Mobility Tracking




Period Covered
Feb 01 2024
Mar 15 2024
  • Return Intention
  • Mobility Tracking

За оцінками МОМ, станом на 15 березня 2024 року близько 3 689 000 осіб залишалися внутрішньо переміщеними особами в Україні, тоді як УВКБ ООН зазначає, що ще 5 930 400 осіб були переміщені за кордон. За оцінками МОМ, станом на 15 березня 2024 року приблизно 4 455 000 осіб спонтанно повернулися до місць свого постійного проживання в Україні після періоду переміщення тривалістю щонайменше два тижні (внутрішнє переміщення або переміщення за кордон). З них 26% повернулися з-за кордону.

Для обґрунтування цільових втручань, спрямованих на зменшення вразливості, зумовленої поганими структурними та соціальними умовами в місцях повернення, Оцінка умов повернення (CoRA) надає детальні дані про те, де відбуваються повернення, яким чином ті, хто повернувся, є найбільш вразливими і чому.

Public Dataset


  • Mobility Tracking
  • Baseline Assessment
Period Covered
Oct 10 2023 -
May 28 2024

Since October 8 there has been an increase in cross-border incidents between Israel and Lebanon, resulting in the displacement of people both within the South and elsewhere within the country. Since October 10, the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) has been conducting the daily monitoring of population movements. The objective of the exercise is to inform preparedness and response planning.

Population Groups


Returnee (Previously Internally Displaced)

Survey Methodology

Unit of Analysis Or Observation

Admin Area 2

Admin Area 3



Type of Survey or Assessment

Key Informant



Geographical Scope Full Coverage

Administrative boundaries with available data

The current dataset covers the following administrative boundaries



  • Mobility Tracking
  • Baseline Assessment
Period Covered
Apr 26 2024 -
May 08 2024
  • An estimated total of 9,957,655 IDPs were displaced across 7,869 locations, in 183 localities in all 18 states in Sudan.
  • An estimated 7,111,788 individuals were displaced internally within Sudan since 15 April 2023. 
  • An estimated 26 per cent of IDPs who were initially displaced prior to the onset of current conflict experienced secondary displacement since 15 April 2023. 
  • Approximately 2,111,791 individuals crossed borders into neighbouring countries since 15 April 2023. 
  • The top states of origin among IDPs were Khartoum (36%), South Darfur (21%), and North Darfur (12%).  
  • The states hosting the most IDPs were South Darfur (18%), North Darfur (13%) and Central Darfur (9%). 
  • Over half (56%) of IDPs were reportedly children under the age of 18-years-old. 
A more detailed version of this dataset is available, to get access kindly click on the 'Request Access' button
Population Groups


Survey Methodology

Unit of Analysis Or Observation

Admin Area 3

Type of Survey or Assessment

Key Informant





Geographical Scope

Administrative boundaries with available data

The current dataset covers the following administrative boundaries



Period Covered
Oct 10 2023
May 28 2024
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Baseline Assessment

Since October 8 there has been an increase in cross-border incidents between Israel and Lebanon, resulting in the displacement of people both within the South and elsewhere within the country. Since October 10, the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) has been conducting the daily monitoring of population movements. The objective of the exercise is to inform preparedness and response planning.



DTM Somalia,
Period Covered
May 18 2024
May 22 2024
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Baseline Assessment

This latest round of Emergency Trends Tracking was initiated in April 2024 to monitor displacements movements during the Gu rainy season. Districts covered in this round include Afgooye, Afmadow, Baardheere, Baidoa, Balcad, Belet Weyne, Gaalkacyo, Garoowe, Jamaame, Jowhar, Kismaayo, and Luuq.

ETT is a crisis-based tool that tracks sudden displacement triggered by specific events or emerging crises. The objective of ETT is to help prioritize humanitarian response and to enable partners to deliver rapid assistance. Based on previous shock induced displacement patterns, the humanitarian community expects that people will continue to move toward urban areas in search of humanitarian services. Consequently, the ETT coverage focuses on the main urban centers and surrounding villages for each assessed district. The data is collected through Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) at the location level, from Sunday to Wednesday every week. It includes information on new arrivals, numbers and demographic of IDPs, reasons for displacement, intentions, humanitarian assistance and priority needs among others.



DTM Sudan;
Period Covered
Apr 26 2024
May 08 2024
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Baseline Assessment


This report provides an overview of the total population of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Sudan, including those displaced both before and after the onset of conflict on 15 April 2023.  
The displacement crisis in Sudan has been unfolding for over two decades, with roots in the Darfur conflict beginning in 2003. Prior to the onset of conflict on 15 April 2023, Sudan already hosted an estimated 3,820,772 IDPs. The majority (80%) reportedly originated from Darfur states, and most were initially displaced between 2003 and 2010. Of these IDPs, many experienced secondary displacement after 15 April 2023. Since 15 April 2023, an estimated 7,111,788 individuals were displaced internally within Sudan — including those who experienced secondary displacement. 
When accounting for those displaced both before and after 15 April 2023, DTM estimated that Sudan hosted a total of 9,957,655 IDPs.

Key Findings:

  • An estimated total of 9,957,655 IDPs were displaced across 7,869 locations, in 183 localities in all 18 states in Sudan.
  • An estimated 7,111,788 individuals were displaced internally within Sudan since 15 April 2023. 
  • An estimated 26 per cent of IDPs who were initially displaced prior to the onset of current conflict experienced secondary displacement since 15 April 2023. 
  • Approximately 2,111,791 individuals crossed borders into neighbouring countries since 15 April 2023. 
  • The top states of origin among IDPs were Khartoum (36%), South Darfur (21%), and North Darfur (12%).  
  • The states hosting the most IDPs were South Darfur (18%), North Darfur (13%) and Central Darfur (9%). 
  • Over half (56%) of IDPs were reportedly children under the age of 18-years-old. 

Note: The number of IDPs displaced post 15 April 2023 (7,111,788 IDPs) includes the estimated 974,905 IDPs who were initially displaced prior to 15 April 2023 and experienced secondary displacement since 15 April 2023. DTM Sudan defines an internally displaced person as any person who has been forced or obliged to flee from their habitual residence due to an event dating from 2003 onwards.

Public Dataset


DTM Yemen,
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking
Period Covered
Jan 01 2024 -
Mar 31 2024

From 1 January to 31 March 2024, IOM Yemen DTM tracked 919 households (HH) (5,514 Individuals) who experienced displacement at least once.

Between 1 January and 31 March 2024, IOM Yemen DTM tracked 919 households (5514 individuals) displaced at least once. The majority of people moved into/within the following governorates and districts:

  • Ma’rib (374 HHs) – Marib City (199 HHs), Marib (129 HHs), Harib (46 HHs) districts. Most displacements in the governorate originated from Marib and Al Hodeidah.
  • Ta’iz (269 HHs) – Jabal Habashi (168 HHs), Al Makha (33 HHs), Al Maafer (24 HHs) districts. Most displacements in the governorate were internal.
  • Al Hodeidah (248 HHs) – Al Khukhah (135 HHs), Hays (113 HHs) districts. Most displacements in the governorate originated from Al Hodeidah and Taiz.

The majority of people moved from the following governorates and districts: 

  • Ta’iz (360 HHs) – Jabal Habashi (16 HHs), Mawza (3 HHs), Hayfan (1 HH) districts.
  • Al Hodeidah (248 HHs) – Bajil (6 HHs), As Sukhnah (5 HHs), Jabal Ras (1 HH) districts.
  • Ma’rib (97 HHs) – Majzar (2 HHs), Al Jubah (1 HH) districts.
Population Groups


Returnee (Previously Internally Displaced)

Survey Methodology

Unit of Analysis Or Observation

Admin Area 2


Site or Location

Type of Survey or Assessment


Key Informant



Geographical Scope Partial Coverage

Administrative boundaries with available data

The current dataset covers the following administrative boundaries



DTM Yemen,
Period Covered
Jan 01 2024
Mar 31 2024
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking

During the reporting period, between 1 January and 31 March 2024, IOM Yemen DTM tracked 919 households (HHs) (5,514 individuals)1 who experienced displacement at least once. This compares to 2,495 households (14,970 individuals) in the first quarter 2023 representing a 63 per cent decrease. The decrease in the displacement in the first three months of this year, 2024, compared to the same period last year, 2023, is due to a prevailing calm following the cessation of hostilities between the conflicting parties in Yemen and the continuation of the ceasefire for the third consecutive year. However, the repercussions of the conflict and the economic crisis still cast a shadow over displacement patterns and population movements between different areas from original places of residence to areas of displacement.

The governorates with the highest number of new displacements in the first quarter of 2024 are Ma’rib (374 HHs), Ta’iz (269 HHs), and Al Hodeidah (248 HHs). These governorates are all located in areas that have been heavily affected by armed conflict, insecurity, and the resulting humanitarian crisis.

Safety and security concerns as a result of the conflict were the main reason for displacement, accounting for 67 per cent (618 HHs) of the total, followed by economic reasons related to conflict, accounting for 33 per cent (301 HHs).



DTM Niger,
Period Covered
Nov 17 2023
Dec 18 2023
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Baseline Assessment

Depuis 2014 le Niger est touché par de multiples crises sécuritaires ainsi que des catastrophes récurrents qui ont causé le déplacement de
centaines de milliers de personnes à l’intérieur du pays. Diffa, Maradi, Tahoua et Tillaberi sont les régions les plus touchées par ces phénomènes
(insécurité et catastrophe). Jusqu’en 2024, les attaques des groupes armés ont continué à pousser les populations à fuir leurs localités pour trouver
refuge dans des zones plus stables. À cela s’ajoutent aussi les catastrophes (inondations, pluies torrentielles, etc.) qui touchent les populations
chaque année.
L’Organisation internationale pour les migrations (OIM) au Niger a mis en oeuvre la Matrice de suivi des déplacements (Displacement Tracking
Matrix, DTM en anglais) en 2016 en étroite collaboration avec le gouvernement du Niger pour collecter et diffuser des informations régulièrement
sur la population mobile afin d’offrir au gouvernement et aux partenaires humanitaires une meilleure compréhension des mouvements de
populations et des besoins changeants sur les lieux de déplacement ou de transit au Niger. L’outil DTM comporte quatre (4) composantes: le
suivi des mouvements de population, le suivi des flux migratoires, les enregistrements et les enquêtes. Pour apporter son appui au gouvernement
et aux partenaires humanitaires afin de mieux comprendre les tendances de déplacement et la situation des déplacés, l’OIM en collaboration
avec le Ministère de l’Action Humanitaire et de la Gestion des Catastrophes (MAH/GC) a mis en oeuvre la composante suivi des mouvements
de population depuis 2019, appelée « Évaluation des Villages » (Village Assessment Survey (VAS), en anglais).



DTM Support —
Period Covered
May 09 2024
May 19 2024
  • Mobility Tracking
  • Event Tracking

Le territoire de Kalehe, dans la partie nord de la province du Sud-Kivu, est confronté à une crise humanitaire aggravée par un conflit armé persistant. La crise actuelle du M23 dans la province du Nord-Kivu a encore compliqué la situation déjà instable, entraînant un déplacement massif de personnes du Nord-Kivu vers Kalehe et la fermeture de la route reliant Minova (Kalehe) au Nord-Kivu et à la capitale provinciale de Goma. La situation à Kalehe se caractérise par une détérioration de l'accès aux moyens de subsistance, tant pour les populations déplacées que pour les populations d'accueil, une aggravation des conditions de vie et des préoccupations croissantes en matière de protection. L'intensification des combats depuis le début du mois de mai 2024 dans le territoire de Masisi au Nord-Kivu (groupements de Mupfunyi Matanda, Mupfunyi-Kibabi, Mupfunyi-Shanga et Ufamandu) a entraîné des déplacements préventifs des populations locales vers le Sud-Kivu, en particulier vers les groupements de Mbinga-Nord, Buzi, Kalima et Ziralo. Les personnes déplacées se sont installées dans la communauté d'accueil ainsi que dans des centres collectifs à travers une région qui a déjà reçu plusieurs vagues de personnes déplacées au cours des derniers mois. Les systèmes d'aide humanitaire et communautaire sont de plus en plus sous pression dans les zones de refuge où l'assistance est très limitée et où les ressources disponibles localement dans le territoire de Kalehe sont insuffisantes. La situation sécuritaire dans la région reste imprévisible, limitant l'accès humanitaire dans la majeure partie du territoire de Kalehe, dans les groupements de Buzi, Ziralo et Alima.