Nigeria — North East — Maiduguri M.C., Konduga and Jalingo LGAs (Borno and Taraba States) Flash Report (14 July 2021)




DTM Nigeria,
Period Covered
Jul 08 2021
Jul 14 2021
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking
With the onset of the rainy season in Nigeria’s conflict-affected northeastern state of Borno and Taraba, varying degrees of damages are expected to infrastructures (self-made and constructed) in camps and camp-like settings. Usually, heavy rainfalls are accompanied by strong winds causing serious damage to shelters of IDPs.
Between 08 and 14 July 2021, IOM’s DTM program carried out assessments to ascertain the level of damage sustained in camps and camp-like settings due to heavy windstorms and rainfall. Overall, 2 collective settlement and 1 host community in Konduga and Maiduguri M.C. LGAs in Borno State and 1 host community location in the LGA Jalingo of Taraba State were assessed. The worst-hit of the collective settlements assessed was 400 Housing Estate camp in Auno/Chabbol Ward of Konduga LGA where a heavy rainfall damaged 7 shelters, affecting an estimated 100 individuals.
On 10 July 2021, there was a heavy rainfall in Jalingo that flooded most areas in Mayo Goi river area in Mayo Goi ward. This incident caused the river to overflow it banks thereby flooding about 355 shelters and damaging properties of residents.