South Sudan — Disability, Access & Inclusion Survey Tonj South County (September — October 2022)




DTM South Sudan,
South Sudan
Period Covered
Sep 01 2022
Oct 31 2022
  • Survey

Tonj South is one of six counties in Warrap State, located in the north of South Sudan. Tonj South borders Tonj North to the north-west, Tonj East to the north-east, Lakes State to the east and south, Western Equatoria to the south-west, and Western Bahr el Ghazal to the west. Tonj South County’s headquarters is Tonj Town, the largest city between Rumbek, the capital of Lakes State, and Wau, the capital of Western Bahr el Ghazal. Despite its strategic location, the downturn of income-generating opportunities has impeded any prospects of local economic development.

Survey findings show that almost one in every three persons (31.6% of the total, 198 individuals), in Tonj South County has at least one disability that limits their functionality. Among the persons with disabilities interviewed, 21.21 per cent required the assistance of their caregiver to answer the questionnaire.
From a total of 31.6 per cent of persons with disabilities, 44.4 per cent reported to have one disability, and 55.6 per cent reported to have more than one. Specifically, 40.4 per cent reported to have two to four disabilities, and 5.2 per cent reported to have five to six disabilities.