South Sudan — Inter Sectoral Needs Assessment Report (ISNA) - Rural Component (July - August 2023)




DTM South Sudan,
South Sudan
Period Covered
Jul 01 2023
Aug 31 2023
  • Survey
  • Displacement Solutions

The overall goal of the 2023 humanitarian Inter-Sector Needs Assessment (ISNA) was to collect and analyze data on the needs and vulnerabilities of households, displacement and migration history, shelter and non-food items (SNFI), water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), health, education, protection, and social cohesion.

The ISNA was intended to fill the information gaps for the 2024 Humanitarian Needs Overview and update the two-year Humanitarian Response Plan (2023-2024). The data collection conducted between July and August 2023, addresses these gaps, while fully respecting accountability to the affected populations and minimizing assessment fatigue.

A total of 12,394 individual household members (hereinafter referred to as 'the survey respondents' or 'respondents') across South Sudan's 10 states and Abyei Administrative Area (here in referred to as 'Abyei') participated in the assessment. Among the total, 62.5 per cent were host community members, 19.7 per cent were returnees, and 17.8 per cent were IDPs. The reported average household size is 5.6 persons per household. The survey targeted heads of households, but in their absence, an individual household member answered on their behalf.

15 per cent of respondents reported having at least one member with a disability, 4 per cent of whom face moderate or severe challenges. This aligns with the WHO's global average. Additionally, chronic illness affects a significant 22 per cent of households, underscoring the need for accessible healthcare within the rural areas of South Sudan

A concerning 48.1 per cent of households have at least one member with a health issue. More critically, 67.9 per cent reported difficulties in accessing healthcare when needed. The primary issues contributing to this are the significant distance to health facilities (50.8%) and lengthy waiting times for services (37.8%). More primary health care and mobile/outreach facilities are needed to address the accessibility and efficiency of healthcare services, ensuring that households in need of health services can promptly receive the care they require.

79.5 per cent indicated that not every individual in their household possesses a valid identification document posing a challenge for the upcoming elections.  With 50.7 per cent of the population requiring access to civil documentation, urgent attention is needed to facilitate the documentation process. 39.7 per cent of households reported they attempted to access civil documentation but faced obstacles which is alarming, this underscores the need for interventions to ensure a smooth and accessible documentation process for all citizens. Addressing this is crucial for facilitating democratic participation and ensuring equal civic rights for the entire population.

Enrollment rates among school-aged children were significantly lower in Lakes (57%), Jonglei (53.2%), Northern bahr El Ghazal (52.3%), Unity (52.3%) and Warrap (49.6%) compared to other states in the current school year. Addressing the high rates of school non-enrollment in these states is crucial to improving educational outcomes in these regions.

Nearly 60 per cent of the population needs protective services, yet almost half (46.4%) face roadblocks in accessing them. Movement restrictions due to insecurity affect 24.6 per cent of households, highlighting the urgency to enhance security measures. Additionally, 15.5 per cent express concern about early marriage for girls, emphasizing the need to implement programs to fight early marriage and promote girls’ education. Equally alarming is the 10.4 per cent reporting unlawful detention as a primary protection concern for boys. Immediate attention and targeted programs are essential to address these pressing protection issues.