Displacement Solutions




DTM Somalia, IOMSomaliaDTM@iom.int
Period Covered
Jan 01 2023
Dec 31 2023
  • Survey
  • Displacement Solutions

Following the release of the first edition of PROGRESS 2023 report, the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) has compiled a series of National Displacement Profiles based on end of year 2023 figures. These profiles offer insights into the latest end-of-year 2023 figures, aligning with the objectives outlined by the Data for Solutions to Internal Displacement Taskforce (DSID).

The profile provides a comprehensive overview of the demographic breakdowns and geographical distribution of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Somalia as of the end of 2023. It delves into the primary areas of origin and displacement for IDPs, shedding light on the factors influencing their decision-making processes regarding the selection of solutions locations. Additionally, the report discusses the obstacles encountered by IDPs in their pursuit of durable solutions.

This compilation underscores the critical role of data in addressing internal displacement challenges and highlights the ongoing efforts to leverage data-driven solutions through collaborative initiatives like DSID.



Period Covered
Jan 01 2023
Dec 31 2023
  • Survey
  • Displacement Solutions

Following the release of the first edition of PROGRESS 2023 report, the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) has compiled a series of National Displacement Profiles based on end of year 2023 figures. These profiles offer insights into the latest end-of-year 2023 figures, aligning with the objectives outlined by the Data for Solutions to Internal Displacement Taskforce (DSID).

The profile provides a comprehensive overview of the demographic breakdowns and geographical distribution of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Nigeria as of the end of 2023. It delves into the primary areas of origin and displacement for IDPs, shedding light on the factors influencing their decision-making processes regarding the selection of solutions locations. Additionally, the report discusses the obstacles encountered by IDPs in their pursuit of durable solutions.

This compilation underscores the critical role of data in addressing internal displacement challenges and highlights the ongoing efforts to leverage data-driven solutions through collaborative initiatives like DSID.



Period Covered
Jan 01 2024
May 31 2024
  • Survey
  • Displacement Solutions

Following the release of the first edition of PROGRESS 2023 report, the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) compiled a series of National Displacement Profiles based on end of year 2023 figures. These profiles offer insights into the latest end-of-year 2023 figures, aligning with the objectives outlined by the Data for Solutions to Internal Displacement Taskforce (DSID).

This profile is a mid-year update of the displacement figures in Central African Republic to provide a comprehensive overview of the demographic breakdowns and geographical distribution of internally displaced persons (IDPs) as of May 2024. It delves into the primary areas of origin and displacement for IDPs, shedding light on the factors influencing their decision-making processes regarding the selection of solutions locations. Additionally, the report discusses the obstacles encountered by IDPs in their pursuit of durable solutions.

This compilation underscores the critical role of data in addressing internal displacement challenges and highlights the ongoing efforts to leverage data-driven solutions through collaborative initiatives like DSID.



DTM Ethiopia, DTMEthiopia@iom.int
Period Covered
Feb 15 2024
Feb 29 2024
  • Survey
  • Displacement Solutions

This report presents findings on data collected by the IOM Data and Research Unit (DRU) through its DTM methodology and Household-Level Survey (HLS) tool. The objective of this HLS is to measure parity between Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and non-displaced residents and assess IDPs’ progress towards durable solutions in the Somali region of Ethiopia. The survey took place in Dawa, Doolo, Nogob and Shabelle zones. The data allows the identification of gaps for more targeted interventions to support the attainment of durable solutions.

While local integration was the preferred durable solution for IDPs in the four assessed zones, as it can be seen from the analysis of the results of the assessment, various factors including displacement status might be hindering access to services and participation, which ultimately impacts the ability of IDP households to progress towards a durable solution through local integration.



Period Covered
Nov 01 2022
Nov 30 2022
  • Survey
  • Displacement Solutions

This factsheet on Sinjar District is an extension of the original pilot project in Ninewa Governorate aimed at assessing progress towards durable solutions to displacement for internally displaced persons (IDPs) and returnees in the governorates with the largest shares of displaced populations in Iraq. The goal is to understand where IDPs and returnees in Sinjar District stand five years after the end of the 2014–2017 crisis and in which aspects they are still struggling. In this respect, this project contributes to a broader discussion and Action Agenda around measuring progress towards solutions and determining the end of displacement. The assessment measured progress along five criteria stemmed from the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Framework for Durable Solutions: 1) safety and security; 2) adequate standards of living; 3) access to livelihoods; 4) restoration of housing, land and property (HLP) and compensation and 5) personal documentation and participation.

Data collection for this factsheet took place in November 2022, across 3 sub-districts and 17 locations in the district of Sinjar. The focus of the study was on both IDPs and returnees within the district, including IDPs who are displaced within the district itself. Data were collected through IOM’s Rapid Assessment and Response Teams (RARTs), composed of over 73 staff members (40% of enumerators are female). They collected data through structured face-to-face interviews with a sample size of 310 IDP and 336 returnee households in Sinjar district.



Period Covered
Jan 01 2023
Dec 31 2023
  • Survey
  • Displacement Solutions

Following the release of the first edition of PROGRESS 2023 report, the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) has compiled a series of National Displacement Profiles based on end of year 2023 figures. These profiles offer insights into the latest end-of-year 2023 figures, aligning with the objectives outlined by the Data for Solutions to Internal Displacement Taskforce (DSID).

The profile provides a comprehensive overview of the demographic breakdowns and geographical distribution of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Libya in 2023. It delves into the primary areas of origin and displacement for IDPs, shedding light on the factors influencing their decision-making processes regarding the selection of solutions locations. Additionally, the report discusses the obstacles encountered by IDPs in their pursuit of durable solutions.

This compilation underscores the critical role of data in addressing internal displacement challenges and highlights the ongoing efforts to leverage data-driven solutions through collaborative initiatives like DSID.



Period Covered
Aug 01 2023
Aug 15 2023
  • Survey
  • Displacement Solutions

Suite à la publication de la première édition du rapport PROGRESS 2023, la Matrice de suivi de déplacement (Displacement Tracking Matrix, en anglais (DTM)) de l'Organisation Internationale pour les Migrations (OIM) a compilé une série de profils nationaux de déplacement basés sur les chiffres de la fin de l'année 2023. Ces profils offrent un aperçu des derniers chiffres de la fin de l'année 2023, s'alignant sur les objectifs définis par la task-force "Données pour des solutions au déplacement interne" (DSDI), (Data for Solutions to Internal Displacement Taskforce, en anglais (DSID).

Le profil fournit une vue d'ensemble des répartitions démographiques et géographiques des personnes déplacées de la République Centrafricaine à la fin de l'année 2023. Il se penche sur les principales zones d'origine et de déplacement des personnes déplacées, en mettant en exergue les facteurs qui influencent leur processus de prise de décision concernant la sélection des lieux de solution. En outre, le rapport examine les obstacles rencontrés par les personnes déplacées dans leur recherche de solutions durables.

Cette compilation souligne le rôle essentiel des données dans la résolution des problèmes de déplacement interne et met en lumière les efforts en cours pour tirer parti de solutions fondées sur des données grâce à des initiatives de collaboration telles que la DSDI (en anglais DSID).



Period Covered
Jan 01 2023
Dec 31 2023
  • Survey
  • Displacement Solutions

Following the release of the first edition of PROGRESS 2023 report, the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) has compiled a series of National Displacement Profiles based on end of year 2023 figures. These profiles offer insights into the latest end-of-year 2023 figures, aligning with the objectives outlined by the Data for Solutions to Internal Displacement Taskforce (DSID).

The profile provides a comprehensive overview of the demographic breakdowns and geographical distribution of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in the Central African Republic as of the end of 2023. It delves into the primary areas of origin and displacement for IDPs, shedding light on the factors influencing their decision-making processes regarding the selection of solutions locations. Additionally, the report discusses the obstacles encountered by IDPs in their pursuit of durable solutions.

This compilation underscores the critical role of data in addressing internal displacement challenges and highlights the ongoing efforts to leverage data-driven solutions through collaborative initiatives like DSID.



Period Covered
Aug 01 2023
Aug 15 2023
  • Other
  • Survey
  • Displacement Solutions

Following the release of the first edition of PROGRESS 2023 report, the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) carried out focus group discussions to understand the nuances of the effects of displacement from the perspectives of individuals who were displaced, had returned or were part of communities which hosted IDPs. The focus group discussions served as a forum to share viewpoints that are not often captured by traditional data collection exercises, including affected communities' perceptions of cultural and gendered effects of displacement in their communities. The discussions were conducted in local languages and translated by IOM DTM staff.

This report presents a deeper country-specific dive into the findings of the qualitative analysis of six focus group discussions conducted between 1 and 15 August 2023 in Kaga-Bandoro, with 69 representatives of IDPs, host community, and returnees. Half of the respondents were female. Some 72 per cent of respondents were between the age of 18 and 59, and the remaining 28 per cent was equally distributed between those under the age of 17 and those older than 60 years.



Period Covered
Aug 01 2023
Aug 15 2023
  • Other
  • Survey
  • Displacement Solutions

Following the release of the first edition of PROGRESS 2023 report, the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) carried out focus group discussions to understand the nuances of the effects of displacement from the perspectives of individuals who were displaced, had returned or were part of communities which hosted IDPs. The focus group discussions served as a forum to share viewpoints that are not often captured by traditional data collection exercises, including affected communities' perceptions of cultural and gendered effects of displacement in their communities. The discussions were conducted in local languages and translated by IOM DTM staff.

This report presents a deeper country-specific dive into the findings of the qualitative analysis of 25 focus group discussions conducted between 1 and 15 August 2023 mostly in Ma’rib City and Harib with 281 representatives of IDPs, host community, and returnees. Just under one third (32%) of the respondents were female. Seventy-three per cent of respondents were between the age of 18 and 59, 20 per cent were under the age of 17, and 7 per cent were older than 60 years.