Lithuania — Labour Market Integration of Refugees from Ukraine (January - March 2024)




DTM Europe,
Period Covered
Jan 01 2024
Mar 31 2024
  • Survey
  • Flow Monitoring

The IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix collected data through Surveys with Refugees in the Ukraine Response region from January to March 2024. In Lithuania, a total of 485 surveys were collected. This report explores different aspects of the economic integration, employment profiles, and prospects of the adult respondents, specifically those who have an intention to stay or have already established themselves in the country. These individuals, who intend to stay in Lithuania for the foreseeable future, are actively using their skills and resources to fully integrate into the host community. The report offers insights into their involvement in the labour market and detailing their experiences, needs, and intentions concerning employment in Lithuania for the duration of their displacement.

Key findings:

  • 70% of respondents were active, while 30% were inactive.
  • Within the active population, 63% were employed and 37% were unemployed and looking for a job.
  • Among the inactive population, 16% were on parental leave, 49% were retired, 20% were students and 15% were unemployed and not looking for a job.
  • The majority of Ukrainian refugees depend on their income (47%) as the main source for daily expenses. However, two-fifths (40%) of respondents rely on familial support, 29% on their savings, 15% on the authorities’ support. 13% still receive welfare benefits from Ukraine.
  • 34% did not attend any type of language classes for Lithuanian. However 42% are attending language classes at schools, 9% receive online classes, 8% have classes provided by agencies.
  • The majority of respondents have not received any remittances (71%). 29% received 20 to 4,500 euros. Among recipients, 44% stated they have spent from 10 to 2,000 euros, whereas 56 per cent haven’t spent any of their remittances.
  • Regarding entrepreneurship, 18% of displaced Ukrainians are interested in opening their own business. 6% already own their own business and 11% are unsure of wanting to. A significant proportion (65%) are not interested in having their own business.
  • For the first time, IOM’s DTM questioned respondents regarding workplace exploitation in Estonia, uncovering that 5% of those surveyed had encountered some degree of labour exploitation.