West and Central Africa


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Nigeria — Flow Monitoring Dashboard 26 (April 2019)

In Nigeria, FMPs were established in March 2017 in several important transit locations in Sokoto and Kano to monitor the movements of passenger buses to and from Niger. This dashboard is an overview of the data collected in these FMPs in April 2019.

Nigeria — IDP Relocation from Sabon Gari to Damboa Update 2 Flash Report (27 May)

As of 27 May 2019, a total of 9,432 individuals from Sabon Gari community were moved by the Military to Damboa town.

Cameroun — Rapport de Déplacement 18 (28 Mars — 8 Avril 2019)

Ce rapport donne un aperçu de la situation dans la Région de l’Extrême-Nord du Cameroun, où l’insécurité liée aux violences de groupes extrémistes armés, et dans une moindre mesure les phénomènes climatiques ont donné lieu à d’importants mouvements de population.

Tchad — Suivi des Urgences 11 (24—25 Mai 2019)

Le suivi des urgences a pour but de recueillir des informations sur les mouvements importants et soudains de populations. Les informations sont collectées auprès d’informateurs clés à travers des appels téléphoniques, des entretiens physiques ou des observations directes.

Chad — Lac — Displacement Report 7 (8 January — 28 February 2019)

This seventh report of the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) assessment provides an overview of the situation in Chad’s Lac Province, where displacements are due to insecurity linked to violence by extremist armed groups.

Chad — Emergency Tracking Tool Report 11 (24—25 May 2019)

The objective of the Emergency Tracking Tool (ETT) is to quickly collect information on sudden displacements of populations. Information is collected through key informant interviews and direct observation.

Tchad — Logone Oriental — Dashboard des Déplacements 1 (Mars — Avril 2019)

Dès le début de la crise centrafricaine, des ressortissants Tchadiens ont quitté la République centrafricaine pour retourner au Tchad, notamment dans les provinces du Sud (Moyen-Chari, Mandoul, Logone oriental et Logone occidental).

Chad — Return Intention Survey Report 1 (27 February — 18 March 2019)

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) has been implementing the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) in Chad since May 2015 to collect information about displacement caused by the conflict currently affecting the Lac Province.

Chad — Flow Monitoring Survey Report (January — March 2019)

This document offers an analysis of 731 individual surveys carried out between January and March 2019 with travellers crossing the two Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs), Faya and Kalait, set up in Northern Chad.

Chad — Logone Oriental — Displacement Dashboard 1 (March — April 2019)

Ever since the beginning of the Central African crisis, Chadian nationals have been fleeing the Central African Republic to return to Chad, and in particular to the country's southern provinces (Moyen-Chari, Mandoul, Logone oriental and Logone occidental).

Chad — Flow Monitoring Report 25 (April 2019)

This report presents data collected at key transit points in Faya, Kalait and Rig-Rig, in Northern and Western Chad. These Flow Monitoring Points (FMPs) were set up in order to monitor the movements of travellers in transit through the country. The FMP in Rig-Rig was installed in April 2019.

Nigeria — Emergency Tracking Tool Report 119 (13 - 19 May 2019)

Within the period of 13 -19 May 2019, a total of 4,842 movements were recorded, including 3,439 arrivals and 1,403 departures.

Niger — Flow Monitoring Report (April 2019)

DTM Niger monitors migration flows at seven key transit points around the country: Arlit, Séguédine, Madama, Dan Issa, Dan Barto, Tahoua and Magaria. In April 2019, 2,105 individuals were on average observed crossing FMPs daily.

Chad — Emergency Tracking Tool Report (16 May 2019)

The objective of the Emergency Tracking Tool (ETT) is to quickly collect information on sudden displacements of populations. The information is collected through key informant interviews and direct observation.

Nigeria — IDP Relocation from Sabon Gari to Damboa Flash Report (23 May 2019)

As of today 23rd May 2019, a total of 7,710 individuals from Sabon Gari community were brought by the Military to Damboa town. The displaced population arrived in batches: 3,767 arrived on the May 21, 2,809 arrived on May 22, and 1,134 arrived on May 23.

Niger — Rapport sur le suivi des flux de populations 22 (Avril 2019)

La DTM au Niger observe les flux migratoires à sept Point de suivi des flux (FMP) à travers le pays : Arlit, Séguédine, Madama, Dan Issa, Dan Barto, Tahoua et Magaria.

Tchad — Suivi des Urgences 10 (16 mai 2019)

Le suivi des urgences a pour but de recueillir des informations sur les mouvements importants et soudains de populations. Les informations sont collectées à travers des entretiens avec des informateurs clés ou des observations directes.

Monthly Regional Update — WCA, MENA, EHA (March 2019)

The DTM Monthly Regional Update contains consolidated summary updates and highlights from DTM field operations.

Nigeria — Emergency Tracking Tool Report 118 (06 - 12 May 2019)

Within the period of 6 - 12 May 2019, a total of 4,370 movements were recorded, including 3,248 arrivals and 1,122 departures.

Nigeria — CMFS Brief: Nigerian Migrants (to Europe)

This report presents the main findings extrapolated from the analysis of data relating to the characteristics and experiences of Nigerian migrants before, in, on their way to, or upon return from Europe.

Tchad — Suivi des Urgences 9 (13 mai 2019)

Le suivi des urgences a pour but de recueillir des informations sur les mouvements importants et soudains de populations. Les informations sont collectées à travers des entretiens avec des informateurs clés ou des observations directes.

Tchad — Rapport sur le suivi des flux de populations 25 (Avril 2019)

Ce rapport présente les données collectées pendant le mois d'avril 2019 aux points de passage Faya, Kalait, dans le nord du Tchad, et Rig-Rig à l'ouest du pays, qui ont été installés afin d’observer les mouvements des voyageurs en transit.

Mali — Rapport sur les Points de suivi des flux de population 39 (Avril 2019)

Au Mali, des points de suivi des flux (FMP) sont installés dans des lieux de transit clés du pays (Gao, Tombouctou, Kidal, Ménaka, Mopti, Kayes, Ségou, Sikasso et Bamako) afin d'enregistrer les mouvements de voyageurs en partance vers et en provenance d'autres pays en Afrique de l'Ouest et du Nor

West and Central Africa — Quarterly Regional Report (July — December 2018)

The DTM Quarterly Regional Report is produced and published every 3 months to consolidate and present summary updates and highlights of regional population mobility situation.

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