


Period Covered
Feb 01 2022
Feb 28 2022
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Baseline Assessment

Previous IOM studies have found that a combination of complex effects, including land degradation and climate change, are altering traditional livelihood patterns in Mongolia. In a context of increased frequency of droughts and dzuds, the lack of job opportunities, inadequate living conditions, and the dependency of the rural population on livestocks have reduced the rural population's ability to earn a living. At the same time, this situation increased migration to urban areas and other aimags in unprecedented and unexplored ways. These emerging migration patterns created a large discrepancy between census data, registration data, and actual number of people living in the various baghs in Mongolia. With this study, DTM and National Statistics Office (NSO) intend to use the Mobility Tracking (MT) methodology of the DTM toolbox to track a more accurate number of people living in the various baghs in Umnugovi aimags.



DTM Afghanistan,
Period Covered
Apr 01 2021
Aug 31 2021
  • Survey
  • Flow Monitoring

The Survey on Drivers of Migration (SDM) is part of the European Union (EU) funded Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) project "Regional Evidence for Migration Analysis and Policy" (REMAP). The objective of DTM REMAP is to strengthen the evidence-based formulation and implementation of humanitarian and development policy and programming on migration and forced displacement in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq and Pakistan.

Through the SDM, between April 2021 and August 2021 (Round 3) the DTM team in Afghanistan interviewed 18,390 potential migrants1 at informal migration hubs. The DTM Afghanistan team selected 6 provinces with high international outward migration in which to conduct data collection. The selection was based on the review of longitudinal multiyear flow monitoring data on outward migration from Islam Qala -Taybad and Zaranj -Milak border crossings to the Islamic Republic of Iran and beyond. The detailed findings of this survey will be soon published in a report (IOM, 2022). A quantitative approach was adopted to analyze the drivers of Afghan migration to Europe, the Islamic Republic of Iran and Turkey. The specific thematic areas for analysis include: socio-economic profiles, drivers and reasons for migration, travel arrangements, problems and vulnerabilities related to journey and mobility history.
This summary brief, extracted from the forthcoming report, provides a background on the interviewed potential migrants.



DTM Afghanistan,
Period Covered
Nov 01 2020
Mar 21 2021
  • Survey
  • Flow Monitoring

The Survey on Drivers of Migration (SDM) is part of the European Union (EU) funded Displacement Tracking Matrix
(DTM) project "Regional Evidence for Migration Analysis and Policy" (REMAP). The objective of DTM REMAP is to
strengthen the evidence-based formulation and implementation of humanitarian and development policy and
programming on migration and forced displacement in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq
and Pakistan.

Through the SDM, between November 2020 and March 2021 (Round 2) the DTM team in Afghanistan interviewed
19,605 potential migrants at informal migration hubs. The DTM Afghanistan team selected 6 provinces with high
international outward migration in which to conduct data collection. The selection was based on the review of
longitudinal multiyear flow monitoring data on outward migration from Islam Qala -Taybad and Zaranj -Milak border
crossings to the Islamic Republic of Iran and beyond. The detailed findings of this survey will be soon published in
a report (IOM, 2022). A quantitative approach was adopted to analyze the drivers of Afghan migration to Europe,
the Islamic Republic of Iran, Pakistan and Turkey. The specific thematic areas for analysis include: socio-economic
profiles, drivers and reasons for migration, travel arrangements, problems and vulnerabilities related to journey
and mobility history. This summary brief, extracted from the forthcoming report, provides a background on the
interviewed potential migrants.



DTM Cameroon,
Period Covered
May 16 2022
May 19 2022
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking

L’objectif de l’outil de suivi des urgences est de rassembler des informations sur les mouvements significatifs et soudains de populations. Ce tableau de bord présente des informations sur des mouvements retours de personnes survenus entre le 16 Mai 2022 et 19 Mai 2022 dans l’arrondissement du Logone Birni (département du Logone et Chari) dans la région de l’Extrême-Nord. 

Suite à un conflit intercommunautaire survenu le 05 décembre 2021 dans l’arrondissement de Logone Birni et rapidement répandu aux départements du Logone et Chari et du Mayo-Danay, plus d’une quarantaine de villages furent détruits et xxxx individus furent déplacés de force dans plusieurs départements et au Tchad. Avec le retour progressif de la paix et de la stabilité dans la zone de crise et en vue d’accéder à des terres arables pour conduire des activités agricoles, 105 ménages déplacés, soit 829 personnes ont entamé entre le 15 et le 19 mai 2022 un mouvement de retour vers les villages de Ndjamena, Dougoumbra, Kalgoulou et , tous provenant majoritairement de l’arrondissement de Waza.



Map Type
Atlas Map
Published date
Fri, 05/20/2022 - 13:30


DTM Support —
Period Covered
May 12 2022
May 17 2022
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking

L’évaluation rapide de l’OIM (Emergency Tracking Tool, ETT) est un outil mis en place dans le but de collecter des informations sur les mouvements importants et soudains de populations. Ces informations sont collectées à la suite de visites sur le terrain et/ou d’entretiens téléphoniques avec les informateurs clés des sites de déplacement ou des communautés d’accueil. D’autres informations sont ensuite recueillies et analysées à partir des outils d’Evaluation Rapide Multisectorielle (ERM). Ce rapport présente les résultats de l'évaluation menée à la fois sur le terrain et à travers des entretiens téléphoniques avec des informateurs clés du 12 au 17 mai 2022.

Depuis le 10 mai, des affrontements entre des milices Twa et des groupes de jeunes Bantous se réclamant d'une force d'autodéfense ont été signalés dans trois villages identifiés comme sites d'exploitation artisanale de l'or dans le groupement Rutuku, chefferie de Tumbwe, territoire de Kalemie, province du Tanganyika.  Ces trois villages, Mala, Katolo et Musipi, ont été complètement incendiés au moment de ces exactions. Suite à cet événement, plus récemment le 14 - 15 mai, les villages de Mulembwe, Mpemba, Kawama et Katombo, ont été vidés d'environ 90 % de leur population. Par ailleurs, dans le cadre de mouvements préventifs contre une nouvelle attaque annoncée par la milice Twa sur l'axe Moba - Kalemie, les sites de Likasi, Kisalaba et Mwaka sous la coordination de l'OIM se vident progressivement. La population, estimée à 25 197 individus en quête de protection et de sécurité, a fui sur deux axes : la majorité au nord, vers la ville de Kalemie et au sud dans les villages de Kyempele, Kanoya, Tumbwe et dans les villages de Kawama et Pungwe, tous situés dans la chefferie de Tumbwe. 



DTM Support —
Period Covered
May 09 2022
May 15 2022
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking

L’évaluation rapide de l’OIM (Emergency Tracking Tool, ETT) est un outil mis en place dans le but de collecter des informations sur les mouvements importants et soudains de populations. Ces informations sont collectées à la suite de visites sur le terrain et/ou d’entretiens téléphoniques avec les informateurs clés des sites de déplacement ou des communautés d’accueil. D’autres informations sont ensuite recueillies et analysées à partir des outils d’évaluation rapide multisectorielle (ERM). Ce rapport présente les résultats de l’évaluation menée sur le terrain le 09 mai 2022 dans le site de Djaiba dans le territoire de Djugu.

Dans la nuit du 9 mai 2022, une incursion attribuée à des éléments de la milice CODECO a été signalée dans le site de déplacement de Lodha, dans le territoire de Djugu, dans la province de l'Ituri. Cette milice serait originaire de la localité d'AR', dans le groupement de Fataki. Cette incursion a provoqué un déplacement massif de la population vivant dans le site de déplacement de Lodha, vers le site voisin de Djaiba, situé à quelques kilomètres du camp de la MONUSCO dans le village de Laybo, dans le groupement de Djaiba, dans le territoire de Djugu. Suite aux interventions de l'armée congolaise FARDC et des casques bleus népalais de la MONUSCO, il a été constaté, le 12 mai 2022, que la majorité des personnes déplacées accueillies dans le site de Djaiba ont regagné leur site d'origine (Lodha), et que seuls 130 Ménages d'environ 700 Individus sont encore présents dans le site de Djaiba répartis dans différents Blocs.



DTM Nigeria,
Period Covered
Mar 21 2022
Mar 21 2022
  • Registration
  • Biometric Registration

Following the completion of Biometric Registration at Muna El Badawy Camp in Jere Local Government Area (LGA) in the state of Borno, 5,799 households and 28,251 individuals were registered as per 21 March 2022,  the average family size in the camp is five individuals. Fifteen per cent of the families consist of 1-2 members, 33 per cent comprising 3-4 members, 31 per cent comprising 5-6 members, 15 per cent comprising 7-8 members, 5 per cent comprising 9-10 and 2 percent comprising of 11 and more members.

Additionally, return intention data was collected to ascertain if residents of the camp are willing to return to their locations of origin, remain in the camp or relocate to a different location.  More than 99 per cent of respondents are willing to leave the camp while less than one per cent are willing remain in the camp. Fifty-one per cent of IDPs in the camp are willing to return to their place of origin, 47 per cent are willing to return to place of habitual residence and two per cent are willing to relocate to a different locality (nearby town or state). 

Vulnerability data was collected to identify individuals who may require additional humanitarian assistance. Fourteen per cent of the registered individuals were categorized as afflicted by one or more vulnerabilities. Some of the vulnerabilities included breastfeeding mothers (56 per cent), pregnant women (14 per cent), special protection needs (13 per cent), single parent headed households (nine per cent), physically disadvantaged (four per cent), visual impairment (two per cent), serious medical conditions (one per cent), mentally disabled (one per cent), others less than (one per cent.) etc.



Period Covered
May 11 2022
May 17 2022
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking

During the reporting period (11 to 17 May 2022), a total of 91 movements were recorded - 44 returns (2,097 individuals), 23 arrivals (1,036 individuals), 19 departures (472 individuals), and 5 transits (268 individuals). The largest return movements were recorded in Muidumbe (685 individuals), Palma (630 individuals) and Macomia (377 individuals). The largest arrival movements were recorded in Macomia (641 individuals), Cidade de Pemba (137 individuals), Nangade (129 individuals) and Mueda (114 individuals). The largest departure movement was observed in Nangade (339 individuals). The largest transit movement was observed in Mueda (268 individuals). Of the total population, 7 per cent of mobile groups were displaced for the first time, and 97 per cent of reported individuals were displaced prior to this movement.



DTM Nigeria,
Period Covered
May 09 2022
May 15 2022
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking

The DTM Emergency Tracking Tool (ETT) is deployed to track and to collect information on large and sudden population movements, provide frequent updates on the scale of displacement and quantify the affected population when needed. As a sub-component of the Mobility Tracking methodology in Nigeria. ETT utilises direct observation and a broad network of key informants to capture best estimates of the affected population per location, enabling targeted humanitarian response planning.

Between 09 and 15 May 2022, a total of 1,923 movements were recorded in Adamawa and Borno States. The recorded movements consisted of 1,545 arrivals and 378 departures. Arrivals were recorded at locations in Askira/Uba, Bama, Damboa, Gwoza, Hawul, Kala/Balge, Monguno and Ngala Local Government Areas (LGAs) of the most conflict-affected state of Borno and in Fufore, Girei, Gombi, Hong, Lamurde, Maiha, Michika, Song, Yola North and Yola South LGAs of Adamawa State.
Departures were recorded in Gwoza and Kala/Balge LGAs of Borno State and in Fufore, Gombi, Hong, Lamurde, Maiha, Song, Yola North and Yola South LGAs of Adamawa State. 

ETT assessments identified the following movement triggers: search for better living conditions (976 individuals or 51%), improved security (280 individuals or 14%), seasonal farming (232 individuals or 12%), poor living conditions (174 individuals or 9%), access to humanitarian support (111 individuals or 6%), family reunification (94 individuals or 5%) and military operations (56 individuals or 3%).