Data and Analysis
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Crisis Responses
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DTM Support — iomdrcdtm@iom.int
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Period Covered
Nov 25 2024
Dec 01 2024
- Mobility Tracking
- Event Tracking
Entre le 30 octobre et 15 novembre 2024, des vents violents, suivi de pluie torrentielle, se sont abattu sur plusieurs entités dans les villages de Cité de Sange, Kabunanbo, Kigoma, et Luberizi (tous dans la zone de santé de Ruzizi, du territoire de Uvira, dans la province du Sud-Kivu). Cela a provoqué un déplacement spontané de la population locale et des dégâts matériels, y compris des infrastructures scolaires, églises, et des toitures d’habitations. Cette alerte a été lancée par l’ONG Centre de Développement Intégral de l’Enfant Rural et vérifiée par AIDES (Alerte #5517). Selon les données disponibles, les orages ont deplacé 9 538 personnes (soit 2 074 ménages) au total. La plupart des deplacés ont été forcés à trouver refuge avec des familles d’accueils (non touchées par la crise) et d’autres ont réhabilité d’urgence les toitures de leurs maisons.
Period Covered
Dec 02 2024
Dec 04 2024
- Mobility Tracking
- Baseline Assessment
Since October 8 there has been an increase in cross-border incidents between Israel and Lebanon, resulting in the displacement of people both within the South and elsewhere within the country. Since October 10, the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) has been conducting the daily monitoring of population movements. The objective of the exercise is to inform preparedness and response planning.
Period Covered
Nov 24 2024
Nov 30 2024
- Survey
- Flow Monitoring Survey
- Flow Monitoring
DTM Flow Monitoring, conducted by IOM Afghanistan, is designed to provide insights into the mobility patterns at Afghanistan’s border points with the Islamic Republic of Iran and Pakistan. This activity involves two interlinked exercises: Flow Monitoring Counting (FMC), which monitors the number of movements across the border, and Flow Monitoring Surveys (FMS), which collect data on the profiles of randomly selected Afghan nationals crossing the border including documentation held, reasons for travel, and the intended period of stay/ travel. It is important to note that DTM collects information on total movements at a given border point, not the number of unique individuals entering or leaving the country. As a result, if one individual both left and re-entered Afghanistan during the reporting period, this would count as one outflow movement and one inflow movement. Movements can be attributed to a wide variety of reasons, including returnees coming back to Afghanistan after living abroad, people visiting family, deportees, those travelling for economic reasons, medical patients, students, or Afghans moving abroad for different reasons. Circular movements, which include those who frequently and regularly travel back and forth across the border for trade and other reasons, are also common. This monitoring offers a clear picture of population movements in and out of the country.
DTM FM is operational at four main crossing points (connected to Afghanistan’s National Highway) as well as six other crossing points with Islamic Republic of Iran and Pakistan. This weekly snapshot combines information from the FM activity and various IOM sources related to cross-border movement. For a detailed explanation of the methodology used in gathering this data, the report directs readers to the section titled “IOM INFLOW DATA” on the last page.
DTM Yemen, iomyemendtm@iom.int
Period Covered
Jul 01 2024
Sep 30 2024
- Mobility Tracking
During the reporting period, between 1 July and 30 September 2024, IOM Yemen DTM tracked 1,149 households (HHs) (6,894 individuals)1 who experienced displacement at least once. This compares to 1,089 households (6,534 individuals) in the third quarter of 2023 representing a five per cent increase. Continued new instances of displacement occur due the ongoing impacts of the conflict between the warring parties, the economic repercussions such as salary cuts, currency depreciation, and the decline in individual income. Additionally, climate induced movements, such as related to floods and heavy rainfall, have significantly affected governorates like Ma’rib, Ta’iz, and Al Hodeidah.
The governorates with the highest number of new displacements in the third quarter of 2024 are Ma’rib (406 HHs), Lahj (271 HHs), Ta’iz (232 HHs), and Al Hodeidah (223 HHs). These governorates are all located in areas that have been heavily affected by armed conflict, insecurity, and the resulting humanitarian crisis.
Safety and security concerns as a result of the conflict were the main reason for displacement, accounting for 64 per cent (739 HHs) of the total, followed by economic reasons related to conflict, accounting for 28 per cent (322 HHs), and natural hazards accounting for eight per cent (88 HH).
The objective of this factsheet is to provide insights into the direct and indirect effects that environmental change may have on the considerations and realities of migrants. It does so by investigating new data available from Flow Monitoring Surveys (FMS) conducted with migrants travelling along mixed migration routes to Europe from January to September 2024, where a set of specific climate-related questions was introduced. The structure is threefold. First, the sociodemographic profile of the sample is presented, elaborating on the routes the respondents have travelled. Second, findings on different environmental aspects included in the survey are presented disaggregated by route. Third, Algeria, a country particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and among main origin countries for migrants arriving in Spain, serves as a case study that illustrates migrants’ rationale of leaving in response to environmental shifts.
DTM DRC, iomdrcdtm@iom.int
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Period Covered
Oct 30 2024
Nov 30 2024
- Mobility Tracking
- Event Tracking
Ce rapport présente les résultats des évaluations menées dans les zones de déplacement et de retour, entre le 10 octobre et le 30 novembre 2024, liées à la crise M23.
La province du Nord-Kivu, est confrontée à un conflit persistant caractérisé par la présence de divers acteurs armés tels que le groupe Mouvement du 23 mars (M23) les Forces armées de la République démocratique du Congo (FARDC) et leurs alliés. La persistance de ce conflit, l’expansion de la zone d’influence du groupe M23 et l’activité d’autres groupes armés dans et autour de la ville de Goma (capitale de la province du Nord-Kivu) ont accru les défis sécuritaires et humanitaires. Les efforts conjoints des acteurs régionaux et internationaux - dans le cadre du processus de Luanda en cours - ont abouti à la signature par les ministres des affaires étrangères de la RDC et du Rwanda, le 25 novembre 2024 à Luanda, d’un document encadrant les opérations contre les Forces démocratiques de libération du Rwanda (FDLR) et précisant les modalités de désengagement, apaisant ainsi les tensions et facilitant la recherche d’une solution négociée, pacifique et durable.
Malgré ces efforts, la période du 10 octobre au 30 novembre 2024 a été marquée par une recrudescence de la violence. Les affrontements entre le groupe M23 et d’autres groupes armés dans la zone sous contrôle du M23 ont été une source majeure d’insécurité persistante dans les territoires de Rutshuru et Lubero. En parallèle, dans les territoires de Masisi et de Walikale, le conflit a été principalement caractérisé par des affrontements répétés entre le M23 et les FARDC et leurs alliés.
Ces affrontements ont entraîné de nouveaux déplacements, des déplacements secondaires et le déplacement de personnes déplacées qui étaient retournées chez elles. Les déplacements prolongés et l’accès limité à l’aide humanitaire continuent d’exacerber la complexité de la crise et la situation des populations déplacées et retournées. Goma et les zones adjacentes des provinces au Nord et au Sud-Kivu accueillent un grand nombre de personnes déplacées et manquent de ressources pour leur apporter un soutien suffisant.
Depuis le début de la crise, l’OIM par le biais de la Matrice de Suivi des Déplacements (DTM) continue à monitorer les mouvements de population, y compris le suivi des urgences (EET/ERM), l’analyse des crises et enregistrement pour répondre aux besoins immédiats d’information en vue de comprendre la dynamique des déplacements et les besoins.
DTM DRC, iomdrcdtm@iom.int
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Period Covered
Oct 10 2024
Nov 30 2024
- Mobility Tracking
- Event Tracking
This report presents the results of assessments carried out in areas of displacement and return, between October 10 and November 30, 2024, linked to the M23 crisis.
The province of North Kivu faces a persistent conflict characterized by the presence of various armed actors such as the Mouvement du 23 mars (M23/AFC) group, the Congolese Armed Forces (Forces armées de la République démocratique du Congo - FARDC in French) and their allies, and the regional forces of the Southern African Development Community (SADC). The persistence of this conflict, the expansion of the M23 group’s zone of influence and the activity of other armed groups in and around the city of Goma (capital of North Kivu province) have increased both security and humanitarian challenges. The joint efforts of regional and international players - as part of the ongoing Luanda process - culminated in the signing by the foreign ministers of the DRC and Rwanda, on November 25 2024 of a document framing operations against the FDLR and specifying disengagement modalities, aiming to ease tensions and provide a basis for durable peace.
Despite these efforts, the period from October 10 to November 30 2024 was marked by an upsurge in violence. Clashes between the M23 armed group and other armed groups in M23-controlled areas were a major source of persistent insecurity in the Rutshuru and Lubero territories. Meanwhile, in Masisi and Walikale territories, the conflict has been mainly characterized by repeated clashes between the M23 and the FARDC and its allies.
These clashes led to new displacements, secondary displacements and the displacement of IDPs who had returned home. Protracted displacement and limited access to humanitarian aid continue to exacerbate the complexity of the crisis and the percarious situation of both displaced and returnee populations. Goma and surrounding areas of North and South Kivu provinces host large numbers of displaced people and lack the resources to provide them with sufficient support.
Since the beginning of the crisis, IOM through the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) continues to conduct a series of rapid assessments, including emergency monitoring (EET/ERM), crisis analysis and registration with priority to address immediate information needs and with a view to understanding displacement dynamics.
Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Mobility Tracking
- Baseline Assessment
Period Covered
Oct 10 2024 -Nov 30 2024
The displacement data collected in this round 23 M23 crisis analysis shows a decrease in the number displaced people compared with the previous publication. The DTM has identified a mobile population of 1,943,400 individuals as of 30 November 2024 and an estimated returned population of 778,274 individuals.
Population Groups
Returnee (Previously Internally Displaced)
Survey Methodology
Unit of Analysis Or Observation
Admin Area 2
Type of Survey or Assessment
Key Informant
Geographical Scope Partial Coverage
Administrative boundaries with available data
The current dataset covers the following administrative boundaries
Period Covered
Aug 12 2024
Oct 15 2024
- Survey
З 12 серпня по 15 жовтня 2024 року Міжнародна організація з міграції (МОМ) провела 18 раунд Опитування загального населення (GPS), яке є високорепрезентативною оцінкою ситуації щодо внутрішнього переміщення населення в Україні. Дані, представлені в цьому звіті, були зібрані 61 інтерв’юером, найнятим компанією Multicultural Insights, за допомогою телефонних інтерв'ю з 40 002 випадково відібраних респондентів та подальших інтерв'ю з 1 421 ВПО, 1 185 особами, які повернулися та 1 804 місцевими жителями з використанням методу комп'ютеризованого телефонного інтерв'ю (CATI) та методу випадкового набору номера (RDD).
У цьому звіті представлено основні результати Раунду 18 GPS, зокрема детальний аналіз чисельності населення, потоків переміщення та намірів щодо повернення, демографічних характеристик, складу домогосподарств і вразливостей, а також потреб переміщеного населення, з метою сприяння прийняттю обґрунтованих рішень щодо стратегічних, технічних і програмних аспектів реагування на надзвичайні ситуації та відновлення в Україні.
DTM Sudan; dtmsudan@iom.int
Period Covered
Oct 01 2024
Nov 30 2024
- Mobility Tracking
- Event Tracking
DTM Sudan regularly releases Early Warning Flash Alerts to report on specific incidents that triggered or may trigger sudden displacement across Sudan, including armed clashes, inter/intra communal conflicts, and natural hazards, including fires and floods. This report represents a bi-monthly analysis of incidents reported by Early Warning Flash Alerts released between October and November 2024, providing insights into displacement dynamics across Sudan.
Key Figures:
- Between 01 October and 30 November 2024, DTM Sudan reported on 52 incidents triggering displacement across locations in North Darfur, Blue Nile, and Red Sea states, including conflict and floods incidents.
- Ninety-four per cent of alerts were related to conflict or armed clashes, while 4 per cent of incidents were related to natural hazards.
- Since the onset of the conflict on 15 April 2023, the months with the most reported flash alerts were August 2024 (96), September 2024(53) and May 2024 (34). The states with the most reported incidents were in North Darfur (144), South Kordofan (45) and South Darfur (40) states.
Note: DTM Sudan Early Warning Flash Alerts are distributed via the DTM Sudan mailing list. Figures should be treated as preliminary findings only and are subject to change via future verification exercises. Flash alerts report incidents of sudden displacement and therefore may or may not be indicative of broader displacement dynamics. For further information on displacement and mobility across Sudan, see Sudan Mobility Update (11).