


Regional Office Dakar,
Snapshot Date
Dec 23 2022
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Baseline Assessment

The north-central and north-west geopolitical zones in Nigeria and Maradi Region in Niger have been affected by a multidimensional crisis — rooted in historic ethno-social cleavages —rekindled in 2013 following the degradation of socioeconomic and environmental conditions. The crisis includes long-standing conflict between ethnic and linguistic groups, tensions between nomadic pastoralists (transhumance) and sedentary farmers, attacks by criminal groups on local populations and banditry/hirabah (kidnapping and grand larceny along major highways). These tensions also cross-cut religious cleavages, Tensions over resources and land, exacerbated by climate change, have escalated into communal conflicts that displace significant numbers of people. In recent years, the crisis has spilled over into Niger’s Maradi Region, leading to mass internal displacement in the region.

The crisis has led to the death of an estimated 2,300 people in 2022 (as of 30 June) and triggered significant displacement of populations in the two affected countries. As of 23 December 2022, 1,222,977 individuals have been displaced, including 1,110,369 Internally Displaced Persons (91% of the displaced population), 15,177 former IDP Returnees (1%) and 97,431 Refugees (8% of the displaced population). Eighty-nine per cent of the displaced population (1,087,875 individuals) were located in Nigeria, while 11 per cent resided in Niger (135,102 individuals).



Regional Office Dakar,
Snapshot Date
Dec 23 2022
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Baseline Assessment

La République centrafricaine (RCA) souffre d’instabilité sécuritaire, politique et économique depuis deux décennies. La dernière crise atteignant le pays a débuté en 2012, suite à une prise du pouvoir violente, et a depuis évolué en un état d’insécurité et de fragilité permanent, découlant d’une crise complexe de long-terme qui s’est étendue dans les pays voisins. La crise a conduit au décès de 826 personnes en 2022 (au 28 Novembre) et a déclenché des déplacements massifs de populations dans les sept pays touchés par la crise. Cette dernière est caractérisée par des rivalités pour le pouvoir parmi les élites du pays, l’absence d’institutions étatiques et d’investissement d’argent public, des tensions inter-ethniques et inter-religieuses et la lutte pour le contrôle de ressources.

Au 23 décembre 2022, 3 595 311 individus étaient déplacés, dont 518 116 Personnes déplacées internes (14% de la population déplacée), 1 880 785 Retournés (anciennes PDI) (52%), 446 625 Retournés de l’étranger (12%) et 749 785 Réfugiés dans les pays limitrophes (21%). En RCA, les Retournés anciennes PDI représentent la plus grande population affectée (66%), tandis que les PDI représentent 18 pour cent de la population atteinte dans le pays et les Retournés de l’étranger 16 pour cent de la population déplacée présente dans le pays. Les réfugiés centrafricains résident principalement au Cameroun (355 667 individus, soit 47% des réfugiés), la République démocratique du Congo (213 296 individus, soit 28% des réfugiés) et au Tchad (124 538 individus, soit 17% des réfugiés).



Regional Office Dakar,
Snapshot Date
Dec 23 2022
  • Migrants presence
  • Baseline Assessment

The Central African Republic, which has experienced continuous volatility for the past two decades, has been riddled by a crisis which ignited in 2012 with a violent takeover of power and has developed into a  complex protracted state of permanent insecurity and fragility which has spilled over into neighbouring countries.  The crisis has led to the death of an estimated 826 people in 2022 (as of 28 November) and triggered significant displacement of populations in the seven affected countries. The crisis is characterized by power struggles amongst elites, the absence of state institutions and public investment, religious and ethnic tensions  and disputes for the control of key resources.


As of 23 December 2022, 3,595,311 individuals were displaced, including 518,116 Internally Displaced Persons (14% of the displaced population), 1,880,785 Returnees (former IDPs) (52%), 446,625 Returnees from abroad (12%) and 749,785 Refugees in neighbouring countries (21%). In the Central African Republic, the largest displaced population consists of Former IDP Returnees (66%), while IDPs represent 18 per cent of the displaced population present in the country and Returnees from abroad represent 16 per cent of in-country displaced people. Refugees from the Central African Republic are primarily hosted by Cameroon (355,667 individuals, or 47% of refugees), the Democratic Republic of the Congo (213,296 individuals, or 28% of refugees) and Chad (124,538 individuals, or 17% of refugees).



Period Covered
Aug 22 2022
Oct 23 2022
  • Survey
  • Site Assessment

This factsheet aims to provide a snapshot of multi-sectoral conditions, needs and challenges among the migrant population in Trat province, Thailand as captured between August to October 2022 by IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix’s (DTM) multi-sectoral assessment of needs. The purpose of this assessment is to provide detailed multi- and inter-sectoral analysis of the magnitude and severity of needs among migrant populations, identify vulnerable population groups and geographic areas with the most acute needs, inform development assistance planning and relevant Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) targets, and provide sectoral and inter-sectoral baselines for future assessments.

The tool was developed with the collaboration of IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) and various sectoral IOM units, including Labour Mobility and Social Inclusion (LMI), Migration Health Division (MHD), Migrant Assistance and Counter-Trafficking Unit (MACTU), and the Emergency and Post-Crisis unit (EPC), among others. The survey is a household-level survey, but also includes sections for which the respondent had to answer on behalf of every member of their household (for example, the ages of all members of the household). DTM surveyed a representative sample randomly selected within the population of interest, which included Myanmar and Cambodian migrants in Thailand. DTM aimed for a 50:50 balance between female and male respondents. Answers from 2,318 respondents were analyzed. Counting all respondents and their household members, 5,760 individuals are represented by the assessment.



Period Covered
Aug 22 2022
Oct 23 2022
  • Survey
  • Site Assessment

This factsheet aims to provide a snapshot of multi-sectoral conditions, needs and challenges among the migrant population in Tak province, Thailand as captured between August to October 2022 by IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix’s (DTM) multi-sectoral assessment of needs. The purpose of this assessment is to provide detailed multi- and inter-sectoral analysis of the magnitude and severity of needs among migrant populations, identify vulnerable population groups and geographic areas with the most acute needs, inform development assistance planning and relevant Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) targets, and provide sectoral and inter-sectoral baselines for future assessments.

The tool was developed with the collaboration of IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) and various sectoral IOM units, including Labour Mobility and Social Inclusion (LMI), Migration Health Division (MHD), Migrant Assistance and Counter-Trafficking Unit (MACTU), and the Emergency and Post-Crisis unit (EPC), among others. The survey is a household-level survey, but also includes sections for which the respondent had to answer on behalf of every member of their household (for example, the ages of all members of the household). DTM surveyed a representative sample randomly selected within the population of interest, which included Myanmar and Cambodian migrants in Thailand. DTM aimed for a 50:50 balance between female and male respondents. Answers from 2,318 respondents were analyzed. Counting all respondents and their household members, 5,760 individuals are represented by the assessment.



Period Covered
Aug 22 2022
Oct 23 2022
  • Survey
  • Site Assessment

This factsheet aims to provide a snapshot of multi-sectoral conditions, needs and challenges among the migrant population in Rayong province, Thailand as captured between August to October 2022 by IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix’s (DTM) multi-sectoral assessment of needs. The purpose of this assessment is to provide detailed multi- and inter-sectoral analysis of the magnitude and severity of needs among migrant populations, identify vulnerable population groups and geographic areas with the most acute needs, inform development assistance planning and relevant Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) targets, and provide sectoral and inter-sectoral baselines for future assessments.

The tool was developed with the collaboration of IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) and various sectoral IOM units, including Labour Mobility and Social Inclusion (LMI), Migration Health Division (MHD), Migrant Assistance and Counter-Trafficking Unit (MACTU), and the Emergency and Post-Crisis unit (EPC), among others. The survey is a household-level survey, but also includes sections for which the respondent had to answer on behalf of every member of their household (for example, the ages of all members of the household). DTM surveyed a representative sample randomly selected within the population of interest, which included Myanmar and Cambodian migrants in Thailand. DTM aimed for a 50:50 balance between female and male respondents. Answers from 2,318 respondents were analyzed. Counting all respondents and their household members, 5,760 individuals are represented by the assessment.



Period Covered
Aug 22 2022
Oct 23 2022
  • Survey
  • Site Assessment

This factsheet aims to provide a snapshot of multi-sectoral conditions, needs and challenges among the migrant population in Thailand as captured between August to October 2022 by IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix’s (DTM) multi-sectoral assessment of needs. The purpose of this assessment is to provide detailed multi- and inter-sectoral analysis of the magnitude and severity of needs among migrant populations, identify vulnerable population groups and geographic areas with the most acute needs, inform development assistance planning and relevant Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) targets, and provide sectoral and inter-sectoral baselines for future assessments.

The tool was developed with the collaboration of IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) and various sectoral IOM units, including Labour Mobility and Social Inclusion (LMI), Migration Health Division (MHD), Migrant Assistance and Counter-Trafficking Unit (MACTU), and the Emergency and Post-Crisis unit (EPC), among others. The survey is a household-level survey, but also includes sections for which the respondent had to answer on behalf of every member of their household (for example, the ages of all members of the household). DTM surveyed a representative sample randomly selected within the population of interest, which included Myanmar and Cambodian migrants in Thailand. DTM aimed for a 50:50 balance between female and male respondents. Answers from 2,318 respondents were analyzed. Counting all respondents and their household members, 5,760 individuals are represented by the assessment.



Period Covered
Aug 22 2022
Oct 23 2022
  • Survey
  • Site Assessment

This factsheet aims to provide a snapshot of multi-sectoral conditions, needs and challenges among the Myanmar migrant population in Thailand as captured between August to October 2022 by IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix’s (DTM) multi-sectoral assessment of needs. The purpose of this assessment is to provide detailed multi- and inter-sectoral analysis of the magnitude and severity of needs among migrant populations, identify vulnerable population groups and geographic areas with the most acute needs, inform development assistance planning and relevant Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) targets, and provide sectoral and inter-sectoral baselines for future assessments.

The tool was developed with the collaboration of IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) and various sectoral IOM units, including Labour Mobility and Social Inclusion (LMI), Migration Health Division (MHD), Migrant Assistance and Counter-Trafficking Unit (MACTU), and the Emergency and Post-Crisis unit (EPC), among others. The survey is a household-level survey, but also includes sections for which the respondent had to answer on behalf of every member of their household (for example, the ages of all members of the household). DTM surveyed a representative sample randomly selected within the population of interest, which included Myanmar and Cambodian migrants in Thailand. DTM aimed for a 50:50 balance between female and male respondents. Answers from 2,318 respondents were analyzed. Counting all respondents and their household members, 5,760 individuals are represented by the assessment.



Period Covered
Aug 22 2022
Oct 23 2022
  • Survey
  • Site Assessment

This factsheet aims to provide a snapshot of multi-sectoral conditions, needs and challenges among the migrant population in Chanthaburi province, Thailand as captured between August to October 2022 by IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix’s (DTM) multi-sectoral assessment of needs. The purpose of this assessment is to provide detailed multi- and inter-sectoral analysis of the magnitude and severity of needs among migrant populations, identify vulnerable population groups and geographic areas with the most acute needs, inform development assistance planning and relevant Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) targets, and provide sectoral and inter-sectoral baselines for future assessments.

The tool was developed with the collaboration of IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) and various sectoral IOM units, including Labour Mobility and Social Inclusion (LMI), Migration Health Division (MHD), Migrant Assistance and Counter-Trafficking Unit (MACTU), and the Emergency and Post-Crisis unit (EPC), among others. The survey is a household-level survey, but also includes sections for which the respondent had to answer on behalf of every member of their household (for example, the ages of all members of the household). DTM surveyed a representative sample randomly selected within the population of interest, which included Myanmar and Cambodian migrants in Thailand. DTM aimed for a 50:50 balance between female and male respondents. Answers from 2,318 respondents were analyzed. Counting all respondents and their household members, 5,760 individuals are represented by the assessment.



Period Covered
Aug 22 2022
Oct 23 2022
  • Survey
  • Site Assessment

This factsheet aims to provide a snapshot of multi-sectoral conditions, needs and challenges among the Cambodian migrant population in Thailand as captured between August to October 2022 by IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix’s (DTM) multi-sectoral assessment of needs. The purpose of this assessment is to provide detailed multi- and inter-sectoral analysis of the magnitude and severity of needs among migrant populations, identify vulnerable population groups and geographic areas with the most acute needs, inform development assistance planning and relevant Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) targets, and provide sectoral and inter-sectoral baselines for future assessments.

The tool was developed with the collaboration of IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) and various sectoral IOM units, including Labour Mobility and Social Inclusion (LMI), Migration Health Division (MHD), Migrant Assistance and Counter-Trafficking Unit (MACTU), and the Emergency and Post-Crisis unit (EPC), among others. The survey is a household-level survey, but also includes sections for which the respondent had to answer on behalf of every member of their household (for example, the ages of all members of the household). DTM surveyed a representative sample randomly selected within the population of interest, which included Myanmar and Cambodian migrants in Thailand. DTM aimed for a 50:50 balance between female and male respondents. Answers from 2,318 respondents were analyzed. Counting all respondents and their household members, 5,760 individuals are represented by the assessment.