Yemen - Area Assessment 2023 | Round 39 Report




DTM Yemen,
Period Covered
Jul 29 2023
Sep 20 2023
  • Survey
  • Displacement Solutions
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Baseline Assessment

This summary presents the findings of the second round of Area Assessment (mobility Tracking) undertaken by IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix in its new format to establish a new baseline on the number of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), IDP returnees, and migrants in Yemen.
Findings are currently limited to the country’s south controlled by the internationally recognized government (IRG). Data was collected by 154 enumerators through extensive network of Key Informants (KIs) within the operational area. DTM deployed enumerators who are in regular communication with the KIs network throughout each month and work continuously to maintain and expand this network to further triangulate the displacement statistics collected. DTM field staff, along with KIs, use the Sub-Area Assessment tool to capture locations, which are matched to identified locations in the OCHA’s Common Operational Dataset (P-Codes). 
This round 4,512 KIs were interviewed to collect the data, of whom seven per cent or 295 were females and 93 per cent were male. In a total of 403 sub-districts, IOM recorded a presence of IDPs in 372 sub-districts (92%), a presence of IDP returnees in 209 sub-districts (52%) and a presence of migrants in 79 sub-districts (20%). 
In the Yemen context, the practice for field teams is to select KIs representatives of both the host and target communities while adhering to the humanitarian principles of humanity, neutrality, impartiality, and operational independence. This ensures that the selected KIs are the most relevant and appropriate individuals to ensure the successful implementation of the exercise. Among the main outputs of the sub-Area Assessment is a list of locations where IDPs, returnees, and/or migrants are present that can be used to inform more detailed assessments at the locations level, including the annual Multi-Cluster Location Assessment (MCLA). Using a standardized and structured approach to the selection of KIs is a key step to ensuring that data collected in Sub-Area Assessment is comprehensive and comparable across the different teams. The Sub-Area Assessment tool is used to verify and update the baseline information in regular intervals (round). 
IOM DTM implemented round 39 area assessment in coordination with the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation Central (MoPIC), Statistical Organization (CSO), and Executive Unit for IDP Camps Management (ExU) in 13 governorates under the Government of Yemen. The number of migrants indicated in this report represents a snapshot in time for a transient population located in areas data collection teams could access.