per cent were recorded in Al-Rifa'i. Finally, in Anbar, 53 per cent returned to the district of Ana while 24 per cent were in Al-Ka'im. The majority of returnees (73%) were identified as having come from two countries: Turkey (44%) and the Syrian Arab Republic (29%)



DTM Iraq, IraqDTM@iom.int
Period Covered
May 01 2018
Oct 31 2020
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Baseline Assessment

From May 2018 to October 2020, 25,261 Iraqi returnees from abroad were identified in 17 Governorates, 65 Districts and 538 locations. During this reporting period, IOM Iraq achieved full country coverage. Most of the returnees from abroad were recorded in the governorates of Ninewa (59%), Thi-Qar (24%) and Anbar (6%). Of those returnees recorded in Ninewa, 65 per cent were recorded in the district of Telafar, while 26 per cent were recorded in Sinjar. In Thi-Qar, 83 per cent were recorded in the district of Nassriya, while 10 per cent were recorded in Al-Rifa'i. Finally, in Anbar, 53 per cent returned to the district of Ana while 24 per cent were in Al-Ka'im. The majority of returnees (69%) were identified as having come from two countries: Turkey (42%) and the Syrian Arab Republic (27%



DTM Iraq, IraqDTM@iom.int
Period Covered
May 01 2018
Dec 31 2020
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Baseline Assessment

From May 2018 to December 2020, 27,325 Iraqi returnees from abroad were identified in 17 Governorates, 65 Districts and 560 locations. During this reporting period, IOM Iraq achieved full country coverage. Most of the returnees from abroad were recorded in the governorates of Ninewa (56%), Thi-Qar (29%) and Anbar (6%). Of those returnees recorded in Ninewa, 66 per cent were recorded in the district of Telafar, while 25 per cent were recorded in Sinjar. In Thi-Qar, 85 per cent were recorded in the district of Nassriya, while 8 per cent were recorded in Al-Rifa'i. Finally, in Anbar, 53 per cent returned to the district of Ana while 24 per cent were in Al-Ka'im. The majority of returnees (65%) were identified as having come from two countries: Turkey (40%) and the Syrian Arab Republic (25%)



DTM Iraq, IraqDTM@iom.int
Period Covered
May 01 2018
Feb 28 2021
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Baseline Assessment

From May 2018 to February 2021, 29,335 Iraqi returnees from abroad were identified in 17 Governorates, 65 Districts and 582 locations. During this reporting period, IOM Iraq achieved full country coverage. Most of the returnees from abroad were recorded in the governorates of Ninewa (53%), Thi-Qar (32%) and Anbar (6%). Of those returnees recorded in Ninewa, 66 per cent were recorded in the district of Telafar, while 25 per cent were recorded in Sinjar. In Thi-Qar, 86 per cent were recorded in the district of Nassriya, while 7 per cent were recorded in Suq Al-Shoyokh. Finally, in Anbar, 53 per cent returned to the district of Ana while 24 per cent were in Al-Ka'im. The majority of returnees (62%) were identified as having come from two countries: Turkey (39%) and the Syrian Arab Republic (23%)



DTM Iraq, IraqDTM@iom.int
Period Covered
May 01 2018
Apr 30 2021
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Baseline Assessment

Between May 2018 and April 2021, a total of 31,212 Iraqi returnees from abroad were identified in 17 governorates, 66 districts and 590 locations. During this reporting period, IOM Iraq achieved full country coverage. Most of the returnees from abroad were recorded in the governorates of Ninewa (50%), Thi-Qar (36%) and Anbar (5%). Of those returnees recorded in Ninewa governorate, 66 per cent were recorded in the district of Telafar, while 25 per cent were recorded in Sinjar. In Thi-Qar governorate, 87 per cent were recorded in the district of Nassriya, while 7 per cent were recorded in Suq Al-Shoyokh. Finally, in Anbar governorate, 51 per cent returned to the district of Ana and 26 per cent returned to Al-Ka'im. The majority of returnees (60%) were identified as having come from two countries: Turkey (38%) and the Syrian Arab Republic (22%)