Eastern Chad (Sudan Response) Crisis


Jul 24 2024 Print

Following the armed conflict in Sudan in April 2023, thousands of people were forced to leave the country and take refuge in Chad, mainly in the east. These Chadian nationals, who ahd been living in SUdan for many years, were registered by IOM in 41 displacement sites in the Sila and Ouaddaï provinces. The majority (61%) of the displacement sites are in the Adré sub-prefecture, and make up 55% of the total returnee population in the two provinces. 

The aim of the assessment is to measure the profiles, vulnerabilities and needs of the populatiosn displaced by this crisis, in order to better orient pprogramming of durable solutions for the displaced population.

Data was collected through itnerviews with key informants (local authorities, village chiefs, IDP representatives and site managers) in villages and IDP reception sites, as well as through direct observations in these localities.

Countries in this response
  • Active DTM operation
  • Past DTM operation

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