Data and Analysis
Special Focus
Crisis Responses
DTM Haiti, dtmhaiti@iom.int
Period Covered
Oct 25 2022
Nov 23 2022
- Mobility Tracking
- Baseline Assessment
Depuis juin 2021, une recrudescence des affrontements violents entre gangs a provoqué une situation d’insécurité généralisée dans plusieurs communes de la Zone Métropolitaine de Port-au-Prince (ZMPP) et déplacé des dizaines de milliers de personnes.
Afin de fournir une vue holistique sur la situation de déplacement dans la ZMPP, la Direction Générale de la Protection Civile (DGPC) et la matrice de suivi des déplacements (DTM) de l’OIM, ont lancé en août 2022 des activités d’évaluations régulières des sites et des communautés hôtes. Un premier exercice (round 1) a ainsi été mené, à l’issue duquel un premier rapport a été publié.
Ce tableau de bord est issu du deuxième exercice (round 2) des évaluations des sites et des quartiers conduites dans la ZMPP du 25 octobre au 23 novembre 2022. Les données ont été collectées par téléphone auprès des informateurs clés. Les résultats indiquent qu’au total 155 166 personnes (39 623 ménages) étaient en situation de déplacement dans la ZMPP au 23 novembre 2022, soit une augmentation 77 pour cent comparativement au premier round. Ceci est principalement dû à l’aggravation des conditions sécuritaires dans la ZMPP observée durant le mois de septembre 2022.
DTM Sudan, DTMSudan@iom.int
- Mobility Tracking
- Baseline Assessment
Period Covered
Feb 15 2022 -Mar 16 2022
DTM estimates a total accumulative number of 775,570 foreign nationals (186,011 households) in 664 locations, in 131 localities, across 17 states in Sudan. 19% of the total foreign national caseload was identified in Kassala, followed by White Nile (15%) and West Kordofan (14%). South Sudanese constitute 69% of the total foreign population count, followed by Eritreans (17%), Ethiopians (9%), and Chadians (1%), among other nationalities (4%). The highest proportion of foreign nationals (an estimated 297,627 individuals, or 57%) arrived in Sudan before 2019. The lowest proportion of foreign nationals (an estimated 20,413 individuals, 4%) arrived in Sudan in 2020.
Population Groups
Survey Methodology
Unit of Analysis Or Observation
Type of Survey or Assessment
Geographical Scope
Administrative boundaries with available data
The current dataset covers the following administrative boundaries
DTM Sudan, DTMSudan@iom.int
- Mobility Tracking
- Baseline Assessment
Period Covered
Feb 15 2022 -Mar 16 2022
DTM estimates a total accumulative number of 148,256 returnees from abroad (27,010 households) across 10 states in Sudan. The estimated figures for returnees from abroad represent just 12% of the total returnee count. The highest proportion of returnees from abroad (an estimated 46,944 individuals - 32%) returned to Sudan in 2021. Field teams captured the majority of these returnees (40,040) in Blue Nile state - reflective of a mass influx from the neighboring country of Ethiopia following the crisis in Northern Ethiopia during the first half of 2021. More than one third of returnees from abroad captured returned to Sudan between 2011- 2015 (25,295 individuals - 18%) and between 2003 and 2010 (25,295 individuals – 17%). Field teams report that these proportions indicate of the movement of individuals returning to their habitual residences towards the end of the Darfur crisis.
Population Groups
Survey Methodology
Unit of Analysis Or Observation
Type of Survey or Assessment
Geographical Scope
Administrative boundaries with available data
The current dataset covers the following administrative boundaries
DTM Sudan, DTMSudan@iom.int
- Mobility Tracking
- Baseline Assessment
Period Covered
Feb 15 2022 -Mar 16 2022
DTM estimates a total accumulative number of 55,045 seasonal returnees (11,076 households) across 10 states in Sudan. In Round Five, DTM teams observed populations who returned to their habitual residence on an impermanent basis – due to seasonal changes and cultivation, harvesting and livestock purposes. These population figures are expected to remain influx and observe drastic changes over the course of each year, as people continue to move with the seasons.
Population Groups
Survey Methodology
Unit of Analysis Or Observation
Type of Survey or Assessment
Geographical Scope
Administrative boundaries with available data
The current dataset covers the following administrative boundaries
DTM Sudan, DTMSudan@iom.int
- Mobility Tracking
- Baseline Assessment
Period Covered
Feb 15 2022 -Mar 16 2022
DTM estimates a total number of 1,181,419 permanent returnees from internal displacement (221,754 households) across 10 states in Sudan. Reporting on returns in a chronological manner, the data indicates that between 2003 and 2010, 152,928 returnees (13%) returned to their location of origin. The highest proportion of returns (340,946) occurred between 2011 to 2015 (29% of the total count) – reflective of a mass influx of individuals returning to their habitual residences at the end of the Darfur crisis. This was followed by 155,523 returnees (13%) in 2016, 165,965 returnees (14%) in 2017, and 120,116 returnees (11%) in 2018.
The lowest proportion of returnees returned in 2019 (67,745) and 2020 (66,157), representing 6% and 5% respectively. The steady decrease in returns over time suggests a correlation between the increased length of protracted displacement and the
diminishing likelihood of returns. Finally, in 2021 field teams identified 112,029 permanent returnees from internal displacement (9%).
Population Groups
Survey Methodology
Unit of Analysis Or Observation
Type of Survey or Assessment
Geographical Scope
Administrative boundaries with available data
The current dataset covers the following administrative boundaries
DTM Sudan, DTMSudan@iom.int
- Mobility Tracking
- Baseline Assessment
Period Covered
Feb 15 2022 -Mar 16 2022
DTM identified a total accumulative number of 3,779,487 IDP individuals (748,100 households) in 17 states across Sudan. The greatest proportion of displacement in the country is protracted (ongoing for more than five years, see Diagram 4). An estimated 2,238,797 current IDPs (59%) were initially displaced between 2003 and 2010 at the height of the Darfur crisis. In comparison, 1,034,351 IDPs (27%) captured were initially displaced between 2011 and 2017, in addition to 69,646 (2%) newly displaced in 2018; 85,171 IDPs (2%) in 2019; 66,356 IDPs (2%) in 2020; 284,579 (8%) in 2021 and additional 587 IDP individuals were captured in 2022.
Population Groups
Survey Methodology
Unit of Analysis Or Observation
Type of Survey or Assessment
Geographical Scope
Administrative boundaries with available data
The current dataset covers the following administrative boundaries
Regional Office Dakar, RODakarepcteam@iom.int
Period Covered
Oct 01 2022
Oct 31 2022
- Flow Monitoring Survey
- Flow Monitoring
Durant le mois d’octobre 2022, au total 6336 migrants ont été observés au niveau du point de suivi des flux transfrontalier de Rosso Sénégal (5628 individus entrants au Sénégal par les FMP, 276 individus sortants du Sénégal par le FMP de Rosso et 144 individus effectuant des mouvements internes passant par le FMP de Rosso). La moyenne journalière des flux est de 233 soit une hausse de 57 pour cent par rapport au mois de septembre 2022. Cette hausse s’explique d’une part par l'avènement de plusieurs évènements religieux au Sénégal (Gamous) et par des mouvements économiques et des mouvements locaux de courte durée d'autre part.
Regional Office Dakar, RODakar-DataResearch@iom.int
The Gambia
Period Covered
Nov 01 2022
Nov 30 2022
- Flow Monitoring Survey
- Flow Monitoring
In The Gambia, DTM conducts Flow Monitoring activities at several important transit locations in:
1) Barra (FMPs are located at the ferry terminal and the main garage);
2) Farafenni (FMPs are located at Farafenni main garage, Farafenni Ballan-Ghar garage, Farafenni McCarthy and Sanjally garage, Farafenni turntable garage and the truck garage);
3) Basse (FMPs are situated at the main garage and the bus station in Basse Santa-Su) and
4) Brikama (FMPs are located at the main garage and the bus station).
These activities enable DTM to monitor the movements of passengers within, out of and towards The Gambia as well as the movements of those passengers transiting The Gambia. This report presents the key results of the Flow Monitoring Survey conducted from the 1st to the 30th of November 2022, excluding weekends and national holidays, with data collected for 22 days. The report presents data collected on flows, routes, departures, destinations and demographic profiles of travellers observed at the FMPs
La région du Sahel central, et plus particulièrement la zone du Liptako Gourma, qui enjambe le Burkina Faso, le Mali et le Niger, est témoin d’une crise complexe qui comprend comme enjeux une compétition grandissante pour le contrôle de ressources; des bouleversements climatiques; une croissance démographique galopante; des niveaux élevés de pauvreté; l’absence d’opportunités économiques et un sentiment de désillusions quant au futur; des tensions communautaires; l’absence de présence étatique et le manque de services sociaux de base; et des violences provoquées par des réseaux de crime organisé et des groupes armés non étatiques. La crise a engendré, en 2022, la mort de milliers de personnes et conduit à des déplacements de populations significatifs dans les quatre pays touchés par la crise.
Au 23 novembre 2022, 2 649 554 individus étaient déplacés par la crise, y compris 2 411 754 Personnes déplacées internes (91% de la population affectée) et 237 800 réfugiés (9%). Soixante-huit pour cent de la population déplacée (1 795 526 personnes) se trouvait au Burkina Faso, 18 pour cent au Mali (480 704), 10 pour cent au Niger (275 122) et 4 pour cent en Mauritanie (98 202).
The Central Sahel area, and in particular the Liptako Gourma region, which borders Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger, is affected by a complex crisis involving growing competition over dwindling resources; climatic variability; demographic pressure; high levels of poverty; disaffection and a lack of livelihood opportunities; communal tensions; the absence of state institutions and basic services; and violence related to organized crime and Non-State Armed Groups. The crisis has led to the death of an estimated thousands of people in 2022 and triggered significant displacement of populations in the four affected countries.
As of 23 December 2022, 2,649,554 individuals have been displaced, including 2,411,754 Internally Displaced Persons (91% of the displaced population) and 237,800 Refugees (9% of the displaced population). Sixty-eight per cent of the displaced population (1,795,526 individuals) were located in Burkina Faso, while 18 per cent resided in Mali (480,704 individuals), 10 per cent in Niger (275,122 individuals) and 4 per cent in Mauritania (98,202 individuals).