


DTM Support —
Period Covered
May 29 2024
Jun 04 2024
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking

La partie Grand-Nord de la province du Nord-Kivu, en particulier le territoire de Beni, est confrontée à une crise humanitaire aggravée par la persistance du conflit armé. Les attaques récurrentes du groupe armé ADF contre la population civile auraient entraîné des pertes considérables en vies humaines et des destructions de biens dans la zone de santé de Mabalako. Le 3 avril 2024, la zone de santé de Mangodomu en particulier a été la cible d'attaques ADF. Les membres de la communauté locale de Mangodomu et de ses environs, ainsi que les personnes déplacées qui résidaient déjà dans des familles d'accueil dans la zone, ont été contraints de fuir. Un grand nombre d'entre eux ont trouvé refuge dans les localités de Mangina centre, district de Masembembe, Bilombe, Beu et le village de Mununze dans la zone de santé de Mabalako, à l'ouest du territoire de Beni.  La situation dans la zone est caractérisée par une détérioration de l'accès aux moyens de subsistance tant pour les déplacés que pour les populations hôtes, une dégradation des conditions de vie et des préoccupations croissantes en matière de protection.



Period Covered
Apr 20 2024
May 20 2024
  • Flow Monitoring

IOM Uganda is pleased to share with you it’s the third Refugee Flow Monitoring report (FMR) for the period between 20 April to 20 May 2024 which is under the EU funded project aiming at “Strengthening Uganda’s national and sub-national institutions and systems to address the challenges of forced displacement and migration in Uganda”.

Over the reporting period, a total of 7,827 movements were observed at five Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs). These locations were chosen strategically as major transit points for monitoring movements in and out of Nakivale refugee settlement from the border between Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo through Nyakabande Transit Center.

More than half (69%) of the migrants at the Flow Monitoring Points self-declared as Congolese, Ugandans (20%), Burudian (5%), Rwandese (4%) and Others (2%).

The majority of movement from Nakivale refugee settlement were incoming flows (59%) against outgoing flows (41%). Forty-three per cent of the observed movements were refugees at the five Flow Monitoring Points. The means of transport mostly used were by foot (38%), motor bike & bike (31%), taxi or car (18%), truck (7%), bus (5%) and others (1%).

The majority of the flows were due to family reasons (20%), forced movement due to conflict (18%) and economic reasons (18%). Most of the movements were observed at the Nakivale check point FMP (32%) followed by Busanza (31%), Bunagana (17%), Nyakabande Transit Center (12%) and Rugaaga (8%). Among the migration flows, the most vulnerable groups were children under five (8%), pregnant and/lactating mother (7%) and the elderly (<1%).



Period Covered
Jun 24 2024
Jun 30 2024
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking

On 29 and 30 June 2024,  armed bandits attacked the communities of Sabaru, Tukurwa in Zurmi ward of Zurmi local government area (LGA) and Magezawa in Galadima Dan Galadima ward in Kaura Namoda local government area (LGA) of Zamfara State and the community Idon ruwa in Tidibale ward of Isa local government area (LGA) of Sokoto State. Ten casualties/injuries were reported. The attack affected 1, 133 individuals in 227 households. The affected individuals included 634 children, 281 women and 218 men.

Of all the needs identified, food and security were the most prevalent. Other needs included shelter and non-food items (NFI).

Following these events, DTM (Displacement Tracking Matrix) field staff conducted rapid assessments to inform the humanitarian community and Government/partners, and to enable a targeted response. 



Map Type
Atlas Map
Published date
Tue, 07/02/2024 - 19:39
Mobility Tracking

Baseline 2, an area-based assessment, is the second step of Mobility Tracking implemented at settlement level and aims to quantify presence of population categories. For round 3, DTM Somalia is administered across 7 regions and 29 districts in three states namely Hirshabelle, Jubaland, South-West State from February to March 2024.



Map Type
Atlas Map
Published date
Tue, 07/02/2024 - 19:37
Mobility Tracking

Baseline 2, an area-based assessment, is the second step of Mobility Tracking implemented at settlement level and aims to quantify presence of population categories. For round 3, DTM Somalia is administered across 7 regions and 29 districts in three states namely Hirshabelle, Jubaland, South-West State from February to March 2024.



Map Type
Atlas Map
Published date
Tue, 07/02/2024 - 19:33
Mobility Tracking

Baseline 2, an area-based assessment, is the second step of Mobility Tracking implemented at settlement level and aims to quantify presence of population categories. For round 3, DTM Somalia is administered across 7 regions and 29 districts in three states namely Hirshabelle, Jubaland, South-West State from February to March 2024.



Map Type
Atlas Map
Published date
Tue, 07/02/2024 - 19:19
Mobility Tracking

Baseline 2, an area-based assessment, is the second step of Mobility Tracking implemented at settlement level and aims to quantify presence of population categories. For round 3, DTM Somalia is administered across 7 regions and 29 districts in three states namely Hirshabelle, Jubaland, South-West State from February to March 2024.



Map Type
Atlas Map
Published date
Tue, 07/02/2024 - 19:16
Mobility Tracking

Baseline 2, an area-based assessment, is the second step of Mobility Tracking implemented at settlement level and aims to quantify presence of population categories. For round 3, DTM Somalia is administered across 7 regions and 29 districts in three states namely Hirshabelle, Jubaland, South-West State from February to March 2024.



Map Type
Atlas Map
Published date
Tue, 07/02/2024 - 19:00
Mobility Tracking

Baseline 2, an area-based assessment, is the second step of Mobility Tracking implemented at settlement level and aims to quantify presence of population categories. For round 3, DTM Somalia is administered across 7 regions and 29 districts in three states namely Hirshabelle, Jubaland, South-West State from February to March 2024.



Map Type
Atlas Map
Published date
Tue, 07/02/2024 - 18:52
Mobility Tracking

Baseline 2, an area-based assessment, is the second step of Mobility Tracking implemented at settlement level and aims to quantify presence of population categories. For round 3, DTM Somalia is administered across 7 regions and 29 districts in three states namely Hirshabelle, Jubaland, South-West State from February to March 2024.