Malawi Floods


Feb 15 2017 Print
Countries in this response
  • Active DTM operation
  • Past DTM operation

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Malawi - Site Assessment - Floods 2015 - Round 3
May 31 2015

131 sites remain open, corresponding to approximately 26,100 households and an estimated 107,000 individuals. A decrease of 12,466 IDP households was recorded between the second and third round of the DTM reports; corresponding to a 32% decrease in the number of displaced households. 56% of the IDP…

Mobility Tracking, Site Assessment
Malawi - Site Assessment - Floods 2015 - Round 2
Apr 30 2015

An estimated 147,500 IDPs—approximately 38,600 households—are associated with 192 open sites. 8 sites (4% of the sites) host more than 1000 households. 95 % of open IDP sites have a Camp Management Committee but only 11 % have official Site Management Agency (SMA) or camp monitoring representation…

Mobility Tracking, Site Assessment
Malawi - Site Assessment - Floods 2015 - Round 1
Mar 31 2015

An estimated 162,000 people (approximately 40,500 households) remain displaced in 202 open displacement sites in in the Southern Region districts of Nsanje, Chikwawa, Blantyre, Mulanje, Phalombe, and Zomba as a result of heavy rains and floods that occurred in January 2015. 94 % of open IDP sites…

Mobility Tracking, Site Assessment

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