


Period Covered
Feb 18 2024
Feb 24 2024
  • Survey
  • Flow Monitoring Survey
  • Flow Monitoring

IOM Afghanistan's DTM Flow Monitoring activity, initiated at the beginning of 2024, seeks to quantify and better understand the mobility dynamics at Afghanistan’s borders. On 10 January 2024, DTM began deploying field teams at four border crossing points with the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRN) and Pakistan (PAK), expanding to another border crossing point Ghulam Khan as of 11 February (see map below for the locations of all five crossing points), to conduct two interlinked exercises. The first is a headcount of all individuals entering or leaving Afghanistan (including returnees), also called Flow Monitoring Counting (FMC), to gauge flow volume. The second is a survey of randomly selected Afghan national individuals or groups entering or leaving Afghanistan, also called the Flow Monitoring Survey (FMS), to understand the profiles, motivations, and vulnerabilities of the target population. This snapshot provides key findings combining various IOM data sources, including DTM Afghanistan’s FMC and FMS activities, DTM Pakistan’s Flow Monitoring of Afghan returnees, and IOM Afghanistan’s Cross-Border Post-Arrival Humanitarian Assistance (CB-PAHA) program, for the period 18 to 24 February 2024. For more information about methodology, see the section in the last page of this report titled “IOM INFLOW DATA.” 



DTM Ethiopia,
Period Covered
Aug 01 2023
Sep 02 2023
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Site Assessment
  • Village Assessment

Between August and September 2023, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) Data and Research Unit (DRU), through its Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) methodology, deployed the Site Assessment (SA) and Village Assessment Survey (VAS) tools to assess the mobility, needs and vulnerabilities of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and returning IDPs across Ethiopia. This snapshot report will present key findings on needs and vulnerabilities, in particular those related to Cash and Voucher (CVA) assistance.

It is recommended to utilize cash and mixed modality (cash + in-kind) responses for these population groups if feasible. The finding that 80.5% of sites and 75.7% of villages mentioned a preference towards cash, whether by itself or mixed with in-kind/baskets, aligns with Ethiopia Cash Working Group (CWG) recommendations based on joint CVA feasibility assessments.



Niger Migration Data and Research Unit -
Period Covered
Dec 01 2023
Dec 31 2023
  • Survey
  • Displacement Solutions
  • Mobility Tracking

La région de Diffa, située dans le bassin du lac Tchad, fait face à une crise humanitaire grave en raison du conflit en cours et des attaques de groupes armés non étatique (GANE) non étatique. Cette situation a provoqué d'importants déplacements de populations et une détérioration des conditions de vie. Les déplacés internes, les réfugiés et les communautés d'accueil sont confrontés à des défis majeurs tels que l'accès restreint à l'eau potable, à la nourriture, aux soins de santé et à l'éducation. Les organisations humanitaires s'efforcent activement de répondre à ces besoins urgents en fournissant une aide vitale, en soutenant les infrastructures locales et en protégeant les droits des personnes touchées. Cependant, la situation demeure préoccupante et nécessite une attention continue ainsi que des ressources supplémentaires pour atténuer les souffrances et trouver des solutions durables.

Afin de trouver des solutions durables aux déplacements internes et de prévenir de nouveaux déplacements dans la région, il est crucial de comprendre les niveaux de stabilité dans les zones accueillant les populations déplacées. L'Organisation internationale pour les migrations (OIM) a introduit l’indice de solution et de mobilité (ISM) en 2019 pour évaluer la stabilité des zones accueillant les rapatriés ou les populations déplacées dans le bassin du lac Tchad (BLC). Cet indice vise à identifier les facteurs qui influent sur la stabilité d'un lieu afin de déterminer les interventions prioritaires pour la transition et le rétablissement, renforçant ainsi la résilience et la stabilité dans une région marquée par les conflits et les déplacements. L’ISM mesure les perceptions de stabilité et analyse les facteurs influençant les décisions des populations de rester ou de se déplacer. Il fournit un outil permettant aux autorités et aux partenaires de développer des stratégies plus efficaces, de prioriser les ressources et de planifier les interventions dans les zones fragiles et instables, en intégrant des approches humanitaires, de relèvement et de stabilisation. Ce rapport présente les résultats du cinquième cycle de collecte de données de l’ISM, réalisé entre le 18 novembre et le 8 décembre 2023 dans la région de Diffa, au Niger.



RO Dakar,
Period Covered
Jan 01 2023
Dec 31 2023
  • Other
  • Survey
  • Displacement Solutions
  • Flow Monitoring
  • Mobility Tracking

Within the West and Central Africa (WCA) region, the Sahel stretches from Mauritania to Chad, separating the Sahara desert on the North, from tropical coastal countries to the South. Overall, within the African continent, it spans from the Atlantic Ocean on the West to the Red Sea on the East, separating the desert from the savanna. Migratory routes within the WCA region inevitably cross the Sahel and - throughout their journeys - migrants are facing multiple risks along these routes.

This report compiles information from different data and research activities held within the region in the objective to highlight the diverse dynamics, profiles and risks migrants are facing while travelling on the WCA routes through the Sahel. This dashboard covers the period until December 2023 and is based on information from (1) Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) data on mobility trends and population flows; (2) Missing Migrants Project (MMP) data on arrivals to Europe and the Canary Islands, migrant deaths and disappearances; (3) Data on migrants seeking Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration (AVRR) to and within the WCA region; (4) Expulsions of migrants from other regions to WCA, especially from Algeria and Libya; (5) Transhumance Tracking Tool (TTT) data on the mobility of transhumant populations throughout the Sahel; and (6) Solutions and Mobility Index (SMI) indicators of stability within the Sahelian region.



DTM Pakistan,
Period Covered
Feb 01 2024
Feb 15 2024
  • Flow Monitoring

On 26 September 2023, the Ministry of Interior in Pakistan announced its decision to enact its “Illegal Foreigners’ Repatriation Plan (IFRP)”. Between 1 and 15 February 2024, 7,215 Afghan nationals returned to Afghanistan, including 5,040 through the Torkham BCP, 1,720 through the Chaman BCP, 455 through the Ghulam Khan BCP, while no Afghan nationals returned through the Badini BCP. In addition, border authorities deported 61 individuals due to a lack of valid documentation. Since 1 January 2024, IOM identified 26,734 returns at the four BCPs.

Public Dataset


Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Baseline Assessment
Period Covered
Feb 13 2024 -
Feb 21 2024

Le conflit entre le groupe M23 et les Forces armées de la République démocratique du Congo (FARDC) et leurs alliés est une source majeure de violence et d'instabilité dans la région. Ce conflit a non seulement causé la perte de vies humaines et le déplacement de millions de personnes, mais il a également entravé les efforts visant à instaurer la paix et la stabilité dans la région. Depuis le début de la crise, l'OIM, par le biais de sa matrice de suivi des déplacements (DTM), a continué à mener une série d'évaluations rapides, y compris le suivi des des urgences (EET/ERM), l'analyse des crises et l'enregistrement, dans le but de répondre aux besoins d'information immédiats afin de comprendre la dynamique des déplacements. Cet ensemble de données présente les résultats des évaluations menées dans les différentes zones de déplacement et de retour entre le 13 et le 21 février 2024.

Population Groups


Returnee (Previously Internally Displaced)

Survey Methodology

Unit of Analysis Or Observation

Admin Area 2

Admin Area 3

Admin Area 4

Type of Survey or Assessment

Key Informant





Geographical Scope Partial Coverage

Administrative boundaries with available data

The current dataset covers the following administrative boundaries



DTM Europe,
Period Covered
Jan 01 2023
Dec 31 2023
  • Survey

Key Findings:

  • Among respondents, 63 per cent are active (employed or unemployed), and 37 per cent are inactive (student status, parental leave, retirement, unemployment and not looking for a job).
  • Within active population, 62 per cent are employed and 38 are unemployed.
  • Employment rate is higher (64%) among those who speak Hungarian fluently.
  • Women with children experience lower employment rates: 52 per cent are employed with at least one infant (0-4 years-old) and 57 per cent are employed with at least one child (5-17 years-old).
  • 58 per cent of women in single-headed households are employed.
  • Top reasons for unemployment and not looking for a job*: family duty (51%), medical conditions (21%), no need for job (14%). (*more than one answer possible)
  • Satisfaction with job and skills matching is higher among men (67%) than women (41%)
  • Top employment aspirations: professional roles (36%), roles in services and sales (15%), and managerial roles (13%).
  • Employment support is ranked among the top 5 needs*: 26 per cent of respondents are in need of employment support. (*more than one answer possible)
Public Dataset


  • Mobility Tracking
  • Baseline Assessment
Period Covered
Oct 10 2023 -
Feb 20 2024

Since October 8 there has been an increase in cross-border incidents between Israel and Lebanon, resulting in the displacement of people both within the South and elsewhere within the country. Since October 10, the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) has been conducting the daily monitoring of population movements. The objective of the exercise is to inform preparedness and response planning.

Population Groups


Survey Methodology

Unit of Analysis Or Observation

Admin Area 2

Admin Area 3

Type of Survey or Assessment

Key Informant



Geographical Scope Full Coverage

Administrative boundaries with available data

The current dataset covers the following administrative boundaries



Period Covered
Feb 08 2024
Feb 25 2024
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking

Between 22 December 2023 to 25 February 2024, sporadic attacks and fear of attacks by Non-state Armed Groups in Macomia, Chiure, Mecufi, Mocimboa da Praia, and Muidumbe triggered the cumulative displacement 71,681 individuals/15,470 families. [For more see Emergency Tracking Online Dashboard]. The current Movement Alert #101 reports on recent attacks recorded in Chiure, Macomia, and Mecufi between 8 to 25 February that displaced 58,116 individuals.



DTM Yemen,
Period Covered
Feb 18 2024
Feb 24 2024
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking

IOM Yemen DTM’s Rapid Displacement Tracking (RDT) tool collects data on estimated numbers of households forced to flee on a daily basis from their locations of origin or displacement, allowing for regular reporting of new displacements in terms of estimated numbers, geography, and needs. It also tracks returnees who returned to their location of origin.

From 1 January to 24 February 2024, IOM Yemen DTM tracked 552 households (HH) (3,312 Individuals) who experienced displacement at least once.

Between 18 and 24 February 2024, IOM Yemen DTM tracked 21 households (126 individuals) displaced at least once. The majority of people moved into/within the following governorates and districts:

  • Ma’rib (16 HHs) – Ma’rib City (13 HHs), Ma’rib (3 HHs) districts. Most displacements in the governorate originated from Ma’rib and Al Hodeidah.
  • Ad Dali (2 HHs) – Al Azariq (2 HHs) district. All displacements in the governorate originated from Ad Dali and Ta’iz.
  • Ta’iz (2 HHs) – Al Makha (2 HHs) district. All displacements in the governorate were internal.

The majority of people moved from the following governorates and districts:

  • Ma’rib (5 HHs) – Rahabah (3 HHs), Harib (2 HHs) districts.
  • Ta’iz (5 HHs) – Mawiyah (2 HHs), Al Mudhaffar (1 HH), At Taiziyah (1 HH) districts.
  • Al Hodeidah (5 HHs) – Bajil (2 HHs), Al Hali (1 HH), Jabal Ras (1 HH) districts.

IOM identified 35 households displaced in the previous reporting period, which covered 11 - 17 February 2024, in the governorates of Ta’iz (14 HHs), Ma’rib (12 HHs), and Al Hodeidah (9 HHs). These figures have been added to the cumulative displacement total recorded since the beginning of the year.