


DTM Europe,
Period Covered
Jun 17 2022
Sep 26 2022
  • Survey
  • Community Perception

Between 17 June and 26 September 2022, IOM conducted 2,191 surveys in collective sites or distribution centers with Ukrainian nationals and Third Country Nationals (TCNs) in Poland. All respondents crossed the border into Poland due to the ongoing war in Ukraine.



DTM Europe,
Period Covered
Jun 01 2022
Sep 15 2022
  • Survey
  • Return Intention

Starting on 24 February 2022, the war in Ukraine triggered an unprecedented humanitarian crisis and generated large scale displacement both within Ukraine and into the neighbouring countries. As of the end of September, 6.2 million persons were internally displaced in Ukraine1 and 7.4 million refugees from Ukraine were recorded in Europe.2 According to available administrative data, more than 13 million border crossings of refugees and Third-Country Nationals (TCNs) not in need of international protection from Ukraine were reported into the neighbouring countries since February 2022. At the same time, around 6 million were estimated to have returned including both from other locations within Ukraine and self-reported from abroad,3 and about 6 million cross-border movements were registered from Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and the Republic of Moldova among the neighbouring countries into Ukraine as of mid-September. 

Since mid-April, IOM has deployed its Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) tools to collect individual surveys in neighbouring countries with persons crossing into Ukraine, with the aim to improve the understanding of main profiles, displacement patterns, intentions and needs. 

This report is based on 9,495 valid surveys collected by IOM’s DTM in five European countries neighbouring Ukraine with adult refugees from Ukraine and TCNs crossing to Ukraine between 01 June and 15 September 2022: 3,519 in Romania, 3,151 in Poland, 2,418 in the Republic of Moldova, 259 in Hungary and 148 in Slovakia. Total results were weighted as per the number of border crossings into Ukraine reported in each country of the survey during the aforementioned period. 

Movements can be pendular, and do not necessarily indicate sustainable returns as the situation across the country remains highly volatile and unpredictable. Hence, individuals surveyed while crossing into Ukraine from neighbouring countries are not necessarily returnees, and conclusions on definitive trends cannot be drawn.

Oct 18 2022 Print
Countries in this response
  • Active DTM operation
  • Past DTM operation

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DTM Support —
Period Covered
Jul 01 2022
Jul 30 2022
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking

Ce tableau de bord présente les principaux résultats de suivi des mouvements de populations dans la province
de l’Ituri, à l’issue du huitième cycle d’évaluation conduit par l’unité la Matrice de suivi des déplacements
(Displacement Tracking Matrix, en anglais (DTM)) de l’Organisation internationale pour les migrations (OIM).
Ces évaluations ont été réalisées à travers un exercice de collecte de données conduit du 5 au 25 juillet 2022,
en collaboration avec l’ONG locale, Réseau d’Action pour le Développement et le Progrès Intégré (RADPI),
et la Commission Nationale pour les Réfugiés (CNR). Lors du ce cycle, un total de 5 685 villages, couvrant
36 zones de santé (ZS), ont été évalués à travers des consultations avec 15 608 informateurs clés.



DTM Support —
Period Covered
Aug 01 2022
Aug 31 2022
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking

Ce tableau de bord présente les principaux résultats de suivi de mouvement de la population dans la province du
Tanganyika à l’issue du huitième cycle d’évaluation conduit par l’unité DTM de l’OIM. Ces évaluations ont été réalisées à
travers un exercice de collecte de données conduit du 6 juillet au 10 août 2022, en collaboration avec l’Organisation nongouvernmentale (ONG) locale Promotion de Développement Humain et Protection de l’Environnement Social (PDHPES)
et la Division Provinciale des Affaires Humanitaires (DIVAH Tanganyika). Lors de ce cycle, un total de 5 081 villages,
couvrant 11 zones de santé (ZS), ont été évalués à la suite de consultations menées auprès de 14 633 informateurs clés.



DTM Support —
Period Covered
Jul 01 2022
Jul 30 2022
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking

Ce tableau de bord présente les principaux résultats de suivi des mouvements de la population dans la province du Sud-Kivu à l’issue du neuvième cycle d’évaluation conduit par la Matrice de suivi des déplacements (Displacement Tracking Matrix en anglais (DTM)) de l’OIM. Ces évaluations ont été réalisées à travers un exercice de collecte de données conduit du 1 au 31 juillet 2022, en collaboration avec l’organisation non-gouvernmentale (ONG) locale Réseau d’Action pour le Développement et le Progrès Intégré (RADPI) et la Division Provinciale des Affaires Humanitaires (DIVAH) du Sud-Kivu. Lors du neuviième cycle, un total de 5 260 villages, couvrant 34 zones de santé (ZS), ont été évalués par le biais de 16 591 informateurs clés.



DTM Europe,
Period Covered
Apr 19 2022
Sep 30 2022
  • Survey

Since 24 February 2022, an increasing number of refugees from Ukraine and other third-country nationals (TCNs) entering Slovakia has been registered as a result of the war in Ukraine. As of 30 September, Slovak authorities have reported 846,761 border crossings from Ukraine, out of whom 92 per cent were reported to be refugees from Ukraine and 7 per cent as other (EU national or Third Country Nationals). At the same time, 616,009 border crossings to Ukraine have been reported since 24 February 2022. 

This report is based on a survey launched by IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) with persons crossings to Ukraine from Slovakia since mid-April, and presents an analysis based on 324 surveys collected between 19 April and 30 September 2022 by IOM Slovakia trained enumerators.

Individuals crossing into Ukraine are not necessarily returnees and conclusions on definitive trends cannot be drawn. The sample is not representative of all persons crossing to Ukraine, and results should only be considered as indicative.



Period Covered
Oct 01 2021
Jun 30 2022
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Baseline Assessment

This snapshot summarizes available data on Bangladeshi nationals’ presence in Lebanon. The first page visualizes on a map
the number of Bangladeshi nationals quantified by IOM’s Migrant Presence Monitoring (MPM) Round 1 of data collection
that took place between October 2020 and June 2021 across Lebanon.1 The second page presents the data in a table by
governorate and district. The MPM baseline assessment is designed to systematically assess, through a series of MPM
Rounds, cadastres (Admin 3 areas) in Lebanon to quantify the presence of migrants per this administrative area to support
operational assistance, coordination, and planning. Data collection is based on estimations received from Key Informants
(KI) who are mostly composed of Mukhtars, local authorities of these areas, and Municipality officials. The full report can
be accessed here.2 The snapshot is part of the outputs of IOM’s EU-funded Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) project
“Regional Evidence for Migration Analysis and Policy” (REMAP) in Bangladesh. The objective of DTM REMAP is to strengthen
the evidence-based formulation and implementation of humanitarian and development policy and programming on
migration and forced displacement in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq and Pakistan.



Period Covered
Sep 17 2022
Sep 26 2022
  • Survey

Starting on 24 February 2022, a large-scale armed conflict in Ukraine triggered an unprecedented humanitarian crisis across the
country, characterised, among other elements, by the displacement of a significant proportion of the Ukrainian population.

As early as April 2022, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) began observing significant return movements. Conditions of return vary widely, as returnees arrive back to areas not directly affected by the war, but which have experienced a significant influx of internally displaced persons (IDPs), as well as to conflict-affected and recently de-occupied areas which have sustained severe damage. Due to the volatility of the current situation, it is impossible to determine what proportion of the returns observed at present are permanent or temporary. Existing data shows, however, that the returnee population in Ukraine is characterized by a unique set of needs and vulnerabilities which set it apart from those who had never been displaced and from the population of IDPs.

To support partners in providing targeted, evidence-based assistance to those returning to their areas of habitual residence following a period of forced displacement, IOM presents the Ukraine Returns Report. This publication will strive to analyze IOM’s latest data on the situation and needs of the returnee population and on the conditions of return, collected through the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) assessments conducted in the country.

This September 2022 edition of the Ukraine Returns Report presents a detailed analysis of data collected through the ninth round of IOM’s General Population Survey (GPS), conducted between 17 and 26 September among the adult population in Ukraine. The geographical scope of the assessment covers the entire territory of Ukraine, all five macro-regions (West, East, North, Centre, South, and the city of Kyiv), with the exception of the Crimean peninsula and the non-government-controlled-areas of Ukraine (NGCA). The general population survey was conducted using a random‐digit‐dial (RDD) approach, and 2,002 unique and anonymous respondents aged 18 and over were interviewed using the computer-assisted telephone interview (CATI) method.



DTM Mali,
Period Covered
Aug 01 2022
Aug 31 2022
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Baseline Assessment

Au cours des huit premiers mois de l’année 2022, dans un contexte marqué par l’insécurité, des combats et attaques sporadiques se sont poursuivis dans plusieurs localités du pays occasionnant des déplacements internes de populations civiles dans le Nord et dans le Centre du pays. Le caractère violent des conflits a provoqué d’importants déplacements de populations à l’intérieur du territoire malien et dans les communes frontalières entre le Burkina Faso et le Niger. Par ailleurs, l’amélioration significative des conditions de sécurité dans certaines localités a permis à de nombreuses personnes déplacées internes (PDI), vivant toujours dans des conditions extrêmes à regagner leurs foyers au Centre et au Nord du pays, mais de nombreux obstacles persistent, les empêchant de trouver des solutions durables à leur déplacement.

Le nombre de personnes déplacées a atteint la barre des 422 620 individus en août 2022. L’augmentation du nombre de personnes déplacées à cette date par rapport aux mois précédents s’explique par le fait que les huit premiers mois de l’année 2022 ont été marqué par la recrudescence des violences dans les régions de Ménaka, Gao, Tombouctou et Mopti. La zone du Liptako Gourma, ou des trois frontières entre le Mali, le Niger et le Burkina Faso, devient l’épicentre de cette crise multiforme, confirmant ainsi la complexité de l’assistance humanitaire. De surcroît, les récurrentes contraintes d’accès humanitaire éloignent bon nombre de personnes des services sociaux de base vitaux, les poussant parfois à recourir à des stratégies de survie ou d’adaptation négatives