Mozambique - El-Nino Drought Displacements Update_Barue_Manica (May 2024)




DTM Mozambique,
Period Covered
Apr 22 2024
Apr 24 2024
  • Other
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking
  • Site Assessment

The Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM), in collaboration with Mozambique’s National Institute for Disaster Management (INGD), conducted assessments in Maringue, Chemba, and Barue to record displacements caused by severe El Niño induced drought conditions. Mozambique's National Meteorological Institute (INAM) project decreased precipitation levels and drought conditions across districts in Central and Southern Mozambique - potentially impacting over 20 million people. El- Niño induced drought, land degradation and increased salinity in important water sources continue to place a strain on the agriculture, livestock herding and fishing industries, with many families unable to guarantee sufficient and sustainable livelihoods in rural areas.

DTM’s tracking of climate-induced displacement aims to provide data on the number and location of vulnerable families forced into displacement due to climatic and environmental factors. Joint assessments conducted between 22-24 April estimate 342 individuals (58 families) displaced from Northern Sofala and Tete districts to host communities of Manica (Barue district). Priority needs identified by IDPs include food security, access to clean water, adequate shelter, and agricultural inputs. Additionally, there is a pressing demand for non-food items such as hygiene kits, blankets, mosquito nets, and kitchen sets.