

IDPs tracked

Data collection round

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IDP Population Trend

  • Administrative division with available number of displaced persons
  • Site assessed by DTM
  • Data not available
About Libya

Libya is a geographically vast country with several regions that are difficult to access. In order to understand the full scope of humanitarian assistance that is needed throughout the country, IOM established the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) programme in 2016 in order to provide a common operating picture concerning the movement of populations in Libya, allowing humanitarian actors to provide timely assistance to those in need. Following the escalation of conflict and insecurity in 2014, the security situation has remained volatile since with fluctuations in the intensity of localized clashes. Congruently, conflict has caused new displacements, often in areas ill-equipped to accommodate large population movements while also negatively impacting the large migrant population residing and transiting through Libya. More recently, the capital Tripoli was heavily affected by displacement waves in September 2018 and April 2019.

DTM’s mobility tracking and flow monitoring activities identified many migrants in-country to be in need of various forms of assistance. Libya’s geographic location, resources and work opportunities has made it both a country of destination and transit for migrants for many years. Despite the deterioration of the security situation since 2011 migrants continue coming to and transiting through Libya, the majority from Sub-Saharan and North African countries. 

In this complex operating environment, DTM Libya has been providing a common operating picture concerning the movement of populations in Libya since 2016, allowing humanitarian actors to provide timely assistance to those in need. Through its mobility tracking, flow monitoring and needs assessment activities, DTM Libya has established itself as data hub for quantitative data on migratory flows to and within Libya, migrant presence in Libya disaggregated by nationality and area, as well as humanitarian needs of migrants, internally displaced population and returnees. All activities are implemented through periodical bi-monthly data collection cycles, allowing trend analysis over time to provide evidence-base for both policy-level discussions and to guide humanitarian action.

In order to facilitate humanitarian interventions, DTM works closely with IOM’s other programmes through referring identified populations in need of assistance at flow monitoring points to IOM’s Direct Assistance, Health, Voluntary Humanitarian Return (VHR), Protection and Migrant Rapid Response Mechanism (MRRM) programmes. Furthermore, DTM Libya supports other humanitarian partners through providing emergency tracking updates in case of sudden population movements as well as facilitating humanitarian assessments for the Rapid Response Mechanism (RRM) jointly implemented by IOM, UNICEF, WFP and UNFPA.

For more information on IOM's activities in Libya, please visit the IOM Libya country office website.


DTM Libya

Current Donors
  • EUTF
Mobility Impact due to COVID-19 in Libya

To better understand how COVID-19 affects global mobility, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) has been working to map the impacts on human mobility, at Global, Regional and Country level.

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Libya — Migrant Profiles 1 (December 2017)

This report provides key insights into specific nationalities present across Libya.

Migrant Report Key Findings 16 (December 2017)

In Round 16 DTM Libya’s Mobility Tracking identified 621,706 migrants in 99 baladiyas and 544 muhallas. 89% of identified migrants were men, while 11% were women.

Libya — Migrant Report 16 (December 2017)

In Round 16 DTM Libya’s Mobility Tracking identified 621,706 migrants in 99 baladiyas and 544 muhallas. 89% of identified migrants were men, while 11% were women.

Libya — IDP and Returnee Key Findings Report 16 (November — December 2017)

In November and December 2017 DTM Libya interviewed 1,426 key informants across 100 Baladiyas and 657 Muhallas. A total of 180,937 IDPs were identified.

Libya — Maritime Update Libyan Coast (29 November — 29 December 2017)

Between 29 November and 29 December 2017, 883 individuals were rescued or intercepted and one body was retrieved. In total, 20,335 individuals were rescued or intercepted in 2017 and 118,928 arrivals by sea were recorded to Italy through the Central Mediterranean route.

Libya — Displacement Event Tracking Report (3 — 20 December 2017)

On 3 December, DTM observed an increase in migrants entering  Libya via Ghadamis, with the main nationalities being Bigerian, Malian, Senegalese and Nigerien. On the following day, landmines in Benghazi caused ten deaths.

Libya — Migrant Report 15 (October — November 2017)

In Round 15 DTM Libya’s Mobility Tracking identified 432,574 migrants across all 22 mantikas (regions) in Libya. Migrants were identified in 99 baladiyas and 531 muhallas. The three main regions where migrants were recorded as present were Tripoli (19%), Misrata (16%) and Almargeb (11%).

Migrant Report Key Findings 15 (October — November 2017)

In Round 15 DTM Libya’s Mobility Tracking identified 432,574 migrants across all 22 mantikas (regions) in Libya. Migrants were identified in 99 baladiyas and 531 muhallas. The three main regions where migrants were recorded as present were Tripoli (19%), Misrata (16%) and Almargeb (11%).

Libya — IDP and Returnee Report 15 (October — November 2017)

In October and November 2017 DTM Libya interviewed 1,366 key informants across 100 Baladiyas and 657 Muhallas. A total of 192,762 IDPs were identified. The threat of violence from conflict and the presence of armed groups was the main driver of displacement for 93% of the displaced population.

Libya — IDP and Returnee Key Findings Report 15 (October — November 2017)

In October and November 2017 DTM Libya interviewed 1,366 key informants across 100 Baladiyas and 657 Muhallas. A total of 192,762 IDPs were identified. The threat of violence from conflict and the presence of armed groups was the main driver of displacement for 93% of the displaced population.

Libya — Maritime Incidents Update (25 October — 28 November)

Between 25 October and 28 November, 1,632 individuals were rescued or intercepted and 33 bodies were retrieved. In total, 19,452 individuals were rescued or intercepted in 2017 and 116,632 arrivals by sea were receorded to Italy through the Central Mediterranean route.

Libya — Baladiya Data Generator Round 15

This is an interactive profile generator that displays snapshots of each of Libya’s 100 baladiyas gathered through DTM Libya’s Mobility Tracking assessments. Basic multisectorial data on the baladiya is presented in addition to data on IDPs, returnees and and migrants in the baladiya.

Libya — Displacement Event Tracking Report (1—21 November 2017)

On 7 November 2017, 400 families returned to Sabratha. On the same day, clasehes started in Al Maya, Muhallah Maamoura and are ongoing. On 2 November 2017, 500 families were disaplced from AlAzizyah to different muhallas within the same baladiya. 

Libya — IDP and Returnee Key Findings Report 8 (January — February 2017)

During Round 8, DTM Libya identified 294,436 IDPs across 661 muhallas and 100 baladiyas. The main driver of displacement was the threat of general conflict and armed group presence (91%).

Libya — Migrant Report 14 (September — October 2017)

In Round 14 DTM Libya’s Mobility Tracking identified 423,394 migrants across all 22 mantikas (regions) in Libya. Migrants were identified in 99 baladiyas and 525 muhallas. The three main regions where migrants were recorded as present were Tripoli (18%), Misrata (17%) and Almargeb (11%).

Migrant Report Key Findings 14 (September — October 2017)

In Round 14 DTM Libya’s Mobility Tracking identified 423,394 migrants across all 22 mantikas (regions) in Libya. Migrants were identified in 99 baladiyas and 525 muhallas. The three main regions where migrants were recorded as present were Tripoli (18%), Misrata (17%) and Almargeb (11%).

Libya — IDP and Returnee Key Findings Report 14 (September — October 2017)

In September and October 2017 DTM Libya interviewed 1,353 key informants across 100 Baladiyas and 657 Muhallas. A total of 199,091 IDPs were identified. The threat of violence from conflict and the presence of armed groups was the main driver of displacement for 93% of the displaced population.

Libya — IDP and Returnee Report 14 (September — October 2017)

In September and October 2017 DTM Libya interviewed 1,353 key informants across 100 Baladiyas and 657 Muhallas. A total of 199,091 IDPs were identified. The threat of violence from conflict and the presence of armed groups was the main driver of displacement for 93% of the displaced population.

Migrant Report Key Findings 13 (August — September 2017)

In Round 13 DTM Libya’s Mobility Tracking identified 416,556 migrants. Migrants were identified in 99 baladiyas and 524 muhallas.

Libya — Maritime Incidents Update (7—24 October 2017)

Between 7 and 24 October 2017, 430 persons were rescued or intercepted and 37 bodies retrieved off the Libyan coast. So far in 2017, 18,835 people were rescued or intercepted off the Libyan coast. 2,603 deaths were recorded along the Central Mediterranean rout so far in 2017.

Libya — Migrant Report 13 (August — September 2017)

In Round 13 DTM Libya’s Mobility Tracking identified 416,556 migrants across all 22 mantikas (regions) in Libya. Migrants were identified in 99 baladiyas and 524 muhallas. The three main regions where migrants were recorded as present were Misrata (18%), Tripoli (17%) and Almargeb (11%).

Libya — IDP and Returnee Report 13 (August 2017)

In July and August 2017 DTM Libya interviewed 1,258 key informants across 100 Baladiyas and 657 Muhallas. A total of 204,458 IDPs were identified. The threat of violence from conflict and the presence of armed groups was the main driver of displacement for 93% of the displaced population.

Libya — Displacement Event Tracking Report (2 — 17 October 2017)

As of 15 October, IDPs from Sabratah returned to their town except five families whose houses were burnt. Their needs are foods, NFIs and house repairs.

Libya — Sabratha Flash Update (12 October 2017)

Since 17th of September, Sabratha has witnessed clashes between armed groups leading to the initial displacement of 3,100 households (15,135 individuals) and up to 4,000 migrants. To date the 2,350 households (11,350 individuals) remain displaced across the Mantikas of Zwara and Azzawaya.

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