Solution and Mobility Index


Nov 21 2022 Print


The Solutions and Mobility Index (SMI) helps identify root causes of fragility through data to address protracted displacement. With an aim to help achieve durable solutions for vulnerable communities, the SMI provides data on stability, peace, development, recovery and reintegration dynamics.


The SMI tracks context-specific data across four key areas: demographic & mobility trends, safety & security, access to services and infrastructure, and social cohesion. The SMI helps identify smaller pockets of stability and fragility by measuring local community perceptions, as well as generating broader, regional data on stability.


The SMI can be applied to contexts experiencing high levels of migration as well as areas that are fragile, conflict-prone, or have protracted vulnerabilities. Deployed on multiple levels, it can identify national trends as well as facilitate a highly localized approach.


Fragility is one of the greatest obstacles to achieving durable solutions for displaced persons. The SMI aims to address fragility by providing essential information to support preventative and responsive resilience-building in support of Sustainable Development Goals and the Global Compact on Migration.


Watch the 'Official Launch of SMI at the World Bank Fragility Forum' March 2022

Watch 'The Stability Index in Mozambique'


Solutions and Mobility Index Reports

République centrafricaine — Rapport sur l’indice de solutions et de mobilité (Janvier 2024)
Depuis plusieurs années, la République centrafricaine (RCA) est affectée par des crises politiques, sécuritaires et humanitaires liées aux violences armées, aux tensions intercommunautaires et à des désastres.
Jan 31 2024 Displacement Solutions, Mobility Tracking Download
Iraq – Progress Toward Durable Solutions in Iraq: Salah al Din Governorate (December 2023)
This report on Salah al Din Governorate is an extension of the original pilot project in Ninewa aimed at assessing progress towards durable solutions40 to displacement for internally displaced persons (IDPs) and returnees in the governorates with the largest shares of displaced populations in Ira
Jan 01 2024 Survey, Displacement Solutions Download
Ghana — Solutions and Mobility Index Round 1 Report (October 2023)
The coastal countries of West Africa are experiencing the impact of climate change and spill-over of the Central Sahel crisis.
Dec 27 2023 Other Download
Haïti — Profils, conditions de vie et besoins multisectoriels des populations affectées par les déplacements dans la ZMPP (Octobre 2023)
Depuis quelques années, Haïti, notamment sa Zone Métropolitaine de Port-au-Prince (ZMPP), fait l’objet d’attaques et violences armées entraînant des déplacements massifs de populations.
Nov 27 2023 Survey, Community Perception Download
South Sudan — Fragility Study Report - Understanding Multidimensional Fragility in South Sudan - 2023
This study provides a comprehensive assessment of the multiple dimensions of fragility in South Sudan at the subnational level: political and legal, social, economic, security, and environmental.
Nov 22 2023 Survey, Displacement Solutions, Return Intention Download
Côte d'Ivoire — Rapport sur l'indice de solution et de mobilité 1 (Août - Septembre 2023)
Les populations du nord de la Côte d’Ivoire sont confrontées à des conditions de vie souvent difficiles, marquées par des défis multiples et interdépendants: arrivée croissante de populations fuyant la crise sahélienne, insécurité grandi
Nov 20 2023 Displacement Solutions Download
IOM Mozambique – Progress Towards Achieving Durable Solutions, Sofala (November 2023)
The International Organisation for Migration (IOM) in collaboration with Mozambique’s National Disaster Management Agency (INGD) conducted assessments and stakeholder consultations to monitor progress made towards solutions for displacement-affected communities in Buzi,
Nov 16 2023 Survey, Displacement Solutions Download
South Sudan — Return and Reintegration Endline Survey in South Sudan’s Former Breadbasket
To gain comprehensive insights into the dimensions of return and reintegration, the International Organization for Migration’s (IOM) Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) unit executed a targeted study within Southern Central Equatoria State, as part of the Reconcili
Nov 15 2023 Survey, Displacement Solutions, Return Intention Download
Niger — Rapport sur l'indice de solution et de mobilité à Diffa 4 (Mars 2023)
La région de Diffa, dans le bassin du lac Tchad, est confrontée à une grave crise humanitaire due au conflit en cours et aux attaques de groupes armés.
Nov 13 2023 Survey, Displacement Solutions Download
Nigeria — Transhumance Tracking Tool Report — Early Warning Dashboard 17 (September 2023)
In northern Nigeria and other Sahel regions, the escalation of hostility and violent conflicts between transhumant herders and farmers are linked to several key factors.
Oct 19 2023 Survey Download
Nigeria — Stability Index Overview Round 3 (September 2023)
As of February 2023, 2,200,679 individuals were internally displaced
Oct 16 2023 Survey Download
Evaluation du progrès vers une solution durable: Commune Nyanza-lac de Makamba
En décembre 2022, une évaluation a été menée auprès des informateurs-clés pour renseigner sur la stabilité de 50 collines où se trouvent concurremment un grand nombre de personnes déplacées internes (PDI) et rapatriées provenant de six communes de la province de Makamba.
Oct 06 2023 Survey, Displacement Solutions Download
Evaluation du progrès vers une solution durable: Commune Gisagara de Cankuzo
En décembre 2022, une évaluation a été menée auprès des informateurs-clés pour renseigner sur la stabilité de 35 collines où se trouvent concurremment un grand nombre de personnes déplacées internes (PDI) et rapatriées provenant de cinq communes de la province de Cankuzo.
Oct 06 2023 Survey, Displacement Solutions Download
Evaluation du progrès vers une solution durable: Commune Gisuru de Ruyigi
En décembre 2022, une évaluation a été menée auprès des informateurs-clés pour renseigner sur la stabilité de 70 collines où se trouvent concurremment un grand nombre de personnes déplacées internes (PDI) et rapatriées provenant de sept communes de la province de Ruyigi.
Oct 06 2023 Survey, Displacement Solutions Download
Evaluation du progrès vers une solution durable: Commune Busoni de Kirundo
En décembre 2022, une évaluation a été menée auprès des informateurs-clés pour renseigner sur la stabilité de 64 collines où se trouvent concurremment un grand nombre de personnes déplacées internes (PDI) et rapatriées provenant de sept communes de la province de Kirundo.
Oct 06 2023 Survey, Displacement Solutions Download
DTM Ethiopia - Durable Solutions for Drought-affected IDPs in Somali region, Ethiopia - Household-Level Intention Survey (HLIS) (October 2022)
This report presents findings on data collected by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), through its Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) methodology and Household-Level Intention Survey (HLIS) tool, to inform durable solutions activities for In
Sep 25 2023 Survey, Displacement Solutions, Return Intention Download
Durable Solutions: IOM Yemen IDP Intention Survey [Ad Dali, Aden, Al Hodeidah, Ma’rib and Ta’iz]
In March 2023, the people of Yemen entered their ninth year of conflict since its escalation in 2015. The conflict has pushed the country to the edge of catastrophe – displacing millions from their homes and dramatically increasing levels of hunger and desperation.
Sep 25 2023 Survey Download
Nigeria — Biometric Registration Report Adamawa State — IDPs on the Solutions Pathway (20 September 2023)
In an effort to ensure lasting solutions for internally displaced persons (IDPs), the International Organization for Migration (IOM) has undertaken a mission to identify IDPs who are on the path to sustainable solutions and gain a better understanding of the composition of communities/camps hosti
Sep 21 2023 Registration, Biometric Registration Download
Iraq – Progress Toward Durable Solutions in Iraq: A Pilot Project in Ninewa Governorate (August 2023)
This pilot project aims at assessing progress towards durable solutions to displacement for internally displaced persons (IDPs) and returnees in Ninewa Governorate of Iraq in order to understand where they stand five years after the end of the 2014-2017 crisis and in wh
Aug 31 2023 Survey, Displacement Solutions Download
Nigeria — Biometric Registration Report Malkohi New City, Adamawa State — IDPs on the Solutions Pathway (20 July 2023)
As part of its commitment to provide lasting solutions for internally displaced persons (IDPs) who cannot return to their places of origin, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) has actively supported the resettlement of 188 displaced families in Malkohi New City located in Yola Sout
Jul 25 2023 Registration, Biometric Registration Download