East and the Horn of Africa


DTM East and the Horn of Africa


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Djibouti — Stranded Migrants (As of 15 July 2021)

The COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent prevention measures (such as movement restrictions) that have been put in place by the various governments in the region continue to negatively impact the living conditions of vulnerable populations, including those of migrants transiting through Djib

Djibouti — Flow Monitoring Report (June 2021)

During the month of June 2021, 11,462 movements were observed at flow monitoring points in Djibouti representing a daily average of 382 movements. This is a decrease of 17% from the 458 average daily movements observed in May 2021.

Djibouti — Présence des migrants bloqués (Au 15 Juillet)

La pandémie COVID-19 et les mesures de prévention qui ont été mises en place par les différents gouvernements de la région continuent d’avoir un impact sur les populations vulnérables, y compris sur les migrants transitant par Djibouti.

Djibouti — Rapport sur les Points de suivi des flux (Juin 2021)

Pendant le mois de juin 2021, 11 462 mouvements ont été observés aux points de suivi des flux de population Djibouti, soit une moyenne journalière de 382 mouvements.

Somalia — Border Point Flow Monitoring (June 2021)

A total of 26,677 movements were observed during this month of June, representing an increase of 77% in comparison with June 2020 when 15,066 movements were observed.

Djibouti — Stranded Migrants (As Of 1 July 2021)

The COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent prevention measures (such as movement restrictions) that have been put in place by the various governments in the region continue to negatively impact the living conditions of vulnerable populations, including those of migrants transiting through Djib

Burundi – Tableau de bord des déplacements internes (Mai 2021)

La DTM a identifié 127 775 personnes déplacées internes (PDI) réparties dans 28 569 ménages déplacés, 85% des déplacements étaient dus à des catastrophes naturelles et 15% à d'autres raisons.

Djibouti — Présence des migrants bloqués (Au 1 Juillet)

La pandémie COVID-19 et les mesures de prévention qui ont été mises en place par les différents gouvernements de la région continuent d’avoir un impact sur les populations vulnérables, y compris sur les migrants transitant par Djibouti.

Uganda – Info Sheet: Multi-Hazard Response/DRR Platform (June 2021)

In the month of June, there were few hazards reported as the MAM rainy season came to end. Most of the disasters that were reported in the previous months were mostly triggered by rains in most districts of Uganda.

Burundi – Internal Displacement Dashboard (May 2021)

The DTM has identified 127,775 internally displaced persons (IDPs) in 28,569 households, 85% of the displacement were due to natural disasters and 15% other reasons in the month of May 2021 covering all 18 provinces of Burundi.

Burundi — Tableau De Bord Du Suivi Des Flux (Juin 2021)

Ce tableau de bord fournit une analyse des tendances de la mobilité des populations observées au niveau de cinq (5) points de suivi des flux actifs établis sur des points d’entrée non-officiels, entre la frontière du Burundi et de la République Unie de Tanzanie à Kwa Rutuku, Mukambati, Mbundi, Ka

Burundi — Flow Monitoring Dashboard (June 2021)

This Dashboard provides an analysis of the trends in population mobility observed at five (5) active flow monitoring points (FMPs) established at unofficial border crossing points, between Burundi and United Republic of Tanzania border at Kwa Rutuku, Mukambati, Mbundi, Kabuyenge and Kabogo.

East And Horn of Africa — Monthly Regional Snapshot (May 2021)

The Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) in the East and Horn of Africa (EHoA) region is currently active in six countries (Burundi, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Somalia, South Sudan, and Uganda), and its methodology includes four main components (mobility tracking, flow monitoring, registrations, and su

Burundi – Rapport D'Enquête Des Intentions De Retour (Mars 2021)

Selon les données des évaluations de base de la Matrice de Suivi des Déplacements (DTM, en anglais Displacement Tracking Matrix) de janvier 2021, les résultats montrent que 113 841 personnes (25 475 ménages) étaient déplacées internes.

Ethiopia — Flow Monitoring Dashboard 20 (May 2021)

n May 2021, a total of 20,585 movements were observed across Ethiopia’s five flow monitoring points (FMPs). Following the steady increase in movements this month, outgoing movements during May have continued to be significantly higher than ever (79.5%) than incoming movements (20.5%). T

Burundi – Internal Displacement Trends (April 2021)

The DTM has identified 107,870 internally displaced persons (IDPs) and 25,149 households in the month of April 2021.

South Sudan — Biometric registration update: Naivasha IDP Camp (December 2020)

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) team in South Sudan maintains biometric registration database in Naivasha IDP Camp.

South Sudan — Biometric registration update: Malakal PoC Site (December 2020)

The international Organization for Migration’s (IOM) Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) team in South Sudan maintains biometric registration database in Malakal Protection of Civilian Site (PoC).

Burundi – Tendances De Déplacement Interne (Avril 2021)

La DTM a identifié 107 870 personnes déplacées internes (PDI) réparties dans 25 149 ménages déplacés.

South Sudan — Biometric registration update: Bor IDP Camp (December 2020)

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) team in South Sudan maintains biometric registration database in Bor IDP Camp.

South Sudan — Biometric registration update: Bentiu IDP Camp (December 2020)

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) team in South Sudan maintains biometric registration database in Bentiu IDP Camp (previously Protection of Civilian Site - PoC).

South Sudan — Biometric registration update: Juba IDP Camps (December 2020)

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) team in South Sudan maintains biometric registration database in both Juba IDP Camp 1 and Juba IDP Camp 3.

Ethiopia — National Displacement Report 8 (March — April 2021)

In order to capture the displacement and return dynamics in Ethiopia, DTM Ethiopia's National Displacement Report combines findings from its Site Assessment (SA) in Section 1 and findings from the Village Assessment Survey (VAS) in Section 2.

East and Horn of Africa — COVID-19 Regional Overview On Mobility Restrictions (As of 24 June 2021)

The current outbreak of COVID-19 has affected global mobility in the form of various travel disruptions and restrictions.

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